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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 558x654, Steaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11213017 No.11213017 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ like their steak? Well Done fags stay out, you fuckers ruin perfectly good meat.

>> No.11213027
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Well Done

>> No.11213056

Medium rare at a nice steakhouse

Medium at a not so nice steakhouse

>> No.11213064

Well done in the middle, blue on the outside.

>> No.11213121

When is this "I hate well-done" meme gonna end? The hipster era is over, stop bringing it up, it's not cute anymore.

>> No.11213126

I may as well say both rare and medium rare. Considering the skill of chefs around here, they're the same fucking thing.

>> No.11213446


>> No.11213491

I actually like it blue, it has a nice texture and the most flavor.

>> No.11213498

Medium rare but nobody ever cooks it to a true medium rare so medium is fine

>> No.11213573

>Medium rare but nobody ever cooks it to a true medium rare
What do they usually cook it to?

>> No.11213622

medium to medium well but i kinda like when its well done if its a really thin and fatty meat so it ends up all crunchy

>> No.11213725

completely blue to the point where there's still blood
like taking a bite right out of the cow

>> No.11213743
File: 122 KB, 1065x764, haa1dru[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those gradients
learn 2 reverse sear fag

>> No.11213946

medium or medium rare depending on quality

>> No.11214113

I used to eat my well done. I went to a Longhorn Steakhouse and ordered well done. It was honestly fucking delicious. Tender, juicy, probably loaded with butter. About a year later, I had moved to eating medium steaks. Went back to Longhorn. Ordered it medium and........ wasn't seasoned, didn't taste that great.

Why Longhorn? Why?

>> No.11214147


>> No.11214185

Used to eat it rare but got a very nasty food poisoning once so now i never go below medium

>> No.11214255
File: 1013 KB, 443x260, boxxydances2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well done fags stay out
I like to get a couple nice sirloin steaks then slow cook them in a broth until they pull themselves apart enough that they nearly dissolve.

>> No.11214383

Blue Rare to Rare. No matter what.

>> No.11214444

I ask for my steak med rare. If it comes out between rare - medium, Ill eat it it, no complaints. If it comes out cold and blue rare or medium well, I will politely state it isnt how I ordered it. When its a nice restaraunt im assuming the head chef and the lead line cook know what they are doing.

>> No.11214457

I like them well done and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.11214638
File: 292 KB, 785x721, Out..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done to medium well
Fuck off you can't stop me, motherfucker.

>> No.11214647

Looks like a fucking tranny
She should have quit when she was still 14

>> No.11214650

>eating undercooked meat

at least you're actively trying to leave the gene pool faster

>> No.11214651

>Well Done fags stay out, you fuckers ruin perfectly good meat.
If you prefer raw beef but not raw other meats, you're just a hipster with no convictions.

>> No.11214653

As long as baby boomers are still alive. Probably through this generation as well since kids are just as retarded.

>> No.11214696

I order mine 'trop cuit' and send it back if there's even a hint of pink left in the centre of it.

>> No.11215182

Medium at restaurants.

Rare at home, or at very nice restaurants.

>> No.11215183

Medium which is why I said medium is fine

>> No.11215193

I just can't deal with the overpowering bloody taste rare gives you, you can't even enjoy the seasonings. Maybe that's why alot of fags enjoy it with steak sauce

>> No.11215201

Medium if I trust the chef
Medium well if it's a new restaurant.

>> No.11215220

Steak sauce is retarded. You can't even taste the steak under it. It's used to cover up a bland steak.

In fact, most restaurants can't cook a steak for shit. It's always underseasoned. Barring a few exceptional restaurants, a steak made at home is going to be way, way better than anything yoy'll get when you're out. I've stopped ordering steaks at restaurants most of the time for this reason.

How do y'all cook your steaks, anyway? I sous vide mine to rare with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and a large amount of garlic chili paste. Doesn't really make it taste garlicy or spicy, it just makes it taste beefier somehow. Usually the sear is followed up with a pan sauce.

>> No.11215233

I marinade the meat with a little soysauce, add a little black pepper then grill or pan fry with garlic.

>> No.11215240

And overpriced as shit
If I can buy 3 NY strips at the store for $10 there's no reason 1 bland one should cost me $20+

>> No.11215242


>> No.11215246

Can't get through the captcha on desktop so I resort to phoneposting, I feel like a scumbag, trust me.
>Fuck auto correct

>> No.11215276

i dont get the big deal about how captcha is getting harder its stayed the same for me
but i use firefox and not chrome like an npc

>> No.11215282
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Chicken fried

>> No.11215285
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>> No.11215309

Don't bother
They're the people that think old people prefer well done when it's the opposite
My 90 year old great aunt refused to eat steak that was anything other than blue rare which is fucking revolting

>> No.11215332

sterilized but raw

>> No.11215396

Your great aunt sounds like my kind of lady, what's her number?

>> No.11215653

Only correct answee.

>> No.11215654

How would you even accomplish this?

>> No.11215668

she's been dead for 10 years

>> No.11215678

That hasn't stopped me before.