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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11295117 No.11295117 [Reply] [Original]

>after failing a lot of meme diets try just eating dishes I like reducing the amount of food
>it works and doesn't feel like torture

>> No.11295160

As a simi fit person who eats a fucking lot, it has been unsettling to see the current science in favore of high nutient/low calorie diets

>> No.11295165

More people should realize that there is no magic spell or secret amazing diet. It's literally just thermodynamics. If you use more energy than you consume, you will lose weight.

>> No.11295166


>> No.11295260

Literally just eat less, move more.

>> No.11295270

I did the same.
Lost 40kg and people now think I am one of those fucks that eat what they want and stay thin, but in reality I just learned to control my portions while still eating junk food like pizza and chocolate every day

>> No.11295282

Why is it always brainlets that say that thermodynamics shit lmao. What if you can't process food properly, no matter how much you consume you won't gain weight.
How many calories are there in human shit? How efficient is the body processing the food and converting it into energy? What foods are more efficiently processed?

Laws of thermodynamics only apply to closed systems anyway so lmao at ur life

>> No.11295296
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Also try using less dairy products on your cooking and make the main portion tad bigger using more vegetables (onions, carrots etc) while making the side of carbs smaller.

>> No.11295324
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>i-it's glandular!

>> No.11295332

>if your body can't USE the energy you CONSUME
>you won't gain weight
Wow you just reworded Isaac Newton in a slightly more butthurt way. Muh thyroid right?

>> No.11295342

>I'm acksually super special my metabolism is extremely rare
lmao @ your weight

>> No.11295362

>exceptions exist so you're wrong
I hate this fedora tier style of argument

>> No.11295375

What? It's LITERALLY true, the body isn't a perfect food to energy conversion machine, never was and never will be.
Let's say you eat some food with 30% of calorie absorption rate , all remaining calories go waste/shit. Then you eat the same amount of calories from other food that has 90% calorie absorption rate, you will gain more weight from the second food even though you ate the same amount of calories. Different foods are absorbed at different rates of efficiency.

>> No.11295405

Your point is completely irrelevant. Eating less of whatever you are eating will put less energy into your body to be turned into yet another layer of fat, regardless of whatever utterly unique efficiency level your special snowflake body has for quarter pounders with cheese.

>> No.11295432

You are missing the point re read what I said until you get it.

Here's a study to support my claim
About cooking and energy gain.

It's weird that people just assume you are fat because you point out the retardness of broscience garbage such as dude just thermodynamics lmao

>> No.11295447

Another study but now about 'fasting'

Oh shit what happened to calories in and out? Turns out it's not that simple

>> No.11295456

No it's because you are a fucking obese lardass trying to justify your poor dietary choices.

>> No.11295462

And you're still missing the point, calling thermodynamics "broscience garbage" is hilarious.
Even assuming your body has some efficiency loss compared to the caloric ratings of food, it's still true that:
1. Eating less food will result in less weight gain
2. Eating vegetables will result in less weight gain than potato chips and oreos
So what are you trying to say exactly? That you need to first apply your efficiency factor to calorie listings before doing "broscience garbage" of counting calories? Or that you should ignore calorie listings altogether?

>> No.11295482
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>Eating vegetables will result in less weight gain than potato chips and oreos
>wut iz quantity

>> No.11295485

Tell me when you finally finish eating enough celery to gain more energy than a couple of oreos.

>> No.11295497

You're being intentionally pedantic to avoid admitting you're wrong.

>> No.11295520

I'm not that guy and I mostly agree you will lose weight on CICO but there could be faster alternatives like keto or fasting which put more into play than just CICO such as hormone regulation and ketones.

Just don't be a retard, if you are arguing in favour of CICO then specify that it doesn't matter if you eat vegetables or oreos, jus the quantity of them.

>> No.11295536

As I said, let me know when you finish eating that celery.

>> No.11295556

>burn more calories than you take in
You're a real prophet there, OP.

>> No.11295568

They use it mostly when defending niggers

>> No.11295579

>chemically extract everything from 100kg of celery and leave the fiber behind
>drink the liquid
>end up having more calories than a couple of oreos

Wa La

>> No.11295590

If insane people are allowed to post insane garbage then people should also be allowed to mock them.

>> No.11295615

>physically extract everything from my stomach after I eat
>can literally eat an infinite amount of food and still lose weight
Wa La

>> No.11295630

Yes, bulimia helps you lose weight aswell.

>> No.11295634

doesn't stuff like bulimia and anorexia prove that CICO theory works?

>> No.11295638

Well then, looks like we showed those broscience losers who's boss!

>> No.11295647
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It actually proves fasting works, not CICO.

>> No.11295648

You get more from food than calories.

>> No.11295652

>no calories in
>not proving that CICO works

>> No.11295663

But fasting people say CICO is shit and is not a good way to lose weight as opposed to fasting, while you are trying to argue that it doesn't matter if you do keto or whatever, you imply you lose weight at the same rate with the only thing mattering being calories, but bulimia just proves fasting people right.

