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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11245677 No.11245677 [Reply] [Original]

Food /ck/ recommends when having headaches and vomiting when pregnant. I dont feel like eating anything , every smell disgusts me. I resorted to bananas and tea.

>> No.11245683

Anything high in folate.

>> No.11245690

Here we go, another designated roastie thread

>> No.11245704

If you have nothing related to the thread just fuck off

>> No.11245742
File: 355 KB, 654x3903, telling pregnant women not to drink is SEXIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried getting drunk or high?
(Trying to prevent severe disabilities in your future child is ableist)
(And telling roasties what to do is sexist)

>> No.11245748

Whenever I see a pregnanant woman I think about what would happen if I punched her hard in the stomach and am filled with glee. Then I make eye contact with her, and she always smiles back at me. She never understands the meaning behind my smile. It just makes my smile broader.

>> No.11245754

Pregnant cunts are always so entitled
Ask your fucking ob gyn or the father for help, noone here gives a shit

>> No.11245770
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What race is it?

>> No.11245824

I thought that /ck/ was about posting food and recipes. Apparently you all turn into disgusting pigs once you realize someone has a real life.
The supreme aryan race ofcourse.

>> No.11245831

shit with ginger in it will help with the nausea so maybe candied ginger

>> No.11245832

I don't think you should be telling her to eat shit while she's pregnant, Anon. Maybe try a ginger tea or something as a happy medium

>> No.11245834

>Apparently you all turn into disgusting pigs once you realize someone has a real life.
You always get shit for "I'm a girl btw" posts on 4chan, and /ck/ is still part of 4chan. Deal w/ it. Either avoid mentioning that you're female or get a thicker skin.

Careful with the caffeine in tea, even though it's low, it might not help with headaches. Food with fresh ginger is going to be good for nausea. Lemon might be good too, fresh lemonade with low amounts of sugar, or a bit of honey. Just eat whatever you're craving because it probably means you need something in that specifically, as long as it isn't junk food.

>> No.11245836
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>The supreme aryan race ofcourse.
This had better be unironic, ma'am

>> No.11245883

The thing is that guys cant be pregnant , therefore im a girl. Im just feeling like shit and started vomiting and im home alone so i didnt know what to do.
The tea i drink has no cafeine, its greek tea.
Feeling like doing a minestrone.
Why would i joke about such a thing ? Making a baby is similar to cooking, you put ingredients to an oven for a period of time. The better the ingredients, the better the result.

>> No.11245892

How far along are you? If your still in your first trimester then this will usually pass. If your vomiting goes beyond that and is very frequent then def take up with your OB. Try eating a complete carb like peanut butter crackers or similar before bed it can help to stabilize your blood sugar during sleep and can help to lessen any morning sickness your having. Ginger tea and broths can help settle your stomach but hot chocolate also works well. Just eat when your hungry and take care of yourself. The baby will be fine and take what it needs from you. Eat healthy and don't try to force yourself to eat anything if your feeling really nauseous. Just sip on something until it passes.

>> No.11245910

Is this a joke? Fuck off you disgusting roastie, try eating a bullet and I promise you'll feel better you nasty sack of baby shit

>> No.11245914

>butthurt shitskin roastie lashes out at preggo roastie

Anyway OP, have you tried roast beef to settle your stomach?

>> No.11245915

>guys cant be pregnant
you missed the point entirely, no surprise though
a simple 'what to eat when vomiting and pregnant' is not the 'btw i'm a pregnant gurl' in the op
please just abort

>> No.11245921

all roasties need to eat shit im just being nice don't be so mean to me

>> No.11245922

>The thing is that guys cant be pregnant , therefore im a girl.
ACTUALLY there are plenty of guys with uteruses out there who are even pregnant. genitals are not who you are, it is real in my mind

>> No.11245925

Ginger tea helped my wife out a little. But nothing helps much youre just gonna ride it out.

>> No.11245927
File: 227 KB, 416x431, Yall_niggas_postin_in_a_troll_thread[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"pregnancy thread"
>OP's image literally a woman on a pedastal
>"hey guys i'm pregnant"
>btw i'm a girl

>> No.11245955

girl (male)

>> No.11245961

Why is there a cloud around her twat?

>> No.11245964

When my gf was pregnant she demanded loads of pickles and ice cream as well as soda water and bitter blackberries

>> No.11245979

Why don't you ask your OB/GYN, you fucking retarded cunt?

>> No.11246003

Stay well hydrated. Caffeine will dehydrate you so if you're going to drink tea, choose tea without caffeine. Bananas are good, but you are going to have to have more than bananas and tea to make sure your baby has proper nutrition.
You're far better off talking to a professional nutritionist about this, but in the meantime, banana meal replacement drinks and electrolyte pills will help you a lot.

>> No.11246016

>I don't feel like eating anything
Do you hate your child?
If you didn't you'd eat what's good for you.

