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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 161 KB, 1024x576, destination_vs_flyover_states_by_d_p_2-dayea0g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11259501 No.11259501 [Reply] [Original]

Do flyovers really eat stuff like Cincinnati chili? Or is it just a meme.

>> No.11259504

Why the fuck is Jersey a "destination", i come from there that place blows dicks

>> No.11259510

also what is interesting to visit in Massachusetts besides boston? how is arizona not flyover but Texas is despite there being far more in texas

>> No.11259523
File: 813 KB, 1024x576, 5Vo70UldPm6hZaVQfJWMgZRBiR00vT4D1ilkwPCM_70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here just to say this glad someone already did, Fuck this state.

>> No.11259536

Why are Virginia and South Carolina flyover? There is a ton of interesting stuff in both of those states. Also, Florida should definitely be a flyover, that place is a hellhole.

>> No.11259537
File: 647 KB, 719x665, 1537948197564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arizona, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
>destination states

>> No.11259542

>anywhere other than LA, SF, NYC
Yeah that's fly over.

>> No.11259579

I live in PA, I don't understand how my state is a level above Texas. What, because of Philly?

>> No.11259608

Pretty much everyone where I live has tried cincy chilli at least once, but not everyone likes it. It's sort of a "love it or hate it" thing. Outside of my city, though, it's almost unheard of.
>t. lives in cincinnati

>> No.11259610

Inland Florida is definitely shitty and full of meth heads, mosquitos and scrub. The image puts Florida as a destination because of Orlando (universal studios resort and DIDNEY WORL), Miami, and the emerald coastline up around the panhandle. But yeah, non-touristy Florida isn't that great.

>> No.11259722
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>tfw someone forgets the alamo

>> No.11259732

Arizona and Colorado are definitely flyovers. Connecticut is more of a ridethetrainover but the same basic effect.
Illinois should at least be kinda interesting.

>> No.11259740

You're all getting baited

>> No.11259757

I'm also from NJ but I love it. Anyway I'm pretty sure it's because of Newark airport. Guarantee you the map maker just used flight data to make this.

>> No.11259773

Washington is not California or NY tier.

>> No.11259796

There's a lot of cool stuff in Arizona

>> No.11259824
File: 18 KB, 600x463, minnesota food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minnesotans really do eat tater tot hotdish. If you've never had it, probably best not to. If you grew up with it, it's fucking fantastic.

That said, there is a huge divide between rural and urban Minnesota. Urban (near the Twin Cities, obvs,) tries to be cosmopolitan, and in some ways, succeeds. There are some very good restaurants and there is some ethnic food. Some of it even has flavor. The inner ring suburbs all have a nouveau riche douchery to them, Especially wealthier towns like Edina and Wayzata. Total cunts, but good variety of foods. Once you're around 30, maybe 40 miles from the cities, it's a different world. Hotdish rules. Simple foods like meat and potatoes, lots of soups and stews, and all of the 'flyover' classics. This gets more extreme the farther you get from the cities. See attached, highly scientific graph. Except in Duluth. Somehow, they manage to mix the two. You can get all sorts of trendy stuff (and some damned fine beer,) while also having a salad bar loaded with stuff like herring.

Uff da, Minnesota.

>> No.11259832

>not flyover
Shit taste. Maryland has the best seafood on the eastern seaboard.

>> No.11259834

I've gone on a large road trip each year for the past three years and have visited 42/48 contiguous states. I still need to visit the Pacific Northwest. BUT

TOP FIVE STATES (no particular order)
>Rhode Island

BOTTOM FIVE STATES (no particular order)
>New Jersey

>> No.11259838

>besides Boston

Jesus Christ, what more do you need? There's an awful lot in Boston alone, but the cape and islands are also excellent regional beach destinations.

>> No.11259843

The first time i heard the term "hotdish" was in a videogame, where a woman offered to make a man her famous hotdish, and claimed that all the men loved her hot dish. For the longest time i thought it was just a sexual innuendo.

>> No.11259847

Comes from church potluck dinners: you bring a hot dish, you bring a salad, and I'll bring a cold dish. Everyone brought a casserole for the hot dish. Over time, they became synonymous.

