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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 751x501, battered-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11268935 No.11268935 [Reply] [Original]

Irish man here wondering something. Am I right in saying you lads don't have batter burgers in the US?

That's weird..

>> No.11268939

The only battered burgers they have are black housewives.

>> No.11268968

Fucking kek

>> No.11268971

Lol niggers amirite

>> No.11268974
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Chicken Fried Steak is similar

>> No.11268984
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that is strange.

we'll batter chicken. we'll batter fish.

why not burgers?

>> No.11268986



It just seems like a strange thing that you think of America, you think burgers, you think fried food, but they don't have batter burgers.

Read this


>> No.11268987

>Implying they'd stay around long enough to batter them
If your gonna do your edgy shit at least get it right.

>> No.11268988

Burgers? Sure. Fried food? Not so much. I think Scotland when you say fried.

>> No.11268991

Batter burgers aren't real burgers and as such this is literally false advertising and illegal to make in the USA.

>> No.11268995

No but we got burgers witht fried mac and cheese as buns.

>> No.11268998

Even battered hot dogs are huge. Very curious.

>> No.11269000




When I think of Scotland it's deep fried mars bars


"pattys" whatever


What the fuck?

>> No.11269141

My mom did this when i was a kid. She called it
>poor man's chicken fried steak
She did the same thing with spam

>> No.11269156

country fried steak

>> No.11269191

We call it "country-fried steak."

>> No.11269239

Very curious, considering we are burger kings and fried food kings, why aren't battered/fried burgers more popular. Heck, I can't say I ever even seen one

>> No.11269246

Chicken-fried steak, basically, and most people don't like to double up on major carbs in a food item (e.g. pasta in a sandwich is rare).

>> No.11269278
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>> No.11269289

Uppa fuckin steakettes lad, IRA IRA Uth

>> No.11269290

Half of those look like pork tenderloin or chicken fried steak though. Have you ever seen a battered burger in the wild?

>> No.11269298

Good point, but still curious that the burger isn't more popular

>> No.11269302

Have not heard of the chicken sammich?

>> No.11269307

chicken fried steak would be the closest thing you'd want to do

Hamburger meat already has a decent fat content, and lean hamburger doesn't hold its form very well. The meat you use for chicken fried steak is still contiguous, although highly tenderized to the point where it's pretty close to a lean ground beef.

I'm aware, thus the lack of hard absolutes in my verbiage.

>> No.11269316

OP has a legit point. There are few places in USA that serve a battered burger.

>> No.11269353

It's because they aren't very good for reasons I stated above. It sounds like it should work, but it really, really doesn't. I've tried both battered, as well as breaded.

>> No.11269358

Because you say so? I've had it and it's great. Ever had The Dude at DQ?

>> No.11269364

Yes, that is a chicken fried steak sandwich, dipshit.

>> No.11269377

You said people don't like to double up on major carbs. I gave 2 examples of fast food items with double major carbs. My point stands. There are few restaurants in USA with battered burger patties.

>> No.11269381
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we used to get them in scotland but now they've hard come by. its like we evolved

>> No.11269387

I said *most* people, and I almost put more indefinites like "usually" and "typically" and "in most cases" to avoid this sort of dipshittery.

Kill yourself, pedant.

>> No.11269397

Y so mad, bro? You little faggots always get mad when you lose a debate.

>> No.11269404

I've never seen a deep fried burger except in fairs, but in fairs they fry pretty much everything. closest thing i can think of is chicken fried steak, but it's not battered like fish is, it's coated in flour.

>> No.11269442

Maybe because at fast food chains, they would need to have an extra fryer just for the beef + clean it even more than the fryers for fries (let's be honest, burger flippers aren't all smart) and maybe extra station just to have the batter made to prevent cross contamination.

At a regular place like a bar where there aren't a shitload of corporate guidelines, it's possible. You probably just need to ask if you want them to. In my two years of working at a sports bar, no one has ever asked for something like that off-menu but have asked for other things like deep frying the ribs chinese style rather than putting it on the grill.

>> No.11269448

why do celtics batter and deep fry literally everything?

>> No.11269456
File: 119 KB, 1063x800, typical irish dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're Irish
>We throw everything in a pot and boil it
>Then we take it out of the pot and deep fry it

>> No.11269460

British isles have little farmable acres so food is historically scarce.
Batter and deep frying increase the calories of the valuable meat.

