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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 420 KB, 2365x2365, 0848f229-2815-4650-9ac3-c6e3fff07c6b_1.cbf598c2170c23ff47552cc9ff430a75[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11279255 No.11279255 [Reply] [Original]

>see this being shilled on /ck/
>a week later see it at H-Mart
>get it because why not
>use it on trader joe's stir fry instead of included sauce packet

What other /ck/ shilled items aren't just memes?

inb4 aardfart sauce

>> No.11280395

It's nice. It's a table condiment not an ingredient, you throw it on stir-fry/soup/whatever to taste. Not really very hot.

>> No.11280424

>cast iron skillet
i have one and i live to cook on it
kinda annoying at times but its endearing in a sort of way
>carmelized onions
you do have to carmelize them bitches for an hour and a half or so at minimum

>> No.11280581


>> No.11280608

Try the crispy version of you haven't, it's got the most ma la. You can taste Sichuan peppercorn as well, I always find the little tofu weirdly crunchy and after a while it goes stale. There's no tofu bullshit in the crispy version.

>> No.11280710
File: 201 KB, 852x581, 1530596484684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that /ck/ memes that are actually good:
>secret aardvark
>japanese fuzzy logic rice cookers
>sous vide immersion circulators
>angry grandma sauce
>michelin starred restaurants
>anchovy pizza

Things that /ck/ memes that are actually terrible, and only posted ironically:
>monster energy drinks
>chili without beans
>not tipping

>> No.11280729

Fuck off cunt, I love mt. Instant pot.

>> No.11280731

Fuck off cunt, I love my Instant pot.

>> No.11280736

The instapot is a nippon rice cooker with more features, faggot

>> No.11280738

I wanna climb that mountain

>> No.11280772

Instant Pot makes shitty rice, though.

>> No.11280848
File: 14 KB, 201x251, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based list. Is aardvark actually any good? I've outright refused to buy it because of the stupid memeing

>> No.11280853

Tipping is unironically a blight on our culture, and rice cookers are only useful if you eat too much filler food.

>> No.11280916

>Is aardvark actually any good

It's a solid table sauce. Really good flavor, but not anything super hot. Even if they sell it where you live you'll probably be disappointed with how much it costs after all the hype, but compared to something like cock sauce (they're completely different), which everyone on the internet slathers on everything, it's a real step up.

>> No.11280942
File: 287 KB, 1321x884, 1515740446314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a solid table sauce. Really good flavor, but not anything super hot. Even if they sell it where you live you'll probably be disappointed with how much it costs after all the hype, but compared to something like cock sauce (they're completely different), which everyone on the internet slathers on everything, it's a real step up.

>> No.11280990

You make shitty rice, faggot. Leave Instapot out of it.

>> No.11280998

Indomie is fuckin great fuck off

>> No.11281019

>You know what I need to make this meal complete? Some fucking OIL to slather over the top....but with peppers in it!
Pure garbage. Just add the spice and shitcan the oil.

>> No.11281052

Is it abbo appreciation day or something in 'straya? Shouldn't you be in school right now?

>> No.11281128
File: 6 KB, 231x250, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget pic related

>> No.11281157

Chili with beans sucks you fucking retard. Go ahead and look at chili competitions, not one submission has beans because it does nothing positive for the flavor, it's just bulk to cut into the chili.

Chili without beans is GOAT

>> No.11281173

It would be much easier to post the short list of quality yt people rather than listing all the garbage; but both jack and weins are pretty bad.

>> No.11281212

I'm not sure if I like angry grandma, it makes me sick if I eat more than just a little

>> No.11281623


>> No.11281635

Everything about this is wrong

>> No.11281839

I think it's time for you to leave.

>> No.11281916

pic is bullshit. have Cholula and Tapatio switch places for a more accurate pic.

>> No.11281939

Don't slander my waifu like that
Cholula shouldn't even be considered hot sauce, you just dump it on everything because it's a nice flavor. I say that in the least capsaicinfag way possible.

>> No.11281949
File: 80 KB, 1440x1080, Oh Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get on my level, OP. I happened to stop by a Asian grocery yesterday and found this glorious jar. Good thing, too. As you can see I was at the end of my last six jar Amazon shipment.

>> No.11281983

>get on my level, op
>i bought the exact same thing posted in the op

Yes, all of us non-flyovers have access to at least a couple Asian grocery stores.

>> No.11282410

>Cholula > Tapatio
I agree, Cholula is probably my favourite hot sauce and I've tried everything I could get my hands on.
Tapatio is Tobasco-tier

>Cholula shouldn't even be considered hot sauce, you just dump it on everything because it's a nice flavor
It's hot, just not extremely hot. I agree that it's more about the flavour though. Actually, I tend to take a bottle and drop in a few drops of Blair's Megadeath and swish it around. That makes my ideal hot-sauce that is both flavourful and hot.

>> No.11282429

hard plastic cubes
chewy chinese newpaper strips
bits of red plastic flakes that dont digest
penuts and or soy beans

>> No.11282469

>hard plastic cubes
>chewy chinese newpaper strips
again, what?
>bits of red plastic flakes that dont digest
they digest just fine for me
>penuts and or soy beans
your not supposed to eat the beans

>> No.11282556

>your not supposed to eat the beans

they are edible just fine, i love them

>> No.11282677

what's this anon talking about i just ordered some because of this thread, did i meme myself

>> No.11282713

Never trust anything Chinese.

>> No.11282727

Cancelled my order

>> No.11282771


>> No.11282776

>sous vide immersion circulators
Are you kidding? These are literally a tragic meme. People give themselves food poisoning using these ALL THE TIME. You need to constantly be checking temps, and even then it usually won't tell you what the temp is inside the bag. Professional sous vide setups are like thousands of dollars to do it safely and well.

While we're on the subject, don't ever do the "box fan dried beef jerky" meme, either. If your dehydrator can't conform to the same FDA regulations that professional jerky makers use, don't bother.

Also Secret Aardvark isn't necessarily bad, but it's no better than any other hot sauce, just different. So it kinda belongs in the bottom category. The 'varker faggots on here are obviously trolling, though.

>> No.11282809

hes shitposting, these chilli crisps are the bomb


>> No.11282983

Went to g mart because its closer spent 15 mins in the sauce/chilli isle couldnt find anything like this fml should i just kill my self?

>> No.11282987

Uncancelled my order

>> No.11282995

enjoy the worst sauce meme'd on /ck/.
did I mention theres SOY BEANS in it?

>> No.11283027

this is crack

i cant be the only one to scoop some out onto a saucer to eat while im watching movies

>> No.11283635

Almost 100% agree except for IPA. It's good but not to the level of shill

>> No.11283710


Ding Ding Ding

>> No.11283769

This is a great troll post because it's about 80% correct but the other 20% is highly explosive flame bait

Kiddies from twitter and other zoomer sites, look upon this post and learn how it's done. Not just posting a pepe image and 1 line of stupid text.

>> No.11283787

if you like that brand, try making szichuan chili oil at home, it's even better

>> No.11283994

>angry grandma sauce
FWIW: The actual translation of lao gan ma is something like: old foster-mother

t. live in China

That stuff costs about $1 in the corner store in China, I hope you're not paying too much for it.

>> No.11284678

This stuff tastes good but it’s barely even considered food. My body does not even try to digest it. Looks exactly the same coming out.

>> No.11284689

Nobody cares