>> No.11259849

>he`s not an italoamerican from Jersey Shore

>> No.11259858

who is afraid to write "fuckin'" on the internet? christ this image is gay

>> No.11259860

how is colorado not flyover

>> No.11259866


>> No.11259870


>> No.11259872

>boil some crabs with 5 grams of meat each in a huge pot with a bunch of Old Bay
>best seafood
Nah, it's basically Loseriana-tier with pretensions. Pit beef is good but their seafood is trash

>> No.11259879

Picking crabs is the lowest teir of Maryland food. The crab cakes, crab imperial, cream of crab soup, stuffed fish, clams, scallops and plenty of other shit I've had in Maryland are fantastic.

>> No.11259885

Colorado draws probably more skiers, fishermen, hunters, climbers and hikers than any other state, more so now that weed is legal and the economy is doing well on the front range.

>> No.11259887

Well, the city I live in is unique enough to be the only recognized City of Gastronomy in the US. Food's pretty good. Rest of the state is okay in the cities.

>> No.11259891

Dumbass anon from Tucson has to double post.

>> No.11259897

Better than namefagging unintentionally.

>> No.11259899

Spend some time in Texas. It's like minecraft here with all the biomes. Beaches, forest, desert, mountains. Snow in the northern parts during winter, but you can still swim in the beach in November. They is plenty of flyover land here but plenty to do as well.

>> No.11259913

MS has a coast why is it considered flyover?

>> No.11259914

Who said anything about Texas? Flyover states are great if you're an outdoorsman but that doesn't make them big-time global tourist attractions. The main thing holding Texas back as a destination is that 97% that land is private. Your outdoors destination states have a lot of federal land.

>> No.11259922

Because MS is a miserable dump and the beaches aren't even as nice as the ones a few miles to the west in Florida.

t. Alabama

>> No.11259931

breaking news, cities have good food and rural wastelands don't, shocker

>> No.11259940

Wow this is why Trump won.

>> No.11259952
File: 204 KB, 463x293, 31933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coasties think flyover is an insult.

They can never know how good life is without them.

Please, please keep flying over.

>> No.11259954

But I like visiting the middle states.

>> No.11259970

You're on a food and cooking board. The coasts and major cities which you also probably dislike are the centers for quality food. Rant about whatever else you like but it will be fundamentally off-topic.

>> No.11259978

>centers for quality food
Meh. They're mostly centers for industrially processed slop. Sure, you do get some good restaurants but they're well beyond the price range of the average person.

A wealthy New Yorker goes to an upscale Michelin-starred place to pay $$$ to eat Venison. Bubba in flyoverville just shoots one in his back yard.

>> No.11259999

That's just not true. Fine dining is a small and shrinking part of the restaurant scene. In a major city with a decent economy you'll find a variety of quality restaurants at all price ranges. The prices are somewhat higher but if a $5 sandwich is an indulgence you still are going to have more and better options for that than in a rust belt town.

I've shot and cooked my own deer since I was a kid. That doesn't change the fact that in my current coastal urban neighborhood I can walk within ten minutes to more good restaurants than opened in my home town for the last twenty years.

>> No.11260004

Also "industrially processed slop" is way more typical of flyover towns where all the restaurants get their food from Sysco.

>> No.11260026

You're right about that. But only idiots eat that shit. The nice thing about flyoverville is that there are still plenty of options for natural foods which city folk spend a ton of money on.

A lot of flyovers grow their own veggies, hunt, and fish. It doesn't get any better than veggies from grandma's garden. City dwellers pay out the nose for that at their local "farm to table" hipster restaurant so they can take pics of the food and post it on TweetyBook. For country folk that's just normal everyday food.

>> No.11260027

Most coastal state retards don't even know where food comes from.

>> No.11260028

Old folks travel from the Midwest to Arizona for the winter. My grandparents and a lot of their friends did it

>> No.11260029

Of course we do. [spoil]It's the supermarket, right?[/spoil]

>> No.11260032
File: 2.84 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't live in San Diego I feel sorry for you.
We have the best of everything.

>> No.11260033

Most “destination” states are full of faggotry and just generally suck unless youre there for a short visit.

>> No.11260037


My nigga.

>> No.11260043

I'm pretty sure no one but Minnesota calls it "hot dish". Every other Midwest state calls it casserole. States to the far north are weird.

>> No.11260048
File: 25 KB, 402x298, figure-that-all-out-on-your-own-did-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty sure no one but Minnesota calls it "hot dish"
No shit, genius.

>> No.11260050


>Louisiana known for it's unique seafood rich cuisine and famous chefs

>> No.11260052

HRYK. Can you imagine living in Florida? Fucking shithole.

