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11258193 No.11258193 [Reply] [Original]

Do people actually steal the tobacco from Chipotle?

>> No.11258196

A certain demographic does, yes

>> No.11258199 [DELETED] 

No people don’t but non-humans (I like to call them niggers) do and do it proudly aswell.

-Diane J.

>> No.11258201


>> No.11258210

i used to when i was younger and discovered the brown chipotle tobasco

>> No.11258249

I take a lot of hot sauce packets from Mary Brown's occasionally.

>> No.11258267

Do people actually go to Chipotle? Why not go to a local taco/burrito shop instead?

>> No.11258270
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Theres literally no reason to buy tabasco or napkins when chipotle exists.

>get burrito bowl with taco shells on the side, order single meat then last minute change your mind and get double (they end up loading way more on)
>get it to go then eat there, eat half the bowl and save the rest for tacos later
>ask for water cup, fill wth soda
>stock up on tabasco and napkins if needed

Ive got that shit down to a science.

>> No.11258273

Moved to a new city a month ago. Money has been kinda tight, since I haven’t found a job yet. I realized I lacked hot sauce in my apartment, so I just popped into chipotle and grabbed a bottle. Figured they can easily replace it and my meager funds could go towards actual nutrients instead of spicy vinegar.

>> No.11258278

i thought you were supposed to take it. there's nothing saying DONT take it.... it's just there

>> No.11258302

Nobody goes to chipotles anymore.

>> No.11258311

Redpill me on chipotle being sabotaged by Monsanto jews

>> No.11258312

you forgot to mention go only during busy times since they often dont communicate if i got double meat or guac if the lines backed up

>> No.11258320

>/pol/ ignorance is not invading the food board

go to your shitty containment board and reinforce your own shitty opinions, stay away from the non-brainlets please

>> No.11258324


Its implied that you lie about not getting double if it isnt communicated. Its nice to encounter another true patrician

>> No.11258329

Wa, wa. Statistics are irrefutable, nigger-sympathizer.

>> No.11258342
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High jacking your garbage thread to talk about this sauce I bought while drunk, mostly as a meme. It turned out to be one of the best hot sauces I've ever had. It's objectively better than (((secret aardvark))). Give your money to Sean Evans, goys, and buy his sauce.
Can't even begin to tell you dumb idiots how good this shit is on tacos, fajitas, and to dip nachos in.

>> No.11258347
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t. little tom

>> No.11258430

Yeah I do. Ama

>> No.11258697

Yeah, such that they put those chains on the chipotle bottles so you can't steal them.

>> No.11258707

My buddy worked at chipotles and said it was blacks of all ages who steal the sauces

>> No.11258784

>everything I don't like is /pol/
You're certifiably insane

>> No.11259050

>le /pol/-boogeyman

>> No.11259054

Do people actually eat at Chipotle?

>> No.11259055

why do people from reddit say "ama" when they look up to 4chan so much, but don't copy our established "ask me anything" ?

>> No.11259071

I'm more surprised that people go to shitty chain restaurants.

>> No.11259252

It's pathetic that you have to shoehorn your opinions into irrelevant places.

>> No.11259256

>local taco/burrito shop
those don't exist outside of Texas, Cali, or the Southwest

>> No.11259325

tabasco is a shit tier sauce

>> No.11259328

I know their trademark is the oak barrel aging but I think that makes it taste like shit desu fama

>> No.11259331

reminder tabasco is a liquid seasoning agent and not a hot sauce

>> No.11259334

explain the difference

>> No.11259337

because every other states' hispanic invasion is completely useless

>> No.11259348

You for got to mention only to do it when ur a fucking jew.

>> No.11259351

it's not a sauce. it's flavor, concentration, and consistency is best suited for use while cooking, not at the table.
tabasco is good shit when you toss a bit into chili or soup or a wet rub/ marinade but it's not what you are asking for when you ask the waitress for hot sauce.

