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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.20 MB, 1080x614, alainducasse1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11240791 No.11240791 [Reply] [Original]

>Family worth £10 million+
>Recently went to Paris for 8 nights and ate at a different Michelin starred restaurant every night.

I don't normally post on /ck/ (usually on /a/ and /lit/) but thought you guys would like some pics.

This was dessert at the Eiffel tower restaurant (Le Jules Verne by Alain Ducasse, 3 michelin stars) which Macron took Trump to. I think it was some sort of deconstructed French apple tart (Tarte tatin) with gold leaf shavings and some other stuff.

I'm also self aware enough to know for most people this sort of food is unattainable but pictures are the next best thing I guess?

>> No.11240794
File: 795 KB, 1082x606, alainducasse2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was our amuse bouche which was some sort of salmon in a broth. It was pretty salty not gonna lie but it tasted good nonetheless.

I'm shit at food reviews lol.

>> No.11240799
File: 869 KB, 1078x610, alainducasse3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seafood consomme broth with some prawns and clams + edible flower petals and truffle

>> No.11240802

Unattainable haha
You got ripped off.
They didnt even give you a full plate.

>> No.11240803
File: 750 KB, 1092x612, alainducasse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fish dish, but I completely forgot what type of fish it was. It looked nice though.

>> No.11240805

Too lazy to bother taking it out of the pan
My pedophile grandfather does that with trout when we go camping

>> No.11240809

>Family worth £10 million+
>taking pics of your food like a regular pleb
>posting & boasting on 4chan
You're the one who's going to run that fortune into the ground, aren't you?

>> No.11240811

Shrimp and catfish.
A portion that size is $4.95 in mississippi
So unattainable.

>> No.11240817
File: 1.24 MB, 1082x610, winerestaurant1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some wine-centric restaurant where the concept is you pick a wine and for each course and the food comes out paired with it, so you didn't know what you were going to get. Pretty cool. We were served by the best sommelier in the world and saw Kiera Knightley (or I think it was).

My starter was a shrimp/seafood broth...I like my broths..

The lighting was shit though.

>> No.11240821
File: 649 KB, 1086x606, winerestaurant2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a red and ended up with some beef thing for mains.

Again the lighting was so bad for pictures.

>> No.11240822

Maybe you should spend e few of those millions on a cellphone with a decent camera.
And why are you taking pictures at the table? Its rude and frowned upon by polite society.

>> No.11240823
File: 668 KB, 1086x600, winerestaurant3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the life of me i can't remember the name of this restaurant.

>Vanilla millefeule with gold shavings

That was dessert.

Gonna go outside for a run now too I think.

>> No.11240826

>gold leaf shavings
isn't this just a waste of money?

>> No.11240827

Actually paying money for scraps and drippings served in an oversized bowl.

>> No.11240828

>pay so much for a meal, but still get served a broken plate

>> No.11240829

I lost my Iphone for the nth time and was given an old Android to atone for my sins.

Also, everyone takes pictures at the table, no one cares.

>> No.11240831

I guess they charge extra to cook it?

>> No.11240836

The French really like their raw beef. I saw a steak tartare on every menu from road side cafes to michelin starred restaurants.

>> No.11240838

My daughter does something like this on sunday nights when she raids the pantry to make dessert.
Shes seven.

>> No.11240843

This thread is so full of salt.

>> No.11240845

No one here cares about these meme meals.

Go to Vietnam and eat a dog in the jungle. Faggot.

>> No.11240848

I came on here expecting to see nice food in the catalogue but it's all burgers, pizzas and fat people. Junk food. Fuck that man.

>> No.11240850

Sounds like Reddit is more your speed.

>> No.11240861
File: 924 KB, 602x606, davidtoutain1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was dessert at David Toutain (3 michelin stars) and it's designed to look like elements of nature.

There's a garden with quail eggs, which weren't actually quail eggs. They were sweet and some sort of dessert. There's 'mud' with some chocolate truffles hidden in them (because truffles come from the earth I guess) and pebbles with some 'pebble macaroons'.

This was at the end of a 12 course meal as well.

>> No.11240873

What a played out gimmick

>> No.11240885

>Says the guy whose probably never eaten at a single michelin starred restaurant.

>> No.11240897


Just talk about the food nigger, plenty of us here eat at the 3 stars, the wine is the only expensive part.

>> No.11240898

Lmao what a weeb

>> No.11240905

The reason I know it’s a cliché is because that’s not true you cretin.

>> No.11240907

This. You only need to be on a moderate income to afford to eat at fancy places.

>> No.11240911

Ignore the butt hurt people op, I enjoyed your post

Do you and your family tend to go out to eat more often than cooking at home?

>> No.11240912

ITT: Salt

>> No.11240917

come back when you hit up a 5 star joint poorfag

>> No.11240919

This one looked the most appetizing to me out of everything.

>> No.11240926

How can OP know so little about food?

Looks nice, but would have assumed you'd be a touch more knowledgeable given your wealth/associated upbringing

>> No.11240930

Keep posting pics OP

>> No.11240933

An estate of 10 million doesn’t just automatically put you in the upper echelons of society anon. My dad is worth closer to 50 mil and the other day I got drunk and took a shit in the park

>> No.11240941

I'm not sure what else to say though?

Back from my run so I'll post some more. I don't have pics from 3 nights because they weren't that impressive. They were still michelin starred but the food looked more 'normal'.

>> No.11240943

drives me nuts when people take pictures of their food at a restaurant. I’m normally pretty reasonably and calm but this one thing just triggers me hard and makes me want to flip their table over

>> No.11240947

Probably new money

>> No.11240948

The Eiffel tower spot is a meme, that it's retained three stars is a mystery (or otherwise seriously undermines the Michelin guide)

Only Chinese nouveau richer folks fall for it desu

>> No.11240953

Fuck off with your shit instagram-tier blog faggot

>> No.11240954

I recently went on holiday with my mum and sister for the first time in years and every meal we had they spent an agonising amount of time taking multiple pics, choosing the best, editing it and posting it to Instagram with shitty internet then getting the other person to check it’s come up on their stories and looks correct. It took longer than saying fucking grace.

