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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11220207 No.11220207 [Reply] [Original]

>whenever I order food I always order two different drinks so it looks like I'm not alone
>one is normal and the other is gross (so they dont think it's for me) so i end up pouring it out everh time

anyone else do this?

>> No.11220209

God I wish that rolling pin were me

>> No.11220212
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>> No.11220271
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>> No.11220923

never did that at a fast food place but one time at a japanese super market, lots of their sushi plates were on sale because it was near closing.
ended up buying all of it but grabbed multiple chopsticks to make it look like it was for a big group.

it was all for me and i ate it all that very night. it was probably like $60 worth of stuff but with the discount it was down to around $20

>> No.11220927

who's this bongette

>> No.11220959

that's preggo you fucking retard. how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.11220960

Eating that much sushi at once is asking for diarrhea

>> No.11220983

Me too bro... Meee toooo.

I think more post pregnant via those engorged breasts.

Lastly saved anon. Totes saved. I feel like I owe you an answer to your question. I have never done that and never will. I don't care about any assumptions people make of me.

>> No.11220989

I often order 2 bottle of wine with my food, so they think I am not alone. I also turn the music up loud.

>> No.11221067

this is the most aesthetic image on the internet

>> No.11221075

How the fuck have I never seen it before?

>> No.11221084

I do it sometimes when I order coffee so I don't look so alone.
I order my own coffee normally and then I pretend like I'm reading a text message from my phone for the second coffee.

>> No.11221096

didnt have problems at all hours later.

>> No.11221511

i go to nice restaurants after the rush at like 2 pm when it doesn't matter if youre alone, the waiters are grateful to just give you your steak and wine and leave you alone so they can text or whatever

>> No.11222101
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>> No.11222691
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Literally everyone

>> No.11222925


No you don't. In reality you never go out, isn't it?

>> No.11222930

she looks like a fun woman
I would blow raspberries on her bellybutton 5/10 pointy elbow

>> No.11223001

I always go eat lunch by myself. If you work with more than 3 people at a time you enjoy the alone time

>> No.11223156
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>> No.11223331

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.11223343

>other is gross (so they dont think it's for me)
How does that make any sense. Why would they know what kind of drinks you like?

>> No.11223366
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>> No.11223400
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>> No.11223406

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11223418
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>thinly veiled belly thread

>> No.11223421

Don't do that OP. No one actually cares. Eating alone is normal and fine.

Yeah, there's a lot of things I can binge on. Sushi and sashimi are not among them. I don't think I can eat more than about a dozen pieces of sushi on a really good day, or maybe 20 pieces of sashimi. I fucking love fish, but it's one of those pleasures I'm happy to enjoy in moderation.

>> No.11223429

Not how and milfy like the OP at all.

>> No.11223435
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>> No.11223439


>> No.11223447

That's the only thing thin about it

>> No.11223451
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I used to come up with excuses when I wanted to order two burgers at the mcd's then I realized they can see through me and they don't really care

>> No.11223481

is she PREAGVRUHNORT or FAOUT!!!!>?!?!?!?!>!?@#>!?!?!

>> No.11223831

This body type is basically at its peak reproductive performance, yes.

>> No.11224045
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>He thinks pregnant bellies are just mushy rolls of fat instead of firm, solid and unyielding as befits a fleshy bubble with another fucking humam in it.

Holy shit you are a fucking moron. Did you train at Retard School or were you just born this dumb? Fuckin imbecile.

>> No.11224582
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My dick just exploded desu
Also sexy get

>> No.11225350

>I always order two different drinks
just ask for a refill, fatass

>> No.11225445
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>> No.11225566
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>no chubby gf to cook for

>> No.11225629

What? No. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11225667

underrated desu

>> No.11225687

we don't rate things here, go away faggot.

>> No.11225700

What's her final form?

>> No.11226010
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I doubt any of us could handle it

>> No.11226014


OP is clearly a manchild and thinks that his tastes are universal.

>> No.11226032

That's like trying to give away a free mattress on Craigslist

>> No.11226051

I don't understand...

>> No.11226081

It cannot be done

>> No.11226088
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>> No.11226101

just order no drinks and when they ask say your friend/gf/wife bought a 12 pack of pop already

>> No.11226310
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>> No.11226457

Ok then have fun drinking gross water.

>> No.11226477

he said go away shitlord

>> No.11226483

I do this to get above min. delivery

>> No.11226515

It also helps if you play some "people chatting" video/audio. That's what I always do, oh and protip. Download the audiotrack/video beforehand, you don't want it to stop suddenly because your internet fucked up.

>> No.11226532 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11226535

that GET

GETs like that are genuinely really fucking rare

>> No.11226773
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>Order delivery food for myself
>they pack two sets of cutlery

>> No.11226804

>anyone else do this?
only autists