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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11281528 No.11281528 [Reply] [Original]

Come in Nov 1 for free handjob day...aka when our store wide raise to 15/hr goes live. Enjoy wage slaves!

>> No.11281628

It never ceases to amaze me how dumb, broke people get mad when billionaires are forced to pay their employees. Only in America are people this fucking dumb.

>> No.11281629

I'm applying right now.

>> No.11282096
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If you feel that your current employers aren't compensating you according to your worth, either renegotiate your salary or seek out an employer who will. Why is this concept difficult?

>> No.11282859

Why won't the employers just lay off their workers and negotiate lower wages with new ones?

>> No.11282863


>> No.11283075

>overpriced food goes even higher
>people buy less things
>workers get laid off

At least the remaining lucky few get $15 an hour, right?

>> No.11283302

A function of the free market. Deal with it lol.

>> No.11283311

Haha, Amazon/Bezos isn't gonna do shit. They want to eliminate human employees. This is all a ruse. Billionaires don't become billionaires by paying people lots of money...

>> No.11283316

dam I wish I had a handjob

>> No.11283317
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Just like how Seattle was going to drown in unemployment after their minimum wage hike, right?

>he unironically shills for CEOs with net worths higher than countries for free

>> No.11283393


>> No.11283437

They were going to drown in unemployment because of the Amazon tax mostly, which didn't go through. The minimum wage hike would do the same but it'd be a slow burn

>> No.11283447

Because wages having been stagnant since the 1970s while productivity has been rapidly increasing. Because your dad had a house when he was your age and you don't, and your boss has 10x as many houses as your dad's boss.

>> No.11283451

>Because wages having been stagnant since the 1970s

>Because your dad had a house when he was your age and you don't, and your boss has 10x as many houses as your dad's boss.
Sounds like just increased wealth, which is good. There are much more factors at play with real estate than wage, e.g. zoning restrictions, municipal taxation, rate of mortgage approval, etc.

>> No.11283482
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Fuckers you don't hike minimum wage and think it's a magical fix. You need competitive wages which can only come about from a labor demand. There's no labor demand because they rigged the system to be able to tap a global labor force and flooded the labor supply. They get to do all the picking, everyone else can only do the begging. This stagnates mean wage. Then entry-level wages gets fucked too.
Stop being insane, you can't just raise the floor.

The Amazon pay raise only came about because of the pressure of a tightening labor market due to events that they tried to stop. Note that these same fuckers at Amazon are scrambling after a return to their precious status quo with this move to lobby Washington to raise the minimum wage, because they know that doing so would reverse what they're about to do.

Let's say you just went from earning minimum wage to $15/hr. Then Amazong sprays money out the ass on a campaign to raise the minimum wage to your $15/hr. You're right back to earning minimum wage.

>> No.11283499

I don't believe you, that free handjob has to have a catch.

>> No.11283504

>a catch
have you seen the 'people' that work at whole foods?

>> No.11283663


just sack everyone. union can't do shit.

>> No.11285278

The day they announced this, everyone figured that they'll just fire a bunch of people or extremely cut hours. They're just trying to stop people from unionizing.

>> No.11285328

The only reason these companies are raising the minimum wage to 15$ is because of the labour shortage.

The publicity is just a nice bonus.

>> No.11286080

I wonder if they're gonna give the people at or above $15 a raise.

>> No.11286086 [DELETED] 

because 2 people work in the store you retard
That isn't even a good wage you cuck

>> No.11286089 [DELETED] 

new york raised min wage to 15. Thousands fired and replaced by cheaper robots.
Nice try communist

>> No.11286117

Watch your hours get cut like holy hell. Full time workers will get no more than 32 hours, part timers about 10 hours.

>t. Someone who used to work for a company that did the same exact thing *trump tax cut!*

>> No.11286126 [DELETED] 

tfw you're so bad at your job you're expendable

>> No.11286144

Lol, nice try. I was management. I left when i was being asked to do the work of 4 people because the store didn't have enough hours for part timers

>> No.11286145

I think it's funny people act like a full time employee getting a livable wage even if they don't do the most skill intensive job is a fucking insane concept.

