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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11238761 No.11238761 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, milk for the thinking man

>> No.11238769

lactoselets need something too i guess

>> No.11238778

Milk is for babies.

>> No.11238785

Sometimes I buy this because I just thought it was milk and cant be assed to read any labeling that isnt nutritional info

>> No.11238796

Enjoy your fucking weak ass bones then, faggot.

>> No.11238847
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>milk for the thinking man
You called?

>> No.11238850

>cardio is for men!!!

>> No.11238925

Enjoy your estrogen.

>> No.11238933

>laughs in Wisconsin

>> No.11238937

>ultra-filtered milk
>lactose free
Why shouldn't you just drink water with some vitamins instead?

>> No.11239099

That’s not grass fed whole milk in a glass jug.

>> No.11240686

>unironically drinking boiled pus and blood

no thanks chief

>> No.11240780


>> No.11240784

I wonder what milk would taste like without the lactose. Yogurt, but not sour either? I don't eat sweets much and sometimes if I drink milk, especially if it's warmed up a little bit, it tastes pretty sweet to me.

>> No.11240800

>not drinking raw milk
>pus and blood
I live right next door to a dairy farmer. You're completely full of shit.

>> No.11241117

yeah so it's not even boiled
you're just drinking blood and pus
enjoy dumbass

>> No.11241204
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If you drink milk you are not a thinker

>> No.11241219

>no peanut butter
What the actual fuck

>> No.11241231
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>> No.11241302

>Implying that milk is the only source of calcium
Enjoy your estrogen, bro

>> No.11241308
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>> No.11241435

Dont forget your mom and dads blood

>> No.11241503

It tastes like regular milk without that feeling milk leaves in the back of your throat after drinking it.

>> No.11243230

Milk doesn't leave a feeling in the back of your throat dumbass
You must be drinking semen