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11231585 No.11231585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I didn't know this is how dairy allergies worked. I thought you had to actually eat it.

>> No.11231591

I know nut allergies can work this way though. I have even heard roasted nuts/peanuts can affect allergy sufferers.

>> No.11231594

daily reminder that people with allergies should die like god intended.

>> No.11231595

A histamine reaction to dairy sounds odd as fuck. In all honesty he probably should've had two epi-pens on him and been home-schooled.

>> No.11231596

the boy put cheese down his own shirt, the dairy allergy lad (rot in piss) had been licking his chest

>> No.11231600

it depends on the severity and type of the allergy and exactly what in the item you are allergic to. In this case, LITERALLY EVERYTHING

>Karanbir Cheema, known as Karan, suffered a serious allergic reaction in Greenford, West London, just before noon on June 28 last year.

>The 13-year-old was severely allergic to wheat, gluten, all dairy products, eggs and all nuts and eggs, was asthmatic and suffered from atopic eczema.

>> No.11231602

So they will not die then?

>> No.11231607

>Otherwise ordinary child dies in normal hijinks because mother didn't breastfeed him.

>> No.11231608

So how do they know it was the fucking cheese that did him in?
Perhaps the fucker was just allergic to life

>> No.11231611

>Staff had administered two spoons of piriton, an epipen and given him his inhaler."

>He died with his parents by his hospital bed in Great Ormond Street Hospital 10 days later, on July 9.

At some point, you have to accept - God wanted this kids ass dead.

>> No.11231612

Pretty much this. I could eat a granola bar and sneeze in his direction and KO the fucker.

>> No.11231616

It ain't easy bein' cheesy

>> No.11231617

>"We were told by school staff that perhaps someone had chased the patient with cheese and had proceeded to throw it down his T-shirt," Oppatt said. "That he had an allergic reaction, that he was itchy, his skin was very hot, and that he was having difficulty breathing. Staff had administered two spoons of piriton, an epipen and given him his inhaler."
>PERHAPS had thrown cheese down his shirt


>> No.11231619

It's pretty easy to feel like you're superior to others just because you aren't allergic to something, but there will probably be a cure found at some point for all these things. You're ignorant if you think dying to this stuff is what's intended and not using technology and medicine to fix it.

>> No.11231621

Must have been one of those evil alt right kids!

>> No.11231622

>but there will probably be a cure found at some point for all these things.
Yeah, apparently it's called trowing cheese at weak kids.

>> No.11231628

If you cannot protect yourself from death, then it is on you. You think animals in the wild have the luxury of others protecting them from allergies.

>> No.11231631

pre-natal gene editing can probably do it but people freak out about designer babies

>> No.11231639

Should've been euthanized earlier.
Now he just traumatized some other kid with his allergy to life condition.

>> No.11231647

>West London


>> No.11231649

There's a big difference between dealing with allergies and someone throwing what you're allergic to at you. Comparison to animals in the wild is pointless.

>> No.11231657

so you admit animals in the wild don't have cheese allergies because it is selected against
Ok, but why allow it into human populations then?

>> No.11231665

Animals don't need cheese, neither do humans.
Why it's even allowed in schools is beyond me, especially if it can do harm like this.

>> No.11231668

Animals in the wild can develop allergies, they just don't reproduce as much in the long run. It's not always going to be a definite death sentence. And nobody is "allowing" it into the human population, it randomly pops up sometimes, and the solution of killing everyone who ever develops an allergy is so fucking stupid. If you really want to stop "allowing" it, then find a way to fix it with gene editing or something, if you can do that.

>> No.11231670

>animals in the wild don't have cheese allergies

but they fucking do.

animals were not meant to eat cheese. most animals that start off drinking milk become lactose intolerant

>> No.11231672

>lactose intolerance is an allergy
>animals are meant to do things
>reddit spacing
dumbest post in the thread, let's see if anyone can contend

>> No.11231674

Imagine being such a genetic failure that a single dairy molecule getting metabolized into your body is enough to kill you.

>> No.11231675

Now I for one would never say people with allergies should get killed.
Just, stop pampering them fucks and let nature do it for free.

>> No.11231676


>> No.11231677


>> No.11231686

guess we should stop using vaccines and soap too

>> No.11231692

Now your using your noggin.
Just don't do that too much, we can't have you getting too smart on me, boy.

>> No.11231698
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>Now your using your noggin.

>> No.11231707

Could it be possible that it wasnt the cheese that killed him from skin contact but the fact that he likely spazzed out overreacting and got overdosed on allergy medicine/injections?