>> No.11246031

Sick vape tricks my dude

>> No.11246101
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I recommend you show me those luscious pregnant milkers

>> No.11246123

The only thing about this that bothers me is that moniqua felt a need to watermark it.
Did she really think anyone would want to steal this snapshit?

>> No.11246134

eat only meat so baby become strong

>> No.11246196

>posting your roastieness on 4chan for attention instead of just asking your fucking doctor, or google
I recommend half a bottle of rum per day, and be sure to smoke a pack of cigarettes too.

>> No.11246317

My wife has been sticking to saltines, mixed nuts, and white rice. It gets better once you hit the second trimester

>> No.11246344

Post pics of your vag so we can recommend what to eat.

>> No.11246586

Disgusting! Do western womyn really have no shame anymore? No one wants to see your spawn slurping on your nipple while your eyes roll back in ecstasy.

>> No.11247236

Eat a healthy omnivorous diet but with at least double the recommended nutrients for one person.

>> No.11247263

FWIW, when the wiffus was pregnant, she got so damned nauseated that she was on Zofran. The good part of this was that her sex drive went thru the roof.

>> No.11247269

You’d probably just cause her a lot of pain.
You should unironically get mental help

>> No.11247294

Sick braps, pregnant bitches are even more disgusting than regular ones and feel they can act like pigs because they are 'creating life'
>that face equals a tranny, no way around that
>that fucking kid is like 3

>> No.11247338

If you don't feel like eating, don't eat. The pregnancy is going to add 10+ pounds to your body anyway, shouldn't you be cutting calories to counteract it so you DON'T gain weight?

>> No.11247392

>get drunk and high while pregnant
>t. brainlet

>> No.11247506

Can I see your leaky nipples plz

>> No.11247943

Clearly, your mother did both.

>> No.11247981

post feet

>> No.11248046

I hear lemon starbursts can help for some people

>> No.11248204
File: 362 KB, 1053x1080, 738DCDD1BBFA474FB6FC0F9C37B3C42B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pregnancy recipes
>on fucking 4chan
Fucking idiot, kill yourself, you will make your child a miserable human being.

>> No.11248252

Salt and vinegar potato chips. The sickness will pass soon.

>> No.11248264

I don't think there is "one-size-fits-all" when it comes to food and pregnancy. It's different for every woman and every pregnancy.

I've heard crazy shit about women eating dirt and craving car tires.

With that sort of knowledge, what can one possibly recommend? I would say the best advice is to make sure you're getting enough fluids and then some.

Breast milk is 80% water, so make sure you're getting into the habit NOW with drinking it. Flavor it up if you have to, but drink it.

As far as foods....I'd recommend listening to your body. If you're craving something, it's probably your body (or your fetus) that you need more of whatever vitamins and minerals are in that craving. Go for it.

You got a 9 month pass to be a little bit hedonistic. Use it well. :)

>> No.11248272

Somebody should have falcon punched YOU out of your mother's womb and saved the world from having to read your cancer posts.

>> No.11248337
File: 29 KB, 222x227, 95342E60-5AA2-49D4-8C0D-6E4268ED0BAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falcon punched

>> No.11248357

Fucking lol, I do this too

>> No.11248358
File: 73 KB, 999x439, 1519367219129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is in your head, rent-free.

>> No.11248551

>Just eat whatever you're craving because it probably means you need something in that specifically, as long as it isn't junk food.

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Fucking hilarious, great show. 99% of women today do exactly that as a retarded excuse to specifically eat JUNK SHIT for days upon weeks upon months until the baby gets shat out.

>> No.11248801

Try eating food mild in flavour for now. If it's too hard for you to get anything down and the vomiting is causing problems go see your gp and ask for some anti nausea tablets.

>> No.11248859

Troon-chan, only women have vaginas and uteruses.

>> No.11248865

That's silly! Of course pregnant ladies don't need to gain a huge amount of weight, but the baby needs calories to grow and thrive.

>> No.11248930
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>> No.11248938

Post your feet

>> No.11248952

I miss moot

>> No.11248957

Yeah but the baby is going to get heavier which means the mother's going to gain weight. If the baby is eight pounds, she should go on a diet to lose eight pounds while she's pregnant.

>> No.11249361

Have whole grains, protein, veg, and a small portion of fruit in each meal. When I was pregnant I ate eggs, broccoli, small portion of rice, and small portion of greek yogurt and flax seed with strawberries for every meal. Its important to have a balanced meal for every meal because your spawn will leech the nutrients from your body if you dont have enough to provide. Your bones can break this way. Lots of water too.
For nausea have a lot of drinkable things. flax seed with greek yogurt and frozen fruit smoothie. add oats too.
Fettuccine Alfredo was allegedly made by a husband who had a nauseous pregnant wife. Could make something similar with a side of veg. Don't overdo it on carbs though.

>> No.11249469

Try some chia seeds in lemon water.