>> No.11295667

>Let's say you eat some food with 30% of calorie absorption rate
nobody's out here eating literal grass you mongoloid

>> No.11295671

I haven't said anything about keto.
Of course eating something is going to be slower than eating literally nothing, CICO my dude.

>> No.11295676

lmfao you got roasted so hard you fucking fatass retard holy shit why are you even on this board let alone breathing you fucking useless lump of fleshfat and bone

>> No.11295679

periodic fasting generally results in less food being consumed because your stomach adapts to the reduced calorie regimen and it's difficult to eat enough to make up for the time you've fasted during your feeding window.

>> No.11295682

Have you ever met an actual anorexic?

They don't starve for long amounts of time. They take three bites of a meal and then shove the plate away.
Or they munch on things and then spit the chewed up food into a napkin.

My grandma on my dad's side was a legit anorexic and tried to encourage an eating disorder in me as well. Even at Thanksgiving she'd only eat like a couple bites of mashed potatoes and then say she couldn't eat anymore because it would hurt.

I used to work with a guy at safeway that lost weight by starving himself just so he couldn't gain weight anymore. He would eat like one bowl of top ramen a day. Nothing else aside from black coffee.

And I went out with a girl in my lolita comm who straight up embarrassed me at a restaurant by taking a few small bites of what she ordered and then shoved the plate away and dropped her silverware like a child and said "I'm done." and then when the waitress asked if she wanted a box she declined and all that food just went into the trash. I could tell the waitress was super confused too. I left a huge fucking tip to make up for it but holy shit it was surreal.

>> No.11295741

The thing is that people who argue in favour of fasting say that in a regular 6 meal day CICO your body doesn't have enough time to enter ketosis at all and that's why it's an inferior method of weightloss, while you say it doesn't matter at all result-wise.
Hahaha, nope, actually your stomach can get bigger if you keep feasting on feeding windows, I've seen it happen on some of my clients and they managed to still gain weight while doing 16/8 or 20/4
>this proves cico right
Again, not the point, fasting gets you to ketosis and regular CICO SAD 6 meals a day diet doesn't.
There are anorexics who won't eat for 24h at all though and just chew gum or drink coffee.
Just browse a few ana sites and look what they're up to.
>food still in the plate
>fucking tip anyway
>literally paid and tipped something that was not consumed
>not at least getting the box yourself and saving it for later
>literally paying for nothing

This is a White Straight and Right Male board, please refrain from posting any longer and go back to >>>/cgl/

>> No.11295755

>while you say it doesn't matter at all result-wise.
I think I literally just said the exact opposite of that, but alright.

>> No.11295763

kys faggot

>> No.11295775

So you agree that keto or fasting is better than CICO? Then you can't say that the only thing that matter are calories, get a grip.
Every obese person that binges eventually embiggens their stomach you retard. You think skelly mukbangers are just born with these enlarged sacks of shit they have for stomachs?

>> No.11295776

If all you value is speed, then yes, eating less calories will get you where you want to be as fast as possible.

>> No.11295782

obese people are relatively rare, it's not my fault you expose yourself to them more than the average faggot because you take them as clients.

Not everyone who fasts is a fatass.

>> No.11295788

>high-fat diet in mice
Do mice normally eat a lot of fat? And studies on mice don't mean that's exactly how humans work either.

>> No.11295793

>obese people are relatively rare
like 30% of the population in most western countries are obese

>> No.11295807

Eat fresher food and take your time, wala now you are under 20 bmi.

>> No.11295811

>obese people are relatively rare
laughed irl thank you. Do you live in zimbabwe?
>because you take them as clients.
I get money and they get results. It's a business that won't die off due to obesity skyrocketing.
>eating less calories will get you where you want to be as fast as possible.
Entering ketosis though a ketogenic diet or through fasting will make you lose weight faster than eating CICO in meals spread through the day.
>eating less calories will get you where you want to be as fast as possible.

>> No.11295815

1. BMI is shit and you know it
2. western chauvanist shitlord shut the fuck up you goddam rapist

>> No.11295818

>Keto and Fasting don't use CICO
if your keto diet has more calories than a normal diet, you aren't going to lose weight

>> No.11295822

still thermodynamics retard

>> No.11295824

na I live in socal where people actually give a shit because it's beach weather all year round.
still 70% of people being unaffected by the issue you're whining about can easily be considered "relatively rare"
apologize now and admit that you were wrong.

>> No.11295828

BMI is shit for people hovering between categories but the example of bodybuilders technically being obese isn't hugely prevalent. Maybe you just underestimate what obesity actually means and think most people are just plain overweight.