>> No.11231713

he broke out in hives and showed signs of respiratory restriction, as bizzare as it is it had all the hallmarks of anaphylactic shock

>> No.11231719

Even if it was psychosomatic they didn't give him enough to cause him to overdose

>> No.11231721

What if it ends up being your child? Probably gonna say "uhhh i hate children i'll never have them" etc., but in the situation that you actually do, how would you get rid of the little shit without criminalising yourself?

>> No.11231727

send them to public school
it's a problem that fixes itself

>> No.11231748

Dairy allergy is not the same as lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance just gives you gas.
You can have a full allergy to almost anything.

>> No.11231751

if this story is anything to go by, apparently it does yeah

Just don't get too attached I guess. Give them a name like "Investment" and sue the school when they die

>> No.11231765

>there will probably be a cure found at some point for all these things
Yeah, it's called eugenics

>> No.11231776

If only his parents exposed him to it at an early age. Like those frail peanut-allergy fags. Could've developed a resistance.

>> No.11231782

Sensational garbage like this is the closest thing that Fox News ever runs. It boggles my mind that there are people stupid enough to watch/read them.

>> No.11231785

*the closest thing to real news

>> No.11231792

I don't feel like I'm superior, I know I am, by the mere fact that I don't die because I touched some cheese.

>> No.11231798

I bet you never used medicines since you are so superior

>> No.11231801
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Look at me, look at me,
I'm the butcher now.

>> No.11231803

People with allergies were typically raised poorly, and for the vast majority of them they are literally retarded and should be ridiculed and shunned, but you also sound retarded and demean what you're trying to convey by saying nonsense like, "like god intended".

>> No.11231806

It is like that one image of the cow man slaughtering the human cow.

>> No.11231870
File: 112 KB, 602x268, main-qimg-2a53ed0c3f1a70bec51d1295b6903386 00.00.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, guess you're not 'British' after all.

>> No.11231889

>5-15% of British (U.K.)
you probably shouldn't post images that contradict your text

>> No.11232216


>> No.11232246

>so allergic to such a common food item you die from simple contact with it
It might sound heartless to some, but there's a point where dysgenics stop being rationalized by calling it compassion and starts being sheer idiocy. Our gene pool is better off with them gone. I don't want certain items, like peanuts, being banned in public because some defect breaks out if he gets within 20 feet of it like I know some advocate for.

>> No.11232251

what the fuck was a kid with so many allergies doing in a public school anyway!?

>> No.11232253

>severely allergic to wheat, gluten, all dairy products, eggs and all nuts and eggs, was asthmatic and suffered from atopic eczema.

you know, this is just natural selection in action

>> No.11232256

Lactose intolerance isn't an allregy. It's simply an inability to digest the lactose properly. I haven't heard of dairy allergy before but that's a different thing.

>> No.11232262

His dumb Paki parents (who are most likely brother and sister) didn't know any better.

>> No.11232325


>> No.11232336

Dairy allergy is actually a thing and is more severe than lactose intolerance

>> No.11232344

>I didn't know this is how dairy allergies worked. I thought you had to actually eat it.

How is that possible. you know doctors do allergy tests by putting suspected allergens on your skin and seeing if a rash develops, right?

Allergic reactions take place anytime and anywhere your body comes in contact with an allergen. It has nothing to do with eating the food specifically, that's just one case (and a particularly severe example) of the allergen touching the body.

People who eat food that makes them sick are not having an allergic reaction. Allergic reactions involve itching, rashes, and swelling. If the swelling is severe enough it can affect breathing. Other symptoms have nothing to do with allergies.

>> No.11232362 [DELETED] 

Who cares, it is just some shitskin. Who knows how many people he would have killed by blowing himself up in a full bus a few years from now as all Muslims do sooner or later? The world is a better place because he died.

>> No.11232363

how the fuck can one be allergic to eggs OMEGALUL

>> No.11232385

>Why it's even allowed in schools is beyond me, especially if it can do harm like this
Oh jesus fucking christ, this post.
Anything that isn't necessary needs to be banned? Go fuck yourself you socialist parasite

>> No.11232392

Seriously, how the fuck is this kid such an allergen-prone trainwreck? Was he raised in hyperbaric chamber until he went to school or something?

>> No.11232394

The "harm" is not the cheese you dumb fuck. The harm lies in the person's own broken immune system. It is possible to be allergic to ANY food....or non-food item for that matter.

For example, there are people who are allergic to touching certain kinds of metal, hence why some kinds of jewelry are labeled hypo-allergenic. That means it's less likely to trigger an allergic reaction among susceptible people.

