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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11216312 No.11216312 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about sexy knives?

>> No.11216330

Custom handles look shit.

>> No.11216339

I don't mind pretty knives, but the "pretty" had better not get in the way of them being functional.

I like CCK a lot despite them being very rough in the finish department.

>> No.11216346

a knife is a tool and should look like it. you dont see a plumber coming to fix your toilet with a fancy looking pump or wrench. people will simply cringe at you for owning a "sexy knife" its incel katana tier pretty much, sorry dude.

>> No.11216361

ooh sexy i'd tap that

>> No.11216374

I work with a lot of skilled trades and many of them are very picky about their tools. Their tools might not have mother-of-pearl handles but they absolutely have brand preferences. Get some auto mechanics talking about Mac vs. Snap-On vs. Matco and it's no different than Shun vs. Wusthof vs. Henckels

that said, they're nearly always concerned about function rather than jewlery.

>> No.11216380
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thats not a sexy knife, pic related is a sexy knife

>> No.11216404


I tend to think knives without a lot of flashy bells and whistles tend to look the best. That being the case, a nice kuruochi finish really does it for me.

Speaking of, help me decide which knife to buy, /ck/.

Looking for an all around-er 210mm gyuto. My list is narrowed down to the Mazaki Kasumi (iron clad W#2), Gengetsu (SS clad W#2), and a used Yoshikane Migaki (SS clad W#2).

Right now I'm mostly looking for info on the Yoshikane. Dude is offering it to me for $250 and says it's the best heat treat on W#2 he's seen to date, and he's a knowledgeable guy, but I just can't find out much about the knife or if 250 is a fair price. It's out of production so research is slow going.

>> No.11217284

They're all great knives. I don't think there is anyone on /ck/ knowledgeable enough to advise you on the subtle pros and cons of the knives.

>> No.11217358

I buy knives for utility. I understand why there's a market for fancy knives, but I need a knife to cut, not to impress others.

>> No.11217364


>> No.11217399
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Jap knives a shit.
>Wusthof ftw.

>> No.11217407

>the early 90s called

>> No.11217508

>I need child safety locks on everything

>> No.11217528

wusthofs are so based and extremely sharp

>> No.11217587

That's right, son; daddy can cook!

>> No.11217599

A plumber isn't an artist, a professional cook is. Using a shitty knife is disrespectful to your work.

>> No.11217605

Wusthof knives are for lazy house wives that like to describe their cooking style as "rustic"

>> No.11217608

but Im not a housewife and I don't describe my cooking as anything but shit!

>> No.11217610

>That's right, my wifes son; step daddy can cook!

>> No.11217613
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>Implying this mass produced shit is as nice as a high quality hand made knife

I kid though, but seriously knives all have little differences and feel and perform better for certain types of people and certain types of cooking. Get what you like and enjoy it, friends.

>> No.11217700
File: 2.23 MB, 2993x3991, 20180917_224044-2993x3991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, fine. Can we agree that the only people who really deserve to be laughed at here are those who can't sharpen their own knives?

>> No.11217739


>> No.11217765

are you implying that you sharpened that knife yourself?

>> No.11217776

>That fucked up butt
>That rounded off tip

>> No.11217821
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, 15372414877037801571272884962770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I use a Ken Onion Worksharp to do all my knives. It takes a little while to learn the right technique, but you can put razor sharp, polished edges on anything you want in no time once you've got it down. The convex edge helps prevent chipping too, which was the idea behind more robust Western knife designs in the first place.
Jealous soy boi

>> No.11217839
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just peeled a kiwi and a peach. feels good man

>> No.11217843

You didnt sharpen shit, that machine did. You're calling someone else a soy and you cant even sharpen that shitty knife.
It's burred to shit too. Try honing it for once.

>> No.11217860

>Ken Onion Worksharp
that's what it looks like, you've ruined the geometry of your knife, i've seen people round of the tip of their Japanese knives (i'm talking the first couple mm) for easier pull-through motion cutting. But the whole point of a german knife is a consistent rock-choping motion and a higher weight for fucking up squashes.if you're happy with your results who am i to judge but if someone offered to sharpen my knife (i wouldn't let them) i would be very dissapointed.

>> No.11217864

>proud about sharpening a knife with a machine that will fuck up your knives
lol what a fucking idiot

>> No.11217877

Dont you know using whetstones is for weebs and using a steel is for soyboys. All the greats have used the worksharp since Georges Escoffier endorsed it.

