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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 243 KB, 560x400, 622-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11295033 No.11295033 [Reply] [Original]

An Italian restaurant has opened in Pyongyang, North Korea.

>> No.11295034

I’ll bet they put cream in their carbonara

>> No.11295042

>le north korea is bad meme

>> No.11295044
File: 231 KB, 560x400, 622-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dining room

>> No.11295046

I chink I know you. Maybe I'm wong.

>> No.11295047
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Pizza kitchen

I'm afraid you still have to ask girls out on date in North Korea.

>> No.11295052
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Pizza oven

>> No.11295058
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>> No.11295060

>one spoonful of gruel has been added to your communal bowl

>> No.11295063
File: 242 KB, 560x400, 622-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veggie pizza

>> No.11295067

Great news for the 40-odd North Koreans with enough wealth to eat at a restaurant.

>> No.11295068
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Spaghetti pescatore

>> No.11295069

that looks fucking gross

>> No.11295074
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Spaghetti al pomodoro

>> No.11295082
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Salami pizza

>> No.11295091
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Charcuterie platter

>> No.11295099
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All together with North Korean cola

>> No.11295108
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Event hall

>> No.11295115
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>> No.11295123
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There is also a store next door that sells Italian goods. Can't tell how they're supposed to be Italian goods from this small picture, but nonetheless the store sign says "Italian specialty goods."

>> No.11295183

this is a good thread. thank you OP

>> No.11295197

Completely empty, like it's always going to be. We might get a couple more pics of Jong-un surrounded by actors pretending to enjoy their meals, and then never again.

>> No.11295211
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Kanye should shoot his next video here.

>> No.11295214

So someone inform me, is North Korea actually getting better or are citizens still starving?

>> No.11295219

nothing has changed. at all. it's the same shit.

>> No.11295232

It supposed is slightly better because Kim Jong-Un started allowing people to run small businesses legally, or at least until the sanctions kicked in about year and half ago.

>> No.11295272


Heard there's a new famine a-brewin' yet again.

>> No.11295275

>North Korea

>> No.11295314

>b-but muh drumpf!
>hey guys, I fell in luv with Kim, ok?
Yeah, no.

>> No.11295334

You lie you running dog lackey of capitalism

>> No.11295359

Depressing. Especially for what looks like an expensive restaurant from the decor

Looks like what you feed a fussy toddler

This looks like a photo out of a 1950's Good Housekeeping catalog. With a plastic coke on the table. Why is this restaurant so fucking creepy?

>> No.11295360

not all of the cheese is melted....

>> No.11295364

I understand that North Korea might not be able to access the best ingredients, but they can't afford to train one fucking chef for their propaganda restaurant?

>> No.11295373

Things are better than every. More abundance in resourse more full belly and home internet connect faster. Many more web site able to visit.

>> No.11295383

It's still illlegal, but it's been impossible to prosecute all of them since the government temporarily lost control in the famine back in the day. Eventually, though, if your business is too successful they come and seize everything, every time.

>> No.11295385

What is the utensil where the spoon is supposed to go?

>> No.11295390

Metal chopsticks

>> No.11295394

>more full belly
Yes, having food is indeed a good thing. Congrats, your country has move one rung up, to above war-torn countries in Africa.

>> No.11295396

There's only one though.

>> No.11295404

They're on top of each other

>> No.11295411

Cool, thanks.

>> No.11295418

Kim Jong-il would periodically prosecute people for running even a farmer's market stall and seize all their assets. Kim Jong-un specifically has said small-scale businesses (i.e. no factory) will not be prosecuted.

>> No.11295430

You're probably right, it's less restrictive than it was. Still sucks to have an arbitrary and vague threshold of success that you get fucked over for crossing.

>> No.11295616


Is this not the place though?
And yes, there's so many things wrong with this video (and the guy's other videos and channel as a whole), but I've analyzed it so deeply that I'll leave the fun to /ck/ here.

>> No.11295657

What an interesting video. My favorite part had to be the soulless karaoke performance.
I'm glad you showed me this guys channel

>> No.11295658

NK guide seems way too westernized.

>> No.11295670

Blatant Russian and Chinese propaganda aside who would realistically sign up to be a chef here

>> No.11295712

They're not on top of each other, they're side by side.

>> No.11295771

Many of them are sent away to be educated, to western countries. Jong-un did all his schooling in Switzerland.

>> No.11295849

Go to bed, Kim

>> No.11295858

That Chef Boyardee tier spaghetti

>> No.11295911

Part of this is because Moon Pies that get smuggled into North Korea are being used as a currency, seeing as the country doesn't have one. DPRK's setting up small scale businesses to try and get people to stop trading contraband chocolate bars for shit.

>> No.11295931

>incels are now nork tier deluded
this timeline just gets better and better

>> No.11295955
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>> No.11296321
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North Koreans literally were using these things as currency.

>> No.11296603

Well, have you had one of those? I'd be willing to switch to a choco-pie-based economy, them things are delicious.

>> No.11296608

Tbh I rather have sticky buns as currency.

>> No.11296613

People barter when they can't access hard currency, basically.

>> No.11296616

They are shelf stable confections with pretty long shelf life (6 months, but usually fine to eat for 12 months or more).

>> No.11296623

the fuck is that white thing? And that prosciutto is as thick as a steak!

>> No.11296624

Looks like slices of some sort of fruit (apple? why?), and the prosciutto looks like salami. What a sad state of affairs.

>> No.11296629

>fucking christmas trees

>> No.11296630

It says "salami dish."

>> No.11296633

Fuckin' nailed it then.

>> No.11296650


This place is such an odd combination of comfy and unsettling. Like I’m trapped in a cheesy 1980s wedding

>> No.11296662

Everyone and everything in NK looks either dead, abandoned or frozen in time.

>> No.11296730

These feel like going on a nostalgia trip to the late 80s. Seriously, if Kim Jong Un sells that as a package trip I'd go, those were comfy times.

>> No.11296735

I wonder if he ever goes to reunions.

>> No.11296838

This. Everyone you see doing mundane things in North Korea is an actor. Kim Jong Un keeps the whole population in underground gulags where he hits them with baseball bats every two hours and feeds them pages of communist books.

>> No.11296851

That is shredded cabbage anon...

>> No.11296857
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No gasoline clams. What is the point.

>> No.11296883

That's how I feel, like he should develop up eco/nostalgia tourism because I imagine a lot of boomer South Koreans would pay good money to relive the good old days.

Plus Best Korea has some of the best preserved mudflats and bird migration routes simply due to a lack of development, they can really work that to their advantage by promoting nature and conservation.

>> No.11296923

why didn't vaporwave ever exploit the north korean aesthetic instead of just being shit

>> No.11297006

Tomato quarters, whole black olives, and shredded cabbage on an "Italian pizza". North Korea truly is a dystopian nightmare.

>> No.11297052

>He can't into the alternative universe 80s aesthetic
What a pleb

>> No.11297919

that tired looking pizza girl IS HOT

>> No.11297947

requires actual skill and research

>> No.11298020

I would.