>> No.11232396

He lost the genetic lottery.

>> No.11232399

while i agree that it's a tragedy that a kid died for no reason, if getting cheese stuffed down his fucking shirt was enough to kill him how long could he have lasted realistically? was this kid supposed to be dodging open air markets and bakeries for his whole life? what if his mom baked a casserole with cheese in it and opened the oven too quick while he was in the general vicinity, would it be like he got hit with a killer mustard gas stink bomb?

>> No.11232402

>from middle east
centuries of marrying their first cousins

>> No.11232403
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>> No.11232412

Hell, how is the kid even supposed to travel, go to school, or work? When your allergies are that severe even something as normal as getting on a bus or train, or being in a public area becomes a life-threatening experience.

>> No.11232415

how did he even survive so long? and what happened to the other kid? did he go to jail? it's technically murder.

>> No.11232426

Holy kek

>> No.11232430

maybe he shouldn't have come to a western county if hes allergic to fucking wheat and dairy

>> No.11232437

yeah i'm sure he decided to do that

>> No.11232439

the child is innocent, the idiot parents are to blame

>> No.11232441

>it's technically murder.

Yeah, nah. Considering it is normal kid behaviour (normal as in, kids tend to do random shit), it's most likely to be considered an accident, or a form of negligence, but nothing more severe.

Explained pretty well in the following pages; http://lawcomic.net/guide/?p=185

>> No.11232451

>the child is innocent
And then stops being so when he grows to adulthood and his assbackward culture teaches him that women are his to rape. At least we know all she'd have to do is throw cheese at him

>> No.11232690

Because kids like it?
If you're too much of a pussy to survive a slice of cheese then too fucking bad.

>> No.11232708

I have never met a child of immigrants who honestly gave a shit about the culture of their parents home country. Children are very easy to assimilate.

>> No.11232722

Women deserve rape though, I'd just prefer it if Muhammod over there did it in his own country :^)

>> No.11232731

this desu if you cant even touch cheese without dying then nature intends for you to not live

>> No.11232734

he died to a slice of cheese bro... how can i not feel superior

>> No.11233112

nigga had the cheese touch

>> No.11233115

It’s his fault for not wearing a turtleneck

>> No.11233124

Jesus christ, could you imagine the hell it'd be on you if you had a kid that had all those problems.

I'd rather have a retarded child than deal with all of that.

>> No.11233193

Are you retarded? Just kill yourself now so your cancerous genes don't reproduce

>> No.11233206

just tried it, not possible without tits

>> No.11233259

Yes, it technically is murder.

None of the comics in your link were representative of this case. There was intent to harm which resulted in death, i.e. murder. It is not the deceased's fault they were frail.

>> No.11233286

I see no proof of intent, outside of what can basically be described as bullying. If the kid can't understand the harm he might cause, there's no culpability.

>> No.11233298

His classmate, likely being over 10 years old can take criminal responsibility.

>> No.11233308

>There was intent to harm which resulted in death, i.e. murder.
That's not what murder means. Murder means the deliberate killing of another human being. That's what separates murder from other forms of homicide such as manslaughter.

>> No.11233312

Wouldn't it be involuntary manslaughter?

>> No.11233313

allergies are the cure, the disease is your abominable dead-end-gene existence

>> No.11233335

Likely. For murder one, you have to essentially say "I'm going to kill him", and for murder two it's "I'm going to kill somebody".

Not saying the kid will not get charged with anything, but for murder you have to prove intent to kill.

>> No.11233336

if i woke up one day allergic to cheese that badly, id shoot myself. this is why we NEED a eugenics program if humaity is going to survive for millions of years. At this rate, relying on dim witted women to choose the "right" guy to have kids with, humans are soon going to be dying from walking outside for more than 20 minutes.
God DOES want people with allergies to die.
>people with nut allergies, please off yourselves you fucking faggots

>> No.11233345

>hey poondar!
>what is up, foodip?
>lol that is funny! cough cough

>> No.11233349

I would think so, as throwing cheese at him would be an unlawful act [of] manslaughter.

>> No.11233352

>know your classmate has a severe allergy
>try to trigger it on purpose because you are a little toerag

children can truly be the fucking worst. just old enough to be bastards, too inexperienced to fully comprehend the consequences of their actions. adult life has its problems but at least i no longer have to deal with idiots with no talents or status to fall back on picking on anyone they deem beneath them to try and raise their own place in the social heirarchy.

