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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11243894 No.11243894 [Reply] [Original]

My gf made this for me. Thoughts?

>> No.11243906
File: 562 KB, 133x128, 1537386407635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy. Yellow fever thread ?

>> No.11243907

Do you have any photos of your gf?

>> No.11243908

Pretty pretentious presentation, looks yummy

>> No.11243914

How hard did you use the bike pump on her?

>> No.11243915

Marry her.

>> No.11243916

Looks nice but fuck chopsticks.

>> No.11243922

A bae

>> No.11243933

>plastic noodle
>dog poop
no thanks.

>> No.11243937

I think she did good, but I’m a little upset that there isn’t more broth.

>> No.11243940

god i want to fuck a asian girl so bad

>> No.11243942

I bet if we teamed up we could make it happen

>> No.11243943

needs more noodles and broth, less bean sprouts. and interesting bowl

>> No.11243947

i would have liked my beansprouts slightly less cooked and the egg not broken but for even doing this shes kinda a keeper

just make sure shes not too crazy though, asian girls get clingy

>> No.11243952

t. fat clumsy butter fingers

>> No.11243953

Send her over here, when it don't work out for you guys.

>> No.11243957

Go on a holiday to the Philippines

>> No.11243968

Get ready, they're generally sopping wet down there, so there's that.

>> No.11243985

Brown asians are shit-tier though. They're crazy like the yellow ones but not nearly as hot

>> No.11244014

can't add more broth because those fucking retarded bowls have holes for the chopsticks. hope that the pretentious presentation is worth it

>> No.11244022

not good enough yet. Get her to soak her stinky pale feet in it for extra flavor.

>> No.11244553
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Where do I find an Asian wife?

>> No.11244564

real men eat with their bare hands

>> No.11244581

Looks dry and bland but the real tragedy is you went to the trouble of making two bowls just to lie on 4chan

>> No.11244583

She's a weeb

>> No.11244585

Nice Buddha Bowls

>> No.11244594

pretty sure thats aborted fetus soup

>> No.11244595

She’s white.

>> No.11244596

Stupid fucking bowls

>> No.11244597

Beef looks a tad overdone and not enough broth, but I'd still eat it.

>> No.11244599

so you're yellow

>> No.11244600

Why did she make you two bowls and give you two chopsticks?

>> No.11244609

that's definitely pork, but yeah it looks dry

>> No.11244616

Not him but looks like beef to me

>> No.11244618

Not him but looks like seitan

>> No.11244624

How does it feel knowing she appropriated culture?

>> No.11244638

does she have coloured hair and a nose ring?

>> No.11244988

>god i want to fuck a girl so bad

>> No.11244990

No wonder it looks so shitty.

>> No.11244996

fucking yikes

>> No.11245021

How many bbcs has she taken? Be honest

>> No.11246224

Umm... cultural appropriation much?

>> No.11246231


I hope she fucks good coz she cooks shit.

>> No.11246239


Nigga please. She a fat white bitch who does slut walk to feel empowered for being fat and unattractive while eating herself to death.

>> No.11246342

Motherfucking based and motherfucking redpilled

>> No.11246355

My wife basically never cooks, but yesterday she made home made ramen yesterday.
It was nice to be in the kitchen together. She chopped the veg for the broth and I filleted some chicken thighs for the bones.
It worked out really good.

>> No.11246359

Looks dry and shitty.

>> No.11246378

why would you not just use chopstick rests if you want to be a stupid fucking weeb? better yet, you could literally put the chopsticks over any normal bowl

>> No.11246391

>dating a weeb
>being a weeb yourself
jesus christ...

>> No.11246408

Did she cut the egg in half with her teeth?

>> No.11246562

Joking aside

Green onion too large. Meat too old looking. Egg not so good. Would love to try that bean sprouts tho

Hopefully the broth is pork bone ?

>> No.11246711

Break up with her. Immediately. What is that supposed to be? Does she have a syndrome?

>> No.11246726

>ITT /pol/ takes over a thread about overcooked beef, underseasoned noodles and flat out depressing celery
Never change 4chan; less nip-moot might expect you to move out soon.

>> No.11246748


If you are an asian woman then yes, we can make it happen.

>> No.11246764

/pol/ is 4Chan.
Deal with it.

