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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11224955 No.11224955 [Reply] [Original]

>Move to Colorado from CA
>sooo much cheaper. Holy shit
>beautiful. Less crime, etc.

>can no longer afford to eat absolutely fresh tip top tier sushi every single day

feels exceptionally bad man.

>> No.11224957

yeah, CO will help get the faggot out of you.

>> No.11224970


>baby thinks that sushi isnt the greatest food ever made

Ask all your alt pleb idols what their favorite food is, kek

>> No.11224983

Top tier sushi is in Japan, gaijin anon.

>> No.11224997

Get the fuck out, we don't talk about that shit here.

>> No.11225012

Also I am gay

>> No.11225046

we get it. you are a faggot. please stop.

>> No.11225057

Go back to your containment state and stop infesting the rest of your country with your faggotry.

>> No.11225073

>American neighborhoods are now Hispanic
>public schools don't use English
>town meetings don't use English
>taxes rape you every day
>your money gets (((redistributed))) to non-citizens
>businesses are leaving
>highest unemployment in the nation
>taxes slowly strangling the economy for 30 years
>spiraling deficit and a governor who lies about it every year like clockwork
>astronomical debt that can never be repaid
>buying votes via welfare and unachievable promises of amnesty, free healthcare, free education
>"sanctuary" cities where criminals are given a reprieve from justice
>white people feel unsafe
>black people can't find jobs
>dude, weed lmao
>homelessness and filth

tough choice to make, senpai

>> No.11225087

Fuck off we're full

>> No.11225134

Thank Reagan and his blanket amnesty switching the state blue overnight

>> No.11225139

Another board overrun by abject newfag conservatards. Not a pre-2012 4channer on this board.

Absolutely disgusting. This site was created by a mid '80s fag, FOR mid '80s fags. If you're a baby from the late 90s you're just disgusting You should feel bad for even posting here because it means that your ability to socially meld and be consistent with people your own age is severely limited.

>> No.11225159

Liberals unironically need to be put in camps

>> No.11225161

does your autism have a name?

>> No.11225178

Okay this is a waste of a thread but your stupid complaining is even more shitty. Beat it kook, nobody wants to read your asinine posts.

>> No.11225265

Just make boiled rice and canned tuna. It's pretty much the same stuff.

>> No.11225420


"not being a flaming faggot"

>> No.11225489

so many words, so little content, probably little to no forethought. typical.

>> No.11225559

>fresh tip top tier sushi

nice meme

>> No.11225577

fucking homo, get your ass back to commiefornia. im going to start throwing rocks through you faggots windows

>> No.11225600

Was just in Colorado for a bit. Was beautiful and clean out in Denver, but the people were passive aggressive as fuck. Maybe I just live in a bubble in the New York metro area, where everyone is super confrontational at all times, but I'd have people doing weird shit over in Denver all the time. Stuff like making strange, thinly veiled threats, shouting things out from car windows, constant, angry stares. Was really unsettling.

>> No.11225606

Where should I go instead that isn't more awful?

>> No.11225613

They're all abject liberal shitholes, so I guess take your pick.

>> No.11225614

Make sure you vote for people who will run the state like California. Coloradans love that.

>> No.11225615
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>> No.11225616

I’m the same age as moot but I’m not a bleeding heart liberal and never have been. You’re fucking weird dude. 88 isn’t mid 80’s btw.

>> No.11225710

God you're a dope. From the bottom of my heart, with zero sarcasm: please go back to whatever shitty site you came from