>> No.11269481
File: 10 KB, 200x200, Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dyers in Memphis, TN deep fries their burgers in 100+ yo grease that's never been changed but they don't batter it. There's 100 years worth of residue in there that probably acts as a batter of sorts.

>> No.11270650
File: 375 KB, 1667x1253, lol ok texass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget about alaska size?

>> No.11270653

No, what the fuck is that monstrosity?

>> No.11270657

We have chicken fried steak but not chicken fried hamburgers

>> No.11270675

Someone call the department of health

>> No.11270825
File: 42 KB, 1000x667, chicken-fried-steak-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ecological niche in burgerland is taken by chicken fried steak, which is superior to batter burgers in every way. Did you honestly think that a country in which fried ice cream is a common fair item has never considered frying their signature meat product? We considered it, and found it wanting.

>> No.11270880


>shitty quality meat left overs and offal minced to shit
>fuck tonne of additives to flavour mystery sludge
>crumbed and deep fried to hide god awful appearance and texture

So, beef nuggets? It's not a batter burger. It's beef nuggets. And looks fucking terrible. Stick to pizza crunch for your early 30s coronary.

>> No.11271206

They had them from delis in NYC, usually they got called Jamacian paddys

>> No.11271913
File: 8 KB, 224x224, 肉馅饼.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China unironically has a native version of this.
Usually shallow fried but not always and it's shallow in more oil than you'd expect so it's not actually that shallow.

>> No.11271923

Bacteria don't thrive in 350F+ oil. There are very few anaerobic bacteria, and I doubt the ones that live around volcanic vents in the ocean are one of them.

>> No.11272245

Always loved em when I went to Ireland, I'm seeing them more in the UK but still not every chippy will have them. I've seen frozen battered burgers advertised in farm foods but yet to try them

Also for all you know it all burgers, they taste nothing like chicken fried steak

>> No.11272715

And viral proteins would denature.
There might well be carcinogens formed from protein scraps though.

>> No.11272740

>That's weird..
As an American I agree, that is weird. I don't think any of the attempted explanations in this thread do a good job making sense of it either. I tried searching around for an answer just now but I'm not seeing any information about why this is the case. Maybe someone will eventually figure it out and post the answer here. I hope so because this is going to bother me if I don't get that answer closure.

>> No.11272747

What about prions? Could some infected nervous tissue that somehow made it in there do the trick?

>> No.11272778

>not irish-american
Come on, man, it was right there. He set you up perfectly.

>> No.11274039

>not irish housewives
come on

>> No.11274044

We've got chicken fried steak, but it's not a burger

>> No.11274188
File: 72 KB, 876x579, laowhy86 what my chinese wife found weird about america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to try this but I don't know where to get gutter oil :/

>> No.11274213

i know the jaw is shooped but holy shit those bulging eyes are real

>> No.11274424

chicken fried steak is the ultimate food

>> No.11274439

what are you talking about beef steak is unequivocally better than any preparation of chicken

>> No.11274476

"Chicken fried steak" is beefsteak that has been tenderized, and breaded similarly to fried chicken.

>> No.11274485
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>> No.11274487

Chicken Fried Steak *IS* beef. It means "beef that's breaded and fried in the manner of fried chicken". It's basically the same thing as schnitzel.

>> No.11274502

No but that sounds delicious. Why don’t we have batter burgers?

>> No.11274520
File: 159 KB, 900x709, bhwbet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we do, we just don't half ass it and batter deep fry the whole thing.

>> No.11274521
File: 511 KB, 642x479, 1537151239550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black wives
>not baby mamas

>> No.11274522

You'd be wrong. All vent bacteria are anaerobic.

>> No.11274845

>What about prions?
Prions are proteins moron, completely denatured by the boiling oil and no longer bioactive.
You could literally cook and eat mad cow brain in there and be fine (well you probably could anyway due to the incubation period but doubly so).
t. proteonomics minor

You should overcome your memes and try these because they're awesome. They're actually a Chinese version of a Mongolian dish, both kinds are great.

>> No.11275608

Go back to working reception in an office and annoying everyone at lunch time about being a fat cunt and red wine memes.