>> No.11286156

This is exactly when I made my company put in my contract that I must be scheduled 45hrs every week, while negotiating a very large pay raise. Because I knew they would agree to the raise to keep me there, then cut my hours.

>> No.11286168

Correct and red pilled

>> No.11286172

Oh wow, automation became profitable one year earlier than it would otherwise for a very small number of employees.

Mostly though robots/AI are a joke in the service sector.

>> No.11286174

The work still needs to be done and cutting hours doesn't get it done faster.

>> No.11286182

Do you really think corporate leadership gives a shit? It's about $$$$$. Where do you think this extra money is coming from? Certainly not their bottom line....

>> No.11286209

Salaried employees will be expected (with a wink and a nod) to work 7 days a week to make up for the lack of additional help. Hourly full time employees will be expected to pick up the slack as well, working at twice the pace as before the wage hike. Corporate's view will be "we are paying them more, so we expect more out of them".

>> No.11286245

Amazon gave the rate hike,but they removed VCP which gives you up to 8% - 16% each month if you don't take time off and if the warehouse meets expectations

>> No.11286310

Unions are great in concept but horrible in execution
Invariably turns into a club of minimum-effort wagies screeching and threatening whenever they're asked to do their jobs. Then if you dare work hard or ask the boss man for a raise/promotion, you've made enemies with a majority of your coworkers. Very crab-bucket concept.
Teachers' unions are the worst, especially if leaders are buddy buddy with the education board. I know a high-school teacher who's seen ti firsthand, it's like a mafia.

>> No.11286330

>Salaried employees will be expected (with a wink and a nod) to work 7 days a week to make up for the lack of additional help.
So you either tell them to shove it, or you start looking for a different job and then sue them for overtime pay when you get a different job for good measure. Wink wink nod nod breaking the law is never a good idea for employers and a great way to screw their employer for employees.
>Hourly full time employees will be expected to pick up the slack as well, working at twice the pace as before the wage hike.
They can certainly try ... but they're still minimum wage workers, so they shouldn't get their hopes up.

>> No.11286340

You'll eventually run out of people...Unless you allow unlimited third world immigration of course.

>> No.11286344

Salaried employees are exempt from overtime. And yes, most of them will start looking elsewhere.

>> No.11286354

How the hell are Americans this butthurt over 10 dollar minimum wage when groceries are cheaper in America than the rest of the world? This chimp out is going to destroy the economy im pretty sure.

>> No.11286362

i want poor people to stay poor

>> No.11286462
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I'm still in support of unions because if all workers were always isolate they'll always have too little bargaining power, and will always be paid far below what their work is worth or put at risk. But you know- what you said. They'll take your lunch.

I want something like a "trade guild" but a little different, maybe another term would be "labor cartel." Something between a Professional Association and a Trade Union.

I dunno the idea isn't pieced together right and needs work. I just know that right now both businesses and unions keep fucking it up by being too greedy and to avoid being ripped off requires the Good Will of Good People and it sucks because you can't secure that.

>> No.11286482

>good will
>good people

Neither of those two things exist anymore, anon

>> No.11286486

I worked at Amazon years ago and I got the feeling that they're moving towards getting rid of human employees, however they don't want the bad publicity. Let me explain.

Amazon is very worried about people finding reasons to not buy their shit online. When you work on the floor, you get a little scangun. Well they started implementing these questionnaires before you could get to work "if you left Amazon, would you still continue to shop online with us?"

Also the fact that they're willing to pretty much pay for people to leave the company. They want to move to robotic workers but without pissing off everyone. They can be like "hey, we helped pay for schooling, leaving the company and your gender reassignment surgery!"

>> No.11286489


>> No.11286492

But I worked at Amazon and made 14.50 starting. Who makes minimum wage at Amazon?

>> No.11286494

t. never worked in big box retail

>> No.11286500


>> No.11286528

You sound like you've never worked a job in your life. Or maybe just work under daddy so you get special treatment. The real world isn't as cut and dry as you make it seem.