>> No.11259352

Why does any one care if taco trucks exist half the price for teice the flavor and the hotsauce is home made not some vingar bullshit.

>> No.11259353

Legit retarded

>> No.11259356

solid reasoning

>> No.11259360

Gotta agree any one that tosses hot sauce only in when cooking is retarded maybe a little bit to heaten things up but i put tobassco on my eggs all the time or slme tapitio or is that to spicy for you to bot use when cooking?

>> No.11259376

>it's not what you are asking for when you ask the waitress for hot sauce.
if it was youd ask for it specifically.
if you asked for tabasco and got pete, you wouldn't think about how retarded the waitress is?

>> No.11259379

I see this a lot on here.
Is it a regional spelling?

>> No.11259385

They sell cigarettes in Chipotle?

>> No.11259390
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I stole a bottle of malt vinegar from the local fish fry joint when I was living on campus my freshman year of college because they didn't sell it anywhere nearby and I had no way of getting it.

I used it every day in the dining halls

>> No.11259419

but tabasco is good
You mean to tell me there are better spicy sauces?

>> No.11259425
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>> No.11259434

>tabasco is good shit when you toss a bit into chili or soup or a wet rub/ marinade but it's not what you are asking for when you ask the waitress for hot sauce.
It depends on what you're eating. It goes really well with anything that's fatty since it's thin and vinegary.

I love it on over easy eggs with cheddar and caramelized onion. Fatty, salty, sweet, sour, and spicy.

>> No.11259444

>crying about /pol/ everywhere
>not pathetic

>> No.11259450
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>he's ignorant for knowing DoJ published stats

>> No.11259554

When I was a teenager before I could buy cigs of my own I'd typically pocket a dozen or so out of the Chipotle condiment bin a few times a week. Most of the people working there went to my school so they didn't give a shit. Why is their tobacco always so dry though?

>> No.11259555

I'm not even the original cry poster
I just can't stand you

>> No.11259557

You have to go back.

>> No.11259561

Incorrect it's great on breakfast food.

>> No.11259573

Okay, Dad.

>> No.11259604

>muh statistics
Yeah let's blindly trust statistics from a nation where innocent African American men are executed on the streets in broad daylight by the police on a weekly basis....

>> No.11259636
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i've done it twice and they still made $500 million in profit on that $4 billion in revenue (2017) so i have no regrets. i'll do it again.

>> No.11259655

>and that's a good thing

>> No.11259658

Yes because it's cheap as fuck for them and they honestly break so many that they can write it off as a loss.
They buy cases of them in bulk and they don't expire so fuck you're honestly doing everyone a favor by taking one so they can run through their stock

>> No.11259662

I used to work there and we Constantly order Tobasco. Now when I go I make sure to take one. I always have one of each now. They don't give a flying fuck it's like 7 or 8 bucks for a pack of 12 especially since we get like 4 or 5 packs of 12 at a time

>> No.11259664

It's spicy vinegar, it doesn't really have the consistancy for a sauce. The vinegar is merely a convinient solvent

>> No.11259700

Yes try cholula, yucateco or valentina

>> No.11259735


>> No.11259739

IMO it hardly tastes like vinegar. Just like oakey peppers (which I find kinda gross). There are myriad better sauces out there.

>> No.11259777

Based Diane

>> No.11259823

>Give your money to Sean Evans
I would rather not give my money to a man who cries when his corn chip casserole loses a nacho cookoff.

>> No.11259900

The only time i really get mad when i ask for hot sauce and they bring me spicy ketchup.

>> No.11259924

t. Jew

>> No.11259932
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>> No.11259939

fewer characters you retard

>> No.11259943

get out

>> No.11259957

>inviting mexicans into your community

>> No.11259960

t. varkposter

>> No.11259988

Mexicans keep niggers away.

>> No.11260025



>> No.11260064

nope. nobody on earth does. they get zero customers every day.

