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File: 37 KB, 1024x682, italian-feast-RY4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11248199 No.11248199 [Reply] [Original]

For me, a tossup between Italy (mozzarella, gorgonzola, ricotta) and Britain (stilton, Wensleydale, Red Leicester)

>> No.11248231

t. fat Nigel

>> No.11248234

Whoever makes quark.

>> No.11248257

Obviously France. Other than bread and cheese everything else is up for debate, but this one isn't even a question.

>> No.11248258

America does, Wisconsin has beat everyone in several global comps

>> No.11248265

Unironically America. Some of the absolute best cheese I have ever had comes from Wisconsin and Vermont.

>> No.11248276

Parmesan, asiago, mozzarella, pecorino, ricotta, grana padano, mascarpone, provolone. You can't beat that line-up.

People don't actually like French cheeses that much, but France has a more powerful culinary reputation so it seems like the respectable choice.

>> No.11248296

Wisconsin is overrated shithouse cheese that props itself up on the shoulders of the legitimately good products that came before. There is good Wisconsin cheese, but they market as a whole is crippled by complacency and easy money brandwhoring.
>he dyes his cheese
Absolutely disgusting

People who hate on VT have only had shit Cabot.

>> No.11248323

Cheese I agree, bur not bread. At all.

>> No.11248325

The problem with French cheese is that it's too samey.

However, baked camembert is god tier.

>> No.11248443

I love my cheese like I do my cum, creamy.
So either netherland for their gouda, or based Denmark for their havarti, I can't pick a favorite.

>> No.11248464

>People don't actually like French cheeses that much
Only people who never had sex with your mom.

>> No.11248482
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what do i use this thing for

>> No.11248736

Norman butter is the best in the world imo

>> No.11248876

A decent French baguette (from France, obviously) is better than any kind of bread made in any other country; not to mention all the other fancy shit you can find at an average patisserie. Who is even a contender?

>> No.11248907

France only makes shit like Brie.
Britain has the best cheese

>> No.11248912

>“How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?”
>Charles de Gaulle

>> No.11248931

it sucks saying something like this on 4chan, but just about every lactose tolerant country has at least a solidly good cheese, and many of them are great, i enjoy almost all european cheese and hate none of them

im gay

>> No.11249955

That's a sad opinion. Baguettes are the most vanilla bread possible

>> No.11249966

0/10 see me after class
samey? raw goats milk farmer cheese, brillat savarin, and roquefort seem pretty much interchangeable is that it?
if you can’t make simplicity taste good you suck at baking. anything is edible with enough msg and sugar

>> No.11249968

t. never been to france

>> No.11249978

When people think of British cheese, they mostly only think of Cheddar, but there's much more than that.

Red Leicester, White cheddar, Stilton, Wensleydale (my personal fave), Cheshire, Lincolnshire, Gloucester, Shropshire Blue, Sage Derby, Applewood etc.

We have too many blue cheeses actually.

>> No.11250020

this, i tried to get a baguette when i came back to my home country but was so disappointed that I've stopped looking

>> No.11250062

t. wh*teoid boomer from Indiana circa 1954 (or 2006 it’s pretty much impossible to tell the difference in such places)

>> No.11250073


>> No.11250081

but more specifically, south western europe

>> No.11250104

i never would have described gouda as creamy

>> No.11250112

you need to be lactose tolerant to post in this thread

>> No.11250129

>the only cheese with lactose is bland flyover shit
thanks for confirming everything I suspected about you
don’t you have a fast food thread to bump?

>> No.11250134

>everyone I talk to is the same person

go be a brainlet somewhere else

>> No.11250185

>Italy has mozzarela.
>Britain has cheddar.
>Greece has feta.
>Holland has gouda.
>Switzerland has emmental.

I like all those cheeses and use them on a regular basis.

>> No.11250191


>anyone who isn't literally 14 or one of the many normgroid females that surface on this board is some old hairy faggot

t. 20 year old who fucking hates you, more than he does most people, especially because you think you're better than normgroid when you're a double dipped one

>> No.11250192

I mean if you think creamy as in the cum your guzzling, gouda isn't.