>> No.11286540 [DELETED] 

min wage raised, thousands replaced by robots. Seems legit, vote democrat

>> No.11286550
File: 221 KB, 780x1061, 1538253501263[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up and get in your wage cage

>> No.11286584

I get paid 10 an hour you dingus.

>> No.11286592

Doesn't matter who's prez, whatever. Automation is coming and no one knows what the hell's gonna happen.

>> No.11286596

Or maybe the easily exploited get exploited. The exemptions for salaried workers really aren't that easily met, especially not with state law included. If some scheister tries to wink wink nudge nudge you into unpaid overtime in NY, just let them think they can get away with it and then jew them.

Don't be a fucking goy.

>> No.11286599

Not joking at all, it's this >>11286362. Several people I work with, and my own brother just don't want people to make money. He's pissed off that people he doesn't respect will be making that much closer to what he makes. My direct supervisor is pissed off because a McDonald's worker will be able to afford to live alone and still comfortably afford their own food, and to have things that make them happy. But he's also pissed that those same people use food stamps to get by. It's a clusterfuck of
Meanwhile he and I both make over $75k a year, our job is piss easy, and we spend half of every day shooting the shit with each other and cracking jokes.

>> No.11286625

it's not even purely about poor people making enough money to live comfortably, it stimulates the economy greatly. always blows my mind when someone who is doing better than others below the poverty line gets a hit in the ego from nothing but positive news for the country. it's about time these corporations paid their workers a livable wage.

>> No.11286626
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Here ya go. And yes, its adjusted for inflation. Companies have been getting more out of each employee in america for less, whilstcutting benefits and weakening unions (so they dont have to pay us even a bit fairly for what we produce)

>> No.11286654

any idiot can see this in daily life, without a chart lol

>> No.11286659 [DELETED] 

one party is obsessed with socialism and making min wage $100 an hour.
>doesn't matter who is elected

>> No.11286662

>Or maybe just work under daddy so you get special treatment.
I've never understood this. I worked for my mother and step father growing up as a mechanic/fabricator. They expected more out of me than anyone else despite the fact that I was a teenager and my coworkers were all in their 30s or 40s. Anytime something went wrong I got the blame for it and anytime we hit a rough patch I was the first to get my hours cut or straight up not get paid, and this was even after I moved out.

>> No.11286664

To add to this, I worked fast food while in high school and every job in a Wendy's, except maybe the manager, is harder work, physically, than what I do now.

>> No.11286672

He's probably talking about white collar work. Like the Trump family.

>> No.11286685

>Let's say you just went from earning minimum wage to $15/hr. Then Amazong sprays money out the ass on a campaign to raise the minimum wage to your $15/hr. You're right back to earning minimum wage.
No one cares if what they're earning is "the minimum". They care if they have enough money to survive and live like a human being and not an animal in a cage.

>> No.11286693

See, the only times I've seen the whole "work under daddy" thing apply IRL is a total brat of a kid who was set to inherit his dad's business, and he wouldn't have to do anything but.. exist, basically. They had a lot of money and if the kid wanted to, he'd never have to lift a finger in his life. He was a huge piece of shit about it, too.

>> No.11286713

this, I worked at an amazon warehouse a few years ago and was making $11, and right after I left they bumped it up to $11.50.

>> No.11286738

wow you are soooo smart!

>> No.11286754

Look at this idiot working more than 40 hours a week. What a dip shit

>> No.11286757

So your argument is based entirely on anecdotal evidence of one asshole you knew? Thats kinda weak. I've known other people like me over the years and their stories were pretty much the same as mine. Not everybody who comes from an entrepreneurial family is a spoiled trust fund baby. In fact, going just by the statistics of small business ownership the vast majority aren't.

>> No.11286758

Y'all would be better off working in sweatshop sewing factories, for 12 cents an hour.

>> No.11286759


>> No.11286765


Most of the cashiers at my wf are grungy dreadlocked white girls and I want to fuck all of them

>> No.11286773

Dat vegan pussy

>> No.11286774

But what are you missing? You don't have to pay robots $100/hour.

What I'm saying is there is a very real danger of massive unemployment coming.

