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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11281485 No.11281485 [Reply] [Original]

Is this what peak autism looks like? I cannot imagine what shit it takes to microwave the same meal(s) 7 days in a row and not want to kill yourself

>> No.11281505

I agree, I can't even stand it for 2 meals in a row. I have a feeling most people who do this end up throwing away most of the meals because they start to seem too unappealing.
Like just roast a chicken on sunday and use it for multiple different meals throughout the week

>> No.11281512

It’s mainly for people who are very busy.

Also I lost 40lbs a few years back and ate the same menu everyday. It was easier and cheaper than worrying about what to eat.

>> No.11281518

Hope you don't think chicken will stay fresh for a week...

>> No.11281521

I'm with you. Every person I know that does this is an absolutely boring, unhappy individual to be around.

Get some fucking variety in your life. All of these people probably eat at their desk getting more work done too.

>> No.11281529

I'm a full time student, athlete, and a part time worker. It's fine if your cock-sucking hobby pays all your bills OP, but I have to parcel out my hours very carefully to make sure I can succeed at everything, and spending an hour or more every day cooking and cleaning is a waste of time I could be doing something more productive.

>> No.11281541

I'm so fucking grateful I have the skill to purchase versatile ingredients for the pantry that I can whip up anything in less the 30 minutes.

>> No.11281544

I put half in the freezer unless it's versatile like rice and beans. works out well if you actually live with someone who will eat some of your food (and then subsequently pay you back in sexual favors).
as for that OP pic, why do people put salads into containers with food that needs to be or tastes better heated? hahaha stupid vegans

>> No.11281549

Yeah, microwaving that stuff can be soul destroying, I just eat it cold. Tastes good enough.

>> No.11281551

It probably would, but I've never had it last more than 4-5 days honestly.

>> No.11281558

>I just eat it cold.
do you have to oversalt the food in order to get it to taste good?

>> No.11281559

I can do that, too. But I can also whip up five times the quantity in the same amount of time and spend the following afternoon doing nothing but smoke a bit of weed and read poetry.

>> No.11281565

Not everyone does a rotation of menu items at McD's, sweetie.

>> No.11281573

na, you spend 3 minutes and make a sandwich or egg dish on days where you fuck around.

>> No.11281602

>I just eat it cold

>> No.11281610

Are you busy? Do you need to make lunch for your kids? Are you on a diet plan? Do you lack discipline to cook everyday? Do you like being ultra efficient at the expense of freshness/ variety in food?

If these don't apply to you, then meal prep isn't for you.

>> No.11281614

I have the same breakfast and lunch everyday, it's fine.

>> No.11281615

Right, but switch it up a bit

>> No.11281619

Because you're a bland person.

>> No.11281637

It sounds like meal prep is perfect for me then lmao XD

>> No.11281640

Not at all, it's utilitarian for my veggies and protein intake for #gainz and then I make supplemental shit and have variation with dinner. Made anpan the other day and tomorrow's project will be taking a homemade laminated dough and turning it into a meat pie of some kind.

>> No.11282129

I could understand having a couple of these a week, but every day the same thing would be awful. If I would have an afternoon to cook up and package a few different kinds of foods, then it wouldn't be so bad

>> No.11282144

Frontiersmen used to eat the same meal for weeks, faggots

>> No.11282162

I hope this person warms up this stuff in the plate. Eating out of plastic sucks (even though you kind of have to on the go)

>> No.11282178

>larping as a frontiersman
Go away kid

>> No.11282189

Spotted the gay

>> No.11282207

I can eat the same bowl of cereal everyday.

>> No.11282248

It's not that hard to have variety. Each meal gets three items. I make one entree, commonly chicken, and then four sides. Then I can mix and match the sides so that each meal is a bit different. Given I only do this for lunch so I have at least one other meal a day that is different.
Also if you're making good food why would you get tired of it?

>> No.11282388

But, OP, you eat semen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

>> No.11282427
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>> No.11282485

>full time student
Translation: I spend all of 15 hours a week going to classes and doing homework

>> No.11282513

During college I was eating waffles for every meal of the day for two weeks.