>> No.11250253

I'd say
>France and Italy are god-tier,
>Switzerland, the Netherlands and Great Britain are top-tier
>Greece and northern Spain are honorable mentionned
>USA, please, non-pasterized cheese aren't even allowed in your country

>> No.11250258

you all look the same from 30000 feet
might as well be 14

>> No.11250261


it's over for you, little buddy

>> No.11250268

>Parmesan, mozzarella, ricotta, mascarpone, provolone
All shit you cheese casual

>> No.11250289
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you don’t even know what cheese tastes like, why are you shitposting about lactose?

poor little pasteurized handicap, have a look at what you cannot have, the world weeps for you ;_;

>> No.11250303

This thread is full of burgers who only ever ate meme cheese that yo can buy packaged in a supermarket. You don't have a fucking clue about cheese guys.

>> No.11250307

>he thinks the wallace and grommit meme cheese is good
spotted the pleb
there was a reason that literally no one bought it before the movies, its because it is trash compared to the other continental offerings

>> No.11250308
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>Not even considering France.

>> No.11250309

what a bad excuse

>> No.11250356

Italy love myself some Casu marzu <3

>> No.11250361

A famous quote still isn't an argument.

>> No.11250363
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>> No.11250389

Actually more than 450, delicious cheese anarchy

>> No.11250390

do people actually buy "cheddar" that was made in a place that isnt somerset

>> No.11250431

Sorry France and Britain, but we have you beat in both quality and diversity: basically every small community, be it a city, a valley or a village has their own cheese and they are usually very good

>> No.11250465

does anybody really believe this?
US cheese is dogshit. Nobody wants to import it, and that should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.11250470
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At least you made it on to the podium, Mario.

>> No.11250475

You can't beat a vintage somerset cheddar

>> No.11250481
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>France only makes shit like Brie.

>> No.11250542

those all look a little disgusting tbdesu

>> No.11250580

yeah it’s not your bland polymer-derived WIDF ''''cheese'''' that’s for sure
it has textures, smells, and flavors some Wisconsinites may find highly offensive
no regular normal guy would enjoy something like that, right? if you enjoy it you hate America and have literally never even set foot there

>> No.11250660


yeh, so do we you wop.

>> No.11250662
File: 31 KB, 800x600, cacioricotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ricotta is not really a cheese
cacioricotta exist tho, which is a cheese with a preparation "similar" to ricotta

>> No.11250674

I live in Denmark where we just make cheese.
Just cheese.
None of that pinky in the air type of garbo you're on about.
Fermented milk. End of ingredient list. Obviously that's not entirely true, sometimes we put cumin in our cheese.

>> No.11250723

>jizz in you're cheese
more like dengaymark

>> No.11250945

I work in Paris a part of the year.

I wasn't talking about sweet bread.

Baguettes are boring because they use highly refined wheat flour. It has a bland taste, it's the most basic bread possible. Also, I do not consider "whitebread" from the supermarket to be actual bread.

I much prefer bread from southern european cultures. German bread is good as well.

>> No.11250948
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>> No.11250950
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bad bait


>global authority on cheese

>> No.11250953

yes, hence why you need to do it well otherwise it sucks
but some people are still plebs and think white rice is “bland” and black coffee requires chocolate syrup and the only good wine tastes like overripe fruit, oak chips, and massive doses of ethanol
it sounds to me like you just can’t taste fine nuances

>> No.11250955

How can you work in Paris and not know the composition of a baguette? You are wrong.
You don’t even know the difference between baguette and pullman

>> No.11250969

Well, I'm not French, and I never baked, so my experience only comes from eating lots of baguettes and guessing by the texture of the i sides being extremely soft and fragile. Pullman bread, from googling, seems to be the supermarket white"bread" that I was referring to. I already said I do not consider that to be bread, it's just a shitty cake. I DO consider a baguette to be bread.
Read my post in full, next time.

I only exclusively drink black coffee, my family has a high quality wine manufacturing business (on the side, not our main job) and I eat white rice everyday (but steamed with garlic and olive oil, like we do in southern europe).
I can appreciate eating a good baguette, and I do, but I think it's unfair to say that it's the pinnacle of bread.