>> No.11260072

You’re not addressing preparation at all though. Ingredients are important but we have these things called trucks now that can bring pretty fresh stuff all the way into a city. Yes people cook for themselves but acting like an utter lack of good restaurants isn’t a big deal is bizarre.

>> No.11260091

Actually I’m being too charitable. I know for a damn fact that people who grow food and hunt fish or farm for an appreciable percentage of their food is a tiny minority in most flyover places. Everyone likes that image but it’s more typical to work in a factory and spend your time off watching TV. just because you can do something doesn’t make it the norm.

>> No.11260104

Texas has great food and most people know how to cook. At least half us have gardens and hunt, if not more. I've tried spaghetti with chili and cheese. It's alright I guess. I prefer a Frito pie instead.

>> No.11260106

the best housing prices?

>> No.11260140

They're great if you're a home owner. Why didn't you just inherit a house? Not very smart on your part.

>> No.11260149

>Ingredients are important but we have these things called trucks now that can bring pretty fresh stuff all the way into a city
Right. That's why the ingredients in a city are more costly and not as fresh. I've lived in the city before. Most produce you buy is industrial-tier shit. You have to visit expensive hipster markets to buy the same thing that country folk just grow in the backyard for next to nothing in terms of cost.

>>Yes people cook for themselves but acting like an utter lack of good restaurants isn’t a big deal is bizarre.
I'd argue that not cooking all own meals is bizarre.

>> No.11260156

>Delaware is a flyover state
I get that it's pretty boring, but people from NY/NJ/PA flock here for school and our beaches.

>> No.11260164

I eat delicious rural slop and delicious urban slop. Both are good and anyone who claims to dislike meat and potato dishes are fucking delusional.

>> No.11260283

The U.S. would be an infinitely better place if everyone in CA, NY and FL died.

>> No.11260289

As a Mainer I would kill for this map to be true. The majority of our income comes from midwesterners and high income tourists from NY/MA screaming about our food/scenery with only 7 months of peace of mind out of the year.

Really makes you think to consider it a flyover over New Jersey.

>> No.11260299


>> No.11260300
File: 12 KB, 259x194, Flyover Cities - Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, etc, etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't you just say what you really want to say and use "niggers"?

>> No.11260312


>> No.11260315

wtf does Alaska have that's interesting?
also, mine is accurate

>> No.11260322

>Why don't you just say what you really want to say and use "niggers"?

Flyover states are where 80% of american blacks live. White liberals unironically try to use the term to refer to only whites.

This is some sheltered, white people ignorance right there.

>> No.11260494
File: 364 KB, 1460x820, 2016-US-President-by-Precinct-1460x820-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flyover states are where 80% of american blacks live.
Are you completely retarded or just a /pol/tard LARPing?

>> No.11260721

My mother lives in South carolina, i dont care if its on the coast its a flyover state through and through.

>> No.11260727

Minus a couple of resorts south carolina is 99% boarded up buildings and farms.

>> No.11260731

Why is Louisiana a flyover?

>> No.11260742

people here only eat pizza, starbucks, mcdonalds, and jewish deli sandwiches

>> No.11260779

>wtf does Alaska have that's interesting?
Holy shit

>> No.11260782

He's not wrong

>> No.11260811

>this is what Californians actually believe

>> No.11260813

>texas and ohio have 2 10/10 amusement parks
>Somehow is a fly over state
>Florida has disney, seaworld, universal, and busch gardens and is somehow only a "kinda interesting" state
>Nevada is exactly the same despite vegas being there
>Arizona even though it had fuck all is a interesting state

This map sucks dick op.

>> No.11260822

Are you retarded? Dallas fort Worth and Houston are the 2nd and 3rd largest megaopolis centers of the country and Houston is the food capital of the US, Austin has Uchi the best restaurant in the country two years ago fuck right off with that fake ass shit at least try

>> No.11260829

>ranking states by their amusement parks
classic flyover

>> No.11260845

Nigga disney cuisine is top tier, if you ever go to one of their major restaurants you'll see it's to die for.
Even Universal has some top tier food, same with Vegas and Reno

>> No.11260846

>Are you retarded?

>> No.11260848
File: 28 KB, 852x480, .,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a lot of "flying" do you?

>> No.11260858

>Houston is the food capital of the US
The fuck? You probably think Branson, MO is the music capital of the US, too.

