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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11236223 No.11236223 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else here /prepper/?
how do YOU prep?

>> No.11236239

Amateur prepper/regular common sense planner here. I always have food at home for at least a week. I always have a stash of canned veggies, rice, dried pasta and some meat in the fridge. Bread also in the fridge and I have water, beer and juices in the supply closet.

Most of my friends have to go to the supermarket every day. Fuck that.

>> No.11236253

I don't prep specifically, but I make large portions of food for dinner and then eat leftovers for breakfast and lunch the days after

>> No.11236285 [DELETED] 

I only prep the bull.

>> No.11236320

This. Based and redpilled

>> No.11236379

if society collapses i will just let myself go

>> No.11236382
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>preferring reheated food to fresh food

>> No.11236455

those lime slices by day 3

>> No.11236468

Food starts to taste shit after the 3rd day

>> No.11236490
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>> No.11236496
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>meal prep

>> No.11236499

I need to start doing this. So what just a Tupperware containers and whatever?

>> No.11236533

disgusting that's 15 days of the same fucking thing.

>> No.11236534

>someone actually made that
Talk about obsessed.

>> No.11236567

I /prep/
I only /prep/ one week at a time, because I don't like to freeze this stuff. It makes it a shit to reheat if you forget to thaw it a full day before.
This week there's a few meals of feijoada brasiliera and a few meals of goat burgers with curried mushrooms.
Last week there was a few meals of oxtail ragu over polenta and a few meals of sous vide chipotle beef ribs with maple spiced carrots.

I just cook for me and my SO, so it's not a whole lot of shit like in your OP pic. We like to mix it up. A couple days of the same meal and I'm ready to move on.

>> No.11236593

>live with sister
>shes living the vegan/organic/prepper meme
>fridge filled with premade food
>she rarely finishes it all
>throws it all out
>rinse and repeat
What a fucking waste

>> No.11236605

Is she a great big fat person?

>> No.11236612

Food prepping is something people do who have severe autism combined with OCD. Somebody will sperg at this post proving my point.

>> No.11236633

The only correct answer is livestock and agriculture, combined with close knit community and extended family members.

>> No.11236640
File: 246 KB, 400x400, spoiled lil bitch monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food prepping is something people do who have...
Stop. Food prepping is something people do when they don't have time to cook every day but have family to feed, every day. Back in the day before people dismissed literally everything as being "some meme," we just called it "eating leftovers." Mom would make a pork roast with mashed potatoes and green beans, or chicken and noodles, or what the fuck ever on the weekend, and you'd eat the leftovers for dinner on school nights when she wasn't home.
Suddenly it's some rich fashionable trend to be eating leftovers all week, yet they have to make up a richer-sounding name for it, so now it's "meal prep." But it wasn't cool when I was a kid.
I remember the episode of Arthur where Muffy refused to eat leftovers at Francine's family's house. That's how much of a whiner you meal-prep-complainers sound like to the rest of us.

>> No.11236645

Leftovers are gay

>> No.11236646

No, shes a scrawny twig that thinks she needs to lose weight while having almost no fat left

>> No.11236648
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Holy shit it only took 7 minutes...

>> No.11236652
File: 12 KB, 465x449, feelseh1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is with young women all bandwagon the vegan meme. Just stop over eating. Meat isn't the issue ffs.

>> No.11236665

Muffy did nothing wrong, serving your guests left overs is weird!

>> No.11236666

desu, meat consumption going down a bit is not necessarily a bad thing, even if you eat meat. and since women are throwaway objects that don't require protein for longevity anyway, why not let them feed on leafs and seeds.

>> No.11236672

black vegans are worse than women vegans

>> No.11236682

It's only weird if it's professional guests, and your 8 year old's 8 year old classmate is hardly a "guest" worth cooking for. Least of all if you are as poor as Francine's family. Muffy's rich bitch parents could have afforded to take them all out to a nice dinner but didn't bother, not even once in the whole series.

>> No.11236835

idk depends on if it's a dinner party or just hanging out.

>> No.11236842

Literally the only reason you would even think about getting offended by that image is if you're one yourself

>> No.11236871

one what?

>> No.11237179

a bugman

>> No.11237220

Not everybody works short weakling shifts, goober.

>> No.11237232

And not everyone is too lazy to cook a meal after a full day of work.

>> No.11237239

I prep my work lunches but cook the rest.

>> No.11237255

I like to make a huge salad and divide it up into meal portions for the week. This way I have some healthy stomach-filler and whatever leftovers from last night dinner I packed to go with it.

Salad is the easiest and cheapest way to eat healthy yet still feel full during a long hard work day.

I also make smoothies of leftover veggies and fruit that are starting to turn. I got a really nice blender for christmas a few years back and I love to make a breakfast sandwich and smoothie for my morning commute to work.

>> No.11238133

meal prepping is retard
Just learn how to naturally recycle leftovers. If I cook a whole chicken on Monday, I'm not going to eat it one meal, but I'll keep using it in various ways until it's gone.
You're guaranteed to fall off your wagon and lose meal quality if you meal prep.