>> No.11275640

That's not a batter burger, that's a batter patty. You can't deep fry ground meat and call it a burger, that's just fried Salisbury steak. Americans do however take full hamburgers, that is, a patty and condiments between two buns, and stick that whole darn thing in the deep fryer. This is typically a redneck thing though that you won't find outside of the deep south, it's not something you'd find all over.

>> No.11275954

I think I'm going to experiment with this. Breaded, rather than buttered. Panko crumbs. Salt and lemon.

>> No.11275972

USA #1

>> No.11277424

>No but that sounds delicious. Why don’t we have batter burgers?
I know, this is the strangest food mystery I've ever seen. I can't find anything about why America doesn't have battered hamburgers on Google and nobody in this thread so far has come anywhere close to providing an actual explanation for this that isn't just head canon bullshit like "it'd be too many carbs" or "chicken-fried steak already occupies that niche."

>> No.11277431

>"chicken-fried steak already occupies that niche."
How is that "headcanon"? It's a pretty clear thing if you ask me.

Not to mention the fact that a battered burger won't have a sear on it. No sear means no maillard reaction, and thus much less meaty taste compared to a seared burger.

>> No.11277460

It's simple, the food quality in the USA is higher than anywhere else in the world. Even our poorest eat better than upper middle class anywhere else. These battered burgers are of a lower quality than White Castle so the yurotards deep fry to mask the stench. Even using gutter oil they are still better than eating their normal burger made from British school girls

>> No.11277498

>How is that "headcanon"?
Because that hasn't stopped a million other pairs of nearly identical food products that are common in the US from both existing. In fact calling it head canon was putting it mildly, that argument is just blatantly wrong.
>No sear means no maillard reaction, and thus much less meaty taste compared to a seared burger.
And this explanation is exactly what I meant by 'head canon'. It sounds logical, but it's a really specific imagined story that almost certainly isn't the real explanation. And similar to the niche argument, there are plenty of other cases of US food products that have qualities to them which yield less flavor compared to some alternative preparation approach, that never stops products from existing with any other foods in the US so I seriously doubt it's what's behind the battered burger case.
And this is just lazy bait.

>> No.11278508


>> No.11278540

>In fact calling it head canon was putting it mildly, that argument is just blatantly wrong.
> that almost certainly isn't the real explanation

so why don't you share the real explanation with us, since you're so sure you know what it is? Because right now it sounds like you have your own version of headcanon.

>> No.11278613

chicken fried steak uses chicken stock, country fried steak does not.

>> No.11278650

a small but important difference

>> No.11278743

>since you're so sure you know what it is
No you idiot, learn to read. I made it very clear I have no idea what the explanation is. That's why this has been bothering me. Just because I can tell your answer was made up bullshit doesn't mean I know what the real answer is. I honestly have a hard time even conceptualizing how you could misread that badly, your interpretation that I know the answer wouldn't make any sense at all, why would I be posting about how annoying it is to not know why these aren't a popular US fast food item if I did know why? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11279018

what the fuck do americans really stew their battered burgers in chicken stock???

>> No.11279024

>Texas within Texas

>> No.11279032

Ever heard of Little Italy, moron? Or Chinatown?

>> No.11279058

>Just because I can tell your answer was made up bullshit doesn't mean I know what the real answer is.

>>why would I be posting about how annoying it is to not know why these aren't a popular US fast food item if I did know why?
Because your brain is broken?

>>What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'd ask you the same, given you post crap like:
>Just because I can tell your answer was made up bullshit doesn't mean I know what the real answer is.

If you don't know the answer then you can't possibly know which answers are wrong and which are right. I think you meant to say:

>The answers I see given, while reasonable, do not satisfy my autism.

>> No.11279102

the gravy

>> No.11279177
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>> No.11279626
File: 178 KB, 1190x906, bd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't know the answer then you can't possibly know which answers are wrong
Holy shit, are you just fucking with me right now?
>If you don't know what Microsoft's total revenue for 2018 will be, you can't say it won't be five dollars and change
>If you don't know the exact time for the Sun burning out, you can't say it didn't already burn out during the early Renaissance period
>If you don't know the largest prime number, you can't say it isn't an even number
>Since they didn't solve the P=NP problem, Scott Aaronson and Avi Wigderson can't say arithmetization proofs are insufficient to solve it
Just never post here again, please.