>> No.11260170
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>> No.11260183

>order single meat then last minute change your mind and get double (they end up loading way more on)

fucking lol'd at this, what level of jewish trickery is this

>> No.11260192

They exist literally anywhere with a Hispanic immigrant community.

>> No.11260215
File: 81 KB, 491x655, 1444805967359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. I hate those fucking spics but if theyre good for anything its keeping fucking niggers out. At least mexicans are people who care somewhat about literally anything, all niggers do is fucking tear shit down and act like fucking apes. That being said, nothing better than a hole in the wall mexican restuarant after a night on the town. Chipotle is basic bitch mexican for bitchey entitled white women who live off nothing but fast food and their need to make other people's lives worse.

>> No.11260235

Tabasco is better than valentina. Leagues better.

>> No.11260246

Oh hell no Valentina tastes way better when you mix it with potato chips or popcorn

>> No.11260277

Not even close. I want more vinegar if that's the route I'm going. Chips are pretty much all I use Frank's for

>> No.11261081

They should give out packets of cholua like they have at the gas station. How am I supposed to dip in hot sauce if I bought it to go go chipotle?

>> No.11261099

No u

>> No.11261102

Mexican restaurants drown their burritos in sauces so you can't eat it without a knife and fork. Only burrito stands (virtually non-existent) and Chipotle give me what I want.

>> No.11261131

stop ordering enchiladas and expecting burritos you retard

>> No.11261144

dude i bought it also and it really is delicious

>> No.11261190


Charge way too much for a spoonful of gauc, get your tabasco stolen. Way of the road Bub's...

>> No.11261199


Tapatío, $1.19 at every wal-mart nationwide.

>> No.11261210

Ur mom drowns my burrito in cause

>> No.11261220

>no habanero tabasco
yeah nah

>> No.11261225

>drown their burritos in sauces
those are enchiladas

>> No.11261634

No they don't. Im from Cali and lived in Philly for a few years, there were no burritos except Chipotle and fuckin qdoba. I promise there are plenty of spics in Philly.

>> No.11261677

Worked at Chipotle before, this man is correct.
Going at 12:30~ or 6:30~ is when you get free double meat or guac because the staff is too rushed to do it properly.

>> No.11261692

I used to live in Atlanta; they have Willy's, the small local chain that Moe's ripped off when Willy refused to franchise. But if there was no WIlly's nearby, Chipotle was a better alternative than Moe's, at least.

>> No.11261756

Not him, but enchiladas have corn tortillas. Also, when I've had that kind of burrito the sauce wasn't enchilada sauce. It was really obvious when you got them side-by-side on the same plate. They did contain only ground beef, like an enchilada, though (at the kind of places that serve those burritos it's always ground beef).

>> No.11261797

>ask for water cup, fill wth soda
This except get two water cups, one for soda and the other to fill with tabasco

>> No.11261836

I bet you're a fat white woman. Niggas steal shit get the fuck over it.

t. nigga

>> No.11261993

We have some good ones here in the twin cities.

>> No.11262028

>fucking racist just assumes anon was talking about blacks
I honestly thought the demographic being discussed was trashy people in general

>> No.11262153

All the local Mexicans work at the Chinese restaurants

>> No.11262195
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>on a weekly basis

>> No.11262217


Dude it’s the reverse-jew.. they jew you hard if you order standard double meat. You force them to double whats already on the burrito because youre standing right there watching so they cant skimp out since you saw what the singular portion was already.

Wisen up, kid.

>> No.11263015

No, this is just very beta marketing for social media losers.

>> No.11263030

>african american men
pick one

>> No.11263514

I'll admit I did this once when I was really hammered, but it was at least at a Qdoba and not a Chipotle.
Wait what?
Nah, fuck him and fuck Hot Ones. It's a great premise but it's ruined by taking on guests who take one little bite or nibble out of the wing and then toss it. If I wanted to watch a normal interview I would just go do that.

