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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11243889 No.11243889[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>vegetables on pizza

>> No.11243891


>> No.11243899

wanna nibble those thighs

>> No.11243924

i wish that chair was me

>> No.11243936

Vegetables on pizza yes.
It's a common concept because it's fucking delicious.

>> No.11245249

ok, you asked. mushrooms, tomatos, they cook very nicely wiht the pizza. bell peppers are bitter and stringy. onions are stringy too, but theres a pizza in berkeley claifornia that is cheese, olive oil, veggies and crust that is great: cheese board/arizmendi. they even do sliced potatos, along with onions, garlic, whatever. fresh crushed garlic is great. jalapenos are not appropriate: pizza is not a spicy food, even pepperoni sort of ruins it. black olives: you must learn to dislike them. taste them: they taste of iron. they are not a real food. i guess kalamata or olives not cured with ferrous gluconate could be good. i would try a caper topping. fresh herbs are fine too, silly but good, sprinkled on after cooking. cruciferous veggies are just not the right thing. oh, i would eat artichoke hearts, they are nice and mild.

>> No.11245257

fine in small amounts. Too many make it soggy.

>> No.11245280

Are mushrooms considered a vegetable? I like mushrooms, but not those ones soaked in oil. My brother-in-law told me some pizza shops get these barrels and their mushrooms are soaking in oil.

>> No.11245286

mishrooms are a bacteria. Some places get shitty canned mushrooms but you can tell cause theyre slippery.

>> No.11245311
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>mishrooms are a bacteria

>> No.11245314

>ywn be in high school again.
>ywn ve assigned next to hot grills acting frilly or just plain hot


>> No.11245321

>mishrooms are a bacteria
They're a virus, retard.

>> No.11245333


>> No.11245340
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>mushrooms are a bacteria

>> No.11245342

i would blast my semen on her cervix with complete disregard for her genetically defective eyes

>> No.11245345

Your semen would be blasting long before it got anywhere near her labia, let alone her cervix.

>> No.11245349

that doesnt make any sense ok?

>> No.11245351

>confusing nematodes for viruses
jesus christ

>> No.11245353

I think he's saying you'd cum before you stuck it in.

>> No.11245413

Wtf yall sayin'? Mushrooms are a fruit baka

>> No.11245455

w-well h-h-hes wrong

>> No.11245474

I bet you replace tomato sauce for pineapple jam you bastard.

>> No.11245570

Wow. Unironically going to try this. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.11245701
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that tfw when you will never be her shoes
why even both lads xD
ok now this is epic

>> No.11245710

Back to 4chan, racist.

>> No.11245894

GOD this makes me so depressed.

>> No.11245901

I groom young lasses like this. Give them a bit of vodka, a joint, drive them round in my nice car, a bit of spending money. When I get bored with their holes, I pimp them out to other men and get another one. Dumb bitches keep falling for it because they love bad boys

>> No.11245926

Absolutely based

>> No.11245962

Nice legs but she looks retarded

>> No.11245969

tomatoes are a vegetable, retard

>> No.11245977

>t. Paki

>> No.11245988

Please, when they do horrible crimes they're called Asians.

>> No.11246113

>implying that slaying tight young pussy is a crime

>> No.11246130

No, they are a fruit. A berry even.

>> No.11246141

Love me some woodberries

>> No.11246362
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This is my type of qt

>> No.11246367


>> No.11246370

Onions are good on pizza as long as they're cut into small dice and not long stringy bits.

Fry diced onions, diced pickles with minced beef and scatter the mixture over a pizza. Add fresh diced tomatoes for a cheese burger style pizza.

>> No.11246461

fungus is bacteria moron

>> No.11246463

>>doubling down on dumb

>> No.11246464


>> No.11246469

that's man

>> No.11246472

learn some evolutionary biology and tell me something

>> No.11246506

That’s not Teen Kasia. Not a Slav

>> No.11246521

>roleplaying on the internet
am i on gaiaonline

>> No.11246527

I can see you're trying to be cool with phylogenetics, but you just look like a retard, because bacteria are a separate evolutionary branch. Fungi are technically archaea.

>> No.11246528
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>mushrooms are bacteria

>> No.11246651


Why is the cute girl being so mean? : (

>> No.11246668

It’s her kike genes

>> No.11246673

Looks like she's giving the bird to someone who tried to take an uppie.

