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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 285 KB, 1156x774, 1534705153672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11299342 No.11299342 [Reply] [Original]

>this makes the coastie toastie

>> No.11299404

The food on the left looks like that a starving African child considers a "feast."

>> No.11299436

You're describing food between economic classes, not regions anon you flyover retard. Once again you prove why people think you're a joke.

>> No.11299442

I was in Seattle for 3 months working at a temporary position. I could walk into an asian grocery store and buy a over a pound of packaged food for the same price, with more variety than any franchised diner found in the Midwest where I had to go back to.

>> No.11299443

Both are middle class. Difference is the flyover guy doesn't have to put it on a credit card.

>> No.11299448

>>Both are middle class.
Find me 10 examples of """""""""""""middle class"""""""""""' places that serve the left. I've been in most major coastal cities, the left side is never seen in a middle class reasonable price point.

>> No.11299451
File: 48 KB, 695x516, 1530411260610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire coast is new york city
You do know this kind of shit is everywhere right?
t. Marylandfag

>> No.11299454

>I can get more at a grocery store than at a diner
Really thinks your noggin.

>> No.11299608

Are we talking about the metal things that horses are made to wear on their hooves, or is this a food item I'm not aware of because I'm from near the coast?

>> No.11299638

You dumb nigger the point is coasties can get better quaility imported food for a lower price then inland faggots

>> No.11299641

Do you not have google i feel like it took you longer to type out ur faggoty post then it would to have googled. Like nigga i dont know what horseshoes are but guess what i fucking googled it fuck.

>> No.11299651

This. One side is skinny rich people in tailored garments and the other is just pigs who want muh money's worth. Middle class exists between those two extremes, but it is fast disappearing.

>> No.11299674

The amount of value you faggots actually place on where you live is embarrassing.

>> No.11300827

>more food means better food right?
No wonder obesity is highest in flyovers and the south, you sure got your money's worth fatty.

>> No.11300836

>flyover has so much fat pressing against his brain that his mental concept for what an overpriced gourmet fad meal is consists of two vegetables

>> No.11300846
File: 25 KB, 610x275, high-fructose-corn-syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason they don't feel satiated after eating a normal meal, is the lack of HFCS that flips on their dopamine receptors and gives them that warm, glazed over feeling.

>> No.11300923
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us what a real overpriced gourmet fad meal is then, oh wise coastal elite

>> No.11300931

Both of these can be found in any decent sized city everywhere.

>> No.11300951


Amazing chart anon, a still from a youtube video! From an estimation of state IQ from the average reading and math scores from grade school students!

What a smart cookie you are, posting facts without caring about the source at all. You show those coasties, what with their top colleges.

>> No.11300954
File: 90 KB, 1000x669, 53AAE96B-7789-4CAF-A2E9-0FA6ACB88C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been in most major coastal cities, the left side is never seen.
ftfy. no one actually eats like left pic, not even rich people. Rich people go to places like Park 5th Avenue or Le Diplomate where you get a full 3 course meal complete with bread and aperitifs. There are only a handful of restaurants that serve dishes like the pic on the left and they’re frequented by middlebrow people who want to look rich but don’t know where rich people actually eat

>> No.11300970

>This thread
>Being this divisive and retarded

Why don't you go fight over the difference between your legs or something you absolutely worthless dipshit.

>> No.11301151

Then the american cry when you call them out in their retardation.

>> No.11301194

What is it with the memetic hatred over fine dining tasting menus? When talking about 6-15 courses and six glasses of wine, going to fine dining restaurant for a dinner will probably be around 2500 calories in nutrition. And while expensive, going to a traditional high class haute cuisine restaurant for a three dish menu and wine pairings will cost you a hundred or so dollars as well.

>> No.11301215

Because of middle brow hive mind, they think they need to belong to either working class or high class creating a retarded division, most people that hate on artistic presentations don't know they come in various courses.

>> No.11301225


>> No.11301226

None of these people have eaten anywhere fancier than their local steakhouse, and the only pictures they see feature the most artsy or minimalist presentations.

>> No.11301268

that's a picture not a horseshoe you fucking twit

>> No.11301306

These anons get it

>> No.11301400

These are both unappealing and very true.
Is there nowhere I can go to get something in between these?

>> No.11301409

Should be easy if you live in a major city. Might be tough otherwise.

>> No.11301415

>These are both unappealing and very true.

Cornbread and meatloaf is a working man's meal.

>> No.11301434

>a working man can't have taste

>> No.11301469

Meatloaf is somewhat questionable for restaurant food but if you think cornbread and onion rings are for people with no "taste" you're just a snob.

>> No.11301551

enjoy your cancers
also corn is for ducks

>> No.11301599