>> No.11240959
File: 727 KB, 460x614, davidtoutain2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dish was part of this 12 course long dinner >>11240861

It was fried pork fat, like pork scratchings almost but lighter and fluffier.

>> No.11240960

just lmao if you don't frequent smaller specialised subreddits

>> No.11240961
File: 39 KB, 600x600, PhotoImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahahahaha op got served 50$ dirt pudding cups at a michelin star restaurant. timmy's soccer mom could make that shit with a trip to walmart's grocery and craft section

>> No.11240965

Fucking nauseating, would ban it if I owned a restaurant.

Alain Roux has banned it at The Waterside Inn (3*)

>> No.11240969
File: 450 KB, 464x612, davidtoutain3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was some sort of egg concoction in an egg shell. Truth be told I didn't even know what half the things were, I just ate them.

>> No.11240977

You are eating 5th grade art projects.

>> No.11240981
File: 390 KB, 462x618, davidtoutain4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely can't remember what this was.

>> No.11240988
File: 636 KB, 462x598, davidtoutain5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veal sweetbreads. Easily the highlight of the evening. I love sweetbreads so damn much, it's not even funny. I make sure to order it at every restaurant I go to that has it.

>> No.11240998

It would be "unattainable" for you too since you can't cook it yourself and need your family to buy it for you.

>> No.11241025
File: 414 KB, 452x606, davidtoutain6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venison with mushrooms. I was pretty drunk at this point so I actually don't remember too much of most of the dishes after this and forgot to take a few pictures.

>> No.11241028

can i fuck her

>> No.11241030
File: 431 KB, 1944x2592, 416305DA-EF15-445C-945A-62972DB0BEC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t remember what this one was called but it was one of my absolute favorite desserts. The texture was incredible.

This was at the end of a 27 course meal.

>> No.11241034


>> No.11241038

Looks like a Dick and balls.

>> No.11241042
File: 634 KB, 458x610, davidtoutain7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheese course where they actually shaved the cheese instead of slicing it which I thought was pretty neat.

Why hasn't anyone thought of this before lol.

>> No.11241066

>OP loves the texture of cock in his mouth

>> No.11241104

I see that you are eating with other people. IMHO, a meal is only as good as the people you share it with.

I hope you had a great time.

>> No.11241130

Yep. This sort of fancy faggotry does not impress me at all. I am a man and I would like a proper plate of food, please. A clam on a saucer covered in platinum dust shavings is just silly.

>> No.11241134

>Family worth £10 million+
Newfag detected.
why the rest of /ck/ fell for it......I can not offer an explanation. I thought we were better than this.

>> No.11241138

These pics are from an Imgur album btw that’s why op can barely describe each course
He’s a larping redditnigger

>> No.11241148

No they aren't, I'm taking so long to post them up because of having to transfer them over from my phone and cropping things like extremely unique £50,000 watches.

>> No.11241158
File: 118 KB, 1129x1200, 1534068066163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really.... sarcasm.png

>> No.11241161

the placement of the hollow part of the berry nest to the taint looks surprisingly like an anus.

>> No.11241162

some of this food looks good, OP, but I think id rather have a fucking new car instead of what you spent on it.

>> No.11241174

I didn't spend anything, my father did. Each meal was around £800-£1000 (including wine). I still study at university but I'm not really sure what I want to do. I like high fantasy though and anime so maybe I have to find a job that can combine the two.

>> No.11241190


That's actually a neat idea, especially if you match shaving thickness with cheese strength.

New cars that are interesting are far more expensive than a week of meals, and good meals are far more exciting than boring cars.

Mate you need to up your wine budget, I'm sure some of the main deserved premier grand cru classes.

Also, take it from a fellow rich fag, whatever you do make sure you exploit nepotism, and whatever you do, don't work in the family business until after you've made a name elsewhere. If you're doing a shit (any humanities that isn't ppe at ox) degree force your way into the city or into journalism, if you're doing a degree worth something just succeed. The goal is to make enough money to have £10-20m to yourself rapidly, then you can spend your time quite freely on anime or some other trash.

>> No.11241221
File: 594 KB, 450x614, davidtoutain8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second last one from David Toutain's restaurant. By this point I was pretty drunk so again I have no recollection of what the hell this was. I'm hazarding a guess that it was some sort of beetroot dish.

We ordered a £300 bottle at Robuchon, but I haven't posted food from that dinner yet. Also, what family business? It's been sold.

And what's so good about journalism? Although, come to think of it, working at somewhere like Reuters and being a foreign correspondent would be pretty cool.

>> No.11241222

It’s horse meat

>> No.11241224

>The goal is to make enough money to have £10-20m to yourself rapidly

That's a ridiculously bold goal btw lol. You make it sound so easy and run of the mill.

>> No.11241232
File: 620 KB, 460x614, davidtoutain9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, no idea what this was. I think it was steak tartare but wine was messing with my head at this point lol.

>> No.11241235

This entire thread was the build up for this picture. Think about that

>> No.11241243

Youre both retarded.
Shaving hard cheese is standard practice and had been for as long as we've had hard cheese.

>> No.11241261

pretty much this, without wine it's probably half the cost.

>> No.11241274

post pic of where you went to eat after this set of appetizers

>> No.11241283

I've never made it to Robuchon's Paris restaurant, shame the old chap is gone. I did go to la chateau in Tokyo, which was very nice albeit entirely classical, reminded me of Ducasse's Le Louis XV. I imagine his Paris one is much the same?

And nothing's particularly good about journalism, it's just good networking and a closed shop unless you have money and contacts. The consequence is that it's not much of a meritocracy, and instead an escalator of sorts for those with the contacts in the first place. I'm guessing, as you have money, you're a public school boy; in which case journalism is just one of the easy routes up from what I've seen. The downside is that you normally end up in influencer roles rather than owning IP or having equity in services. But yeah, you can go from journalism into almost anything so long as you're competent at handling people and can speak their (albeit very lefty metropolitan) language.