>> No.11233357

He didn't murder the special snowflake with cheese you leftist faggots. Charging him with murder or even manslaughter is like charging a person who opened a bag of nuts near a person with a nut allergy with murder.

His allergies killed him. The kid was not behaving recklessly and likely had no idea his actions could result in death. Also the 13-year-old was a ticking time bomb. Someone was bound to accidentally kill him as he was fatally allergic to most staple foods.

>> No.11233367

yeah, that sure goes away as an adult :^)
truly it gets better

>> No.11233383

>The 13-year-old was severely allergic to wheat, gluten, all dairy products, eggs and all nuts and eggs, was asthmatic and suffered from atopic eczema.

he could have died from a million and one things

allergic to eggs???

if a raw egg were to hit him would he have gotten a reaction?

>> No.11233386

>charging a person who opened a bag of nuts near a person with a nut allergy with murder.
Classmate is legally coupable for his actions. At the age of 10+, it is reasonable to assume that his classmate understood the consequences of his actions would be severe to the victim - had he not died, likely Classmate could have received a GBH as the cheesing was a intentional dangerous and unlawful act. However, he died as a result of a intentional dangerous and unlawful act.

That is involuntary manslaughter.

>> No.11233411

> no idea his actions could result in death

If he didn't know the kid was allergic to cheese why the fuck did he chase the kid with it? He knew cheese would hurt him. The fact he did know how bad is irrelevant. He intended to cause an allergic reaction and that reaction killed this kid.

If I throw a rock at your head and you have an eggshell skull and die, that's murder, just like what happened here.

Intent to kill does not matter, just intent to harm.

>> No.11233412

eugenics is quackery
CRISPR is where it's at
we literally have the technology to create a superior race of glow in the dark niggers TODAY
I'm not even joking right now

>> No.11233422

What leftie hell hole do you call home?

>> No.11233423

so we can make (aryan)gigachads with 10 inch dicks and 200 IQ?

>> No.11233424

>The fact he did know how bad is irrelevant.

Lot in the legal system it's not.

>> No.11233436

Depends on whose legal system, however, ignorance is not an excuse for a dangerous and unlawful act.

>> No.11233447

Can you give an example of a single legal system where it doesn't matter?

Because I think you're talking about muh feels and not reality.

>> No.11233453

No genetic engineering cant be used on white people it just doesn't work for some reason

>> No.11233469

I'm a different anon, I'm just simply pointed out that unreasonable ignorance is not a defense against dangerous and unlawful acts.

>> No.11233505

Can't perfect perfection.

>> No.11233509

I hope the school charged the parents for the epipen

>> No.11233528

cheese is meant for cows and was never invented for humans

>> No.11233532

Children of moderate muslim immigrants oftern turn into radical islamists.

>> No.11233534

WTF? No? Brit Hume's son killed himself because he has secretly gay, not because someone put cheese on him.

>> No.11233547

>over 10 years old
>criminal responsibility
What the fuck? In what civilized country is a 10 year old culpable?

>> No.11233569

Subhumans with deadly allergies or eggshell skulls should be gassed.

>> No.11233579

Most countries have it ranging from 7 to 14. The UN recommended is 12.

>> No.11233585

>unreasonable ignorance
You are aware of what a child IS? They have little life experience and their brains have not yet developed enough to control their impulses, think ahead very far, or realistically predict the outcome of their actions. Their empathy is also underdeveloped compared to an adult. And you want to hold a child culpable for killing a genetic dead end with a slice of cheese?

>> No.11233615
File: 47 KB, 780x521, Best-Games-for-5-to-7-year-olds[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone is going to convict pic related of murder

>> No.11233616

The definition of a child varies from country to country. In the UK (the location of this case), at the age of 10, you have criminal responsibility.

Diminished responsibility is considered as part of the law however, that is still responsibility.

>> No.11233626

Notice how I am not offering a personal opinion? This is the way it is. If you don't like it, please, by all means, protest to the UN and countries with respective laws.

>> No.11233627

I heard the lunch lady was an accomplice

>> No.11233634

>use medicine to survive
>so my shitty genes can be passed on and generate a whole mass of people dependent on meds
>which of course need to be funded by healthy people
Yeah, no, just die.
We've got too many people as it is, the least we can do is rid the world of those who shit in the pool.

>> No.11233668

>severely allergic to wheat, gluten, all dairy products, eggs and all nuts and eggs,
good riddance

>> No.11233670

never heard of keto??