>> No.11295833

I know exactly what I meant
apologize nigger

>> No.11295834

>still 70% of people being unaffected by the issue you're whining about can easily be considered "relatively rare"
1/3 is not rare

>> No.11295835

I don't lift weight so bmi do matter to me, most people just do cardio, weight lifting is for autist trying to compensate.

>> No.11295845

i didn't say rare tho I said relatively rare.
even among """"""technically """"obese""" by """bmi"""" standards""""""" fatasses that gorge constantly during feeding windows will be less common, which is what we originally were talking about

furthermore you seem to be laboring under the delusion that CICO prescribes six meals a day bodybuilder style eating.

That's profoundly ignorant. The six meals a day plan is a BULKING diet. It's made for putting on weight. Fasting when applied properly (regardless of it being keto or not) falls under CICO.

>> No.11295850

>t. pathetic weakfag
you will never know how beautiful it feels to be strong.

>> No.11295868

On a caloric deficit in a given amount of time you will lose more bodyfat doing keto/fasting than just cico due to your body producing ketones that will burn more fat per minute.
I don't give a fuck about your particular shithole. Obese people are not rare where I live and thus I would meet them anyway if I didn't take them as clients, so taking them as clients does not expose me to them more than usual.
Six meals a day is literally what's being preached by doctors in the last decade under the notion that it will keep your metabolism from slowing down, fuck off. Even 3 meals a day spread out would make you avoid entering ketosis. Eating a lot of small meals per day is mainstream as fuck.

>> No.11295875

She paid for her own meal and I don't know if she tipped because she didn't use cash.

I paid for my own and tipped heavily because I could tell the waitress was annoyed by her.

Also - I ate my fucking food. I took a box to go. I'm not a fucking anachan.

I literally grew up with someone who is anorexic and the only insight you have is that you visit fucking websites.

>> No.11295880

>trusting (((doctors)))
>using decade old nutrition science
i bet you think eggs kill people

>> No.11295891

You're not a fruit fly., and I suspect caloric restriction works mostly by lowering the intake of injurious substances.

>> No.11295892

>burn more fat per minute
Eventually you will reach your equilibrium. The same one you would reach with CICO, only slower.

>> No.11295985
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>What if you can't process food properly, no matter how much you consume you won't gain weight.
Then the calories out part of the equation is higher for that individual.
>How many calories are there in human shit?
see pic
>How efficient is the body processing the food and converting it into energy?
>What foods are more efficiently processed?
Depends on the macro nutrient 90-97% for fat and carbs, 75-80% for protein.

>> No.11297289
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Exactly OP, humans are not supposed to eat these weird nu-diets. were supposed to eat healthy food that has all the nutrients we need (fat included), at a reasonable amount.

>> No.11297303

metabolism is injurious

>> No.11297311

>failing meme diets
Every diet is about reducing what you eat.
How is "just" reducing what you eat different than reducing what you eat, while trying to avoid the bad shit?
You're full of shit, frogposter.

>> No.11297324
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Oh god, we've got an actual redneck scientist in here.
Sure, just eat less until you get to the point where you lose weight. Don't worry about any of the other nutrients we need from food, just eat less! It's only about calories!

>> No.11297331

sorry that logic offends you

>> No.11297332

So you're suggesting the paleo diet?

>> No.11297347

im suggesting just eat whatever you need to eat, like fruit if youre low in sugar and beans/meat if you need protien (just the basic food groups), but not a huge American amount. If thats the paleo diet then sure

>> No.11297349
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>shit's more complicated than a simple line I can drone up like an idiot?
>hurr durr fedora

>> No.11297366

>samefag lardass that's been raging about this for months because he chooses to be fat by eating 5000 calories a day

>> No.11297378

>What if you can't process food properly
you need to die so your shitty genes aren't passed along

>> No.11297386

How sad for you, I'm not a lardass (never really was anyway, but sure, been overweight), because these so called "meme" diets work flawlessly.
The only ones raging here are these "muh calories in calories out" morons, like you.
You seem to forget you are the ones constantly bringing up the subject like a bunch of asshurt imbeciles. You just can't let it rest.

>> No.11297387

This chart is actually really good, if you're fat and just jumping into losing weight "calories in, calories out" is the simplest way to picture it without worrying yourself about what foods you /need/ to eat.

>> No.11297388

>Have you ever met an actual anorexic?
Anorexics don't fucking matter since they're mostly women and gay men.

>> No.11297396

Can agree. It's definitely a good basis.

>> No.11297403

imagine if fatties turned all the energy they use daily to come up with ways to deflect blame towards actually changing their shitty lifestyle
now THAT would be termodynamics ;)

>> No.11297435

True fatties don't even try. They just make threads like >>11296212 feeling sorry for themselves begging for sympathy.

>> No.11297438

CICO you dumbass

>> No.11297452

>perfect example of a CICO tard's comprehension level
That's literally what he's saying, dumbass...

>> No.11297502

I call him dumbass for not using CICO sooner, dumbass