>> No.11260861

But the alligators eat you at Disney. RIP LIL BBY

>> No.11260877


>> No.11260889

Can get top-quality food from basically anywhere in the world, most often made by those people. Can get top-quality products like european cheeses that they laugh at us about and think we can't get.

Only thing not in the city is a great Korean hot pot place. My state is listed as "Flyover". Lol. Two of the fastest growing cities in the US with huge high tech business population etc

there is nothing interesting in south carolina except hiking and some nice islands. I would know

>> No.11260907

Gee, I wonder if someone from California made this map

>> No.11260915

why would you think that anon? who wouldn't want to eschew places like Yellowstone, and Devil's Tower in order to go to Vegas or LA? Those are real destinations. You can get tacos and get murdered by an illegal beaner all in the same trip

>> No.11260986

>Hanging out with degenerate gamblers and the (((scum))) that cater to them in Vegas
>Hanging out with Mexicans, degenerate attention whores, or the (((people))) that cater to them in LA
I'll take the bears at Yellowstone and the wide open spaces of the Dakota's, thank you.

>> No.11261068

There's nothing in Philly. Went a couple times cause I live nearby. Fdr if you're a skater but even that's not that great.
I love the mountains but I'm sure upstate NY is better. Went to Seneca lake recently and that was really cool

>> No.11261084

Looks like a map of liberal states vs good ones.
I've never seen anybody eat Chili on their spaghetti but we eat frito pies and shit all the time.

>> No.11261126

This is accurate.

>> No.11261138

What are you talking about? Philly is filled with history.

>> No.11261140

But you're filled with Californians. And in California.

>> No.11261145


>> No.11261271

I am from Texas and disagree, but I can see why you think that. At least California is down there with us.

>> No.11261865

>a few miles to the west in Florida

>> No.11261883

not to mention that Campbells "cream of ... soups" are a mainstay of those hotdish/pot luck/cassarole things. Also, Velveeta is considered real cheese and is applied to anything that doesn't move.

>> No.11261887

Have you been to MN? And if so which parts?

I've lived in 6 states and have visited 13 or so, and not just passing through and I have to say MN was my favorite.

>> No.11261899

I live in MN, it's mostly good but the super long winters makes it suck, if the winters were like 2 months shorter I would love it.

>> No.11261916

Ah. I prefer the cold. Winters don't bother me one bit. People who forget how to drive in snow and ice are another matter, as are bullshit tow trucks who can grab whoever they want around St Paul.

>> No.11261930

Universal is the shit man. If there werent so many dindus yammerin in line about chitlins or whatever itd be life affirming

>> No.11261956

>boo boo it's cold
Learn to ice fish. Winter is awesome.

>> No.11262056

AZ is based fuck all of you. Great food, great city layout, hiking, mountains. We have the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Flagstaff, Antelope Canyon

TX isnt a flyover state either. Lots of stuff to do there.

>> No.11262073

it's the combination of cold, everything being dead and overcast and the short daylight hours that mean that I go to work in the dark and head back home in the dark that bother me. I do Ice fish, I also cross country ski and go snow shoeing, I like the outdoors and it really bugs me being stuck inside for the entire workweek during the winter months.

>> No.11262079

Mississippi is bottom 5 in every best-to-worst statistical ranking of states I have seen.

From a leaf who has only visited downtown Buffalo: is Mississippi really that bad?

>> No.11262081

Illinois should be light green for Chicago alone

>> No.11262083

nice Digital Blackface, bigot

>> No.11262090

>Kind of interesting.
This place might as well be a flyover state. Only difference is its a more liberal version of a flyover state with more SJWs.

Don't ever go to Portland. The streets are fucking awful and the people are little dyed haired cunts who don't understand how to make immigration work but think they do and will call you a bigotted mansplainer if you disagree.

>> No.11262098

I've been in Minnesota for 13 years after 30+ in Chicago. Winters are longer and generally colder here. Chicago gets a lot more snow (lake effect,) and has far fewer sunny winter days -- and the ice is rarely safe enough to fish. I'll take Minnesota any day. I get how short days make you feel like a vampire, but all seasons considered I think it's a good balance.

>> No.11262101

Reminder the more "boring" the state the less niggers you have to deal with

>> No.11262108

It's 'fewer,' dipshit.

>> No.11262145

As for the food, the "good" places are mostly just shit for young hipsters. There's a place that sells shitty cheap fries covered in X for $9 not even joking. The fries are mushy and awful.
Grilled cheese, Canadian side dishes for full meal price, s'mores, used to be a place that just sold peanut butter and jelly sandwiches... You name the shitty idea to shill to post-millennial pre-ops and they've got it.