>> No.11233672
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This is called survival of the fittest. If you're so damn delicate that basic things kill you, you probably shouldn't reproduce and pass those weak ass genes onto future generations. Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.11233691

>>The 13-year-old was severely allergic to wheat, gluten, all dairy products, eggs and all nuts and eggs, was asthmatic and suffered from atopic eczema.

This lad should have lived in a fucking bubble holy shit

>> No.11233694

>If he didn't know the kid was allergic to cheese why the fuck did he chase the kid with it?
Because he was avoiding it? You never tried to smear PB on a kid, or chase a kid with a catapillar or a worm or something? Or slap a vegetarian with a catfish? He might've just thought the kid was a vegan or something.

But hey, way to jump to conclusions and assume a fucking 13 year old is homicidal and chose cheese, at school in public, as a murder weapon. If you're right I have to criticize Britain for being a ridiculous leftist hellhole; if you're wrong I have to criticize you for being a ridiculous leftist idiot.

>> No.11233702

nice word salad, stupid

>> No.11233727

I believe it's called conversational writing, a legitimate form of communication where you type or write as you would speak, often ignoring proper grammar.

>> No.11233755

>if a raw egg were to hit him would he have gotten a reaction?
Obviously yes

>> No.11233790

I knew a kid like that, the only things he could eat were plain bagels and a specific brand of nutrition shakes
I felt bad for him, he was so weak and doughy he'd couldn't even do physical activity, per his doctor.

>> No.11233795

why was he allowed to congregate with white people who are known to be made out of milk

>> No.11233815
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>> No.11233818

Hell no.

>> No.11233868

Cheese is a human invention you dork

>> No.11233885
File: 233 KB, 403x360, 19x8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese is meant for cows

>> No.11233911

you got two choices with this kid put him in a bubble or cover your house with what hes allergic too either he will die or become a master escape artiest

>> No.11234028

Seriously though, if the cheese touch (tm) is the thing that takes you out, you were born worse for wear. And that’s a fact. Like seriously that’s fucking ridiculous.

>> No.11234042

>be allergic to rational thought
>don't die
what's YOUR excuse

>> No.11234051

Haha, freaking hilarious. Sad it happened. But this is fucking funny.

>> No.11234093

not sad at all
he was a brown kid in a place he shouldnt be

>> No.11234118

Tfw I was a little shit and this led wouldn't have lasted a week in my school. We used to bully an autistic kid because he attempted suicide and we would tell him he couldn't even do that right.
I regret it all now because I'm a fucking loser

>> No.11234138

You mean outside a hermetically sealed bubble?

Yeah. What makes you think he wouldn't have dropped dead in his parent's home country as well? This kid had so many allergies that it was just a matter of time.

>> No.11234146


Basically, peanuts are better than human lives. The school of life guys, look at him go!

What if YOU were the issue in our gene pool? I don't like having this degree of sheer idiocy on my beloved planet. Maybe we you could get "euthanized" as well? Since it's a must do, be the good example pal.

>> No.11234156

thats not my point
my point is that brown people should be in their own countries

>> No.11234356

>Basically, peanuts are better than human lives.
Defective life, yes. Why should everyone else have to suffer, because an insignificant small number of people who lost the genetic lottery? I want a rational response, not one driven by pure emotions.

It's time to accept that not all human life is worth saving, especially if it inconveniences others in the process. It's a shame that this kid died, but let's not pretend his genes passing onto the next generation would have benefited mankind.

>> No.11234390

Human beings are not wild animals, shithead. There is a reason survival of the fittest doesn't apply to humans anymore when it comes to whether or not you live or die. Use your brain before posting.

>> No.11234504
File: 738 KB, 860x529, 7EB58BB7-A8DA-4D90-9BA7-8B81657B8804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cheddar goblins

>> No.11234556

Why the fuck wasn't this little snowflake fag homeschooled? How stupid are his parents?

>> No.11234559
File: 289 KB, 1005x948, adaqweq-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allergies thread time?

>producer of TV show became a vegetable after contact with peanuts


>> No.11234576

Seeing as how a peanut doesn't kill him he's more fit for our gene pool. Can you imagine being killed by a fucking nut? Or god forbid...a piece of cheese?????

>> No.11234601
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>> No.11234609

Look at this faggot: 11233634 (no you for you, cocksucker).
This cumrag chooses to spend its time posting to a cooking forum on a Sentinelese drone-destroying website yet still thinks the life it leads is more important than was the life of Stephen fucking Hawking.
Do us all a favour and show us your best Bud Dwyer impression, you worthless fucking shitcunt.

>> No.11234701

This, and they should compensate the lad who threw cheese at their fag son for the emotional toll it took on him when allergy boy died.