>> No.11246684

More importantly, why isn't she being mean to me and telling me how worthless and pathetic I am while I'm on my hands and knees for her?

>> No.11246833
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>> No.11246840

Vegetables and olives on pizza are mandatory, if you disagree, don't ever talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

>> No.11246930

>current year
>being a pedophile

>> No.11246939

tomatoes are fruit and mushrooms are fungi you retard

>> No.11247034

>Highschool girls
Learn what a pedo is lad. Being attracted to girls that can bear children is completely normal

>> No.11247064

>current year
>not even considering pedophilia as an option
come on, most (white) 11-14 yo could get pregnant but aren't really fit for bearing healthy children yet, plus they are somehow even more stupid than an average woman
it's a better choice but a part of me wishes we just had fuckable grown women

>> No.11247096

>come on, most (white) 11-14 yo could get pregnant but aren't really fit for bearing healthy children yet, plus they are somehow even more stupid than an average woman

You're missing the point. It's logical for a man to be attracted to something with boobs & hips. Nothing more.

Your statement, while correct, has nothing to do with the fact that the post-puberty female figure is attractive to men.

>> No.11247112

>being his retarded

Mushrooms are neither bacteria nor archea; fungi belong to the domain eukaryota.

>> No.11247141

>plus they are somehow even more stupid than an average woman
Women never develop an adult mindset, therefore it’s okay to shag young teens

>> No.11247143

picture more interesting than thread

>> No.11247180

This thread is depressing. I was hitting on qts like this when I was 16-18 and doing what society told me to, chatting them up, not being a creepy perv and leaving them alone if they reject me. I got nowhere and never got a gf. To think after school they all went out and had sex with guys at least 21, smoked weed and drank at house parties (which of course I'd never be invited to).

I don't recall ever complaining "nice guys finish last", "I'm in the friendzone" or believing I was an "incel" "entitled to sex" or any of the things feminist accuse people like me of. They weren't into me and that was that. Society tells us girls are attracted to boys so if you're alone it is because you're a loser, a bad person, inferior, but that's not really the truth is it.

>> No.11247204

>society tells us
society tells us a heap of bullshit that is more damaging than it is useful

>> No.11247212

Maybe you’re just a little boring anon. No disrespect

>> No.11247243

My go-to pizza is pizza vegetaria. Suck my shaved balls.

>> No.11247245

Have you got money? If you aren’t a poorfag you can easily seduce a young lassie. Saying that, even poorfags score with teens. Maybe you’re hideously deformed or something

>> No.11247253

Dr. Rockso???

>> No.11247261

Obviously, but what is especially damaging is their response to anyone who disagrees as you can see below.
>you're a loser, a bad person, inferior
>you’re just a little boring
nah, you don't know anything about me, I wasn't much different from other teenage boys, unless you're saying I was boring because I didn't have a car and couldn't buy alcohol

Also this is obviously another feminist meme.


>> No.11247277

This is some next level delusion

>> No.11247283

Works for me lad

>> No.11247288

>Have you got money?
I do. In fact obtaining capital is very important to me.

The thing is I don't give a shit anymore. I just whack off to Carmela Bing and focus on things I have decided are more important.

>you’re hideously deformed or something
nope, I have quite a squirrely face but I research what women are attracted to and I look like one of the men pictured in /r/ladyboners

>> No.11247311
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>fungus is bacteria

>> No.11247326
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i love big schnoz girls

>> No.11247332

>Americans and their puritanical "17.999 is a child" consent laws

>> No.11247342

You have to go back

>> No.11247347


>> No.11247349

16 in the majority of states anon

>> No.11247362

>15.999 is a child

>> No.11247367

Not entirely incorrect.

>> No.11247373

plus tip*

>> No.11247375

In Europe, the most civilised continent, the age of consent is 13. Perfectly reasonable. Look at the tits on that catch me outside girl and tell me you don’t want to inseminate her

>> No.11247380

>wanting retarded offspring

>> No.11247382


I would tongue her ass so deep you would have to pry me off like some kind of asshole lamprey

>> No.11247383


>> No.11247384

I pretty much require vegetables on my pizza now. I'm an adult, not a squirmy little shit for brains kid

>> No.11247412
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We're not so different, you and I.

>> No.11247450

Wrong. High school age range would be Ephebophilia which is the patrician's choice.

