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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11246853 No.11246853 [Reply] [Original]

>go grocery hunting at local supermarket
>buy my usual stuff
>new cashier, 9/10 girl
>she and the bag boy start having a conversation like I wasn't even there
>"ugh, I can't believe people buy this, it's so bad for your health" "haha! I know, this is basically poison"
>the whole time they keep talking shit about everything I buy, even the fucking vegetables.
>I pay and never go back.

also I once got a bag of rice from this same place and it was full of worms, I took it back to them and they gave me a new one, I just wanted my money back but they were like "sorry, no refunds" holy fuck!

>> No.11246861

imagine getting this butthurt that people had fun

>> No.11246863

>I took it back to them and they gave me a new one
That seems fair. Kills yourself.

>> No.11247049
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, pepe tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 7 pm
>wake up from nap
>hungry but no food so i go to the grocery store
>notice the deli section is shutting down for the night
>deli worker has set out all the remaining tendies and a fat stack of napkins giving the tendies away for free so they won't have to be thrown away
>circle back to tendie station 4 times during my shopping trip
>buy a dr pepper to wash them down

>> No.11247305

Basest and redpillest

>> No.11247345

>work at grocery store
>quit & get a slightly better retail job somewhere else
>grocery store ex-coworkers act like I walked on water

>> No.11247490

Is she inviting him to touch her melons?

>> No.11247499


>> No.11247511

>buy a dr pepper
>not drinking it while you shop and leaving the empty bottle
Good goy

>> No.11247514
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>> No.11247521
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>the bag boy
this is perhpas the single thing about America that baffles me the most.
an actualy seperate employee
just there
to bag you stuff
it is such and unnecesarry thing to have and i never understood it, like in shawshank redemption is was super confused what the fuck he was doing and i thought he had dementia or some shit.

is it still around today or was it something old supermarkets used to do?
genuinely curious, and now that a think about it, with American culture, do, do you tip cashiers? or the bag boy?

>> No.11247535

Bag boys are also cart haulers and stock boys i beleive they only bag when its super busy. usally they are the mentally handicaped.

>> No.11247550

>cart haulers
okay, okay, what,
what is this? dont you put the cart back yourself to get your coin/token?

>> No.11247554

No we dont have a cart tax thing most people take them back to the cart stations in thr parkinglot with out a needed insentive the cart hauler takes them from their and back to the front of the grocerystore.

>> No.11247568

lot better than where I live, we don't have bag boys but there's a down syndrome kid who always asks people for money and sometimes he goes into the stores and bags your groceries for tips, I never say no to him because he's scary and I don't want to deal with his tard rage if I don't give him money,

>> No.11247575
File: 133 KB, 750x562, cartreturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is this? dont you put the cart back yourself to get your coin/token?
Nope. The carts aren't locked together. You don't need a coin or token, you just take one.

when you're done you put the cart back in a return area, which is usually just a special parking spot in the parking lot. Store employees come get the carts and take them back to the front of the store.

>> No.11247584

Wow, check out the hotty in the purple dress. I'd like to return my cart to her return bay, if you know what I mean.

>> No.11247598

>get your coin/token?
I think the only a few places (in Urban areas and where poor people shop) have these coin cart things. I've actually never seen one. Also, when you leave the grocery store people take their carts out into the parking lot to unload their groceries into their car. There are these little stalls that take up the place of a parking spot where you dump your cart. The cart returner gathers them all up in a giant train of carts and wheels them back to the front of the store from the parkinglot.

As for a bag boy, it's kind of a 'floater' job. Usually people bag their own groceries, or if you only have a few things the cashier will have a little bag thing right next to them and bag them after scanning. But I guess if it's a slow day there will be someone at the end of the conveyor belt bagging them for you. I'd say when I go to the store it's about 50/50 that I'll bag my own, or there's a guy at the end bagging my shit. A lot of stores are going towards a self checkout thing.

>> No.11247600

So you guys have to carry coins with you when ever you go to the grocery store?

>> No.11247603

depends on the neighborhood, some stores in the US have a deposit/lock system for carts. Most of the time a junkie or homeless person will offer to return it for you so they can have your dollar or whatever.