It's not easy, but it's a good goal to have, mainly because it excludes gradual wage progression. My issue with roles that lead to late-in-life executive positions is that payout is at 50+, usually later. So if your starting point is that much by that age (say 35-40), your tactic has to be different, and whilst pushing your seniority you must also must focus on being paid in equity rather than salary, and ownership of IP (n.b. I'm mainly in tech, so IP is more important here than in most areas, equity is true for all though). So long as you're not a fuck-up, late-in-life executive is still a viable backup plan. Go for big money, get it if you're lucky and talented, always get 'plenty' anyway.

Courses for horses though, I think many of the late-in-life executives I know would've never wanted to retire to sailing/leisure irrespective of their wealth. I just like food and boats more than other things.

>> No.11241321

good food is wasted on the rich

>> No.11241347

Tell some stories of your pedophile grandfather.

>> No.11241352
File: 1.36 MB, 1090x602, robuchon1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robuchon Paris was very modern and not classical at all. It had TV's in the dining area where you can watch the chefs prepare the food via a camera in the kitchen. We actually saw our fish and steaks being prepared because we saw them be cooked, plated up and a few seconds later the waiter comes round with them. The lighting is also hues of red and black, like a cool bar and they were replaying some old french show on another TV.
It was very modern and almost hispterish.

Pic related was my scallop soup starter.

Re my life, Tbh, at this point I'm not really sure what to do and would rather not think about it lol. If i can somehow find a way to get £20 million while sleeping I'll fill you in though. I don't have many friends so not much chance for networking either.

>> No.11241358

Whatever this is it looks like a pair of sliced sausages in a dog dish filled with fine gravel.

>> No.11241365

Sounds like a tacky joint.

>> No.11241368


>> No.11241369
File: 112 KB, 570x783, il_570xN.1191093977_gsp9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one of these dishes cost more than I have spent on groceries in the past five months. I don't make exaggeration either.

>> No.11241374

>served walnuts
>no nut cracker
>probably there for show and not to eat
>probably get thrown away

>> No.11241377

The little tray is probably binned as well.

>> No.11241378

>Any one of these dishes cost more than I have spent on groceries
I doubt it, individually a single dish from a 12 course tasting menu would likely only cost $20-30.

It's 12 courses afterall, you're probably only paying $150-500 depending on the restaurant. At $500 for 12 courses that'd be ~$41 per course.

>> No.11241380
File: 111 KB, 649x767, HhXruX9TGmFxBMK446gLV-OSlxfHYpQu9BhPxcyv1r0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck an american
Any wonder the post is absolutely assbackward
Nah man ol' miss fuckwad you know the type
Fuck it lets just call you a nigger and get it over with now

>> No.11241381

Prodigal son much?

>> No.11241382

There was 6 of us so it cost quite a bit. I think I massively underestimated how much it actually cost above. I reckon it was easily reaching £2000 for some of these dinners but i didn't check the bill because it wasn't my place to.

>> No.11241384

Does a course need to be a bite and a half of whatever it may be

>> No.11241388

>black tables
>flaking dinnerware
This is a michelin star restaurant? Wtf...

>> No.11241389

I've been living on dried beans I bought three years ago. I have receipt from last month when I went to grocery store for first time since late March. I said I don't exaggerate.

>> No.11241392

With drinks I can easily see 6 people cresting $5,000 or even $10,000 with decent enough wine.

>> No.11241398
File: 29 KB, 450x450, tree of treats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Family worth £10 million+
Irrelevant. People do dine out when traveling without needing to state their net worth, ROFL. You're either a foodie or you're not, business or pleasure, frequently or infrequently, so yea, irregardless of income.
>I'm also self aware enough to know for most people this sort of food is unattainable but pictures are the next best thing I guess?
There are few people who have regular internet access on a forum online who would find a £200 meal "unattainable" or whatever you want to call it. Get over yourself, and watch your language. You're coming across kind of prickish. People of all incomes shouldn't feel the need to talk like you do?

I'm going to enjoy your pics however. I make a point to hit up something in the top 10 ranking whenever I travel, which is often. I'm posting a pic from a restaurant I discovered last month in Montreal. My pics contain loved ones, not food alone, so I found one online. Pic is not even a the actual course, just the dessert course accompaniment items at Europea. There's a metal sculpture tree with cotton candy "leaves" and 6 different homemade candies, gummies, marshmallows, sugared nuts hanging like ornaments. There were chocolate pistachio lollipops on a chilled slab of marble, hot madelines in the box with powdered sugar, pots de creme with passionfruit gel, and under the tree were 12 different french pastries/cookies. The actual dessert was chosen off a menu as part of the 10 course tasting. My favorite item came in a cigar box tableside, carried smoking of maple wood which poofed out, and featured a small bite of smoked salmon and cream "eggs" in a little sugared bird's nest cup as cracker. Fun place, highly recommend! US dollar is strong in Canada, so yea, 30% off for US tourists.

>> No.11241403

Now that you say that, it kinda sucks knowing my Dad spends all that money on us. Especially me, a grown ass 20 year old man.

>> No.11241407

>inb4 he writes off the meals for his family as business expenses

>> No.11241410

>literally desserts for children

>> No.11241414
File: 251 KB, 348x608, robuchon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 3 Michelin star restaurant my friend.

>pic related

The pigeon starter

>> No.11241418

Any restaurant with a sense of respect for the customer would never serve food on flaking dinnerware michelin or no. I'm triggered. Buttmad, even.

>> No.11241428
File: 1.04 MB, 1078x612, robuchon 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The steak at 3 michelin starred Robuchon with a celeriac foam, butternut squash and a creamy mash.

>> No.11241447
File: 46 KB, 640x480, europea app accompiaments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep. This sort of fancy faggotry does not impress me at all. I am a man and I would like a proper plate of food, please. A clam on a saucer covered in platinum dust shavings is just silly.
Gold dust and platinum dust is indeed silly, and dubiously not truly edible nor healthy. Some molecular gastronomy is utterly stupid, I think, where there's so much faux this or that and fakery. I like good tidbits cooked in good ways.