>> No.11286777


I even want to fuck the pizza station girl

>> No.11286816
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You have to address the situation of multinational company ripping off the worker and do so in an intelligent and nuanced form; not some shitjobbed feels-good floor pump mandate that only accomplishes the interests of the multinational company

>> No.11286819

What if we just pay people $15 an hour to watch the robots?

>> No.11286846


>> No.11286850
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I wan't to apply to the produce department. Will I be ok?

>> No.11286853


>> No.11286856

I am really happy that everyone is getting $15, but I do wonder where the money will come from. I know they already took gain sharing back off of the table the second they announced it. I think our hours will get cut, too. There's an article that was just posted on BoingBoing that claimed the people at WF making $15 or over will get a $1 raise, but I'm not sure that's a reliable site. Maybe this thinking is too conspiratorial, but I think it's an effort to crush unions in two ways: one is that team members will think "We get $15 now! No more need to unionize!" even though the pro-union group had much more demands, specifically the re-implementation of gain sharing. The second is that senior team members will become disgusted that their wage was not significantly raised despite years of shitty raises through job dialogues and will subsequently quit, making room for much less union-prone employees.

>> No.11286859

Nope, just giving you an example to explain anon's usage of "work under daddy" when it applies to shitty rich kids. I lived in a town founded by oil company executives, judging by the cars my peers drove when they turned 16 and the houses they lived in I'd say most of them probably embodied that -- I just never got to know them well enough to know. Of course you know more people who actually had to work under their parents if you're from an area where actually working is a thing.

>> No.11286863

Robot repair man might be a good career

>> No.11286870

BTW what single company wants to be at the heart of automation? Ama fuckin zon.

>> No.11286876

All cashiers at WF's will be gone soon...

>> No.11286906

I've already been automated out of a job at Whole Foods in a way. We used to have this diner in the store that functioned as a small restaurant. We'd have a server that took your order and rang you up, and two people cooking; we'd all take turns doing each job. I've posted about here before. It was nice; we would cook anything from the meat and seafood department for free and make any changes or substitutions to an order that people wanted. Now the server is a kiosk, and we are behind a wall. We no longer cook anything except what's on our menu and are very limited in changes and substitutions. No one got fired over it, but we also had one employee fired (for different reasons) and another one transfer to another store so maybe we just all got lucky.

>> No.11286907

Fair enough I suppose. It's just been annoying growing up and having people assuming I was like then when I told them I worked for my folks. I would have much rather worked as a burger flipper or cashier as a teenager than do that dirty miserable work but I didn't have a choice.

>> No.11286916

Hey also if there are any TMs out there looking to join the slack group where the unionization shit is going down, I can give you the contact info

>> No.11286929

What I'm hearing is Amazon/Bezos is using WF as a big experiment. So God knows what he does at the WF's. There are already cashier-less Amazon stores.I'm sure that will come to WF, among other things.

>> No.11286944

Yeah, twenty hours a month at $45hr is pretty fucking lame. Especially since I have to get home at 6:05 instead of 5:05. But to be fair, my overtime each month is probably more than you make in a month; I'd be jealous too.

>> No.11286948

>cashier-less stores
Won't that increase theft? There's a lot of people out there that already use the self checkouts to steal. I guess they'll only put those in upscale places?

>> No.11286986

>no one knows what the hell's gonna happen.
That's true, but most things you can just have an app on your phone for. Eventually minimum wage employees, even if they do make $15 or $20 an hour, will be doing everything from a remote device.

And eventually delivery will become more and more common and the only job will be getting goods from point a to point b.

Amazon is a fucking monster right now.

>> No.11286991

>self driving cars

>> No.11286992

Amazon tracks your every movement in the store. I assume you have to be a Prime member, and you just take things off the shelf, leave, and everything gets charged to your Amazon account.


>> No.11286995

Yup or drones.Amazon has been working on drone delivery for years.

>> No.11287008

That sounds terrible and I hate it.

>> No.11287020

Oh here it is from that CNBC article:

>Customers simply scan their Amazon Go apps as they walk into the spaces — which are roughly 2,000 square feet — pick up whatever they want, and walk out.