>> No.11250989

>i’m not French and i’ve never baked but let me tell you about baking
Baguettes are not made with refined or bleached flour dumb fuck

>> No.11250991

stop talking about bread in a cheese thread you pair of faggots

>> No.11250999

I literally stated that I have no experience in baking and that my opinion is based solely on eating the produce. I only spoke about my personal taste on bread, and that I do not agree that baguettes are the best bread there is. Stop being schizo and putting hidden meanings in my words, idiot.

>> No.11251007

actually it’s three faggots at least
t. a faggot talking about bread, but I was talking about cheese before

>> No.11251008

One of the first things you said was baguettes are not the best because they use ultra refined flour

>> No.11251020

I literally clarified it in the next 2(TWO) posts.

>> No.11251028

Shut it fag

>> No.11251042

italy, switzerland, and the netherlands

>> No.11251081

Just go and stick your baguette inside your ass, cabdyass.

>> No.11251181

gets ignored

>> No.11251274

>sitting with your anus gaping on thousands of miles of border fencing
it was a worthless post

>> No.11251493

Cheddar, Wenslydale, Stilton, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester. Can't beat that line up

>> No.11253167

Theres some US cheese thats bangin', I ate this aged smoked white chedder when I was in Oregon that made me fuggin bust

>> No.11253312


>> No.11253318

The one that smells like feet but tastes really good

>> No.11253570

To be fair, OP may be an American, and it's hard for us to get good French cheese in the states because of USDA restrictions on raw milk cheese. We can't get real Brie or Camembert, only bland, factory-made impostors. Vacherin isn't available at all for the same reason: the government panicked during a Listeriosis outbreak 30+ years ago and banned the raw milk stuff (the outbreak was eventually traced to the pasteurized Swiss version, which of course remains legal).

And searching for Muenster will mostly lead you to the processed knock-off from Wisconsin. About the only French cheese (aside from factory Brie and Camembert) I can fairly consistently find is Comté. Even Roquefort availability is spotty because people mostly buy the domestic "bleu" cheese and Gorgonzola instead.

>> No.11254190
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I can never tell if this is a troll or the poster actually believes it.

>> No.11254214

>French baguette
Lol, France isn't French no more and with the continued help of Allah (praise be upon him) it will be an Islamic Republic within 20 years. Fuck off and die Pierre because this is our country now.

>> No.11254298

gross, that’s not even legal to call cheese in the US where mislabeled food is a national sport

>> No.11254303

t. laura ingrahim

>> No.11254311

he’s for real, he has some very colorful ideas about the supposed virtues of drunk driving and why people should be killed on sight if they “don’t look like they’s from around here, boy”

>> No.11254715

Brie, Reblochon, comté, abondance, Brillat-Savarin, Saint-Félicien, Morbier, cousin, only to name a few.
Only possible contendant is Switzerland

>> No.11254717


>> No.11254740

>white cheddar
why do americans use this term?
cheddar only comes in one colour

>> No.11254745

france and spain's sheep milk cheese are my favorite. not a big fan of italian cheeses. too dry.

>> No.11254747

oh fuck how could i forget danish havarti...basically those three...french, dane's havarti and spanish sheeps milk cheese are the best.

>> No.11254855

France, obviously.
Italy, Spain and Switzerland also are god-tier, Britain isn't bad either. Overall, any country from Western Europe tends to make great cheese.

>> No.11255314

I feel like french cheeses in general are the best but, my favorite cheese is raclette which is swiss
Swiss fondue is significantly better than french fondue... there's really no comparison

>> No.11255317

France, no question.

>> No.11255321

>The problem with French cheese is that it's too samey.

Don't be ridiculous please.

>> No.11255333

>I work in Paris a part of the year.

You're either lying here or trolling about baguette.

>> No.11255695

cheese makes the best cheese

>> No.11256349

For me it's between Britain, France and Italy. Depending what kind of cheese I feel like.

>> No.11257670

France, Italy and holland

>> No.11257980

France has absolutely everything related to cow and goat cheese and it's all autistically regulated. Benelux, Switzerland and Germany produce great stuff too. Itally obviously. I have no idea why you'ld consider Britain though.

>> No.11258062

Baguette is the most mass produced bland cheap stuff you can ever get though. Everyone love it, but because it's cheap and goes with everything.
Anyway baguette is more of a breakfast or snack thing.
Any bakeries will have far superior options to baguette.

>> No.11258075


America is a big country, most of it sucks ass at knowing anything about cheese but you can still get quality stuff out of the right places.