But, consider that you're there with loved ones or fellow foodies, and in the space of 10+ courses, you get a load of surprises and conversation starters, and you do fill up. It's a whirlwind between courses too, just time enough for a few sips of wine and sharing conversations, then the food just keeps coming. It's a delightful experience if you consider the value of some ingredients, and some of the more time consuming craft foods snuck in there, and killing 3-5 hours of a restaurants turnover of tables, just dining nonstop. I wouldn't and don't eat like that every night, nor at home, where a literal 50 fussy things are prepped and formed, so it's considered a fun respite from the norm. Don't knock it until you try it...with fun people of course.... and the full intention to pair wine tasting and get wasted at the same time. Food is better with some sloshedness and all those alcohol compounds enhancing flavor. This pic, again from Europea, featured some luscious jerky on a clothesline with baby clothespins, ROFL, with some truffle popcorn, goat cheese lollipops, and herby good breadsticks. Fun stuff with before dinner drinks.

>> No.11241458

>Any restaurant with a sense of respect for the customer would never serve food on flaking dinnerware michelin or no. I'm triggered. Buttmad, even.

>> No.11241474

>more food for literal children

>> No.11241501

I think, taking pics of your food in a decent way isnt rude to anyone. People who are triggered by this are maybe out of balance with their own shit.

>> No.11241505


>> No.11241522

Foam doesn't look visually appealing.

>> No.11241673

This unironically looks better than the pretentious crap.

>> No.11241738

>people getting mad at some rich guy eating overpriced shit

>> No.11241747

You make 'Three for free' look fresh and original.

>> No.11241849

It's luxurious. Some people say gold (usually monoatomic) has health properties when consumed. Gold is so malleable that you can cover an entire tennis court with a lump the size of a match box (I've read) so it's not actually that much money to get these little leaves for eating.

It's basically just art.

>> No.11241863

Looks like someone vomited bile into a dish

>> No.11241873

Agreed. If it's something noteworthy, documenting and sharing it is just fun. Not everyone has the same principles and priorities and that's okay as long as it doesn't actually burden others.

>> No.11241886

Swedish culture is so beautiful and complex :^)

>> No.11241896

What the fuck are you on about!?!

Are you so stupid that you don’t know what shadows are?

>> No.11241899

Looks yummy

>> No.11241901

it's not a mystery. alain ducasse is the most overrated chef of all time and michelin prove that.

>> No.11241902

Fucking people have a hard time quantifying things any more. Value is subjective, but self worth is suffering inflation.
Thank you brother.

>> No.11241908

Not gonna lie. This looks...bad, anon. Uninspired.

>> No.11241955

>I lost my Iphone for the nth time
You dont even know how many iPhones you have lost? WTF man, is that what being rich does to a person?

>> No.11241993

I won’t mention how many LandRovers I’ve missparked.

>> No.11242007

The fish looks to me to be halibut.
Really tasty fish, usually costs about $25-$30 per pound at the store.

>> No.11242030
File: 139 KB, 952x960, 39018491_845209075674139_4943117056837943296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your man-bitch for 2 dollars an hour

>"What did he mean by this?"

I think you know what I'm talking about. For 48 dollars a day, plus a room to sleep in, I'll do whatever you want me to do, 24/7, no questions asked.

You ask your butler to beat up two homeless dudes for funnies? Ain't gonna happen. You ask me to do it? Not only will I make it a close fight, I'll make it worth your while. I'll use trashcans, get kicked around for a bit, throw dirt in one of their eyes, go for the collegiate wrestler slam, and limp away from it all with a bloody nose, bruised but victorious.

I can teach you about sports, lifting, boxing, shooting, I can read you one of my many poems from my own personal book of poems that I've written, I can speak with a Scottish, Australian, and Cockney accent, as well as a bad Japanese one, and I can speak Korean fluently.

And "yes", while I may be straight, I can suck your dick, and not only will I say it's a very big penis (humongous, even), I will also compare it to mine, which, unironically, is a very small penis, and puts my penis to shame.

"Oh, but having another man in my house sounds intimidating, and also, aside from his small penis, he sounds like a Proto-Chad. Even if I did say yes, how will I know if his friendship and loyalty isn't just being bought?"

I can assure you, you can quit anytime you like. You can buy me for 2 bucks, or one whole 1 hour, just to see what it's like; and while my purposes may be motivated by money, I can assure you, without any hint of deception, that chances are, I will legitimately consider you my friend (I've been brutally honest about everything I've said so far, I don't intend on lying now). I already kind of consider everyone on 4chan my friends anyway, except for commies, because it's not like I have any other true friends in real life.

pt 1

>> No.11242040

>posh bougie faggot food

I’ll stick to my mcchickens, thank you very much

>> No.11242070

how much for you to come to a bar with me, watch a fotball game, drink some beers and talk about sports?

i have no irl buddys

>> No.11242072
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 1516017485084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 22 year old straight guy that has nothing else going on in his life and would absolutely be your bitch for 48 dollars a day.

I will do your chores, call your mom, bury your bodies, play your games, suck your dick, be your friend, be your punching bag, speak my mind (if you want), keep my mouth shut (by default), stay out of your way (if you want), guard you like a Faberge egg (by default), be your brawn, be your brains, spoonfeed you, please you, guide you, come inside you, all for the low-low price of 2 dollars an hour, plus rent. Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back.

Think about the absolute mayhem that would happen on 4chan if you actually did do it and we proved it actually happened. Think about the (You)s. There's so little risk to you as, whereas I'm putting everything on the line here for this one little chance at being your little fucking...man-bitch here, c'mon, what the fuck! You'd be insane not to!

This is not a shitpost, I am not fucked in the head. I know that 48 dollars a day is nothing, and I actually do value my life and dignity, but I know being a literal man-servant to one of the heirs to the richest people in America is way more valuable than 48 bucks an hour and my dignity. That's why I'm advertising myself for so little, not because I'm a genuine S&M slave or something, but because I know if you said "yes", I'd probably be automatically launched 50 steps up on the socio-economic ladder overnight.

C'mon, man. I'll legit be your friend. Just think about it, cause my mind is already made up. I know exactly what I'd bring the moment you said "yes".

Just do it, man. Please, just do it for the lols...

>> No.11242081

If I actually knew you as an acquaintance, I would do it for free. I mean, that's just shit people do for fun.

If you were rich as fuck, though, I'd at least ask you to pick me up, or if we're going in my car, to help out with gas.

