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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11294291 No.11294291 [Reply] [Original]

What's for dinner, /ck/?

>> No.11294307

You should spend less of your mom's money on pussy repellent gamer junk and get yourself some decent food every once in a while, OP.

>> No.11294309

Chinese delivery if they fucking get it right this time. The retard driver went to the wrong apartment building and then, instead of actually looking at the fucking numbers on the front, just went back to the restaurant. I had to call and ask for a new delivery, hopefully they send someone more competent who can actually read the god damn numbers on the building. Their food is great, but I suspect they only hire drivers with an IQ lower than 80.

>> No.11294312

Btw, I ordered sesame chicken, crab rangoons, and a couple egg rolls.

>> No.11294323

And less than a minute after posting, it was delivered. Finally time to eat and calm down.

>> No.11294326

>sesame chicken
>crab rangoons
>egg rolls

You literally ordered the 3 most boring "i'm a yuppy white girl" things on the menu. They probably assumed you were a dumb college girl who wouldn't tip more than $.30 anyway so didn't give a fuck and skipped out on your place.

>> No.11294331
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taaka and sour sweet tarts after I get sufficiently braindead

>> No.11294332

Why are lonely white guys so desperate to seem cultured?

>> No.11294333

I am a rich college girl? Who cares if I want sesame chicken or to fuck black guys?

>> No.11294336

cheap red wine
whole wheat cracka ass crackas

>> No.11294337

>They probably assumed you were a dumb college girl

I've been ordering from this place for 11 years. The old delivery guys used to carry company-branded pens I gave to one guy during a drunken rambling sales pitch about 3D printing in 2013.

>> No.11294342

It's less about seeming cultured but more about not being so uncultured that you literally order fried chunks of cartilage because Panda Express trained you to enjoy enduring it. There's much better shit on even the most backwater Chinese-American menus, but you shitheads insist on going for "less scary things" because you can find them in the mall food court as well.

>> No.11294344


>> No.11294352

If you cared half this much about shit that actually mattered you'd be way better off and not spending all your free time obsessing over Asian garbage.

>> No.11294356

Baked chicken and homemade Broccoli Cheddar soup desu, I start cooking in 1 hour

>> No.11294376

Are you implying that you don't have the cognition to develop opinions on things nor the ability to discuss those opinions on a cooking board should thos You act like it requires some sort of super-human brainpower to talk about thinks you like/dislike on the internet. Are you retarded?

>> No.11294381

Was beginning to type "should those opinions come into question" but somehow got cutoff.

>> No.11294385

Remember, less time obsessing over third world gruel and more time looking for a job.

>> No.11294431

You're the one who seems to have difficulty professional behavior from your opinions and feelings. Perhaps you should take your own advice?

>> No.11294434

>You're the one who seems to have difficulty separating professional behavior from your posting your opinions on an anime website. Perhaps you should take your own advice?

>> No.11294440

You could be studying the history of fried pig's eyeballs in pepper sauce instead of yelling at me.

>> No.11294442

penne with pumpkin cream sauce on a bed of spinach with an over easy egg, red pepper flakes, and a little pesto
git gud fags

>> No.11294443

I'm kinda buzzed, so forgive me. But it's okay because I'm an adult and it's friday night

>> No.11294683

I pan fried some butterflied seasoned chicken breast, and have it along with some white rice without the starch and cooked with some bay leaves and a clove of garlic. Cucumbers on the side.

>> No.11294705
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This, and i'm having homemade coconut ice cream for dessert

>> No.11294756
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It's not delivery, it's Digiorno's!

>> No.11294767

Is that a dead ant on your plate

>> No.11294785

burd or piggy?

>> No.11294788

>square pizza
>round pepperoni

This always bugs me

>> No.11294802

It's tofu

>> No.11294814

I had a steak slice with potato waffles and gravy.
Lazy day of cooking.

>> No.11294819

Pussy's gross

>> No.11294877


>> No.11294923

Nah it's tasty and the way I make it, it has the same texture as chicken

>> No.11294953

>same place with shitty menu, 11 years
>a drunken rambling sales pitch about 3D printing in 2013
You're so autistic even delivery drivers avoid you

>> No.11294956
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Some shitty baked chicken I didn't have time to marinate and home made broccoli cheddar soup with some cheap sourdough I got from the store.

Also some good Bourbon on a lonely night.

>> No.11294977

>4chan decided to post the picture upside down
Welp, also got a new phone boys. I don't know what the fuck.

>> No.11295001


>> No.11295109
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>paying for rat meat cooked in gutter oil
you are one dumb retard normalcattle

>> No.11295116
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>> No.11295172

Turkey heh

>> No.11295184
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I only got a smart phone this year, I did this about 3 times before I realized it's rightside up when the button to take the picture is on the right side of the screen.