>> No.11287052

Is this sort of ideological illiteracy normal for Seppos or what?

>> No.11287077

I'm part of the unionization group and I want to help employees that can't risk their jobs by even talking about the union, but even I'm about ready to selfishly cop out. I just applied to a job as a paralegal. I am so disgusted with personal happenings at WF. I work in a flagship store with a huge prep foods department, and I'm the only one at my venue who has requested time off for my wedding, but they will not give time off to my best bud to attend even though coverage would be totally feasible. I even went to TMS with him to ask for an LOA and give him my time off and ask for any kind of help but they wouldn't give me anything. Right now, I'm using desperate tactics. I work with him tomorrow so we're gonna go to the ATL who is responsible for that schedule and I'm gonna tell him, "Hey, I don't need these 5 days off anymore. Give them to my bud." I have all of my PSL so I'm just gonna call off every single day of those 5 days saying I'm sick. It sucks I'll have to call in on my fucking wedding say at bumfuck AM cause I'm always scheduled at 7 but fuck it, it's worth it having my friend at my wedding. I constantly open a 3 person venue alone so I thought they'd at least try to help me for that reason. No.

>> No.11287087

someone still has to control the self driving car or it'll kill someone - because that already happened.

But we're getting there.

>> No.11287105

regardless of politics, whole foods sucks so much

Not only is it super expensive but their food is generally shit too

>> No.11287112

There was just a report out today that the major car makers are getting ready to put self driving cars on the road this year, and all of them by 2021.

>> No.11287134

They're not going to be completely un-monitored if they're transporting people though.

>> No.11287135

glow harder, jeff

>> No.11287138

I feel for you anon. WF being controlled by Bezos is just a big toy, a big experiment. They're gonna try all sorts of shit to cut costs and get rid of humans. I would expect no mercy or kindness from them.

>> No.11287142

Their food has massively degraded through efforts to homogenize stores, and it will only continue. There are genuinely shitty BOH cooks that were recently hired who don't know how to make a baked potato. There are also really competent BOH people who lament that our noodles come pre-cooked in a bag.

>> No.11287148

Probably not at first, yes, but AI is advancing so fast that they will need less humans soon.

>> No.11287149

are we supposed to know what you're talking about?

>> No.11287163

No I mean, if someone is being transported in the car, it won't be unmonitored.

I guess if the car is delivering food, only other drivers will need to be careful.

Did they finally make them to where they can sense if a person is crossing the street? How do they know when to change lanes or stop at a light or stop sign?

Just think of all the laws we're going to have to come up with to deal with objects on the road who are no longer inanimate but also can't think for themselves.

>> No.11287177

Thanks. It is stressful. Every night I have nightmares that I am cooking and my front room is filled with expectant customers.

I'm sorry if it was not understandable. It was mostly aimed towards other Whole Foods employees.

>> No.11287194

Yes all of that is happening as we speak. It takes a lot for these cars to process all that data.You realize Tesla has had self driving mode for a few years already, and people think they are actually far behind the big boys.

BTW, forget about delivery, one prediction is that within 10 years no one will even OWN a car because it will be CHEAPER to have an autonomous car drive you around when you need it. No car payments, no gas payments, no maintenance, car insurance, etc.

>> No.11287228

Where I live uber isn't even a thing yet, you're delusional.

>> No.11287235

Yeah but I literally just hear Elon Musk high as shit explaining the safety precautions of the Tesla's self driving mode.

Tom Papa says it's great for sitting in traffic. Wow. How amazing.

I'm looking forward to no longer taking ubers though. They might as well be cheap cabs. Not a good experience.

>> No.11287237

There's no demand for it where you live. Major cities all have them.

Lyft is less popular.

>> No.11287243

And you need to catch up on events. That wasn't my prediction. That was the prediction of people who know a lot more about this stuff than I do.

Learn and prepare or get left behind...

>> No.11287261

Tesla is actually behind the big guys. They aren't the leaders. You have Google/Waymo, Honda, GM, BMW, all way ahead. It's just that Musk is the most public noise maker. The other heads of those companies don't smoke weed on Joe Rogan's podcast and say crazy shit on Twitter.

