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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11293767 No.11293767 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your steaks, /ck/?

Pic related: the t-bone I'm having for lunch today.

>> No.11293802
File: 28 KB, 480x360, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11293804

Don't you have a country to be running Donald?

>> No.11293807

You weak-willed faggots literally could have ignored this and let it slide down the toilet of the queue like the piece of shit it is, but nooooo...

>> No.11293813

What the fuck does Trump have to do with this abomination?

>> No.11293824

You must literally get all your news from Fox.

>> No.11293825

That ketchup has a nice hue to it.

>> No.11293837

He exclusively orders his steaks well done with ketchup. Saudi Arabia even had to make it for him when he visited because he wouldn't eat their food.

>> No.11293839

To be fair, it's Saudi Arabia.

>> No.11293846

That was for you.

>> No.11293872

No, I vote democrat because I'm a neet and I like free shit.

>> No.11293939

Why are you the way that you are?

>> No.11294014

butthurt blumftard btfo

go back to your safespace kiddo heh

>> No.11294103
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>> No.11294158

>calls others weak willed for replying to Trump reference bait
>meanwhile vegan, "white people can't cook" and soylent threads get 300+ replies by /pol/dditors not understanding what bait is


>> No.11294190
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did a dynamite one just the other day. visited my parents and my dad had some ribeyes and gave me one. did it perfect in cast iron and it was amazing.
but i will not lie - the best steak is the ny strip. it is the easiest to cook and it is the easiest to eat.
the problem with fucking ribeye is that the deckle bit and anything around it is always going to feel soft so you can't do the palm technique to feel how done it is

>> No.11294208
File: 21 KB, 220x244, 220px-49-aspetti_di_vita_quotidiana,_vomito,Taccuino_Sanitatis,_Ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le drumpf taste
God fucking help us!

>> No.11294209
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Once you go sous vide you don't go back

>> No.11294215

"Once you go sous vide you never recede"

>> No.11294221

i just can't justify the time investment

>> No.11294316

>eating raw meat

This meme needs to die.

>> No.11294408
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>> No.11294452

Uma deliciosa!

>> No.11294461
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el gusano rojo...

>> No.11294485
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>rare steak
>King Oscar Mediterranean style deenz

>> No.11294800


>> No.11294803

Honestly... well done.
Tried it every single way, still prefer it well done.

>> No.11294816

this is how my mom likes steak

>> No.11295234

That better be the fancy ketchup

>> No.11295273

his main diet consists of fast food diet coke and fox and friends

>> No.11295284

1.Why did you burn your poor steak?

2.Why did you bury your poor steak in that shit?

>> No.11295293
File: 542 KB, 592x452, commander and cheif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a serious note ill never understand wealthy people who can afford personal chefs trainers personal doctors on staff but choose to live like pigs one of my friends is an emt for a very prolific hospital in LA and lots of the wealthiest literally just get transplants to afford such behavior its sickening

>> No.11295305

How did a man who eats his steaks the wrong way become President anyway?

>> No.11295335

Think of the sound jet engines make as they fly over your head, that's how! If Trump ate dogshit, there'd be restaurants opening throughout jebusville serving it and they'd be packed.

>> No.11295351

Some people do great things in life and others whine about how other people eat their food on an anime fan site.

>> No.11295352

what are they transplanting?

>> No.11295353

quick someone post meme ideas that i can cook solely to post online for (you)s

>> No.11295366

you mean some people who where gifted wealth and have russian handlers fallow great orders

>> No.11295370

lots of heart transplants from what i was told

>> No.11295372

Silence, Juan. Your english is terrible.

>> No.11295376

nothing it was a snopes article about a rockafeller who built an operating room in his mansion to have heart transplants. it's false.

>> No.11295377

i dont like you you must be brown
whatever makes your pathetic self feel superior as a way to overcome all your downfalls

>> No.11295384

no im talking about a weinstein and he mentioned that it was a common thing but hes just hearing it through the grape vine and i him

>> No.11295610

Classic reddit, everything is politics.

>> No.11296547

Do you think when he visited Jiro during the Japan summit he asked for his sushi well-done?

>> No.11297882

No, Jiro isn't relevant to people who aren't obese weebs.

>> No.11297890

but anon raw fish has parasites and turns frogs gay

>> No.11297909



>> No.11298643


>> No.11299168

I want that steak

>> No.11299188 [DELETED] 

He didn't visit Jiro because that was too scawwrryy and Obama had done it. He had secret service pick up nip mcdonalds and he lay in his hotel bedroom and fapped to F(au)x News while shoveling it into his pie hole.

>> No.11299193

Stop being poor.

>> No.11299402

Ketchup is god food

>> No.11300392

Blue rare. Cold in the middle and still bloody.

>> No.11300622

I enjoy the nice touch of the styrofoam plate for that extra Circle of Hell.

>> No.11300742

Good thing you posted this. Really helps

>> No.11301947

Like I like my turkey heh

>> No.11302156

Holy shit my thread is still alive.

>> No.11302234

because how Trump eats a steak is important information.
how dare fox news keep that from the public
really lights up the old cranium

>> No.11302259

>because how Trump eats a steak is important information

It's extremely important.

>> No.11302310

Why are Americans more worried about steak than the economy flourishing?

>> No.11302323

Because only batshit lunatics eat their steaks well done, and adding ketchup to the mix just takes it to a whole other level.

>> No.11302332

I don't think people who're this invested in others' food preferences should be judging anyone's sanity.

>> No.11302336

>time investment
you don't have to stand at the counter waiting for it to be finished, mini-mind.

>> No.11302339

73% of Americans are npcs incapable of thought

>> No.11302348

woops, i made a typo. i meant to say "nonwhites" instead of "americans"

>> No.11302355


>> No.11302357


Sage, report and hide.

>> No.11302379

Hes living in their head rent-free baby. I wish I was as famous as him so I could troll retards all day on social media. Id love getting thousands of hate tweets everyday. Knowing how mad Im making those idiots.

>> No.11302388

>real wages stuck at the level of the '70's and decreasing
>GDP highest since *gasp* 2014 under Obama

>> No.11302494
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>> No.11303767

too pink for me