>> No.11242090

Also, if you're not the OP, don't worry. I'd still hang out with you. I don't have any actual REAL friend irl too ;_;

>> No.11242091

I loled

>> No.11242156
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1531056499808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is making me gay.... or suicidal. Maybe both. Go fucking die OP

>> No.11242159

Looks like catfish but could be seabass cooked in low temp

>> No.11242187

fucking gauche

>> No.11242251

Ive been l’atelier in london which is much the same as the Paris one and yeah, it was one of my worst meals in a ‘fancy’ restaurant, horrible frosted glass plates, a giant menu, visually and aurally noisy and oppressively bichromatic

>> No.11242268

>Places macaroons onto rocks
>300 dorra you pay now

>> No.11242313
File: 1.16 MB, 1076x610, shangpalace1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soz guys, been busy today with assignments and travelling.

Anyhow this is the Peking duck we had at the Shang palace - the Shangri La's signature Chinese restaurant. We make a point of visiting the Shang at every city we go to with a Shangri La whether we stay there or not. So far I've been to the Shang (and stayed at the Shangri La) at Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. It never fails to disappoint and it shouldn't, having 1 michelin star to its name.

>> No.11242322

Are those slim jims?

>> No.11242331
File: 1.31 MB, 1092x608, shangpalace2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't take many pictures because I'd heard it was frowned upon there, but did manage to sneak a few of the wonton soup.

>> No.11242353
File: 1.30 MB, 1086x598, shangpalace3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm Wonton.

>> No.11242378
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Around the world in 8 days.

>> No.11242542

Gauche is really underused these days.

If you ever head up North towards Nottingham you should go to Sat Baines. Get a table at their nucleus kitchen with your family. Imo best food in the UK atm, with Outlaw a close second.

>> No.11242573

This whole thread is gauche. That's the sad part about being a chef/ or a successful artist of any kind. Michelin chefs are slaves to gauche rich people who just want to get drunk and snap instagram photos to show how amazing their empty lives are. Most can't appreciate or don't give a shit about the food or are three sheets to the wind before they even taste it.

>> No.11242606

This post started off kino, then got a little sad and cringey near the end. Where are you in America?

>> No.11242616

It's one of the reasons why 2 stars always shine brightest; there's still a deep passion there, they haven't reached a peak and are self motivated. With a few exceptions (bulli when it was still around, rocca now), 2 stars are almost always the best food, and retain the will of the chef. I spent a couple of months driving around Europe a few years ago, going to most of the major 3 stars, and very very few had personality. I think it's also safe to say that France is no longer an innovator in cuisine. The best restaurants were in Denmark, Spain, and Great Britain. And I didn't expect that at all, I mainly traveled by asking the chefs which restaurant I really needed to try and following their advise.

But I reiterate my recommendation to everyone in Bongland to go to restaurant Sat Baines. It's unique, it does not rely on novelty, and it develops its own cuisine on its own terms. This cuisine is technically classical, but its inspirations and palate are very much its own. I think the least pretentious famous 2 star I've been to.

>> No.11242640

Thank-you, anon, this give me hope.

>> No.11242668

Mate, Sat, is that you lol?

In all seriousness is it really that good?

>> No.11242671


Sat Bains. Food looks amazing.

>> No.11242697


>> No.11242702
File: 1.46 MB, 1090x600, italianrestaurant1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was from an Italian restaurant with 1 michelin star. The food wasn't quirky, or delicately put together like the others, but still delicious. I think this was sweetbreads.

The better picture quality is because I'm using my brother's Iphone. I lost my 6th Iphone in 2 years so I was on the naughty step making do with a shitty Android.

The chef even came out to greet us and ask us if the food was good. I said it was too salty to troll him lol, but obviously said just kidding after.

>> No.11242714

Dude, please stop. You're paying a fortune to eat a tiny plate of things you can eat ten times more of for ten times less in any decent restaurant, and it will still be just as delicious.
If you have money, please spend it on something better.

>> No.11242715

Hah, if only I could cook half as well as him. (Although I don't envy the lives of chefs, looks like stupidly hard word).

I really like it, and would rank it alongside Outlaw, I'm less of a seafood person so Sat wins, for those who prefer seafood I imagine Outlaw would. But I like the man and the place too, very nice produce garden, interesting things going on in their development kitchen, and Sat's down-to-earth and rather open about his food and ideas. So long as he's around I've always been able to sit down for 20 minutes with him, have a coffee, and discuss his food and ideas. I've met few chefs who are so consistently willing to talk about their food with a degree of humbleness I suppose.

And, as the other anon pointed out, Bains*. Embarrassing when you can't spell the name of the man you're shilling.

>> No.11242717
File: 1.47 MB, 1072x610, italianrestaurant2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my starter. A great, big ball of cheese with truffle shavings and some red stuff on the side. I asked for a little extra truffle *wink* *wink* *nudge* so I think that's why there's quite a bit lol.

>> No.11242720
File: 1.11 MB, 332x328, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ and /lit/

i mean, /lit/ might have been half decent before 2015...... but you're probably retarded

>> No.11242726

>some rich cunt eating horribly overpriced food he can't even manage to identify
This is actually quite depressing.

>> No.11242735
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>> No.11242740
File: 1.43 MB, 1090x602, burgundyrestaurant1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our family eats cheap food too - we're just like any other family anon. It's just that when we're on holiday we like to splash out a bit. Truthfully, by the end of it, I often just want an egg and bacon sandwich.

Pic related was my starter at a restaurant that only served Burgundy wine. I think it was artichokes but it really looked beautiful. My shitty android picture doesn't do the latticework and plating justice. It honestly looked almost too good to eat and was absolutely delicious.

I also heard an extremely rich looking Chinese family next door (Prada and Chanel handbags for the women, a massive Audemars watch for the father and the kids wearing £900 Gucci T shirts) asking for Bordeaux wines lmao. They obviously didn't get the memo from whoever their concierge was.

>> No.11242744

Oahu, Hawaii.

I don't know, man. I don't think it's sad or depressing. That's just what it looks like when someone is being open. You don't normally see people being so vulnerable, so at first it might strike you as a little deranged or moody.

