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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11249905 No.11249905 [Reply] [Original]

Is bodily fluids in your meal an inevitable part of fast food?


>> No.11249907

of course

>> No.11249911


Sensational garbage like this is the closest thing they have to real news at this point. Why even bother?

>> No.11249921

>these are the people that think they deserve $15/hr

>> No.11249926

Except there's literally a video of the dude spitting on the food and he was fired and arrested for the incident. How is this in any way sensationalized? Because you dislike the facts of the case?

>> No.11249931

*licks taco shells*

>> No.11249933

All news is like this, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.11249939

No, it really isn't.

>> No.11249944

fuck off

>> No.11249956

Yes, yes it really is. Now fuck off with your political faggotry.

>> No.11249976

>fuck off with your political faggotry

You're the one spouting retarded /pol/ talking points.

>> No.11249986

>retarded /pol/ talking points
You do realize you're talking to multiple people right, you stupid fucking faggot. All I said was all news is sensationalized. You're the one who came barging in here crying about Fox news. Now fuck off.

>> No.11249999

That's fucking Tyler the Creator you retard. Pretty sure it's a Loiter Squad sketch.
Spitting in your food is about as likely as attracting any other abuse. How often has someone just fucking berated you in public? Like really tore you apart and talked down to you. Or kicked your ass? Does it happen often? Maybe it's never happened? Having your food truly fucked with in an unhygienic or dangerous manner deliberately is just as likely as those things happening. You need to do something to invite it on yourself.

>> No.11250009 [DELETED] 

>Sensational garbage
but it literally happened?

'sensational garbage' would be an article about a man who claimed he saw aliens in the subway or something

>triggered jamal

>> No.11250016

Well if you read the article, the guy said he did it because he kept getting yelled at by his supervisor. So it sounds like you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, which is pretty common when it comes to opinionated faggots on 4chan.

>> No.11250025

Nah man fake news.

>> No.11250034


Do people not understand what "sensational news" means anymore? Of course it's true, but it's inconsequential bullshit that's made for entertainment purposes to make money, and often to distract from the real news and - especially in the case of fox - to stir up fear.

>> No.11250041

You're still fucking going on. When you get told to fuck off again I'm sure you'll cry about /pol/ some more acting like it's a raid when you're the one stirring up up shit.

>> No.11250043

So every story of a black person being shot by a white cop is sensational news? Certainly it's a local story that shouldn't concern the nation, right? I'm trying to understand your tortured definition of "sensationalism."

>> No.11250060

>every story of a black person being shot by a white cop is sensational news

They would be if it weren't for the fact that there's this whole BLM thing happening right now, which is national news. Those stories are only reported when they become a dumb hashtag and rallying cry for a big movement like that. Trump's tweets wouldn't be considered news either, but unfortunately he's the president and there are a bunch of people who actually take him seriously. In those cases the thing itself isn't the news; it's the fact that the thing has riled a bunch of people up across the country. Fox news sensational crap is stupid stories that should stay local but are reported on for the sole purpose of riling people up.

There. Now you know the difference.

>> No.11250063
File: 171 KB, 2400x1200, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So it sounds like you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, which is pretty common when it comes to opinionated faggots on 4chan.
If you don't like it, then you can git out.

>> No.11250066 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 960x720, CNN-florence-cooper-flood1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inconsequential bullshit that's made for entertainment purposes to make money
how do you think media corp makes money...? from donations?? oh wow gee no shit, SHERLOCK. Are you going to tell us all reality shows are scripted next?

>especially in the case of fox
heres a recent one from CNN for you

>> No.11250068 [DELETED] 

BLM is a joke and so are you

>> No.11250069

You can fucking suck my dick.

>> No.11250072

>They would be if it weren't for the fact that there's this whole BLM thing happening right now, which is national news.

It's national news because the news corporations sensationalized local shootings to begin with, nationalizing the stories and therefore creating a national movement. If you still don't understand the role that top-down media decisions have played in national politics for the last century or so you are extremely ignorant of reality. Read "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays and educate yourself.

>> No.11250078

>Ctrl + F Nigger
>Phrase not found

>> No.11250090

CNN jumped the shark when it gave Bourdain a show. Still one of the most reputable TV news channels. And yeah, I'll admit everyone overblew the Florence thing, but that's only because of how big of a disastrous shit show Trump made of last year's hurricane season.

>> No.11250109 [DELETED] 

heres them literally staging an anti islamphobia protest for the camera


also it seems like you forgot hurricane katrina and obama??

>> No.11250110
File: 647 KB, 2048x1536, lmdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low standards and contamination are big and common problems in fast food. Also there is always a chance some cleaning chemical got in your food, especially near closing where they half-close the restaurant while they're still technically open. It's disgusting when you see it happen.

They're being paid very little to work their asses off to reheat food for you and upcharge the shit out of it. You need to remember what it's like to work in fast food, because that's the process that goes into making your meal. The weird people that work there, the crazy ones, the gross looking ones, they all play a role in that food you're buying.

So what I suggest to anyone is to always be conscious of the cleanliness of the place your food is coming from and who's making it. In general don't go the fast food way when you wan't junk, wait 10 more minutes for that 50 inch sub or footlong burrito or whatever you're trying to buy (seriously once you step out of buying McDonald's and shit you'll see how fucking HUGE and CHEAP artery-clogging real junk food is, and you missed it all these years all because you didn't want to wait for your food). I'm about to be called a hipster for this. I just really care that people have lowered the hell out of their standards.

