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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 550x550, white-bread-51-550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11270448 No.11270448 [Reply] [Original]

why in the fuck do people still eat white bread

>> No.11270453

Because some sandwiches taste nicer on white bread and all toast tastes better on white bread.
I fucking love brown and seeded mad cunt bread but sometimes white is right.

>> No.11270458

Why are people still eating bread. Rice is the only way, so fuckin neck yourself

>> No.11270462

How you gonna make cinnamon toast on fucking oat nut shit?

>> No.11270472
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, An_image_of_a_toast_sandwich,_shot_from_the_side[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toast tastes better on white bread

>> No.11270477

rice has more arsenic than other grains, especially brown rice, which is bad because white rice sucks.

>> No.11270478
File: 135 KB, 1024x707, wonderbread fetish lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11270480

Explain immediately

>> No.11270481

Has a point.

>> No.11270483

Then get it from the right source you poorfag. Do everyone a favor and die already

>> No.11270484
File: 241 KB, 1200x1018, 2n922leuunj01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11270486

Cinnamon toast on oat nut is bomb

>> No.11270488

All rice absorbs more arsenic than other grains because it's grown differently

>> No.11270493

You gonna make grilled cheese with pumpernickel?

>> No.11270495

>then get it right from the source


Rice paddies are treated with arsenic pesticides and considering they’re in soil and water they absorb substantial amounts of arsenic naturally

>> No.11270501

bread is for losers that still live in the 80's

>> No.11270510

Yes. Why not?

>> No.11270514

because they are 4 years old, 15 grain whole wheat is fucking far superior especially after being toasted.

>> No.11270515

Which rice paddies? What country, part of country, producer, distributer, shit for brains. You talking about rice from Chinkland? Well no shit, they got pink rice and the locals have the option of cancer or starvation

>> No.11270525


>> No.11270539

What am I gonna put under my fried chicken

>> No.11270545

>rice has moderate levels of arsenic regardless of source

Rice from the States has more arsenic than anywhere

Anymore strawmen?

>> No.11270556

Private ricefield, lowborn scum

>> No.11270569

Oh so you privately get arsenic in your rice. Congratulations faggot!

Neck yourself

>> No.11270572

dude arsenic lmao

>> No.11270573


>> No.11270586

Sauce on your data? I suspect you're info is unreliable.

Massive faggot detected

>> No.11270597

>make a retarded claim that isn’t remotely close to any consensus
>dont source it

Kill yourself, retard

>> No.11270614

Oh yeah and this too you fucking retard

>The mean As concentrations for rice from the U.S. and Europe (both 0.198 mg kg(-1)) were statistically similar and significantly higher than rice from Asia (0.07 mg kg(-1)).

Dumb faggot. You’re really fucking stupid, you know that you stupid little bitch? Go cry to daddy now little boy

>> No.11270615

No, you. I bet you don't even eat bread regularly

>> No.11270629

>Eating rice from anywhere from Japan
Huh...what makes you think I eat burgerbrand shit?

>> No.11270632

>flyover brainlet thinks his walmart rice is from japan


>> No.11270648

Botan don't qualify faggot. Die already. I bet you eat Texas thick toasts

>> No.11270662


Kill yourself. Your parents will thank you for once

>> No.11270678

...are you coming on to me? I'll die if you die

>> No.11270685 [DELETED] 

It's easier to digest than whole-grain bread.
White bread is worse for you if you're fat / diabetic, but better whole-grain is worse for you if you have GI problems.
>What Is a Low-Residue Diet?
>It limits high-fiber foods, like whole-grain breads and cereals, nuts, seeds, raw or dried fruits, and vegetables.
>"Residue" is undigested food, including fiber, that makes up stool. The goal of the diet is to have fewer, smaller bowel movements each day. That will ease symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, gas, and stomach cramping.

>> No.11270694

>...are you coming on to me?
Are you a woman? Then yes.

>> No.11270699

>>11270448 (OP)
It's easier to digest than whole-grain bread.
White bread is worse for you if you're fat / diabetic, but whole-grain is worse for you if you have GI problems.
>What Is a Low-Residue Diet?
>It limits high-fiber foods, like whole-grain breads and cereals, nuts, seeds, raw or dried fruits, and vegetables.
>"Residue" is undigested food, including fiber, that makes up stool. The goal of the diet is to have fewer, smaller bowel movements each day. That will ease symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, gas, and stomach cramping.

>> No.11270709

Ha, got catfished by an anon...what a faggot.
>t. Tranny