>> No.11242745

You'll find me in the Tolkien threads on lit and tv. I love high fantasy lore. I come to /ck/ once in a blue moon but really it's all burgers, hot dogs and pizza, which is pretty common and uninteresting.

>> No.11242751

In looking it up on wikipedia, Sat Baines looks and sounds like a total asshole. No thanks. If I were to go to London I'd plan on patronizing the great offal restaurants like St. John where they're really innovative with offal. Fuck some Sikh Gordon Ramsey wannabee michelin starred dick cheese.

>> No.11242759

You're living in paradise my friend, I'm sure life isn't so bad in Hawaii. You've got beaches, girls, luaos or whatever they're called. It beats the UK that's for sure.

>> No.11242764

>tfw you're sharing comfy LOTR threads on /tv/ with some rich brainlet
Now I can't go back there without feeling sick, great

>> No.11242770

I would unironically prefer Taco Bell to these memes

>> No.11242773

Tolkien threads are my go to on /tv/ and /lit/. I start a few threads too from time to time which get 300+ replies.

>> No.11242784

Have you been to Golden Pork Tonkotsu Ramen Bar on S King? I love that place.

>> No.11242804

I think most are missing the point here anyway... your £10 mil.+ fortune isn't impressive, in fact that's a very meager amount. Don't boast about your families worth when there are plenty of others worth equal or even greater amounts than your plebian family.

>> No.11242811

Wtf? How do you know that place? Are you a Hawaii-fag too? Lmao, hey.

I've been there, it's bree guh.

It's expensive as hell though. However, I do love the beach and the girls. When it comes to girls, I'm spoiled. I don't think I could find better girls anywhere else. Local girls drive me out of my mind. They're going to be the death of me one day, I just know it.

>> No.11242818

I lived there most of my life. Just moved to the Mainland.

>> No.11242821

What? How is $10 mil. not impressive? Are you LARP'ing or something?

Can I be your man-bitch for 2 dollars an hour, plus rent?

>> No.11242832

Is this suppose to be impressive or some shit? every time I travel I would rather go to a hole in the wall shop where someone has been working the kitchen for 30 years and actually has a unique flavor to shit.

>> No.11242855

£10 mill, so $13 mill in US money. It used to be $18 mill but Brexit has devalued the pound relative to the dollar.

>> No.11242915

Fucking lol, yeah I'll pay you $2 an hour haha, that's literally nothing

>> No.11242921

That’s $2.00 an hour to suck your cock...

>> No.11242922

>seafood with funghi

>> No.11242939

>gold shavings
Fucking WHY?

This one looks phenomenal, though.

"The bloody scrotum"

>> No.11242943

I'm having flashbacks of THAT pic.
It involves cartoon animals in a subway line.

>> No.11242968

>still have so little class you feel the need to take pictures of everything you ate and instaface all your vapid friends


>> No.11242969
File: 144 KB, 1088x734, Snibilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're either a foodie, or you're not

>> No.11242977

The tv things actually sounds pretty neat.

>> No.11242979
File: 13 KB, 251x278, 1226966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ten hours later i know, but i just have to cmment. thats awesome

>> No.11242993
File: 76 KB, 600x318, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I'm in a similar situation as you, except I'm 30 now and totally over feeling bad, or anything, for getting everything in life for free. Just embrace it and be happy you won't have to toil away wagecucking to pay off a car or house or university. If you don't amount to anything so what, just be a good person and good to your family and don't COMPLETELY fuck up (no jail, no severe drug addiction, etc.) also, don't feel the need for validation from others or that you need to somehow justify your existence/lifestyle. Oh, and if you get a generous cash windfall around your age try not to blow it within the year because you'll never hear the end of it every time you get gifted something, or worse you'll be "gifted" money but it will be jewlocked in a meme account you won't have full access to, or won't be available until x amount of years has passed (although there's still a way to access these but that's for another post on tips on being a bad son.)

>> No.11243003

He's clearly nouveau riche.

>> No.11243028

2 dollars an hour for 24/7 equates to $48 an hour. Fuck me, you couldn't find a butler that cheap if you bought them from the Congo. Plus rent too, which means free boarding and stuff.

Are you actually a millionaire? I'm game as hell, let's go. I only ask that you pay for my ticket, but I will literally, unironically do it. You can command me to eat cactus and I will fucking do it. I'm roaring, let's do this.

>> No.11243045

BASED embezzle-poster

>> No.11243054

*48 dollars a day

Your man-bitch can do basic math. That was just a typo.

>> No.11243078

i've got no investments going for me but i have a government job which i heard if you sit on you can retire in 25 years (im 23 now) but how does this explosion of money just happen? i always want to experience these things but i just know in my heart that it will never happen because i suck and wasn't born into it.

>> No.11243149

My Dad took a risk and formed his own company. He worked 80+ hour weeks for years on end and still works all of Saturday and Sunday morning. I think you need to have some sort of drive in order to become a multi millionaire and a screw loose to become a billionaire. Those people just have something innate which 99.9% of the population lack.

>> No.11243161

that's what i always thought, too. not everyone is meant to be at the top like that.

>> No.11243178

It’s for this reason I’m glad I was raised by poor parents. Never had a palette for this fancy crap. Give me a pub steak and chips with a nice beer any day.

>> No.11243185


ten million is jack shit

>> No.11243196

£10 million is $13 million. I went to school with kids whose parents were literal billionaires, but even I'm self aware enough and have enough perspective to know anything over £2 million ($3 million) liquid is some serious spondulicks.

>> No.11243202

I like that too anon. There's nothing better than going down to my local pub and having a fish and chips on a lazy Saturday afternoon. I don't eat this stuff every day, I'd get sick of it.

>> No.11243224
File: 95 KB, 866x900, jfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey that house is on fire"
>remembers he's never been on fire so can't make that judgement

>> No.11243234
File: 252 KB, 500x375, hsgm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THAT'S old money!

>> No.11243281

if you're on here you're not going to make it.
realistically a couple of million isnt too hard if you put effort in, i know some dodgy fuckers who ran a couple of shitty caravan parks that are richer than anon

>> No.11243290
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>poor people food for rich people

>> No.11243310

Peking duck is special occasion and banquet tier food. Where did you get the idea that it was for poor people? Are you mixing it up with caviar?