>> No.11263520

OP, you wrote tobacco when you meant tobasco! LOL! Utrolme

>> No.11263521

>Not also having them put guac on first before everything else so there's a chance the cashier doesn't realize there's guac on it


>> No.11263525

never tried yucateco, but cholula and valentina re legitimately disgusting.
i hate seeing posters here say that garbage is good. it literally tastes like vinegar and cumin, and even has a gritty texture.
they’re like taco bell taco sauce but worse.
tobasco isn’t great but it’s literally better than those. the green mild jalapeno one isn’t very spicy but the flavour is nice.

>> No.11263563

I love diversity

>> No.11263600

I see this posted a lot around here, is it a regional spelling?

>> No.11263638

What's the logic behind this?

>this sauce tastes good, therefore I will confiscate it

Like, don't you care that you didn't buy it? Or that whoever eats there after you won't have the sauce? What animal herd raised you?

>> No.11263676

>already have ramekins available
>choose not to use them
>whine when the inevitable happens
>not even using good hot sauce

>> No.11263688

is this a new me me

>> No.11263708

only niggers steal hot sauce from restaurants
sorry (not sorry) if this Fact upsets you

>> No.11263725

Lurk Moar.

>> No.11263736

>Do people actually steal the tobacco from Chipotle?

>> No.11264282
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>mfw I dont know if you're talking about the jews or niggers

>> No.11264299

Chipotle is right next to my apartment and I don't have a car

>> No.11264302

Well, my guess is that his autocorrect changed "tabasco" to "tobacco". That seems like the obvious explanation. What do you think?

>> No.11264308

>voluntarily eating poison burritos

imagine beind retarded. or living in the midwest.

>> No.11264315

tobasco isn't even good

>> No.11264337
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>> No.11265691

Womp womp, faggot.

>> No.11265706

But seriously, who has taste so poor they go to fucking Chipotle and enjoy Tabasco? Get some proper food and sauce you fucking philistine.

>> No.11265708
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The same nation where Blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes and violence/homicide against police officers.

>> No.11265984

t. Sturmtrooper bootlicker

>> No.11265987

>do people take bottles of tobasco
yes I did it all the time in college

they have 10 bottles out and if ones almost empty Ill take it, hell somtimes I take a full one because im gonna use half of it on my burrito

>> No.11266018


it could also backfire on you

>ask for singular portion
>they decide to be nice and give you a little extra
>"no wait make that a double actually"
>is this nigga serious.jpg
>they remember your face and from now on give you a little less everytime to compensate for your knavery

u can get burned if you fly too close to the sun, anon.

>> No.11266088

Not him, but I think it's more likely OP wrote the wrong word on purpose to try to get more replies.

>> No.11266535

>no argument
Color me shocked.

>> No.11266751

Chipotle is local. There's one right down the street.

>> No.11266788

used to work there kek

>> No.11267152

Apparently my mom has been doing it for a while whenever she goes to restaurants
she never did it in front of me when I was a kid
I only found out two months ago because my house flooded and we had to eat out every night until my kitchen was repaired
we're not even poor, but she does that a lot, and occasionally steals a bowl or plate
I actually respect her less after finding out about it

>> No.11267182

I honestly hate this. I'm a cashier at chipotle (fresh out of high school, community college) and I have to deal with this shit all the time. I don't care as much about the soda part, but the napkins are a pain to have to always refill, and everyone bitches when we run out of tobasco. we wouldnt run out of it if people would just stop stealing it

>> No.11267324

Who else could it be?

>> No.11267417

Nigs gonna nog

>> No.11268316

You're a shitty person.

>> No.11268338

Welcome to 4chan, lady.

>> No.11268352



>> No.11268520

Live in northern Georgia and I can name 5 rn like 5 minutes away from my house

>> No.11269108

Should be mandatory for the prices that they charge for their garbage food.