>> No.11262151

this map is dildoes and you are a faggot

>> No.11262155
File: 128 KB, 1484x997, bars_vs_grocerystores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the food like in your state really like?

I've lived in a lot of different states, but Wisconsin is my home state and where I live currently here's the short version.

Wisconsin Is Chicago's Canada, its a comfy, sometimes quaint and charming state that is underrated mostly because there is little reason to go there so people tend to ignore it. It's kind of like how Idaho is pretty as hell but no one gives a shit because it's Idaho. In terms of food Wisconsin is a lot like Minnesota, the cities have some international choices and good local fare, Wisconsin being a dairy focused state has the best cheese in the country and really good meat as well. The beer is fantastic, the produce is amazing. The regional dish is just that, beer, cheese, meat. You get things like butterburgers or cheese curds, or canadian fare like poutine. Wisconsin tends to be pretty high on the obesity ranks for states especially for being a northern state but that's because the food is just delicious and fattening as fuck.

I love this state, it can be boring as hell, but it's boring in a way that is comforting. It isn't kansas or Indiana where it's just oppressively dull and shitty. Wisconsin boring is "let's go down to the lake with a six pack and some poles and enjoy our very nice summers and in the winter we can ice skate and keep drink some more."

>> No.11262157
File: 77 KB, 987x1200, stealing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post-millennial pre-ops

>> No.11262160

>Austin Texas

>> No.11262203

Been to all the states in your list and can confirm you've never to been to PNW

Best States:

1. Oregon
2. California
3. Minnesota
4. Washington
5. Colorado
Honorable Mention:
6. Montana
7. Georgia

SHIT States
1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Nebraska
4. Oklagayma
5. Florida

Pretty much the southeast blows

>> No.11262218

>1. Oregon
>Not that long ago, Portland tied for third highest rate of traffic accidents per capita out of any US city

>> No.11262219


Obviously OP isn't much of an outdoorsmen.

>> No.11262222

>florida should be flyover because i dont like it
lol ur dumb

>> No.11262227

I heard someone say once that Oregon and Washington had too much "Canadian in them".
Person liked the shit hole that is California for some reason.

>> No.11262233

That's precisely what the term "flyover" is meant for. This whole thread is basically just a giant shitpost.

>> No.11262240

lol you are retarded. flyover towns are the number one destination for processed garbage. it's also where a lot of it gets made.

>> No.11262247

flyover means the middle part of the country that people don't visit deliberately (or less so). you're actually stupid.

>> No.11262254

Do you expect to expand yourself intellectually by calling people who probably haven't fully explained themselves yet "actually stupid"?

Your age group is showing anon.

I would explain myself further, but its not worth it. Good bye.

>> No.11262256

Chicago is one of the biggest food cities in this country. Probably more so than LA and SF even. And I'm not talking about hot dogs or go za. Any foodie worth his salt knows this.

>> No.11262291

>Top five
>no Georgia
>no Missouri
>no Illinois

Fuck man, I think you need to visit more places

>> No.11262315

Idk why Chiraq is considered flyover

>> No.11262422

Here's a lesson for you flyovers: Chicago is a real-life tale of two cities. Chicago is the size of Paris, France. (10 million people living in Chicago proper +suburbs, same for Paris). Both have a sizable population of "minorities" (slaves). In the case of Chicago, they all live on one side of the city, while the billionaires live on the other. The third wealthiest county in this entire country is situated just north of Chicago. Unless you personally visit places like Lake Forest, Winnetka, Wilmette, Evanston and Highland Park, you will not know how wealthy they are compared to Orange County, CA or the far end of Long Island in New York state. There are literal castles up there.

>> No.11262441

It always makes me laugh when people talk about Chicago as if the entire city were like Englewood

>> No.11262443

I don't care what stupid people say.

>> No.11262454


If you're a redneck, maybe. Nobody in any of the cities does this.

>> No.11262460

When it shit on us in april this year I have never heard more people bitch. I was comfy at home during the storm and honestly thought it was funny

>> No.11262485

It's good. It will keep the hipster riffraff from flooding the place.

>> No.11262491

How the fuck is Wyoming flyover? Do coasties hate nature?

>> No.11262495

I mean there is some in the city, but not like New York.

