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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 338 KB, 1280x1440, bake-off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11283213 No.11283213 [Reply] [Original]

Are you watching the The Great British Bake Off?

>> No.11283253

oi! did they get a loicense for those cooking ingredients m8?

>> No.11283277
File: 10 KB, 236x292, 0a65dc616171917f3a4cce26b3d00618--great-british-the-great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has had some top qts

>> No.11283292

she probably wants a good spanking m8

>> No.11283315

She can have my banger and beans if you know what I mean

>> No.11283320


>> No.11283342
File: 134 KB, 1452x878, E5C6AC35-A140-4A80-95EF-9D821D427F79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has had some lonely lovely qts in the past.

Tfw no qt religious gf to bake wholesome treats for you.

>> No.11283700

she doesn't know it but she was on the great british jerk off

>> No.11283766

>tfw they have disclaimers whenever someone is using a knife on the show

I hate Britain

>> No.11283813

>The Amerilards are at it again!

Shouldn't you dodging mass shootings on your way to McDonalds?

>> No.11283891

It's all about Lucy and that one Russian chick (NOT Ugne)

>> No.11283895

I boycotted it once it left the BBC.

>watching adverts

>> No.11283900 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 230x212, quintessentially.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole show is a psy-op to brainwash people with multiculturalism. Every winner of the GREAT BRITISH BAKE OFF is a brown person.

Remember brown immigrants are just as British as you if not more.

>> No.11283905
File: 288 KB, 655x609, 1411780487737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the UK doesn't have a bigger percentage of obese people
you're fucking pathetic and I will end you

>> No.11283907

The ABSOLUTE STATE of brit-nigs

>> No.11283947

There's been a bunch of other non-brown winners you absolute /pol/tard. Why are you "people" so absolutely stupid

I do however agree that Ian should have been the winner, definitely not Nadia

>> No.11283981


>> No.11283988 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 482x517, quintessentially.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever flick over to that show at least half are foreigners, with the British flag bunting flying over their heads. Could the symbolic suggestion really be any more obvious?

>I do however agree that Ian should have been the winner, definitely not Nadia
Nobody cares about the baking, she won because it was politically useful. The whole intention is to normalise being flooded by alien people with alien cultures, and pacify the population toward this. Creating a strong association with Britishness and the 'other' undermines are our exclusivity as a National and Ethnic Identity.

>> No.11283997
File: 62 KB, 200x195, 1503782360621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Nadia. Unpopular opinion, probs, but she was a sweet heart.

>> No.11284003

Yeah and you're also an anime poster so clearly you have a tiny juvenile mind that is ruined beyond salvation.

>> No.11284025

>National and Ethnic Identity
Why should I care about that?

>> No.11284031


>> No.11284045

>national and ethnic identity
So what?
As an American I consider myself a global citizen
Stop living in the past.

>> No.11284079

Because people of other identities hate you and want to destroy you for belonging to it.

>> No.11284086


see this too

Also we in Britain had a coherent culture and identity as did all European nations and they be were beautiful and diverse and produced great art and science and discovery. All of this to go extinct for materialistic, multiculturalist, coca cola culture that will hinder our future with civil strife, ethnic tension and third world standards forever.

>> No.11284091

Ironic considering the United mutt states is 70% black and has a black master as there head of state

>> No.11284099
File: 223 KB, 320x447, FA451A82-3DEA-4061-B3F6-23F3AF21D9AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of A*glos and Amerilards for whom the notion of national fraternity has been lost. Glad my country and village haven’t succumbed to that disease of yours you seem so eager to spread.

>> No.11284100

Brown people? On my t? Not today schlomo!
>*watches 10 hours of handegg every weekend*

>> No.11284106

Is there a new season

>> No.11284108

I watch the swedish version

>> No.11284314

Everyone except you already thinks of england as a mess of all the cultures and people you shat on in your imperial days. That IS your national identity.

>> No.11284319

Not at all, you don't know English people if you think that.

That's just what the media tells us over and over. Its not our identity, our identity predates the British Empire by a thousand years.

>> No.11284325

...what is he doing with all those spoons he "loses"?

>> No.11284329

too many white people

>> No.11284330
File: 495 KB, 400x226, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in a rural backwater and feel better because muh tradishuns

>> No.11284348

I'm saving the great british bakeoff for when I give up and settle down with some real boring girl.

>> No.11284350

This show taught me how ridiculous British desserts are, they have some nerve making fun of Americans.
>Oi m8 let's stack jam and whipped cream and meringue and jam and butter and jam and clotted cream and lady fingers on fruit and jam and pound cake covered in candied nuts and topped with jam

>> No.11284363


>A show where people have to come up with the most elaborate and entertaining deserts for the person of television are representative of a country's regular deserts.

>> No.11284531

heroin obviously

>> No.11284847

Kek, settling down isnt so bad

>> No.11284849

Are they licensed to have those knives?

>> No.11284853

Definitely more british than wh*tes.

>> No.11284861

yes with based brexit jon.
cabbie from newport who didnt know who monet was but is actually a sound baker and last episode drank a jug of egg whites

>> No.11284869

someone post the russian chick

>> No.11284877
File: 49 KB, 900x506, 24797147 - 16_06_2010 - Spain Rich Duchess - TONI RODRIGUEZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hells yeah

>> No.11284910

My wife hates it

>> No.11284939

1. jon is a blood courier
2. what does he have to do with brexit?

