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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.28 MB, 2263x2203, IMG_0268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11299356 No.11299356 [Reply] [Original]

Made a pizza tonight. What you think?

>> No.11299399

Nobody likes my pizza :(

>> No.11299401

would eat, has a very "classic" look

>> No.11299410

I'd eat it, looks nice, but we've been kinda flooded with home made pizza threads it feels like.

>> No.11299412

Little too much pepperoni but still looks very good.

>> No.11299415
File: 70 KB, 800x837, 1067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. Good job on the 'za.

>> No.11299418

Damn fine pizza, looks like my favorite place back home

>> No.11299422

Now that the kids have their pizza made what are you gonna put on yours?

>> No.11299425

actually looks pretty good. I'd prefer less pepperoni, but that's just me

>> No.11299433

you're either a 15yr old stoner or a morbidly overweight NEET judging by the amount of pepperoni you added to this. Seriously? you could at least use real meat you autistic fuck

>> No.11299447

you really dont like pepperoni?

how about peppers and onions? bell and banana are pretty good

its too much I agree but what do you prefer to pepperoni, thats like the best topping

>> No.11299453

>inb4 pepperoni copypasta

>> No.11299457

Looks nice OP. What's the bottom look like?

>> No.11299474
File: 1.32 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_0270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually took one of the bottom. Here you go.

>> No.11299490
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>those black spots

>> No.11299503

looks like you used pre-shredded cheese and it didn't melt that well.

>> No.11299507

>too much pepperoni

what is wrong with you people, are you all so used to getting jewed by chains that you actually think less toppings is good???

>> No.11299516

While I don't think that's too much pepperoni there definitely is such a thing as too much toppings.
Just like how there can be too much meat on a sandwich.

>> No.11299536
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Folks, always check the underside of your peetzer

>> No.11299542
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>> No.11299548

That's just the new blue cheese pizza from Domino's

>> No.11299552

That's a nice crust, OP.

>> No.11299740

looks good. I would dab all of the grease off the top with a napkin or two though

>> No.11299748
File: 334 KB, 961x1071, pizzataylormonson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza qt's are an up and coming thing.

>> No.11299757

Looks like Digiorno

>> No.11299758
File: 40 KB, 480x538, pizzahilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11299761
File: 532 KB, 564x564, pizzavj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11299772
File: 82 KB, 640x640, pizzaCaraandqtasiankiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11299777
File: 63 KB, 584x580, pizzalily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza qt's a most certainly a thing

>> No.11299780
File: 359 KB, 479x600, pizzaDaisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11299784
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>> No.11299791
File: 104 KB, 960x960, pizzaCorinneFoxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot, I hate /tv/

Fuck you faggots

>> No.11300085
File: 684 KB, 320x240, britkys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED britposter

>> No.11300124

Disgusting niggers

>> No.11300130

looks good op it just looks like you used to much pepperoni and sauce

>> No.11300204

>made more money than you by doing NOTHING
>good looking, non-threatening by most white folk
>fuck you,what the fuck have you ever done to be to better than ANYONE in life?

>> No.11300309
File: 779 KB, 1600x1200, slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real pizza, op

>> No.11300317

Not enough pepperoni.

>> No.11300339

Hello, there!

It seems you've made a mistake in your OP poster image. Oops! Unfortunately, you may have thought that was a pizza, but lucky for you, I'm here to set the record straight. While the general construction and appearance may seem pizza-like, the item pictured in your image is not a pizza. A pizza can only adhere to the traditionally accepted toppings and ingredient sources, particularly utilizing water from the surrounding areas of Modena, Italy due to the unique mineral profiles.

While calling many other things similar to pizzas a "pizza" in colloquial conversation is generally accepted, a post on the internet implies far more permanence and honesty in its execution. In light of this, please avoid using the colloquial term "pizza" to refer to what you have posted, which could actually be more correctly identified as a "circular, pizza-inspired flatbread".

>> No.11300373

Post more cara

>> No.11300888

I'm a fan of totally covering a pizza in pepperoni/chorizo, not a fan of histrionic females who can't wait 15 minutes after posting a thread before complaining that no one is validating them.