>> No.11262505

i've been to yellowstone if that's what you're saying. i drove there with my family though. would you object to being called "driveover" which you are not, as opposed to flyover, which you might be?

>> No.11262513

>they all live on one side of the city,
This has not been true for a generation. It is true that Chicago is still segregated, but it's nowhere near the way you describe. Ever since Dickie M destroyed the CHA, the overwhelming trend has been toward integration in the neighborhoods. The days of redlining and the Archie real estate contract are long gone.

>> No.11262515

Wyoming is neither driveover nor flyover.

>> No.11262525

Okay. I guess I'm talking about the suburbs more than anything. I have literally counted black people that I have sighted in Lake Forest on the fingers of one hand. Literally, I have seen two or three black people there in my whole life. And that is a scenic place.

>> No.11262533
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I really wish Absaroka were real.

>> No.11262546

>Cajun food
>Only NY, CA or WA are Worth a Fuck
>Spelled F*ck

>> No.11262560

Lake Forest (et al Lake County) is an aberration in many ways. As you say, it is quite segregated, but the reasons are a hundred years old and largely pre-date the post WW2 segregation that defined Chicago for half a century. The Progressive Era barons of Chicago (Armour, Swift, etc.) had their estates there, away from the industrial mess that Chicago was. They bought large tracts of land, built their Biltmore copies, and lived it up. Over time, the heirs of those barons inherited the land and divided it a bit, but kept it mostly in the family. Those families are still there and they are not black.

T. Chicago history professor

>> No.11262566

>Connecticut is more of a ridethetrainover but the same basic effect.
Correct. Connecticut is carried by decent Southeast Asian food, decent Mediterranean/Middle Eastern food, and godlike New Haven pizza.
That's pretty much it. Can't even get a good burger, really.

>> No.11262593 [DELETED] 

>the reasons are a hundred years old
Old money is better than any other kind of money.

>> No.11262595

>the reasons are a hundred years old
Old money is better than any other kind of money.

>> No.11262603

what about the barbecue?

>> No.11262653
File: 123 KB, 702x1024, 1510345861560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>states that haven't been relevant since the 1700s

Who made this? If we're being real almost all of America is flyover land save for the big cities. A small town in New York is just as irrelevant as a small town in Missouri. If you don't live in a global city you live in fucking nowhere.

>> No.11262662

pure shit full of chimichangas and nachos

boring ass white people food

>new jersey
americanized knock off italian food

this map sucks dick

>> No.11262824

Californians know that the only states that ARENT flyover are California and New York

>> No.11262829

>implying inland/northern California and Upstate NY aren't also flyover

>> No.11262872
File: 129 KB, 1100x1052, Personal Incomes US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that northern California isn't the only part that's salvageable
It only has a massive economy because it's cheaper to do shit there for a moment. A lot of technical jobs are already leaving for other states, sometimes en masse, and ports further north are looking more and more hospitable. California's economy could tank almost overnight under the right condition, but it's been slipping for a decade.

>> No.11262876
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You can tell some fart-huffing faggot from the west coast made that map. Here's a real map.

>> No.11262891

the fuck is Washington and California destination states for? Destination for getting stabbed by a junky with a used needle at 10am, maybe.

>> No.11262895

smells like (((soi))) to me

>> No.11262897

That's a nonsense chart. States are only purple because they are wealthy and successful. Poorfag flyovers don't have any money to send the other way.

>> No.11262900

>random ass green splotches in the middle of nowhere, but not the middle of no where that's actually interesting
Good. Please keep the coasty faggots away from it. Last time we had them here they sunk the same business 3 times before heading further north and raping some beautiful habitat.

Concrete and glass born abominations should be gassed.

>> No.11262902

California is obviously a destination state, retard. What I don't get is why Washington is ranked higher than Oregon.

>> No.11262919

You must be white Chicago is still segregated there's no whites on the south side past western and 59th street

>> No.11262922

They're destination states just not for american citizens.

>> No.11262924

(And that's a good thing.)

>> No.11262926

if you get off 4chan for a moment youll know california is on every normies hit list

i dont blame them, there is great food here.

>> No.11262937
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A humble Leaf's perspective

>> No.11262938

Eh, they have better seafood but we have the superior meat, be it pork, beef or lamb. You take generations of local, small ranchers who do nothing for that for their lives, give them plenty of cheap land and you end up with a great product, who knew.

>> No.11262962

>What is the food like in your state really like?