>> No.11234706

based topical cheese puff mascot poster

>> No.11234722

>as a kid told i had grass cat and dog allergies
>it just made me itchy what ever
>later on goes away
>tend have alot of mucus tho
>later on get tested for allergies, about 4 months ago

>turns out i have like 13 different allergies, 10 of which are minor and pretty much everyone else has, 2 are roaches and dogs which arent to reactive

>and fucking cats.
>not "touch one you die" but "touch one and good luck sleeping with your congested sinuses"

I had no idea. It runs in the family since my uncle is deathly allergic to them but i thought i was fine. Goddamnit i wanted a pet cat too

>> No.11234751

I think there's a cat that doesn't cause an allergic reaction. Maybe Russian or Siberian breed cat. Same goes for dogs, a specific kind of breed is OK for people with dog allergies. So, maybe you can have your cat or, if you want, dog.

>> No.11234781

Eh im taking some shit called azelastine right now which keeps that shit under control. Also free because of my insurance.

Besides that what pisses me off more is also have some gay ass metal allergy that fucks up my skin so i cant wear a belt. I also was allergic to some med i got when i was in the hospital for pneumonia. No idea wtf it was but it made taking a shower hell since my scalp itched like a mother fucker after getting out, and i got these hives or rashes or what ever that pop up sometimes when i scratch an area of my skin that just gets itchier and red and enflamed.

My life would be hell if i had no hands, besides the obvious reason of having no fucking hands

>> No.11234784

>like god intended
They're supposed to be living in disgusting squalor so their immune system can do its fucking job instead of getting so bored it attacks itself.

>> No.11234788

Forgot to mention that second allergy scalp was dissappeared after a month, and i dont remember the last time i got the rashes. I just get ball itch for times an hour now and other random itches which is its own special kind of hell

At the very least, nothing will outright kill me

>> No.11234813

I think there's two cats that are hypo-allergenic. One is bald. The other is an Ashera. If I understand, if you can get one, they cost like 20K. They live for like 20-25 years and supposedly don't bother allergies. But they weight 30 goddamned pounds.

>> No.11234845

based cheese killing a disgusting paki

>> No.11234883

When will we ban cheese from the classroom?

>> No.11234885

>The other is an Ashera.
Fake Serval x domestic cat crossbreeds?

>> No.11234895
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>> No.11234917

daily reminder that people with vaccines should die like god intended

>> No.11234930

Fuck if I know, ask /an/?

>> No.11234949

>A single dairy molecule
My sides are in orbit

>> No.11235002

goddamn, kids are assholes

>> No.11235014
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Is this part of a meme, or just one of the many images of Bong police being retarded fascists?

>> No.11235069

It takes extremely severe allergies to work like that.
More likely is the kid inhaled cheese or they shoved it in his face and it fell down his shirt, but his anaphylaxis was triggered.
As someone with a peanut allergy (really severe, triggered by smells even) I can say that it's not easy to live with, but you can take a billion precautions against it, even as a 6 year old entering elementary school I carried an epipen with me at all times and my parents made me practice how to use it whenever they expired and we got new ones.

There's no excuse for this to have happened. The kids who did it were shit, but hte kid himself not knowing to stick himself with an epipen when he felt it coming on (it doesn't happen instantly, ever, 2 minutes before your throat fully closes in 99.99999999% of cases of food-related anaphylaxis, more tha nenough time to call 911 and inject yourself).

the issue is so many fucking faggots go around saying they have "allergies" to onions and garlic because they don't like the flavor, that no one takes anyone with allergies seriously.

>> No.11235122


>> No.11235621


>> No.11235633


>> No.11235641

French confirmed for non-white

>> No.11235827

How very christian

>> No.11236018

eugenics is the pinacle of christianity.

>> No.11236028

I know that the Nazis were awful but we need at least a little bit of eugenics.

>> No.11236044

Jesus christ the kid did him a favor.
Imagine not being able to eat fucking anything and then have a rash all the time.

>> No.11236046

Kids are genuinely monsters, they basically are devoid of empathy until their teens at which point they are still little shits but atleast not fucking psychopaths

>> No.11236053


Now it makes sense; cousin fucking make their genetics really fucked.

>> No.11236056

Ironically 5 to 15 percent is the amount of non-whites in the UK.

>> No.11236064

>In what civilized country is a 10 year old culpable?
You dont remember the James Bulger case do you? Fuck I am an oldfag.