>> No.11217933
File: 2.48 MB, 2993x3991, 20180918_000958-2993x3991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look chump, I know what I'm doing. There is no burr; only a trick of the light on a polished convex edge. Using this machine requires specific technique. You can't just run a knife through without knowing exactly what you're doing. If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself and learn something.
The geometry? It looks like fucking a chef's knife. I'm sorry if your retarded eyes are seeing a karambit.
Are those tears or just your whetstones leaking? :3

>> No.11217947

>t. not a lapidiary

>> No.11217955
File: 34 KB, 600x600, sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know what I'm doing
>Uses a worksharp

>> No.11218380

Even the 23cm/9'' version is pretty tailheavy if you hold it in a pinch grip. They shouldnt have let the handle end in that steel plate, that was too much.

>> No.11218383

>the only people who really deserve to be laughed at here are those who can't sharpen their own knives?

>> No.11218388

>fucked up butt
I think you mean "heel"

>> No.11218390

>I use a Ken Onion Worksharp
That's cheating.

>> No.11218402

>you've ruined the geometry
Not the geometry, the profile. Profile is what you see when you look at the blade form the side, the curve off the eddge and of the spine. The geometry is whaat you would see if you cut thebalde in half from spine to edge, i.e. its cross section. Also that slightly rounded tip would have almost no effect on the function of the knife.

>> No.11218412

Both terms are acceptable.

I dont see how how posts a new knife on one post, then posts his and doesnt see that his shitty grinder has fucked it up.

>> No.11218429
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>Both terms are acceptable.
No, not really.

>> No.11218474

Well shit, you got me there.

>> No.11218591

>high quality

>> No.11218608
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Check my new knives out

>> No.11218625

I can confirm he is correct.
>t. Forged in Fire champion who went home with a cheque for $10,000 and the personal commendation of noted American bladesmith J. Neilson.

>> No.11218645


>implying this is something to be proud of.

Do americans really do this

>> No.11218647

Only when we gorilla fuck the queen of England

>> No.11218649
File: 86 KB, 465x465, 00A2F41E-3855-483E-B40C-C9538B98FAAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emergency banter

>> No.11218874

>american bladesmith
bro cold steel so good lmao

>> No.11218986

i use those big and flat hong kong knives for every thing.

>> No.11218991

do not lewd the knife

>> No.11219482
File: 3.04 MB, 4032x3024, 20180918_120757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another beautiful edge, because I'm apparently the only person itt who can actually sharpen a knife.

>> No.11219496
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Anotha one

>> No.11219506
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>> No.11219522

>More fucked up tips and a developing recurve
You suck ass at sharpening. Get out of here with your cheap gizmo and come back once you can do it yourself.

>> No.11219540
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, 15372893639035683399891922913271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anotha one.

>> No.11219548
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Anotha one

>> No.11219559
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x3024, 15372898116998937051612118644154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not, yet anotha one.

>> No.11219567

I can never fucking tell these days.
Is he trolling or just incredibly oblivious?

>> No.11219627

You all reek of factory edges. Do you just buy a new knife when they finally dull or can any of you show me an edge you've done? Probably not, I'd be embarrassed too if I spent hundreds of dollars on stones just to roll the edge over after hours of grinding down a knife ;^D

>> No.11219749

You seem upset. I'd be upset too, if I spent so much on knives and fucked all of them up

>> No.11219798

Nice try, factory edge guy.
>No more responses to 12 year olds who won't post their knives.

>> No.11219801

they want their color scheme back?

>> No.11219808

did you rub grease over your lens?

>> No.11219848

Pull up your shit next to a photo of a new one. You've fucked up the profile of every single one of those blades.

>> No.11220098

surely must be bait

>> No.11220395
File: 1.19 MB, 2826x3768, 20180918_162657-2826x3768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anotha one, for my soy boi haters-club.

>> No.11220408

Maybe literally everyone else isn't wrong but you are

>> No.11220409

>How do you feel about sexy knives?
The sexier the better, but I pretty much just stick to my chinese cleaver for the most part.

>> No.11220413

>great value
At least get kikkoman anon.