>> No.11285066

I bet you're either a fat incel or a fat boomer divorcee

>> No.11285094

Are you so brainwashed by pol that you can't even enjoy someone baking a cake on a cooking show? Jesus Christ get help man

>> No.11285134

oohh whoops my mistake.
its just a joke because newport voted leave and he fits the "gammon" stereotype, its nothing serious

>> No.11285180

Hi inbred

>> No.11285201
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some contestants ever put drugs in those cakes, to get advantage?

>> No.11285275

>to get advantage?

they take a bite and within ~30 seconds they make a decision. what drug would take effect quicker than that

>> No.11285277

Does your wife have a penis?

>> No.11285288

Your'e cute. Thinks actually what you see on tv is what happen irl.
I got news for you...

>> No.11285464

I have a penis but I like this show

>> No.11285656

>As an American I consider myself a global citizen

Go move to Britain then faggot.

>> No.11285664 [DELETED] 

>Are you so brainwashed by pol that you can't even enjoy someone baking a cake on a cooking show? Jesus Christ get help man

You can always go fuck right back off to reddit or /leftypol/ Moshe.

>> No.11285677

My girlfriend is, so its in my peripheral vision a lot.
Guess that counts.

>> No.11285684
File: 55 KB, 480x640, B5B90DFA-BD1D-4D41-BCD7-454253CA2777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've only ever had wholesome, respectful thoughts about her.

>> No.11285691

Is it me or does everything made on this show look like an absolute fucking mess? Like it was sculpted by five year olds?

>> No.11285727

you are probably the only one.

>> No.11285728

>Is it me or does everything made on this show look like an absolute fucking mess?

Small gene pool across the pond.

>> No.11285748
File: 57 KB, 480x640, BFCBB4C0-3BCB-46A4-8742-6E4A15B1FF07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11285773

lol no wonder british men fly halfway around the world the thailand to fuck traps

>> No.11285790

A lot of them do, but that's what happens when you give amateurs 2 hours to bake a five tier wedding cake

>> No.11285848

>you don't want to talk politics on a cooking board? Back to plebbit
The United States of (you)

>> No.11285867

julia or bust

>> No.11285869

>anime poster
(You), as if your first post wasn’t bait enough you go ahead and do this. 4/10 anon, not very clever and not very subtle overall. See me after class.

>> No.11285952


it's not politics, it's just the truth that british men would rather fuck flip traps than go anywhere near a british woman

>> No.11286040
File: 2.24 MB, 3024x4032, 1538594850736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Manon for me, lads.

>> No.11287463
File: 803 KB, 1366x810, bakeoff27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oi, you take that back m8

>> No.11287487

Now that's what I'm talking about!

>> No.11287535

Now that's what I call cake

>> No.11287731

it's not boring, fuck waiting for a girl, watch it now

>> No.11288052



>> No.11288054

I've watched a couple seasons, but the new ones don't have the same judges...

>> No.11288056

Hey, thailand has some pretty hot traps brah.
Yeah, they aren't as good as japanese and korean traps, but they are damn good compared to american traps.

>> No.11288058


Neck yourself

>> No.11288894

They have limited time and are under pressure. Still looks great.

>> No.11288906

All of them left except for Paul after the show switched from BBC.

>> No.11288917

couldn't be doing with a missus whose name sounds like your mate warning you you're about to get two-footed from behind
would set me on edge

>> No.11288928

You really believe Brits know anything about food?

>> No.11289014
File: 1.75 MB, 4032x3024, DD0B061C-90F2-477B-BF2E-A8FD6D8706D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude. That’s literally me.

>> No.11289151

Most British post I’ve seen in a while

>> No.11289271

no, we just use photosynthesis instead

>> No.11289804

>this is a 10/10 in britistan
oi mate

>> No.11289952

>literally "my mom" competitors
>have like 4 hours to bake a cake
>everyone's plans are always overly complicated and underexecuted
>the judges never even pay attention to the theme of a challenge, they only judge on flavor and texture
>no one is naked, no one is fighting, no one does anything interesting

is this just ASMR for retards who don't cook? why does anyone watch this?

>> No.11289996
File: 73 KB, 201x226, 1538485487208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Heh, oh yeah? Well...uhh..you watch anime!

Ha, got him good"

>> No.11290354

>t. likes asian bugwomen
She's easily a 9 and I'm not even british

>> No.11290371

A 9? Come on now

>> No.11290381

I mean she's a qt

>> No.11290400

>Every winner of the GREAT BRITISH BAKE OFF is a brown person.
Demonstrably untrue you dullard. Why is /pol/ so fragile they are triggered at the sight of literally one brown person. www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/1652659/great-british-bake-off-winners-full-list-edd-kember-candice-brown-sophie-faldo/amp/

>> No.11290409

A chinese cartoon watcher does NOT count a human being so yes.

>> No.11290417

Yeah, most British desserts are much worse.

>> No.11290428

It's pretty obvious that the insecure immigrant is going to be Britain's best baker.

>> No.11290871

Couple years ago they literally rigged it so a paki woman won despite the guy being an objectively better baker. Fucking state.

>> No.11290901

Not her fault Ian inexplicably decided a fucking carrot cake would be a winning season finale showstopper

>> No.11291011

yeah, the young one who was like 20

>> No.11291014

you realize her husband met her when she was 17?