>> No.11236106

Hes indian pajeet

>> No.11236117


>> No.11236119

That doesn't change the validity of his statement. Incest has been, and still is really high in India, and not just cousin fucking. Pakiland used to be part of India. Incest in that whole region is really high whether it's legal or not.

>> No.11236120


>> No.11236154

It's cows milk which is meant for cows.

>> No.11236160

It's probably not murder (they could have hoped that he'd die) but definitely at least manslaughter.

>> No.11236161

>wanting anything

>> No.11236166

That kid was a real jerk

>> No.11236172

>nuts should not be allowed on planes (or anywhere for that matter) because someone in the area might be ridiculously allergic.
Typical modern day society where everyone has to walk on eggshells to cater to the weakest links.
Compassion used to be our strength, but now it's getting so ridiculous it's becoming our weakness.

>> No.11236177

Simply avoiding it?

>> No.11236189

>humans developed the ability to digest the lactose in cow milk, or figured out ways to remove it to make it digestible
i guess it's meant for people too

>> No.11236249


>> No.11236251


>> No.11236288

>keto without dairy, nuts, and eggs

sounds like fucking torture, duderino

>> No.11237200
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I cannot believe that someone died because his body touched cheese.
This sounds absolutely ridiculous, like something from a cartoon.

I gotta be honest, the fact that this guy even lived that long is incredible. Just dying from touching a dairy product is so surreal.

>> No.11237205

reminder that pesticides and vaccines are what are causing so many allergies and autoimmune diseases to explode

>> No.11237212

dairy allergy != lactose intolerance
Just in case no one ITT already posted that.
Lactose intolerance is when you have to eat it to get sick, and it doesn't give you an "allergic reaction" per se, just gastrointestinal discomfort. A dairy allergy is the same as a nut allergy or seafood allergy; for some people even touching residue can trigger a reaction.

>> No.11237391

>He thinks they deserve their own country

>> No.11237401
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>let me just post something obvious that was posted early on because I'm too lazy to skim the thread

>> No.11237470

I've contacted Theresa May

>> No.11237616

literally what's the difference other than which hand they wipe with

>> No.11237645

That sort of thinking is what gets countries into this mess in the first place.
>invade foreign country for resources & cheap labor
>maybe even (God forbid) ship some of them back home
>don't commit fully to occupation
>migrants come flooding back the other way because muh reparations
Same as the Americans importing niggers. Should've either left them alone or killed them off to a man.

>> No.11237652 [DELETED] 
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I like mac n cheese cuz it gives me the best farts. They're nice and wet, they have that frogginess to them, but they never border on a shart. It's like a bubble bursting in my asshole everytime. If I mix it with broccoli I get these nice long wet farts that sound like someone making fart noises into their wind instrument at bandcamp when they're trying to learn how to play it. And the smell, dear lord the smell. Sweet and sensuous yet with a sour note that just kind of dangles there at the end, never overstaying its welcome and becoming rancid. Some nights after eating a massive bowl of mac n cheese and broccoli I pass out and awake in the morning to a symphony of this wonderous farts flying from my assshole and the aroma of the pungent mist their collective aura has dabbed upon my bedroom

>> No.11237718

The human body is a complex system. You realize youre a trillion cells interwcting with each other right? Youre lucky you dont fucking stroke in your sleep each night. Or seize to death due to impulses. Have you ever grasped how it all stays in harmony? It doesnt. That shit is pseudo harmony. You can get allergies in adulthood too.

>> No.11237985

I guess he had the cheese touch

>> No.11238727

You shouldn't have to eat it to get a reaction, but passing through the throat it make it swell restrain breathing.
How the hell that boy actually died is beyond me

>> No.11238746
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this and lmao at all these armchair philosophers getting mad as fuck about the truth

>> No.11238759

He DIED because cheese touched him. I can INGEST cheese and I'll never die

>> No.11238927

How would this poo in loo ever survive back in India? He was on borrowed time afforded him because he lived in the first world rather than the shit world.

>> No.11238956

Most milk allergy is lactose intolerance. They just cant digest lactose properly.

Some people are really allergic to milk, and that works the same as any other allergy.

>> No.11238961

well, at any moment you can randomly get malignant cancer and die in agony a few months later, so fuck god and fuck nature

>> No.11239049

Imagine going through your entire life knowing you killed someone by putting cheese down his shirt.

>> No.11239104

I have a friend who's allergic to dairy, and I mean actually allergic.
He is in fact allergic to rennet, which is an enzyme contained in dairy products.
Just touching cheese, or some other products could make him swell, especially from the part that touched it. Touching it with his thumb made it double in size.
Nox, if this kid had the same thing, imagine, with cheese stuffed down a shirt...

