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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.86 MB, 1067x600, pancakes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11300585 No.11300585 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this is what Americans mean when they say that they love pancakes.

>> No.11300587

I expected to shrug, instead i got angry
9/10 good jerrb

>> No.11300591

What's wrong with this?

>> No.11300600


>> No.11300608


cooking with jack?

>> No.11300615

jack is the quintessential average american

>> No.11300617

Kays Good Cooking, even though she seems to have changed the name to just "Kays Cooking" lol

Here she's making Spaghetti Carbanara

This is British cooking!

>> No.11300625
File: 17 KB, 300x198, DSC_2150-300x198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder this is what Americans mean when they say that they have a rich culinary culture

>> No.11300629

>british cooking
oh please
this is just your typical british underclass shite where they'd normally just eat frozen stuff done in the oven for 20 minutes

too much oil and the pan isn't hot enough

>> No.11300652

Well at least in the video she admits it's not hot enough and there's too much oil.

I'm an American and this is what I use for pancakes, it's pretty good. Not really unhealthy like eating white flour pancakes drowned in syrup. Although I use butter instead of vegetable oil and no sugar in the batter. I never really understood the point of putting sugar in the batter when you're pouring sugar syrup over the top.

>> No.11300733

Pretty sure that's Kay. And she's bottom tier UK.

>> No.11300748
File: 168 KB, 2048x1536, 1522331869113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That completely scrubbed ex-nonstick pan gets me every time.
I think her bones must be part aluminum by now.

>> No.11300767

I hope it was a regular pan that only got a seasoning coating up the upper half because that's how much oil she normally uses.

>> No.11300797

why is she always wearing that hand brace?

>> No.11300812


>> No.11300822

>why is she always wearing that hand brace?
Likely carpal tunnel syndrome, an affliction of repetitive motion injury, improper ergonomics at home/workplace. People who work on computers, cashiers, factory workers, wrong angle of the wrist, lifting things repeatedly or resting a wrist on table tops, it's just one of those things for which surgery is utter crap at fixing the constriction of the carpel nerve to the hand, so people "rest" in the correct position as much as they can during the day and night to maintain blood flow.

I expect the addicted gamers of today will all have this problem in future. They used to talk about Blackberry thumb, and the 40somethings have that arthritis there from texting, but it's nothing like the current generation's overuse injuries.

>> No.11300828

Looks like Kay's house

>> No.11300885

Holy shit that looks amazing

>> No.11300893

That honestly isn't bad considering the other stuff she does.

>> No.11300900

That was horrifying to watch.

>> No.11302020

I'd eat it

>> No.11302251
File: 26 KB, 500x260, Screenshot 2018-10-07 at 21.58.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's ya Sunday Dinner pal.

>> No.11302342



>> No.11302694


Burgerlander here.

>Daily reminder that this is what Americans mean when they say that they love pancakes.


though I could see trailer trash doing this

>> No.11302722


the whole thing looks a bit shit, but the thing that really gets me about this is the tinned carrots.

why? carrots are so cheap in the uk.

>> No.11302758

Damn son I haven't had a sloppy joe in a hot minute. I may need to whip some up tomorrow.

>> No.11302765

>that frying pan
oh man

>> No.11302771

I made myself a sloppy joe once, and I got explosive diarrhea. Did ammerimutts evolve to tolerate this garbage? I didn't even make it rare, any bacteria died on the pan.

>> No.11302779
File: 16 KB, 227x294, 1524195833895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spaghetteh carbanara or somefin like that

>> No.11302784

It's like art on so many levels, Jack is a true savant

>> No.11302792

it's not jack you cretin

>> No.11302868

remember to make it extra sloppy

>> No.11302874

>tomato paste and hamburger gave me the squirts
you probably got poisoned from something else and just honed in on your culinary "experiment"

>> No.11302877

>pan nice and cold

>> No.11303236

Man, I haven't had pancakes in months. Maybe not even since last year. I'll have to get some buttermilk and make some one of these days.

>> No.11303424
File: 76 KB, 359x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't we funding her?

>> No.11304791

sent :)

>> No.11304841

Fuck, I can’t believe I just watched the whole video. I genuinely think she’s trolling. No, no, no. This is not possible...just no.