>> No.11247612

that dress is pink, just like her sweet vagoo

>> No.11247614

Aldi is the only chain that does the chain and coin thing in the US and that's because it's German owned probably. I don't know why more stores don't adopt it it seems to work well enough and must save the stores money in not having to have cart haulers and fewer carts stolen by the homeless.

>> No.11247616

Self check out are only for conveince i hate when i see some one with like 50 itema half of them self baged veggies doing the self check out bruh its gonna take you like 30 mins to do it just go to the check out lanes

>> No.11247625

where is she?

>> No.11247826

Behind you.

>> No.11247955
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>first time buying groceries by myself
>use the self-checkout line to avoid interacting with dirty minimum wage retards
>try to ring up a bunch of bananas
>an ugly, fat sheboon stops picking at her nappy weave with her 8" long fingernails long enough to come manhandle my 'nanas
>she tries and fails several times to scan them while I'm visibly disgusted and becoming frustrated
>she tells me she doesn't know how to ring them up so she's going to go get a manager
>say "that's surprising, you look like you eat them everyday"
>you can see the 2 rusty gears start shifting behind her dead, sullen eyes as what little functioning grey matter she has processes what I said
>she just keeps hootin and hollerin and cussin up a storm while I scream back at her for touching my pristine 'nanas with her vile perma-unwashed hands
>the little weasly looking boomer manager comes over to see what all the hullabaloo is about
>try and calmly explain my side of the story to him
>the manager is perplexed, but sides with her and asks me to leave
>say "FINE YOU JUST LOST A $180 SALE" while busting the cap off of a gallon of milk and pouring it all over the self-checkout machine
>storm out and never go back
>occasionally make a few sock accounts to give them heinously bad reviews on multiple websites
>mfw they closed last April

>> No.11247976

How the fuck did mods sticky an individual post

>> No.11247983

It's just that good of a post.
Notice how the post stays in the same place in the thread now.

>> No.11248014

that chick's hot, I wanna bag her melons, if you know what I mean

>> No.11248022

Her name is Leslie Jones just in case you're interested. Just look up "Leslie Jones melons" for more stock photos of her holding them.

>> No.11248099

It's only a thing for more upscale places where service is a priority, lines go faster and you can send them to fetch things. And carts because Americans are too lazy and entitled to put their carts back
t. former bag boy

>> No.11248142

A few years ago i was away in college and had a bout of depression. I went into this supermarket and bought $40 of junk food when the cashier says "smart shopper" right then I should have made a scene and threw the groceries in her face and walked out. Idk who these wagecucks think they are. I find its only supermarket workers that do this sort of shit. Ever since then I try to only go to supermarkets that have self checkouts because i'm too traumatised that the cashier is going to judge me on what i'm going to buy. It's totally ridiculous.

>> No.11248152

>the want to buy lube and urine removal cleaner from the grocery store but always chicken out when I near the chashier

>> No.11248158
File: 609 KB, 580x750, DBC58CE6-9D8C-4477-8E3A-DE662ED22E81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw randy stair barges in and starts shooting up the place

>> No.11248181

>in college and had a bout of depression
Here's some news, it gets far worse when you graduate and crawl out into the real world. Recommend you buy a handgun now before there's a record of your mental illness and you can't even obtain a convenient mechanism to cure it.

>> No.11248211

i'm in a different college now and i'm fine

>> No.11248226

thin skinned anons mad they got owned by the cashiers for buying garbage lmao just buy better things bruh

>> No.11248232
File: 1.93 MB, 380x214, angry wyatt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't really buy junk food at all, but what a fucking cunt. seriously.

>> No.11248239

>these minimum wage service workers arent giving a fuck about their job enough to treat me special like I deserve!

That whole post reads like cheap bait on a Laotian soap carving fansite, but I will respond to the substance of it. they were flirting and probably ended up fucking that night and you werent included, boohoo.

>> No.11248241

t. bitter wagie

>> No.11248248

>bullied by a retard
What’s lower than beta?