>> No.11243381


That’s more like it.

>> No.11243593

I don't understand rich people food. why spend $400+tip for food that doesn't even look like food? I'd rather eat at that chinese guy's food stall with 1 star.

>> No.11243610

Nice to know Anon. Tbh I tried several high end restaurants when in Paris (including the one on the Eiffel Tower) and I just couldn’t get into it. I ended up eating exclusively at those Turk hole in the wall places. Fuck that was some good food.

>> No.11243630

faggot please

>> No.11243655

>t. 1760
Do you expect all rich people to know latin and play the piano, retard? Why would they give a fuck about food specifically?

>> No.11243779

This is such a Reddit phrase I'm cringing

>> No.11243841

>Jewlocked in a meme account
Holy shit my sides

>> No.11243954

Op, if you don't even know the name it means it was not that great of an experience.

Next time go to the Fat Duck in London or the Osteria Francescana of Bottura, and the we can talk like grown up manchildren.

There's michelin and michelin, and Bottura (I think he's officially worlwide recognized as THE best chef at the moment) can cook at any level, whether it is "haute cuisine" or just a simple sausage ragout with white wine and scallion.

Don't flaunt your bad taste, that golden leaf... it shows them.

>> No.11244007

Yup, that's about right.
OP is a faggot.

>> No.11244027

Can this be a new pasta

>> No.11245211

It was summer and for most of these meals I was pretty sloshed mate, cut me some slack.

>> No.11245254

Fucking hell the amount of bullshit assmaddery in this thread is frankly embarrassing lads. Actually just saw a post saying they'd prefer taco bell over going to one of these restaurants. Have a word with yourselves.

>> No.11245334

Taco bell is rated #1 restaurant in america, so preferring to go there over a michelin starred restroom is a reasonable and expected opinion

>> No.11245354

I...I can't even be bothered. Enjoy your slop you pig.

>> No.11245361
File: 7 KB, 420x420, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you just, like, can't even? Anymore?
Ugh... Maybe that's a good thing.

>> No.11245363

>edible flower petals
in other words, scammed

>> No.11245370

What? Flowers have been used in cooking for ages.

>> No.11245380
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>With drinks I can easily see 6 people cresting $5,000

>> No.11245401


>> No.11245407
File: 1.09 MB, 1054x896, nus281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nice and all anon but i just need to mention the time where i ate brunch at singapore
they had bread with fancy schmancy echire butter

>> No.11245416
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>> No.11245430
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>> No.11245431

Was that Raffles? I've been to the famous curry restaurant there a few times but never stayed.

>> No.11245434
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>> No.11245453
File: 1007 KB, 1166x850, nus303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot on
the place is close now though
it had the best sunday brunch with things like scottish smoked salmon with caviar

>> No.11245459
File: 1.22 MB, 1166x850, nus296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closed as in doing some renovations i mean
cost me a good 150 dollar with cocktail

>> No.11245460

Lol don't cry mate

>> No.11245465
File: 90 KB, 600x800, utwYURa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did "rich people food" come to mean "tiny portions, served in a gimmicky fashion, with gold flakes"? I want to go back

>> No.11245477
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>> No.11245480
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>> No.11245484
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>> No.11245490
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>> No.11245505
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>> No.11245509

>nice Joselito ham
>shitty supermarket tomatoes

>> No.11245510
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>> No.11245518
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they were pretty bland, malaysian tomatoes methinks

>> No.11245604

fucking kek

>> No.11245609
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>> No.11245624
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>> No.11245635
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>> No.11245638

thanks for the ride OP

>> No.11245652
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>> No.11245656
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>> No.11245660
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cheezus christ

>> No.11245672

lmao this is some high grade salt

>> No.11245679
File: 913 KB, 1176x808, nus341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could post more but i'm at the peak of my endurance
god bless sunday brunch

>> No.11245687

ive been eating free daves singles for the last 2 weeks

>> No.11245717

Because it's not expensive to make...

>> No.11245727

I don't know about taco bell but my local Thai place absolutely looks better than any of this slope.

>> No.11245736

What the fuck is that? A strip of dry bread and a sea urchin?

>> No.11245752

it's seaweed butter bread finger on top
the sea urchin is with uni, scrambled egg and lobster bisque foam

>> No.11245760

both of them run restaurants that barely ever change the menu and rely heavily on gimmicks. they're entry level food idols

>> No.11245762

cresting works there

>> No.11245771

20 plates of tiny portions of weird shit from around the world. this isn't rich people food, it's fancy food. true rich people food will always mean giant fucking banquet tables covered in obscure foods of cruel and unusual origin. you don't see that at restaurants. there aren't many restaurants that are out of the price range of the middle class

>> No.11245779

Who do you consider better?

>> No.11245835
File: 45 KB, 300x241, 6h_common_yellow_oxalis-300x241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>garnishing with yellow woodsorrel
bruh that shit grows between the cracks in the pavement outside my appartment

>> No.11245847
File: 32 KB, 600x482, 28wmke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>summer black truffle
>$20 worth shown on plate
you sure scammed him

>> No.11246065

See, I've been around the block. No one can accuse me (OP) of larping in this thread.

You often get people starting threads saying i'm a millionaire ask me anything but they never give any proof.

>> No.11246170

ok even if i had 10 m quid, i dont eat out...waste of money

>> No.11247580


>> No.11247607
File: 45 KB, 499x499, 1529734537278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one here cares about these meme meals.
You do.

>> No.11247652

Fine dining is such a meme, jesus christ

>> No.11247660

Could you post the price each dish cost? Or maybe the total bill for the whole meal? Something to give an idea of the price.

>> No.11247740

Best thing I've read in a while

I'd be friend with you dud, tho I'm quite poor

>> No.11247759

This. OP may be rich but is still a nigger

>> No.11247821

Have you ever had McDonald's

>> No.11247956

I can do 1.50$ an hour

>> No.11247965
File: 390 KB, 1517x1115, IMG_20180611_012638_058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ripped french website
Rekt by my stylish pl8

>> No.11247996

>10 million pounds sterling family
>Elbows on the table, crossed arms.