Good because I know how to cook. Any time I go to a restaurant I feel like a failure because somebody I don't know is making food with ingredients I haven't checked out.

>> No.11262976

other than Nevada and California, this is pretty dang accurate

>> No.11262977

>I don't know what income migration is.
Tee hee.
This has nothing to do with redistribution of taxes by fed to states. This is loss of reported tax income to the IRS by state because the person reported working in another state instead. Or I suppose you could just be losing jobs period. Hence migration.

>> No.11262996

>reading comprehension

>> No.11263010

WV. Biscuits and gravy. Beans and cornbread. Pepperoni rolls. What can I say, its a working mans state. The food is meant to fill you up cheap and give you energy so you can keep working. Love some fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and a roll.

>> No.11263026

Yes. You either have none, or are incapable of formulating a post that proves a point.

Are you trying to insinuate that you meant you're losing an insane amount of skilled laborers and businesses because you're the most successful and you shouldn't worry about it? Yeah that's a good way to manage an economy.

>> No.11263043
File: 266 KB, 960x720, US net domestic migration map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the national internal migration data between states. The outflow of people from many wealthier coastie states appears much less drastic than their money, and many of the poorfag flyover states listed in green on your map actually have a net negative migration on this map. What does that mean? There are many people leaving flyover states with no money, and there are fewer people leaving coastal elite cities with money headed into flyoverland, so there's a migration loss but a financial surplus for flyover states.

People are coming and going all over the country, but because coasties are wealthier, what they do has more of an impact on your tax map.

>> No.11263052
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>Digital Blackface
what the fuck does that even mean you retard

>> No.11263059

Why the fuck would anyone live in the hellhole that is Nevada?

>> No.11263084

>the outflow of people from many wealthier coastie states appears much less drastic than their money
Congrats, you get to keep your unskilled laborers?
>What does that mean?
You clearly don't know how to analyze data?
>There are many people leaving flyover states with no money, and there are fewer people leaving coastal elite cities with money headed into flyoverland, so there's a migration loss but a financial surplus for flyover states.
How to make shit up on the fly to cover your ass. Take notes ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.11263605

>Super boring
>Alaska not on top tier
Fuckin urbanites wanking themselves off

>> No.11263683

I wish Florida was considered flyover land. I would give everything I have for you faggots to stop coming here.
>muh tourism economy
Didn't used to be that way. I would gladly go back to eating grits and gravy three times a day and popping scrub cattle out of the swamps like my ancestors if it meant every yankee transient (and by extension everyone in Orlando and Miami) was executed tomorrow.

>> No.11263893
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You would hate living here in my corner of Miami, Spanish is the de facto language, and you can hardly order a meal or buy groceries without knowing it.

Although Cuban immigration has slowed down, there are more and more South Americans, so we've got really good food and beautiful women.

I remember the few times I've ventured north past Palm Beach County it was almost like entering a different country. Bunch of swampy areas, cattle/horse ranches, Zaxby's, airboats and anglos. It was surreal.

I don't see how anyone can prefer that culture. It seems so dull in comparison. Not that I hate on anglos, because New England is awesome, but that whole stretch of land going up to North Carolina is next level depressing.

>> No.11263895

I thought this was just a cover for that particular Taco Bell not wanting to serve a black person.

>> No.11263947

California is literally 90% gross Mexicans 8% Wine country and 2% Jews

What is interesting about endless urban sprawl to these people?

>> No.11264003

>I thought this was just a cover for that particular Taco Bell not wanting to serve a black person.
Who says it isn't?

>> No.11264034

I wish this infatuation people suddenly gained with Washington would end. Stay out of my state assholes don't you realize the more of you queers moving in means more of that natural beauty you all come here for has to get destroyed to make room for you?

>> No.11264078

They should leave only NYC and long island green because upstate NY is the closest you'll get to true flyover country while still being in NY

>> No.11264357

It really is depressing, everything north of miami is just shitty copy/pasted sub divisions that funnel out to a strip malls. It goes on like that for like 300 miles.

>> No.11264411

Indiana here. We have farms.
I have two microgreen growers
4 farms that raise pastured chickens, pig, cows and one place sales bison within a 30 minute drive.
We are also the largest producer of duck in the nation (maple leaf farms)
we can hunt venison.
They only shortcomings are fish and cheese, but we are getting more cheese producers. We also have a large distilling and brewing culture (sun king, 3floyd).