>> No.11239147

Fucking kek

>> No.11239177

Imagine the pride he must feel from killing a foreign invader.

>> No.11239194

>die in agony a few months later
Nope, most cancers generally double in size in 6 months, not a few months, medfaglet.

>> No.11239221
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Imagine having someone call you in the middle of your workday to tell you your son is dead because another kid stuffed cheese down his shirt. Imagine having to drive to the hospital to see your son's lifeless corpse lying on a stretcher. He will never grow up. He will never get married. He will never have kids. He will never have his first kiss. He will never graduate. He will never have a job. He will never go to college. He will never own a home. You will never have another Christmas with him. You will never sing "Happy Birthday" to him again. You will never hug your son and wave goodbye to him as he gets on the school bus. You will have to clean out your son's room, put away his toys, his games, his clothes, his posters, his bed. You will have to go to his funeral, watch them put the small casket into the ground and forever entomb him in dirt. You will live to an old age, but your son will forever be a child in your memories. When you die, your son will be entirely forgotten to the world.

Because some kid stuck a single piece of fucking cheese down your son's shirt.

>> No.11239246

Indians have 6-12 children per a family. They probably couldn't even remember his name or that he was even their kid.

>> No.11239256

Still better than having your throat swell shut over a fucking nut.

>> No.11239275

I mean is the cheese slice still on him when you get to the hospital? Because parent or not I'd probably have myself a small chuckle at that.

>> No.11239286

ok. what is your point?

>> No.11239298

His alien dna was no match for our Earth cheese. His carcass is probably still fused with the Kraft single to this day.

>> No.11239331

>can't eat anything with peanuts in it in the whole school because of this one little shit
Fuck off, I hated eating lunch in another room because my mom packed a peanut butter cookie.

>> No.11239340

Feels good to not be a zoomer.

>> No.11239369

Good riddance! Weaklings like that would drag the whole species down.

I hope you fall face first into a puddle of whatever you're allergic to, pathetic worm.

I'd be embarrassed more than anything. How could my genes produce such a weakling?

>> No.11239379

Not that I disagree with what you're saying anon, but my god could you have sounded like any more of an edgelord? Who the fuck unironically uses terms like weakling these days?

>> No.11239393
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>Who the fuck unironically uses terms like weakling these days?

>> No.11239403

>South East Asian
>Can drink raw milk by the gallon.
Feels good to have good enough genes.

>> No.11239413

>Faux news
I'm fucking baffled anyone is holding onto this tired notion that Fox's ineptitude is anything but par for the course among the shit media organizations hanging around these days. Criticizing Fox News is so fucking old and irrelevant that you're actually not even part of the left that handed Trump the whitehouse and doubled down on the attitude that did it but part of some primordial ooze from the left that is still stuck in the Clinton years.

>> No.11239415

God and Nature can suck my cock

>> No.11239442
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>clinton was a leftist
Oops, you done fucked that up!

>> No.11239463

I dunno, your mom seems to enjoy it.

>> No.11239481

cringe and bluepilled

in other news they just saved some serious money on the dowry for his arranged marriage

>> No.11239493

Dowry is paid to the husband. He would be getting the dowry.

>> No.11239539

Not what I said you fucking mongoloid

>> No.11239542
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Post a picture of yourself fren

>> No.11239546

Protip, any of you faggots bitching about "muh genes" on here would've been slaughtered by Hitler or died in childbirth or pneumonia or black plague if you weren't born in the modern era
If you are posting on 4chan you are a genetic failure and a dead end

>> No.11239575

All of you retards talking about "muh hypotheticals" in here need to realize that posters here would have behaved entirely different if they were born and raised in a different time period, being forced to conform to the norm for survival. Pneumonia and the black plague aren't genetic defects you fucking mong.

But I suppose you're far enough left that you jump the gun and react before thinking.

>> No.11239595

r/the_donald is that way

>> No.11239694
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>> No.11239703


>> No.11239709

oh shit he black

>> No.11239722


>I have all these allergies
>Ergo, you have to accommodate MY needs at your expense

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.11239723
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I like your shoes

>> No.11239737

thx I found them tied to a doorknob in an abandoned warehouse

they have brought me supreme luck

>> No.11239778


>> No.11239854


>> No.11240202

Eugenics doesn't necessitate euthanasia. Chemical sterilization at birth will do (or government benefits for voluntary sterilization). We already mutilate baby boys from birth, so it wouldn't be that big of a step anyways.