>> No.11250114

traditionally the news room loses money for the network, you're just talking about cable news, which yeah, is dogshit

>> No.11250122

>it seems like you forgot hurricane katrina and obama??

I remember last year when a ton of magatards pulled a bunch of whataboutism after Trump's botched response the hurricanes with regard to Obama and Katrina, even though Obama wasn't president in '05. Wait, you weren't actually being serious, right?

>> No.11250124

That looks nothing like Tyler the creator

>> No.11250128 [DELETED] 

this is why i actively avoid any outlet with huge numbers of POC.

>> No.11250251

You don't want to know a place you eat at had a nigger spitting in your food?

>> No.11250275

>downtown detroit ballpark concession stand
>a place you eat at


>> No.11250300
File: 10 KB, 284x177, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A trick is, if you live in or are visiting an urban area, eat where a lot of police officers eat. The police know damn well that people like to spit into their food so they'll only eat at places they trust and make good food.

When I go down to Baltimore I always go to Chaps. You can see them make your food, it's good, and there's always cops there so you know there's not any fuckery going on.

>> No.11250304

Wow a nigger who would have guessed

>> No.11250310

>people taking sides on corporate media

>> No.11250314

One person was taking sides, everyone else was telling that one person that all media is shit.

>> No.11250315

But cops are pigs. You like to eat with pigs?

>> No.11250320

Yeah, because I know a bunch of blacks aren't going to spit in my food when I'm in Baltimore. I'm not sitting at the same table and having a conversation with the police, I'm eating at an establishment that a group of people who probably have to deal with more spit than anyone on the planet eats at. If they eat there, I know I'm good.

>> No.11250330

based piglet

>> No.11250338

based teenybopper who got caught being out past curfew. Grow up kid.

>> No.11250351

I just called you based, why you getting upset?

I like cops, just not the ones in muttland. No wonder you get such triggerhappy monkeys patrolling the streets with so shitty salary and training.

Anyway I would follow your tip and eat at those joints. Only problem would be finding them I guess

>> No.11250702
File: 93 KB, 1055x574, 1537750841770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be leaf
>Neighboring province gets $15 an hour meanwhile I get $10
>Groceries, and electronics in my province are more expensive

>> No.11251138

>cops are pigs
Have fun defending yourself from apes

>> No.11251183

>supervisor yells at me
>spit in random customer's food
that'll teach him

>> No.11251198

>only fox is there to stir up fear
Lmao CNN has been saying for two years now how Trump is going to destroy the world and start a Mexican Holocaust and you think Fox News is the one fear mongering

>> No.11251203

t. bootlicker

>> No.11251221

>supervisor yells at him for being a stupid nigger
>prove him right by being a stupid nigger and spitting in someone's food

>> No.11251234

Wow a black guy breaking the law I'm shocked

>> No.11251408

thank you anon, i will never accept anything from a black person

>> No.11251473

Lmao it doesn't matter. Cops treat me nice because I'm not a nigger or whigger. :) but I seldom get stopped anyways because I'm not retarded.

>> No.11252002

More stories like this? Seems like an isolated incident.

>> No.11252164

I remember the closest Micky D's near me got shut down for a week cause a worker found out about a guy putting sperm in the mayonnaise. It was looked into by police there was 7 diffrent sperms and all 7 men were sacked. There were other details but my memorie is a little fuzzy as I was really young, late 90s early 00s

>> No.11252178

I never knew what made a pizza "Detroit style" other than being frozen pan pizza garbage, but I guess this is the key.

>> No.11252265

so hes mad at his supervisor and decides to spit in some strangers food?

>> No.11252274

this is why I never eat out of my on volition, just can't trust people not to fuck with your food.

>> No.11252281

wow LOL

>> No.11252340

>Got billied at work

Be honest babes. You would have done the same if you were in this nig shoe

>> No.11252350

No, that's retarded. The customers don't know what's going on behind the scenes, it's wrong to punish them for someone else's problem. It's also illegal, which is why the dude was arrested.

>> No.11252366

Having an issue with someone and then fucking around with random people is stupid. He might've had a legitimate grievance but spitting in random people's food is worse than someone yelling at you.

>> No.11252369

this is ballpark little sleazers pizza, so worse than normal for double the price

they don't make detroit style at the park. it's still objectively better than floppy NY utility pizza or chicago lasagna.

anyways, only idiots order food (other than maybe a hot dog) at a stadium. just drink the cheap beer and go eat elsewhere before or after the game. there's a bazillion other options in the area that aren't chainshit.

>> No.11252641


>> No.11252900

i spat in peoples food when i worked fast food when they were fucking pricks. I never got anyone to record that shit tho

you should never fuck with anyone handling your food

>> No.11254089

>eating at a sports stadium

You deserve it desu

>> No.11254116

>eating at any restaurant in Detoilet

>> No.11254121

It's funny how Fox makes libcucks seethe when on a lot of their articles they cite AP.

>> No.11254552

His saliva contains enzymes which will help the customer digest the food easier. He should get a tip for providing this kind service, not persecuted.

>> No.11254562

It's funny how /pol/tards can't follow the simplest of logic and always just resort to, "lol!! seething!" It's actually not funny; it's sad. You're basically admitting that you're a useful idiot that doesn't understand what you're talking about, and takes pride in being stupid.

>> No.11254977

Was in the US for a month over summer, never once went to a fast food or cheap restaurant, fuck that, I just cooked at home most of the time and if I did eat out, I opted to go to a more expensive restaurant.

Not trusting niggers and spics to make food for me, and especially not trusting American food safety standards.