>> No.11264466

The only good thing about Indiana is GenCon

>> No.11264468

I forget I'm on /ck/ where urban centers are worshiped because the concept of actually cooking (and especially growing) your own food actually requires effort and is therefore forbidden. Thankfully there are areas of Florida your cancer hasn't spread to yet. '26 and '28 should have taken care of the problem but cancer has a knack for always comming back. Y'all enjoy your overgrown urban tumor, I'll enjoy my scrubland oasis.

>> No.11264471

no that sucks. garycon is where it's at.

>> No.11264476

Illinois is great for Chicago
shitloads of good ass restaurants there as well as tons of good tiny joints
I used to live in Carpentersville and Lake in the Hills and that was some basic ass flyover shit. Only things of note were the fuckin Wendy's and Sonic.

>> No.11264481

This is a conservative board friend we don't like your kind here.

>> No.11264536

people only come here for the beaches. if you're more than 3 miles from the beach then you don't wanna be here. it's shit

>> No.11264562

t. swamp rat

>> No.11265157

Then the rest of you states that rely on our money would go broke.

>> No.11265160

Both of you stupid. The majority population in flyover states are poor ass fuck whites.

>> No.11265165

>home to the most bland food in all of the USA

>> No.11265207

Fuck this chart! Michigan is great. The UP is amazing.

>> No.11265881
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Hold on marone -- nobody talks bad about jersey, capiche?

>> No.11265899


Fuck coasties, actual NPCs over there.

>> No.11265903

>can't even spell capisce
i'm glad they never said it in the entire show, because dipshit fucks like you watch Donnie Brasco and then go four years before you quit saying "forget about it" with that dumb inflection

>> No.11265909
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>> No.11266085
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this is true.

>> No.11266114
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>t. authentic Minneapolis cuisine

>> No.11266115

>worth a fuck
As someone who lives there the only thing that's worth it is all the trees and wildlife but that's slowly being demolished thanks to all the god damned Californians moving up here.

>> No.11266132


>> No.11266143
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>> No.11266152
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I've done world-wide tours and sampled food.
The absolute best food in the United States is New Orleans.

California, New York, all the major big cities are trash eats. You could toss out a couple hundred dollars or more almost anywhere in the world and get fine dining- and that in no way justifies arguing FOR the trash-eats of most of California, New York City, etc. People who think otherwise are absolutely delusional or clueless and their peak ability to evaluate food revolves around having their mind blown by a cherry tomato.

Most places in the world all have their own decent eats, and this includes the vast majority of the United States due to celebration of locally produced ingredients. Fish, Lobster, Cheese, Corn, all sorts of fruits, Beef, whatever. In fact the trend is so ubiquitous, that in my evaluation of where the best food is, it all cancels each other out.

>> No.11266387

They look to be a fun crowd if they just drank beer.

>> No.11266452

hah ebin post lad

>> No.11266490

I'm not even American and that picture makes me want to string up a leftist.

>> No.11266969

>Jersey is "kinda interesting" not a "destination."
>none of the other replies correct this

Jesus Christ, the stories about people not able to identify unlabeled states is true.

>> No.11266989
File: 38 KB, 432x454, JC_seagall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the stupidly subjective. how the fuck are alaska and arizona not gray? why is washington dark green? just because of seattle? why isn't florida dark green? why the FUCK are pennsylvania, new jersey, and especially connecticut green? if washington is dark green because of seattle then georgia and illinois ought to be at least light green for atlanta and chicago

>> No.11267013

New Orleans is great, but I think Houston edges it out.

>> No.11267014

louisiana, texas, florida, and georgia are pretty much the only places in the south worth going. i don't see how anyone can say mississippi, alabama, and arkansas in particular aren't flyover

>> No.11267021

Not only are Oregon and Washington state not worth visiting, but neither is the majority of California or New York State. Let's be real, I want to go see New York City, New Orleans, Vegas and like, the Grand Canyon I guess. Most of the rest of the country, including NY and CA are either fields of produce or forests.

>> No.11267317

They travel to Texas as well.

>> No.11267320

Where is Louisiana on the bottom five? Only place that's a bigger shithole than Texas.

>> No.11267330

>tfw staten island

I want to leave.

>> No.11267334

>best salmon
>best crab
>best halibut
>best moose
>best reindeer
>best caribou
>seal and whale if you ask around enough
>enjoyable outdoor adventure literally anywhere you go

You should kill yourself.