>> No.11220434

>Walmart knife
>Walmart ingredients
>Walmart sharpening job
Good work, walmart chef

>> No.11220477

Nobody actually from /ck/ gives a shit about the soi meme, but you should be ashamed for posting great value garbage.

>> No.11220591

For once, I'll actually agree with you guys. Great Value soy sauce is not as good, but it's not bad enough for me to throw it out either. If it triggers cu/ck/s this easily, I might even have to buy more.

>> No.11220640

If you hate cooking, your tools and the people here why are you here?

>> No.11220859

>If you hate cooking
I like cooking though. Owning some old bottles of generic soy sauce isn't enough to nullify that fact.
>your tools
I like my knives sharp. If the YouTube videos you've watched led you to believe that you can only get a nice edge from Japanese rocks, I'm sorry for you.
>and the people here
You pigheaded nitwits can't appreciate nice edges because I told you they came from using a machine. The ironic part is 3 or 4 of the blades I posted were edges I did by hand, just to see if anyone actually knew what they were talking about. This, in addition to nobody else itt posting an edge, justifies my position of not giving a single fuck about anyone's opinion here.
>why are you here?
At this point, I'm just bumping the thread to see if anyone on /ck/ will post a knife they've sharpened or if my results are too intimidating to challenge.

>> No.11220867

>Owning some old bottles of generic soy sauce isn't enough to nullify that fact.
GV soy sauce is beyond awful. If you care even a little about your food you'd have thrown it out long ago.

>or if my results are too intimidating to challenge.
What's intimidating about a photograph? How is anyone supposed to tell how sharp your knife is from that? Post a video demo. If you want photos then post SEM. Otherwise you're wasting time.

>> No.11220868

I am a professional chef. I work with other professionals.
This isn't about me though, it's about you trashing all your shit with trashy gizmos and bad technique. You're trying to deflect criticism from your own piss-poor work by telling others to post theirs when they have no reason to. Stop posting you autistic faggot

>> No.11221486

Yuri get off of 4chan

>> No.11221614
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>A plumber isn't an artist, a professional cook is. Using a shitty knife is disrespectful to your work.

>> No.11221748

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.11221790
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Please don't mock the dead

>> No.11222044

He posted on /a/ after that to confirm he was alive. He didnt even live in an area which was seriously affected.
Any time I post the copypasta would be in loving memory of a man who lived the dream.

>> No.11222126

used to have a wusthof, really enjoyed it for the time being. came in a shit tier cardboard box, one day i got sick and had to go to the hospital, line cook used it, dropped it on the floor and took it home. when he came back to work he cut his hand, and probably fucking opened cans with it. safe to say i fired the shit out of him.

went on to buy a 3 set kamikoto,
abd then my miyabi 8 1/2 inch, which i have to say i LOVE.

>> No.11222336

A cook isn't an artist either.

>> No.11222411
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I'll sharpen my cimeter and breaking knives every month or two on a tri-stone to unfuck the edge from the constant honing. Mine are kept pretty nice but if you want some sharpening gore then I'll see about getting some pictures of some of the fucked up knives at work tomorrow.

>> No.11222425
File: 265 KB, 1080x1440, Snapchat-1410578439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8/8 b8r8

>> No.11222469

Cooking is an art form. If you go to culinary school it's an art degree.

That is fantastic.

>> No.11223628

its fooking raw

>> No.11224116

Looks like bag béarnaise sauce with some raw chicken ontop.
Please stop.

>> No.11224265
File: 3.19 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180919_205442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been sharpening on cheap stones and sandpaper for couple months weekly, for about 15-20m. Knife is a shit, 15 euro bucks local brand (it's my gfs). Eventually I'll get a better knife, but it's good for training. I've finally gotten the hang for a smooth edge. Also fixed a lot of nicks. Not super sharp but works well. Pic is not sharpened since 5 days or so. I'll sharpen it tomorrow and post again.

>> No.11224345

Do you know what chicken even looks like?

It looks like you have some microbevel going on there. I think you might be holding the angle higher when you're stropping it.

>> No.11224358

Yeah I know, I'm trying to fix my angles. I saw that some guy said when stropping go for a little bit steeper angle so I tried it. Will try to keep a steady angle tomorrow and see how it goes.

>> No.11224374

It'll take a bit longer but you'll get a much cleaner, long lasting edge.
Go for a steeper edge when honing, if you're using a steel but if it's something that takes off material keep it steady