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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11254409 No.11254409 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on my vegetarian sausage?

>> No.11254415

My vegetarian sausage will fill you up until it hurts, but you'll be begging for more, if you know what I mean.

>> No.11254423

It tastes okay, but not as good as real sausage.

>> No.11254426

looks tasty as fuck OP. You have made me stop eating meat. My vegetarian life start here, right now..... Thank you

>> No.11254428

Looks as bad as it more than likely tastes
Vegans need to stop trying to make meat out of plants and eat their salads in silence

>> No.11254431

im not a vegan

>> No.11254441

I thought that was a pickle

>> No.11254447


>> No.11254454 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11254461

Oh, I get it. It's an OP is a fag joke.

>> No.11254534

4/10, 6 if it fits comfortably in your ass

>> No.11254545
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literally making vegetables inedible by adding a lot of unnatural shit that was created or mined out of the ground to process one false piece of meat, all the while you probably contributed to destroying a lot of different species habit. all the while you try to maintain the image that you are a better person for choosing not to eat one animal.

>> No.11254565

Doesn't that also describe what normal sausages are doing with meat, though?

>> No.11255087

that's pretty sad looking. looks like an extrusion of lentils, starch, with turmeric for color? does it have the nitrates for that sausage flavor, or do vegans forgo that as well?

>> No.11255091

why do vegans even bother? all this imitation food always tastes awful and wrong

>> No.11255093


>> No.11255270

>mined out of the ground
Do you think it's made out of blood diamonds or something?

>> No.11255289

I sure fucking hope it's vegan, op
Otherwise kys

>> No.11255305

Looks like you ate a pickle, proceeded to have diarrhoea and shit out a shitpickle which you now consider a sausage.

>> No.11255309
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>> No.11255331

It shouldn't be called a sausage.

>> No.11255343

that is one disgusting looking ugly piece of shit, and the burger as well

>> No.11255345

Looks like a mini whole grain baguette

>> No.11255514

You're being generous calling that excrescence a "burger". Looks fucking cancerous.