>> No.11246769

I remember when you cucks used to be /news/,
And you're not /pol/; it's a polarizing change in peoples abilities to express their opinion.
It started with niceties and people being flat out racist in videogames and now they've learned to use that as a fuel. On an anonymous website no one is the culprit.
I just hope generations can learn to take responsibility for what destabilization in culture they've done.

>> No.11246987

>used her own cunt flaps for the ingredient
well she tried OP, that's more than you can say about most women

>> No.11247850


>> No.11248215
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Quality thread with quality answers. Hope you got what you want OP.

>> No.11248366


>> No.11248387 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11248629

Do you really need the bowl to be full to the brim with broth?

>> No.11248646 [DELETED] 

op your thread is shit just like that pathetic excuse for ramen

>> No.11248662 [DELETED] 


>> No.11248993 [DELETED] 

I'll roll

>> No.11249012 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11249255 [DELETED] 


bored af

>> No.11249283 [DELETED] 


>> No.11249298
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What's wrong with Yellow Fever? I have never met a man who didn't have preferences.

>> No.11249303 [DELETED] 

I don't like myself anyways

>> No.11249307

One point for The Slut: Convert into Tomboy.

>> No.11249308 [DELETED] 


>> No.11249339 [DELETED] 

let me be true to life please

>> No.11249349 [DELETED] 


>> No.11249442



>> No.11249482 [DELETED] 


>> No.11249487 [DELETED] 


>> No.11249503

Oh cool i got the tomboy. Always wanted to date one.

>> No.11249514

Transform her into pure beauty.
Eat her heart to capture part of her soul.
Make a suit of her skin and become her.
Be beautiful.


>> No.11249653 [DELETED] 


>> No.11249773 [DELETED] 


>> No.11249800 [DELETED] 

getting 00 most likely

>> No.11250556 [DELETED] 


>> No.11250559

Fucking landwhales.

>> No.11250561


>> No.11251361 [DELETED] 


>> No.11251365

waifu material

>> No.11251386

I can't work chopsticks to pick up a single piece of sushi even after training with youtube videos, friends and family showing me and observing people in the local sushi shop. It feels like my bones are going the wrong way and it reaches a near cramp like state after a while. I have no known dexterity problems with my fingers and frequently work with very small and fidgety parts successfully.

I just can't create a jaw like movement while holding the sticks over each other. They just keep crossing over the sides of each other so I slip with the pieces I clumsily grab. Any good way to explain or visualize what I might be missing?

>> No.11251418
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White 3dpd trash on suicide watch.

>> No.11251468 [DELETED] 


>> No.11252287 [DELETED] 
File: 576 KB, 830x1000, 1537402102349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please please please give me 7

I love Tom boys

>> No.11252298
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Chicken dinner

>> No.11252333 [DELETED] 

Jesus, why would anyone want anything other than Slut or Dumpy?

>> No.11253119 [DELETED] 

rolling for class rep

>> No.11253162 [DELETED] 

Didn't read that wall of text but rollin

>> No.11253180

Bitch took all the broth

>> No.11253295 [DELETED] 


>> No.11253393


>> No.11253449 [DELETED] 
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Let's do this niggers

>> No.11253464 [DELETED] 


>> No.11253488 [DELETED] 

Fashionable Dumpy GF is top tier

>> No.11253498 [DELETED] 


>> No.11253506 [DELETED] 

How is turning into a manslut a penalty point? Rolling for greatness

>> No.11253511

If I had to pick one I'd pick the one I got.

>> No.11253585

What the hell kind of a question is that?

>> No.11253602

Where's your 4chan pass?

>> No.11254616 [DELETED] 


>> No.11254666

how would you make ramen broth beef without overcooking it?? i mean you could make the broth first and put a steak ontop but i don't think that's the point?
what do you mean under seasoned? you don't see garnish? the flavor should be in the broth

>> No.11254672

>My gf
nice larp

>> No.11254681 [DELETED] 


>> No.11254689

Honestly the average woman is dog shit at cooking and can barely make processed frozen/shelfed foods presentable so I'm not really impressed but at least you aren't with a completely worthless woman.

>> No.11254703 [DELETED] 

the dumpy one is pretty much myself. who came up with this shit?

>> No.11254713 [DELETED] 


>> No.11254719

Need more broth. Ditch those bowls and put the chopstick on the bowl like a normal person. Or, if you insist on being pretentious, get proper chopstick holders.

>> No.11254723 [DELETED] 

No thanks, I prefer adults. Maybe you've heard of them?