>> No.11287283

>believing billionaires are paying employees out of their own pocket
don't be scared to tip, falsemoralsfag

>> No.11287300

i was mainly talking about their 365 brand generic type stuff

>> No.11287301

The worst part about self driving cars is how they'll seemingly be a luxury at first (wow, I don't have to bust my nerves in bumper to bumper traffic every day!) but soon when it becomes the standard bosses will start expecting you to do shit during your commute, effectively lengthening the work day. (Oh, you're going home? Well your commute is an hour so you won't mind organizing these emails for me on your way there :^))

>> No.11287316

The point is that this shit won't be the norm for major manufacturers for a long time, because we flyovers make up an "elect Donald Trump to presidency" amount of the population. You might not like that we don't live where you do, but we're here, and we buy stuff.

>> No.11287333

This shows your ignorance of economics. At a high level, the economy produces a certain amount of value, and how that value gets divided is a political compromise between the rich and the poor. Producing more value is a good thing.

>> No.11287367

Read up on this stuff. The first jobs to be automated will the the routine, repetitive things like...manufacturing.

Google's voice assistant or whatever can fool humans. Goodbye to people answering phones.

Hell, robots are better at reading xrays and mri's than doctors! Doctors and radiologists aren't even safe! Robots may soon be doing surgery on you!

I love Trump, but it doesn't matter if it's Trump or Hillary in the White House. Companies owe a duty to shareholders to maximize profits. And with rising minimum wages, look for them to get rid of employees ASAP.

Robots don't take sick days. Robots don't need vacation. Robots can work 24/7. Robots don't need healthcare or 401k's.

If your job CAN be automated, it WILL be. Take that to the bank. Seriously, read up on this stuff and prepare accordingly.

And with that...good night.

>> No.11287368

not if you aren't some mongoloid who decides to live an hour away from work/decides to take a car over walking/bicycling

>> No.11287370

>ay yung, i ain't gon be workin n sheeit while i be drivin n sheeit
>i agree to these terms
it's almost like there is and could continue to be an outside force compelling an employer to hire a lesser employee, causing an imbalance in labor relations.

>> No.11287380

what did he mean by this?

>> No.11287383

What are some jobs that can't be automated?

>> No.11287385

>urbanite bugman
>unironically hating on rural land owners
lol top lol

>> No.11287386

We were talking about self driving cars, retard.

>> No.11287390

Walmart recently upped their starting pay to $11/hr. Those that were below it got a hefty raise. Those that were above it got a $200 bonus.

>> No.11287391

>Robots don't need vacation. Robots can work 24/7. Robots don't need healthcare or 401k's.
you dumb. anything mechanical requires upkeep. you're being semantic.

>> No.11287399

>it's almost like there is and could continue to be an outside force compelling an employer to hire a lesser employee, causing an imbalance in labor relations.
you need a finer breakdown, jaquisha?

>> No.11287455

Why is /pol/ in /ck/ of all places?

>> No.11287462

feel free to meme at me some more in lieu of an actual response.

>> No.11287468

Stormfront retards like you need to be ignored not encouraged. This is the last (you) you'll get from me.

>> No.11287692


>> No.11287738


starting has been $12 over here for awhile now.

>> No.11287763

I'm a part time shitter, but I do feel a lot of problems were pre Amazon. Amazon just dug the hole deeper

>> No.11288351

They're literally getting a pay cut, most are just too dumb or too impatient to realize how stocks work

>> No.11288406

>Import 100 million low IQ retards while lowering standards to accommodate them

Jeez I can't figure out why everyone is so dumb nowadays

>> No.11288408

it's natural to feel that the state shouldn't force businesses to pay cripplingly high wages

>> No.11288427

Hi, I'm very interested in finding out which of my fellow employees are talking about unionisation and minimum wage increases.