That just goes to show you lads. Also /a/ and /lit/ lmfao

>> No.11248016
File: 11 KB, 188x201, B518E710-84D8-41C0-A8D6-857F1ECFFCC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found OP

>> No.11248283

Deal. I also want a room and a bed, as well as the initial plane ticket to your place. I don't mind sleeping in your room, but to be honest, do you even want me sleeping in the same room as you?

I'll be your loyal dog. I'll eat your scraps, sic your enemies, pant at the feet of your allies, play some tricks, bark at shadows, and everything and anything else you Goddamn tell me to do. Let's go. Let's do it. I'm down.

>> No.11249211

Plus, you'd get to fuck Timmy's mom.
t.over 40 guy

>> No.11249254


>> No.11249276


>> No.11249845
File: 1.65 MB, 500x280, D1D7B2BCA82040CAA9BDD1595AE9AC72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever that guy will do, I will do more. I bet I'm cuter than him too

You want me to sleep naked in your garage? Done. You want to take me out on a leash in public? No questions asked whatsoever.

I will eat the smega out of your dick every night if you let me live with you and buy me Nintendo games

>> No.11250250

i was having a hard time leaving 4chan, then i read this post.
thank you.
i'll be back tomorrow daddy

>> No.11250273

I could spend $2 for a kebab and I guarantee I'll feel more satisfied.

>> No.11251205

What a pathetic thread. Thanks for sharing op

>> No.11252329

>I am a man and I would like a proper plate of food, please
you mean a fatass that eats 4000 calories a day?

>> No.11252341

>"hey guys I know you all like food and thought that you would be interested in seeing pictures from a renowned restaurant I went to"

god you guys are so fucking salty. Sour grapes to the max.

>> No.11252377

>i am so insecure that anytime someone so much as mentions money I think that they are bragging and get incredibly defensive.

4chan is so weird about money

>> No.11252388

Nice pics op
Could you please gib? I’m sick and poor with no family

>> No.11252807

please leave the thread and leave this board lmao

>> No.11253005

Why not be a writer? You may have a knack for writing

>> No.11253041

>lol you guys like the dinner I didn't make???? xD is this instagram
fuck off

>> No.11253048

What did you expect? When they aren't busy with rampant racism, fast and junk food threads, and "coastie v flyover" arguments, there's always time to shit on sophistication. The majority of the population of this board screams ignorant white trash.

>> No.11253049

>lol is this facebook?? XDDDD
pure cancer

>> No.11253068

Looks like we struck a nerve.

>> No.11253071

nice try good guy dave

>> No.11253505
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Don't make me do it

>> No.11253656
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Do it.

>> No.11253734 [DELETED] 
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Oh fugg

>> No.11253743
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lets do this bois

>> No.11253753 [DELETED] 
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Thread culled in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.11253759

I've been banned for just posting one piece before, see you soon brother and thank you for posting

>> No.11253767
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rip OP

>> No.11253793
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>dine at fancy rich people restaurant
>dont know what most of it is and remember less than half of it

>> No.11253880


>> No.11254955

this is what happens when you become a vessel for paimon in order to obtain wealth and status.

>> No.11254998

>microscopic portions and meme gold shavings
These "restaurants" are for rich dumbasses.

>> No.11255158

Thank you OP for helping me see the way. I'm now going to become the most pretentious vegan fine dining cook

>> No.11256474

was it actually good? I've eaten at Michelin star before and honestly it was below some places Ive eaten at in the midwest. I am going next summer to 5 Michelin Star restaurants because I really enjoy food, for Paris I plan on going to L'Ambroissie

>> No.11256488

OP Why are these restaurants only one Michelin Star and not three you lied to us OP TELL US THE TRUTH ARE YOU EVEN WORTH 10 MILLION POUNDS OP???

>> No.11256510

>a literal bite of food
>served on broken plate
I'd smack the waiter.

>> No.11256537


>> No.11256576

Which restaurants are you going to and why did you decide on five? Seem like an abitary number.

>> No.11256958

My girlfriends parents house is worth more than your family.
That stuff looks nice though, I hope she takes me there one day

>> No.11257709

>be worth £10 million
>your son is an animufag

>> No.11257818 [DELETED] 

I for one am grateful for OP. I will never ever get to experience cuisine like this in my sad pathetic life. So this is better than nothing?

>> No.11258609

You weren't eating food you were a god damn TEST SUBJECT. Will pray for your soul after eating all this theorycrafted, overpriced spirit cooking food.

Fuck can't wait for the next exhibition bakesale that rolls around in my town for these. I like to pretend the ladies are all my mommy & they're making me lunchies.

>> No.11259694

Great thread OP. I imagine you've tried Le Gavroche and Ledbury in London? If not I recommend those.

I'd like to do a fine restaurant tour in France, it's on my list. Some of those tables look kinda tight, were the restaurants comfy? I'm thin, I just hate sitting too near other people.

Do you have a recommended restaurant list for France?

>> No.11259701

>the poorfag boyfriend that cases his girlfriends parents house
the dad knows you are a leech just to let you know, but end of the day you are fucking his daughter so you win.

>> No.11259727
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>> No.11259841

>look im rich 4chan does this give me a personality?

>> No.11259989

How should rich people conduct themselves? On one hand I like hearing about nice restaurants and stuff, but I think he could leave out his net worth and just show the food.

>> No.11260000

What the fuck has it got to do with you if I take a picture? Mind your fucking business you cunt. Also, you wouldn’t even touch my table, let alone flip it over. If you do much as spoke out of turn to me I’d take you outside and hospitalise you, you fucking gutless little keyboard warrior. KYS.

>> No.11260010

That is the weird part. When I've gone to Michelin-starred restaurants they gave us a copy of menu to take home. That may just be an American thing.

>> No.11260014

is your sister hot or at least a slut?
and what about your mum? is she fit?

>> No.11260047

Thank god this shit thread finally reached the limit

>> No.11260227

Fat Duck is not in London, and as said before is a gimmick menu that hasn't changed in years, probably gets by on russian/Chinese trash people these days

>> No.11260633

Isn't the Fat Duck owned by Heston Blumenthal? I just remember in the late 2000s when they got hundreds of people sick there