>> No.11248254

Because a fucking quarter isnt insentive enough for a red blooded murrican to bother putting it back. It would make no difference, we arent jews like the kike nazi cunts over in bong land. Poor dumb euro fucks.

>> No.11248262

It's just a menial task to do when there aren't carts to push or toilets to scrub.

>> No.11248263

not a wagie since 2004 but ive been there. they are given shit pay to deal with shit work, with no obligation to serve you if not for losing their job, which will be filled the next day with another slack jawed retard. Why in any fuck should they extend their hand to help you feel like a good boy for buying $80 worth of twinkies and pepsi. Trust me, every service worker your autistic fatass has to deal with is laughing at you with their coworker buddies the second you walk out those automatic sliding doors. Although in your case it seems they do it in your face so you must seem really retarded and weak looking.

>> No.11248280
File: 487 KB, 2189x1457, crop_Checkout_sainsburys (1)_20140526103221465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eleven check outs
>only two cashiers
>a hundred people in line

>> No.11248286

For one, in America, we shop for a week or more. There's a lot of groceries, lines would take forever if the same person scanning it took time off scanning to bag it, instead of just grabbing, scanning, and pushing down the lane for the bagger to get
this isn't jap where our fridge is 1/4th the size and we do our daily shopping after 13 hours of work

>> No.11248297

Despite what you may think, they don't have eleven fucking cashiers working on a monday. Also, some people are on breaks, others are working on the floor because according to their own metrics, they don't need to open up another till because "100" people are in line (actually 3).

>> No.11248303

Why not just shop at a store where you get a handheld POS so you can scan and bag your own shit while shopping and then just pay and gtfo as soon as possible without unloading everything at the register?

>> No.11248329

those came out maybe last year in a handful of cities, they don't have the exact products i like, and i'm not giving amazon access to my phone

>> No.11248338

We've had them for like 5 years, haven't spoken to a cashier since.

>> No.11248352
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Amazing how they always delude themselves into believing whatever way they were born doing something, that was is the best. This isn't an american/european thing, it's a people thing.

You'll find americans abhor the idea of bidets, just like the strange European compulsion to be proud of not having servants everywhere to bag your groceries, butter your popcorn, and collect your carts.

Try to do things the best way, and stop being blinded by the box you were born in.

>> No.11248360

Because unless you live in complete Shitsville your loss on carts is going to be minuscule. Cart hauler also isn't a singular position, it's a task; most "cart haulers" are generic front end employees with multiple tasks like emptying trash cans, cleaning spills and restrooms, running go backs, and working as backup cashiers. And if you do live in complete Shitsville, it's cheaper to install a cart retention system.

>> No.11248369
File: 1.46 MB, 2552x2496, Night Terror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cartboys seething in this thread

>> No.11248371

kys and don't reply to this thread again or you're gay

>> No.11248379

it exists so super markets can hire downies and give them a job they can't fuck up too bad

>> No.11248385

If they gave you .25 cents for returning carts homeless people would attack you for your cart as soon as you leave the store

>> No.11248390

What an absolute shithole america is lol

>> No.11248392

t. autist that is regularly mocked in the face by minimum wagefags

>> No.11248398

this isn't true though
t. aldi shopper

>> No.11248413

when labor is so cheap why not. I remember being a cashier almost full time and my pay checks were like $150

>> No.11248425

Imagine going to a store and paying to work.

>> No.11248457

in america cashiers stand up and aren't sat down like they are in a bunch of lazy ass countries i've been to

>> No.11248466

only some cities.

some are quite nice

>> No.11248488

Cute flaps but it ain't gonna make me read all that shit.

>> No.11248595
File: 15 KB, 612x490, not pleasedd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last week head to no frills
its around 2 pm on a weekday figure there wont be that many people right now(mid day there really shouldnt be)
2/8 checkouts in use, the express one isnt open(first time ive seen since shopping there)
pretty fucking packed that the lanes are curving
me with my 8 items have to wait 15 minutes to pay for my stuff

if you got that many people get some of your other fucks to attend a register for 30-60 minutes to speed shit up

>> No.11249409

What an autist