>> No.11247468

Once anataomically-correct female robots with advanced ai/consciousness are built, then fuckable adult women will be obsolete.

>> No.11247487

Not unless you're in your early 20s. If you pass 25 and that sexual attraction does not convert to an altruistic need to protect, you're an r-selected animal who deserves to and will die in the next crisis event.

>> No.11247493


>> No.11247498

>advanced ai/consciousness are built
How would the vast majority of people not go obsolete at the same time?

>> No.11247503

I understand the altruistic desire to protect. But I also realize that it is besides the point in this particular discussion.

>> No.11247508

if you know what I mean

>> No.11247509
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That’s the plan normie

>> No.11247515

Do you not know what "convert" means? Because I'm saying the sexual desire goes away completely, and if you're unable to glean that simple point you're worse than I initially conceived.

>> No.11247517

What's your endgame?

>> No.11247520

>protect me please!
Then she runs off with gangbanging niggers

>> No.11247524

Thin the herd to save humanity

>> No.11247525

Yes, females can be r-selected too. They are by default the most populous portion of the species.

>> No.11247526

>to save humanity
From what?

>> No.11247529


>> No.11247532

>being judged on an anonymous cooking board by an autistic faggot having a conniption fit impotently spewing nonsense
a fate worse than death

>> No.11247538

Negative, you shit bat.
They're a mineral.

>> No.11247541
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There's no better feeling than being a teenager in love and eating a pizza with a qt that you'll be experimenting with later.

>> No.11247557

>and if you're unable to glean that simple point you're worse than I initially conceived.
No, I get your point. Like I said before, it's off topic.

Surely you can still realize, on an intellectual level, if not one on the basis of sexual desire, whether or not a female you are looking at would be considered attractive or not. You could probably determine that even if you were female, gay, or asexual.

Your point, while true, has nothing to do with what we are discussing here.

>> No.11247591

Corn is nice on chicken pizza

>> No.11247619
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I have never known such a feel.

>> No.11247746

Eukaryota evolved from archaea, brainlet

>> No.11247874

That slut wants a good fucking

>> No.11247939

So bo sauce?

>> No.11248029


>> No.11248033

Maybe you should become more acquainted with vegetables generally.

>> No.11248053

And humans evolved from proto apes, that doesn’t mean they’re the same.

>> No.11248155

In what sense?

>> No.11248191
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>not liking prime breeding material

>> No.11248209

>just the tip

>> No.11248219

Eat them

>> No.11248250
File: 124 KB, 500x428, 1528240730128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 25 and still get infatuated with cute 12yo girls
It used to be a bad feel, but it's a neutral one now.

>> No.11248275

r selected is species/subspecies specific, not individual specific brainlet.

>> No.11248285

imagine being such a picky child that you don't like peppers on pizza, mercy buckets.
mushrooms are fungus, similar to yeast and mold, man you guys are brainlets.

>> No.11248536

not him but yes
the world isn't built for one billion people, let alone ten

>> No.11248564
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>> No.11248732

I’ve had broccoli on pizza before. It was shit

>> No.11248741

Good girl, should kick him. Dad's need to teach their daughters to fuck up someone shit.

And also not let them leave the house in 5 inch skirts, but w/e

>> No.11248769

I remember this one time in highschool this slutty girl that sat next to me bent over to pick up a pencil
I saw some prime fucking whale tail and snapped a pic of it
She noticed and asked if I took a picture and I said yes, to which she just laughed it off
She was pretty cool and friendly actually, she'd hook me up with test answers considering I'm a massive fucking brainlet
blog post over

>> No.11248774

Its spelled mushroobs, first of all, and they're not bacteria they're protists

>> No.11248785

No, they want to flash all the guys they like, it's unthinkable to take precautions against the creep who actually wants to see your panties.

>> No.11248807

>mushrooms are fungus, similar to yeast and mold, man you guys are brainlets.
Wrong. Go back to school, faggot

>> No.11249116

Post pics

>> No.11249261

Artichokes exist.

>> No.11250064

Y-y-yes we are, so that means what I said earlier was right.

>> No.11250076

god I hate this fetish
people can wank to whatever they want but I hate having to skim through hundreds of these types of videos to find anything good like old/young lesbian stuff, or nun porn, or just normal anal

>> No.11250408

Zoomers are overwhelmingly cucks

>> No.11250414
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