>> No.11288483

I know this is a day later, but can you provide a source for the chart? I'm interested to read more about it

>> No.11288638

you can still live in the countryside and not have an over hour long commute or be able to bicycle to work. nothing is more comfy than small-town/village bicycling

buying a house 60 miles from where you work just so that you can waste 3 hours a day commuting in a carbon monoxide/posture destroying automobile in bumper to bumper whiteknuckle traffic is unadulterated cuckoldry

>> No.11288656
File: 295 KB, 2400x1536, US_productivity_and_real_wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure this one is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (and the other one I'm assuming). Pretty much every source will have this graph tho. Look up "real wages vs productivity" and "real wages vs corpoate profits" to see whose really gaining from our economic system. Look up Richard Wolff too, hes an economist from harvard who specializes in labor economics.

>> No.11288949

Because most wage cucks that this effects ie minimum wagies are to dumb to get better jobs where their is more verticle movement

>> No.11289738

Yeah you're right, companies aren't going to replace humans with cheaper, more productive robots:

>Robots Could Steal 40% of U.S. Jobs by 2030

You sound like just the kind of low skilled moron who literally has no future

>> No.11289743

Someone asked about manufacturing.

Maybe if you didn't have Down's Syndrome you could follow a conversation.

>> No.11290252

>low skilled moron who literally has no future
>really believes software engineers, engineers of all types, MD's, pharmacists, etc., won't be automated.
Keep living in a fairytale of your own beliefs.

>> No.11290331

I mean it's all anonymous and no one divulges anything person but if you want to join, the email is wholeworkerwfm@gmail.com. They know there are already "spies" in the group but they really don't care.

>> No.11290394
File: 7 KB, 250x226, 1470070725707s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do wagies complain so much? We already let them serve us. What more can they want?

>> No.11290471

I open alone a lot of days. Today, I had someone scheduled with me. I have so little to be thankful for that I thought, "What a great day! We actually have the proper amount of people scheduled!" Then an ATL approached the other opener and told him he had to do something else. I am usually compliant, but today I just fucking lost it. I screamed in his face, "I will not fucking open alone again today, I have done it all last week and I will NOT do it today, I will NOT do it." And you know what, I did not open alone today.

>> No.11290542


33 year old boomer. when i was in school outsourcing was the slippery slope fallacy that was going to take all jobs. how did that go?

>> No.11290547


i dont know wage words like ATL

>> No.11290556

Apparently you don't know how to use context clues either.

>> No.11290560

Badly. Ask an actual boomer how easy it was to get jobs back in the day.

>> No.11290562

ATL = ass-taking legend
It's a mid-level manager who has become famous for taking the ass of cute girls in exchange for giving them easier shifts.

>> No.11290693

The other night the only cashiers we had were the customer service TL, ATL, and the Shifty. One TM (a new kid) closed grocery, specialty, and whole body by themselves.

This was from 5pm to close.

Sure, we're a smaller store, but this is getting ridiculous.

>> No.11290836

>Hell, robots are better at reading xrays and mri's than doctors! Doctors and radiologists aren't even safe!
GOOD. I've come into contact with so many fucking shitty doctors.

>> No.11290864

You realize this is already a thing for some people? What do you think those people wearing business suits are doing talking with their fucking bluetooth in while they walk around town or take public transit? THEY ARE WORKING. Their job requires them to have important conversations all the time.

Do you understand what salary is? When you are paid salary - you work when they need you to. Not by the hour.

>> No.11291041

Good goy! 25 shekels have been deposited in your account, but you have to keep shilling for us for 4 more hours. 4 hours sleep is plenty for you.

>> No.11291110

Fuck that's brutal. How much later past your scheduled times were you there? I'm gonna guess no one saw a gift card for that. It's fucked up cause I am hearing about this from so many people from so many stores - constantly, and thanklessly, having to do the jobs of multiple people.

>> No.11291134

what am I shilling for exactly? I never mentioned a company name.

>> No.11291685

Unironicly this

>> No.11291734

I got hired recently doing that amazon fresh thing in a whole foods.
easiest fucking job ever.
all you do is just walk around the store and pick items for orders.

theres like a bunch of other people doing this as well with me and they always struggle to find shit.
sure its a lot of walking but i dont care. people dont bother me.