>> No.11282542

>Cook dinner as normal, but make triple portion
>Freeze two portions
>repeat all week
>By the end of the week have 14 varied meals for the days I'm too tired or lazy to cook
Try using your brain next time before making a bait thread

>> No.11282551

>An hour a day cooking
Bitch it takes me 20min to cook 4 meals worth while watching TV, git gud

>> No.11282602

how safe is it to reuse plastic containers from the freezer to the microwave over and over?

are there glass ones?

i want to try this but im concerned about BPAs and plastics and cancer and shit

>> No.11282604
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>100% vegan

>> No.11282608

Most plastic containers are perfectly fine. There are glass ones but aside from being more expensive they don't stack and store as well if they have multiple compartments.

>> No.11282641
File: 31 KB, 454x550, flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh veggies with fried rice and fried tofu

those veggies are going to be limp and sad when it gets microwaved

>> No.11282645

>I need all this time to do things!
>posts on 4chan for no good reason

>> No.11282669

I can eat the same shit for days. I usually crave things in long cycles so this stuff is easy for me

>> No.11282674

how do you learn this

>> No.11283546

tried this with gf but by day 3 we didn't even want to look at the meal and eneed up ordering out instead.
Reminds me of why I can't stand red sauce spaghetti now- my mom would make so much it's all we would eat every meal for a week or more.

>> No.11283552

this. College is easier than ever, any kid who thinks college and a part time job is hard will never make it in life.

>> No.11283554


>> No.11283555

You just prep three days in a row. Then you have three weeks worth of meals that you can alternate between, and also mix and match for different combos. Plus you can break it up with the occasional fresh meal. I think people who can't imagine prepping without having the same thing every day are the true autists. That would be you, autist.

>> No.11283854

It takes a balanced fucking mental state

>> No.11283857


>> No.11283863


>> No.11283870

I used to think it was tough too
The best part, remeembering, is all the kids who cried about having a 9 am class, and how much sympathy they got from everyone else

>> No.11283930

make sure you get microwave safe containers and you're good.

>> No.11283941

>100% vegan
>Is this what peak autism looks like?

obviously yes

>> No.11283945

You’d get tired of the same meal after day two. Now imagine eating the same meal for a week straight and it’s getting progressively older and shittier as you grow more tired of it. You literally have to be autistic.

>> No.11283962

The money they save goes towards alcohol so they don't mind what they eat

>> No.11283968

>15 hours a week going to class and doing homework

What kind of piss easy program did you do? I have over 15 hours of just classes, and I spend several hours each day doing projects, papers, and reading.

>> No.11283984

Sure you do.
How much time do you spend on 4chan and browsing shemale sites you faggot?

>> No.11285092

Preppers don't like food. They only see it as fuel, a necessary evil to be able to continue functioning. They're one step away from being soylent/huel/liquid cardboard/etc drinkers.

>> No.11285102

What's the autismo's hatred with the word ``whip''?

>> No.11285147

multitask bro. cook while listening to a podcast/radio

>> No.11285491

As opposed to what, meal prepling?

>> No.11285505

it's how homosexuals talk

>> No.11285536

working 40 hours (developer), studying day studies at institute of technology and cooking my meals every day
come at me bro

>> No.11285548

Probably 30 minutes collectively. I just browse when I’m waiting in line and shit.

>> No.11285560

oh, so it's a trigger word for the closeted.

>> No.11285613

i am a shit cook and i can only cook few meals properly. i dream of having a wife who knows how to cook.
i want to die.

>> No.11285619

you're hitting on very sensitive spots and it hurts, deeply.

>> No.11285919

I've tried it, but it never really works out. I get bored of repeated meals very quickly and I just end up eating out. I can barely stand leftovers

>> No.11286002


by day 5 it must be eating sopping mush

>> No.11286159

I just want to die period. A wife would just be icing on the cake

>> No.11286180
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It's what many recovering fat people have to do. I never took that route but I can see the appeal. It's useful for people who don't have a good grasp of the concept of nutrition at first, that way they know for sure what they can eat every day and continue making progress.

>> No.11286196

You know if you put things in the oven they just cook all by themselves. I made myself a pizza today from scratch and it took two hours, but 90% of that time I spent sitting on my butt browsing channy.