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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11215781 No.11215781 [Reply] [Original]

What are some weird things people have made alcohol out of?

>> No.11215797

If it contains sugars that yeast can digest it has been used to make alcohol.

>> No.11215807

Can you make alcohol out of just processed sugar?

>> No.11215811


>> No.11215813

Of course you can. I have 10 liters brewing right now. Gonna distill it and mix from fresh blackberry juice in there.

>> No.11215817


>> No.11215824

is that a runescape cabbage

>> No.11215826

Yeah but you'll need a suitable yeast.
If you want to get fucked up cheaply and have no regard for what it tastes like try googling balloon wine.
Word of caution: whatever the recipes say don't use bread yeast, it's fucking awful. Spend a few extra quid and buy some champagne yeast or similar.

>> No.11215841
File: 135 KB, 564x1001, brew1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic.
You can get some decently priced brew sets with 30-liter buckets with lids and bubblers and all that. I have a set that I share with my brother for beer brewing, but it's at his place right now and I don't want to bike across a windy bridge with an empty 30-liter bucket.
So I rigged up an empty 20-liter canister with a couple kilos of sugar, half a lime, and about 10 liters of water in it. Added champagne yeast and a hose with the end submerged in water to lead off the CO2 without letting in air. It works.
This will create a "wine" that isn't very tasty at all but works fine for distilling and eventually mixing.

>> No.11215916


>> No.11216321

i think distilliery or stills need to star returning back in the home
they need to be as proliferous as refrigerators, microwaves, and stoves

>> No.11216349 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 297x365, d5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey!

>> No.11216385


>> No.11216398

Bbq sauce and pulled pork juices
It was fucking vile, but the ferment went well.
Did it on a bet. I intend to make onion wine with candy sweets sometime this year.

>> No.11216407

Oddka's got some wierd flavors.

>> No.11216417

I'm >>11215841 and I made my own very rudimentary but also quite effective still:
Stockpot with a bowl placed inside it. A lid on the bowl with a hole in the middle. I just made one out of aluminum foil. Pour the wort into the stockpot, outside the bowl, and put a lid on the pot. I have found mine works best with the lid upside down since it tapers toward the centre that way.
Wort evaporates and condenses on the underside of the potlid. Runs to the centre and drips into the bowl. Can't evaporate back out because there's a lid on the bowl too.
Since the potlid is upside down I can pour some cold water into it to speed the condensation along.
I have found that lifting the bowl off the bottom of the pot with some stiff metal wire keeps it from skidding around if the wort gets to boiling.
Easily getting 50% vol. with 2 runs through this still. It is all contained to the stockpot so it can easily be transported outside and used, quite safely, on a small fire.

>> No.11216433

I bought the Freshly Mowed Grass one and it last us a couple years because it was so vile.

Interesting. I'm curious to hear if onions actually work for that. You definitely won't have to add any extra acid.

>> No.11216442

Yeah there are recipes online, I'm not breaking any new ground. They only account for a fraction of the total sugar involved, but in theory of you bought a shit ton, you could do purely onion. It'd be a hassle though.

>> No.11216497

Not made from, but flavoured with: in my country, a common liqueur is flavoured with artichokes, which seems bizarre to foreigners.

I don't know how weird you'd consider it, but as there's an enormous wine-making tradition, we have a lot of pomace leftover which is then used as a mash for making liquor.

Um... that's about as 'weird' as it gets for what I know, which is admittedly not terribly weird. Is ttongsul real? If so, that's the weirdest shit (literally) I've ever heard of.

>> No.11216514

>we have a lot of pomace leftover which is then used as a mash for making liquor.
Nothing strange about that.

The artichoke thing is odd though.

>> No.11216525

you’re cute

>> No.11216560
File: 654 KB, 836x1588, Scorpion_wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11216636

Are they ok?

>> No.11216645

grappa and cynar are both pretty meme-tier at this point

>> No.11216658
File: 188 KB, 900x1200, żubrówka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only grass flavoured vodka you need is bison grass

>> No.11216684

what a ripoff, like half the volume of the bottle is taken up by the dead snake

>> No.11216696

literally got a glass of it next to me right now, fucking nice

>> No.11217226


>> No.11218281

Snake yes
Scorpion is being bitten in its tail by snake, so no, is not ok

>> No.11218629
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, 13680409-48BC-4A50-91E4-359B7923B7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wok stills might work for beginners. I run a reflux still. Pic related.

>> No.11218650

I'd love to have one but they're not legal here and I'm not much of a metalworker.

>> No.11218669

I use sugar and yeast to provide co2 to my aquarium plants. Shame I dont know anyone who'd want the byproduct, which is some rank ethanol

>> No.11218679

In my country they figured out how to make booze out of chicken and human shit. For chicken shit rakja, you gather the fresh shit from a tarp under the chicken coop. For the human shit, you tie a jacket on a long stick and dip it into the outhouse reservoir. There used to be battery acid vodka in the 60's because of communism. It died out.

>> No.11218721

I bet booze made with sweet corn would be really good.

>> No.11218726

Where are you? They’re technically illegal where I am too, but only if used to make spirits for human consumption.

>> No.11218872

communism sure does foster creativity and DIY

>> No.11218875

>which is some rank ethanol
Couldn't you use it in your gas tank

>> No.11218884

Shrine maiden saliva.

>> No.11218888

Chicken shit.
Not even joking.

>> No.11219256

Apparently you have to get a rusted welder battery, chip off the rust, and boil it in water. You'll get some potion they say isn't alcohol, but gets you fucked up.

>> No.11219427


>> No.11219438

Depends on his car, those flex fuel cars that were popular for a bit might work with it, that’d take a lot of research though

>> No.11219766

what happened to the regular alcoholic threads on /ck/?

>> No.11219802

Mods shoah'd them because "not food/cooking related." At the very least it contained all the feels and "my life sucks" to one thread. They will do that but nothing about all the jack and fast food that takes up half the catalog

>> No.11219807

vaginal discharge

>> No.11219812

everyone got cured and 1q died happy of old age

>> No.11219815

banished to /soc/ or something

>> No.11219823

so bourbon?