>> No.11258097

Not in America. We have white (Vermont style) and yellow/orange (New York style, colored with annatto). And our white cheddar is rather whiter than real English Cheddar.

>> No.11258122

>I have no idea why you'ld consider Britain though.
Stilton, Cheddar, Cheshire, Double Gloucester, Wensleydale, Caerphilly, Sage Derby, etc.

I wouldn't rank Britain ahead of France, but it's nearly the equal of Italy, and ahead of Switzerland or Germany, IMO (Germany doesn't have the variety, and three of the best "Swiss" cheeses, Gruyere, Emmental, and Vacherin, are made better across the border in France).

>> No.11258172

can confirm, wisconsin is objectively the best flyover for this particular reason and

>next to lake michigan
>tornadoes are infrequent
>alcoholism: see brandy old fashioned
>madison liberals are pushing for legal weed

probably some other stuff too but brandy old fashioneds are the shit homes

>> No.11258181

Yeah, that's weird. I guess we just don't get much Brit cheese around here. It honestly doesn't ring a bell except for the processed cheddar on the occasional burger. I might take a closer look next time I go to the supermarket, ty for the list.

>> No.11258226

I can find Stilton at the supermarket and I live in the middle of fucking nowhere. English Cheddar is spotty (Irish Kerry Gold is easy to find, though). Double Gloucester is only occasionally available here, and the only Wensleydale I've had in years has cranberries in it, but if you have access to a proper cheese shop, or live near a bigger city, you should be able to find most of that stuff.

Generally speaking, though, being a cheese lover in America is suffering.

>> No.11258239

Blue Stilton tastes like rotting asshole. A crime against humanity, that cheese.

>> No.11258350

>Copies cheese so prolifically the Chinese would be jealous if they weren't lactose intolerant

>> No.11258367

>cheddar only comes in one colour
That's not even true in England.

>> No.11258392
File: 187 KB, 1600x1066, Banh Mi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A decent French baguette
I think the pinacle of the baguette art is actually the Vietnamese Banh Mi. It's similar to a baguette but uses a small amount of rice flour in the mix which just perfects the crust and flesh so that they're perfectly crunchy and soft appropriately. That's regardless of actual fillings.

>> No.11258408
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>the Chinese would be jealous if they weren't lactose intolerant
There are plenty of cheeses that are lactose free/reduced to almost free. Surprise, they're eaten in China, at least some parts.

The north of China has heavy mongol/manchu/uighar/hui populations and influence, they use dairy in various ways. Milk tea is a common breakfast item around here and it's eaten with a couple of different kinds of cheese that are dropped into the milk tea and allowed to melt/soften for eating/drinking.

pic related

>> No.11259298

>a wisconsin cheese won the wisconsin "international" cheese competition
hey french guy, I was just in france and went to a neighborhood bakery where I bought something that looked like a normal baguette you can get at any bakery there, but it tasted different, almost like sourdough. the shape and texture were otherwise pretty much a plain baguette, the crust was maybe just a little bit heavier and the sponge had a little more color. is there a name for this? it was in a pile separate from the rest of the baguettes, that's why I bought it. I assumed less popular = better.

inb4 "don't talk about bread" anon

>> No.11259312

it is though. show me a coloured cheddar, and i will tell you it's not cheddar

>> No.11259350
File: 60 KB, 640x508, 2mmuvjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh? I don't believe in all that stuff. authenticity is a conspiracy to make me feel dumb.

>> No.11259437

Probably sarrasin "buckwheat" baguette.

>> No.11259854

I like pepper jack cheese

>> No.11260414

Everyday eating dutch cheese,
Everything else french.

>> No.11260545

What about Oregon?

Tillamook is so good.

>> No.11260576

The average yellow cheddar is bad, but you can add annatto to any white cheddar and it won't worsen the flavor.

>> No.11260620

This, honestly. That faggot raving the baguette like the ultimate bread is a fucking clueless moron.

>> No.11261435
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None of you know shit. Here is the definite list. Fuck all of you.

>Best goat cheeses:
France without a doubt. Cheeses like Saint Maure, valencay and Crottin de Chavignol are miles ahead of the competition.

>Best red cheeses:
France again. Langres, A Filetta, Morbier and Epoisse are all great choices.