>> No.11304911

Not american, but i don't really understand the meme of people constantly pretending there is no good food there. Cities in usa and canada literally have the best food in the world. We have cuisine from all over the world, and generally do it better because of better ingredients than most places. People from every countries dream about living here, and often make it their lifes goal. I see french, british, asian, german, slav, of course middle eastern and african people moving here constantly. So we have all of those kinds of food, but generally made to a high standard, since our standards of living are high here.
But who knows, perhaps some country i've never visited has better food from all around the world...

>> No.11304996


>> No.11305125

There's a Blitz eSports' video about carpal tunnel in competitive videogame players and they conclude it's a real problem but very easily preventable. Most high level gaming houses have physicians now that basically demand players to be in relative good shape; like you see many LoL players, f.i. Aphromoo and YellowStar actually lose a ton of weight after going pro.

>> No.11305137

That's precious

>> No.11305170

>theh spaghetteh seems don

>> No.11305228

That's not a pancake, that's an abomination.

>> No.11305287

She cooks it some more in that fatty sauce, so I wouldn't be so sure it comes out raw in the end.

>> No.11305291
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el abominacion!?

>> No.11305327
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>> No.11306919

it's a joke like the wifeymaterial threads. the only people that get upset by it are the americans.

>> No.11307059
File: 47 KB, 960x954, 1534217820436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no american does this
t. american

>> No.11307066

>t. american
I see your point... oh, wait it's not "t. every american"

>> No.11307170

You can HEAR it crunching in her son's mouth

>> No.11307200

>I didn't even make it rare

are you implying that there would be a case where you'd make minced meat rare?

>> No.11307209
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>he eats his beef well done

>> No.11307212
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>> No.11307225

ground beef is different then steak

>> No.11307243
File: 215 KB, 960x720, spaghetti-bolognese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ground beef
>tomato sauce with garlic, onion, and spices

You must hate spaghetti bolognese, spaghetti al forno, or with any other meat sauce then

>> No.11307258

surprise, surprise, I never had a ground beef sauce - it's a purely american invention, you will never find spaghetti bolognese in Italy

>> No.11307278

I've seen that cunts fave before
Some faggot friend of mine sent me a video of her eating food from my country(Serbia) and watching her both flounder in pronouncing the names being so fucking picky made me want to drop a third bomb

>> No.11307280

stay away from Neapolitan Ragu then. It is also a meat sauce and it was invented in Naples.

>> No.11307290


you fucking cunts killed ferdinand so fuck you, nobody cares about your shit language

>> No.11307292

Yeah, we did, and we'd do it again, fuck your fake ass Kaiser and all his inbred little niglets, schlomo

>> No.11307298

don't stuffed peppers exist everywhere? that's not too different

>> No.11307300

It's eastern euro mostly, at least to my knowledge

>> No.11307310

bolognese is real, just not traditionally with spaghetti you absolute pleb

>> No.11307328

What is tarare u dolt

>> No.11307420

if your tartare is the consistency of hamburger meat, some thing is very wrong. also most people buy their meat pre ground, which is something you would never do if it's intended for tartare. i don't see why it's so hard to understand that the cuts of certain meats require different cooking times.

>> No.11307619

Top-tier Britain is traps covered in baked beans

>> No.11307926

>ground meat
>thick gravy sauce
>sour cream
Subtract the bun, add potatoes and you have a typical europoor meal my guy

>> No.11308741

Fuck I could go for a sloppy joe right now

>> No.11308763

>Using extra fat to cook bacon

Is she retarded or am I

>> No.11308776

You found a video of her being picky? Half of her content is her eating weird shit like dried insects and 50s aspic abominations, consuming it stoically, then saying it wasn't that bad

>> No.11308847

No, that's not how it's done over in America. Also, we use butter.

>> No.11308852


>> No.11308867
File: 1.02 MB, 1165x651, kay mince.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she cooks ground beef by BOILING IT

>> No.11308910

i think im gonna puke bros

>> No.11308919

how do you get this bad at food

>> No.11308946

it looks eatable

>> No.11308962
File: 12 KB, 481x297, 282834944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11309430

Did she put Visine in the spaghetti water

>> No.11309441

I've literally never seen this in America