>> No.11279641

I can't get over that you actually believe this. You actually, genuinely, non-ironically believe it's impossible to both not have an answer to a question and to know when a proposed answer to that question isn't the right one? What about the process of elimination? You're effectively saying nobody can do that either since they somehow need to know the answer before they can know which wrong answers to eliminate.
How? How did you think this?

>> No.11279998

Do britfats really do this?

>> No.11280003
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>> No.11280042

>You could literally cook and eat mad cow brain in there and be fine (well you probably could anyway due to the incubation period but doubly so).
>t. proteonomics minor

You cannot cook away prions from a mad cow. You can even wash it in acid and it wouldn't go away.

t. Doctoral Candidate in Neuropsychology

>> No.11280077

We do have batter burgers in the US, we call them "fried wagon wheels". Common toppings, often included in the batter dip, are green tomato slices.

>> No.11280086

Jesus bro, turn the autism down before your head explodes.

>>You actually, genuinely, non-ironically believe it's impossible to both not have an answer to a question and to know when a proposed answer to that question isn't the right one?
In this case? Yes.

>>What about the process of elimination?
What about it?

You don't appear to be using the process of elimination, or any sort of logical thought. You're just saying "those answers are wrong just because". You might come across as something other than a lunatic sperg if you explained your reasoning. But it is logically inconsistent for you to claim all answers are wrong without explanation, and then assert that you don't know the answer either.

Why not just say "those answers, while logical, aren't correct in my sperghead"? Then we'd all be clear on what was going on.

>> No.11280116

There are recorded cases of incinerating mad cow prions in a furnace and finding surviving prions.

>> No.11280124

CART Wheels.

>> No.11280131

>He doesn't know about the size of Texas.

>> No.11280147

They filter or do some other shit to it, but that is disgusting. Almost as bad as Nashville hot chicken or red eye gravy.

>> No.11280174

>You don't appear to be using the process of elimination, or any sort of logical thought. You're just saying "those answers are wrong just because".
>How is that "headcanon"?
Because that hasn't stopped a million other pairs of nearly identical food products that are common in the US from both existing.
Disagree with it all you want, but don't pretend that's not an argument.
And you're still outlandishly stupid for claiming you need to already have the answer to a mystery in order to know if a given claim of an answer is wrong.

>> No.11280242


t. coastal

Chicken fried steak is fried in oil in the same manner as fried chicken and the gravy is added after cooking, where as country fried steak is battered, pan seared, and then finished off by simmering in the gravy.

>> No.11280258

We don't have batter burgers, just etter burgers

>> No.11280331

Imagine if it were a burger patty instead of just some bullshit cubesteak though. It'd melt in your mouth

>> No.11281072

Texas is bigger on the inside bitch

>> No.11281137

So's your mom after I got done with her, kid.

>> No.11282325

>You cannot cook away prions from a mad cow. You can even wash it in acid and it wouldn't go away.
Prions are folded proteins, how would they not denature in extreme heat?

>> No.11282940


>> No.11282946

Your mom was a dumb dirty whore who would have rather been getting doubled up on by niggers than be in the same room with you for one more second. It's why you always thought she secretly hated you....she did.

>> No.11283850


>> No.11283937


>> No.11284299
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>> No.11285864

>And you're still outlandishly stupid for claiming you need to already have the answer to a mystery in order to know if a given claim of an answer is wrong.
I wasn't talking about general cases, spergie. I'm talking about this specific one here.

You claim to be using the "process of elimination", yet if that's true you are being entirely mum as to your reasoning. You're just shooting down everything as wrong.

Given that you are not providing any explanation as to *why* each of the various theories are wrong the only sound conclusion is that there's a flaw in your brain somewhere.

>> No.11285883

>you are not providing any explanation as to *why*
Why can't you read? Here, try again:
>How is that "headcanon"?
>Because that hasn't stopped a million other pairs of nearly identical food products that are common in the US from both existing.
See? That's a reason you idiot.

>> No.11285892

>You claim to be using the "process of elimination"
No I don't. I just pointed out if you really believed it was impossible to be able to recognize wrong answers before having a right answer then that would mean the process of elimination doesn't exist. You're really bad at reading and understanding. Maybe try slowing down so you don't keep on making these mistakes.