>Best blue cheeses:
The currently best blue cheese in the world is Norwegian and called Kraftkar. Italy, France and England all make great contenders though.

>Best cheese on bread:
Denmark if you can handle the smell.

>Hard cheeses that are not Vesterbotten or Parmigiano:
Switzerland and Jura, France. It's hard to chose the best between Gruyere, Comte and Beaufort.

>White soft cheeses:
France yet again. Brillat Savarin, Brie de Meaux, Mont D'or and Reblochon are all amazing.

>inb4 buhu what about cheddar, stilton, mozarella and whatever the fuck.

>> No.11261565
File: 146 KB, 634x968, laughingroastie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brillat Savarin
pleb filter activated, that shouldn't be on anyone's top cheeses list because it's pasteurized garbage sold mostly in French gas stations

also there is literally nothing wrong with mozzarella di bufala campana DOP you tastelet poseur

>> No.11261698
File: 156 KB, 500x600, disdain-for-plebs-24539401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brillat Savarin is delicious. Its creaminess makes a great addition to any cheese platter.

Try eating Mozzarella solo without tomato you fuck. How can you take any cheese seriously that can't fly on its own?

>> No.11261747

Literally anything that's mostly fat tastes good, it's like saying "oh this may be shit but it tastes good drowned in garlic and butter"

I bet you like "Hamilton: The Musical"

>> No.11261913

you have caught my attention
what kind of cheese do they melt in their tea?
I can't find much about it cause it keeps giving me articles about some cream cheese tea again and again

>> No.11262578

>show me a coloured cheddar, and i will tell you it's not cheddar
Well then I'm not going to show you coloured cheddars but I ate a bunch of them in yorkshire.

English cheddar runs the gamut of white-yellow-orange-red. They're all a variety of cheddar and most of them are named cheddar and they have rules about what cheeses can be named what.

>> No.11262598

>what kind of cheese do they melt in their tea?
There's three main kinds I guess though there are hundreds of varieties.
Everything in that pic above is technically cheese, they're dried versions which you don't eat straight but drop in the milk tea and they dissolve and flavour it. You end up with an oil sheen on the top from them.

The three kinds that I see *all* the time are 'milk tofu' which looks like the dried skin from the top of milk and I think that's approximately what it is, plus cheese fermentation. It's kind of cheese made from the top of cream as it dries. It looks like actual tripe desu
The third kind that's often seen looks like a block of white chocolate, you cut off chunks and drop them in and it ends up dissolving completely similar to the milk tofu version. It doesn't really have a western equivalent that I can think of, maybe something like a very easily dissolving mozza or something.

There's something that is more or less havarti, this is soaked in the milk tea, doesn't dissolve, just softens and you eat it from your cup and it squeaks on your teeth like havarti.

Most of these are dropped in the tea when it's brought to the boil and the pot is kept there while everyone drinks so stuff dissolves thoroughly but sometimes people drop it in on serving and people can eat the half-dissolved stuff as it melts. Shavings of beef jerky are also sometimes dropped in at serving time.

>> No.11262617

Yogurt is just boneless cheese.
There are Russian and German styles.

>> No.11263456

Only possible answer is Spain. We have no math in almost every variant. From the Payoyo in the south to Tupi de sort up in the north.

But obviously you actually need to spend money to import this or travel there and take it. Otherwise you'll get shitty cuts of cheap manchegos.

>> No.11263485
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Baguette are pretty stale. Read hard bread is better to eat cheese, especially cereal bread. If you still enjoy the white type then do yourself a favor and at least pick a "tradition".

>> No.11263703

I'm really partial to semisoft cheeses, so I'd have to go with Belgian Abbey cheeses.

>> No.11263787

Any examples?
t. clueless belgian

>> No.11263826

St. Bernardus, Chimay, Rochefort, Maredsous, Pere Joseph. Especially love the St Bernardus.

>> No.11263839

It's france vs italy vs switzerland

>> No.11263841
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imagine being this french

>> No.11263981
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>> No.11264050

>being able to buy cheese that isn't bottom of the barrel multi-milk mutt cheese from hacendado or entrepinares

Cool historia, bro. Maybe if I painted myself brown and got a paguita from my xenophilic "government".

t. Spaniard