>> No.11300945

maybe but i don't think just more = better. the way that pepperoni makes a pizza just swamped with grease is what's wrong with it. I would have padded that off with a paper towel instead of eating all that grease.
This is why i think 50/50 mushroom to pepperoni is good if you're not going to do any other vegetables because mushrooms are bomb.

>> No.11302149
File: 792 KB, 2746x1439, IMG_0269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you.

>> No.11302306

>American "pizza"

>> No.11302328

>Blotting pizza with a paper towel.

You have the mentality of an 8 year old girl

>> No.11302329

nice, I approve

>> No.11302334


>> No.11302340

Look who came back to bump their thread.
Guess 40 replies of people talking about some fucking pizza you made on a Saturday just isn't enough for some people.

>> No.11302347

nice ID, being so used to leddit that you have to make an ID and location for your post

>> No.11302382

>not recognising the legendary Nicholas Parry
Well good job outing yourself.
I only adopt his moniker to try to live a little closer to him, wherever the fuck he went.
Also doesn't refute your desperation to keep this thread alive. Must be real proud of your greasebucket pizza.

>> No.11302435

good job OP the inside of that crust looks swagonomical. my advice is, if you're going to use that much pepperoni, fry it or bake it separately then paper towel it, so that its crispy, then throw it on top of the pizza in the home stretch of baking.
this way you'll get crispy pep without drowning your pizza in oil

>> No.11302451
File: 1.12 MB, 2576x1932, 20180304_183906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice air pockets, I've been working on that. What's your secret?

>> No.11302462

im not op but try using hotter water, let the yeast bloom longer, dont work the dough to hard.

>> No.11302489

Please control your mental deficiencies.

Three 14" pizzas:

660g high gluten bread flour

404g water

10g olive oil

16g salt

10g low-diastatic malt powder

6.6g sugar

1.3g instant yeast

Allow to rise for 6-8 hours on the counter (72ºF). Bake at 525ºF for 4-6 minutes. I bake with the broiler and then switch to bake when it starts to burn.

>> No.11302725

>that burned pepperoni

>> No.11302791
File: 2.22 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20181007_170320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my chicken pesto corn pizza. I'm gay by the way not because I like dudes I just hate women

>> No.11302800

You can make huge air pockets by pre baking the crust for 5 minutes

>> No.11302825
File: 75 KB, 500x307, 161A21A079BA48AEB1F0CDD6B6A42D24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually wiping off the pizza with napkins

>> No.11303300

Hydration level controls size of air pockets in crumb. 4 u anons ratio of flour 2 water. More water bigger air pockets gentle handling of dough

>> No.11303302

Stop being fat.

>> No.11303307

is this true? How do I keep the dough from sticking then? I keep having to add flour when kneading. WHY/HOW/HALP

>> No.11303320

If u keep hydration around 70 % u will have nice airy dough. Also let dough age for 48 hrs in refrig 2 develop nice flavor. Looks like roni head got receipe from guy in Cali forgot his name

>> No.11303326

High hydration will always b sticky 2 work with

>> No.11303341

Looks good. Would love some onion on it though.

>> No.11303347

High hydration usually used 4 Sicilian or grandma pizza. Ciabatta bread as well. Also just use all purpose flour don't need high protein bread flour. My option gives better taste

>> No.11303386

Actually there is science involved in making a good dough. All bout percentages. Here a tip 4 u . Jewoogle pizza today industry magazine bout pizza business for people in biz. Shitload of receipe s and info if ur into pizza. U will kick up

>> No.11303404

Ur game. Ur welcome

>> No.11303409


>> No.11303538

Was that the guy that put cameras in the pizza shop bathroom?

>> No.11303575

He was just a namefag roleplaying as an oblivious cuck. He came around during the apex of the shitfest that was summer this year.

>> No.11303577

leddit is down the hall and on the left

>> No.11303650

Wait, are you trying to say that you do NOT degrease your pizza?


>> No.11303687

looks bredy gud

i'd eat it

>> No.11303866

a bit heavy on the pepparonies but looks great :)