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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11209940 No.11209940 [Reply] [Original]

>Everything that tastes good is unhealthy
>Everything that is healthy is bland
why would a benevolent God create such a system?

>> No.11209980

Something about the biblical complex about good, evil and temptation.
Same with sex. Sex is good unless done before marriage for the sole purpose of enjoyment.
You have to balance your stuff out I am leaving the dinner table hungry for a month now. I forgot how it does feel being full just so I can enjoy occasionally fast food.

>> No.11209986

We're not here to enjoy ourselves. We were kicked out of Eden and have to redeem ourselves.

>> No.11210057

Stop eating piles of sugary junk, and that "bland" stuff starts to taste really good.

>> No.11210070
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>steam broccoli with salt and pepper tastes bad
>rice boiled in chicken broth tastes bad
>well made salads with carrot, spinach leaves, beets and red onion tastes bad

>> No.11210079

>>Everything that tastes good is unhealthy
>>Everything that is healthy is bland
well this is just false

>> No.11210092

in reality there is no healthy and unhealthy

you just need to burn it off

t. a guy who eats like shit and looks quite ok

>> No.11210096

>why would a benevolent God create such a system?

You mean the marketing Jews. "Health food" is 95% bs

>> No.11210108

It's not about god or the universe being out to get us. The easy availability of food we have now is a very, very recent thing biologically speaking. We may have developed agricultural and genetic engineering to make food super plentiful but our bodies haven't evolved beyond being made to be hunter-gatherers. Before agriculture we just roamed around and ate anything we could get our hands on because we might not find food for days on end. We weren't ever meant to hold back on eating any food we find. That's why high-calorie shit taste so delicious. You're SUPPOSE to stuff your face with "unhealthy" shit constantly. Your body demands it.

>> No.11210118

There's a lot more to health than calories, you aulde fewl.

>> No.11210147

this is bullshit btw. ate a ton of sweet shit as a kid. got older and didn't want to deal with cavities so stopped eating anything high in sugar.
it never starts to taste good. i eat well for my health, but i don't enjoy it. not the vegetables, anyways. also god isn't real

>> No.11210152


>> No.11210197

>Everything that tastes good is unhealthy
>Everything that is healthy is bland
Maybe if you're shit at cooking

>> No.11210283

You mean like exercise, like he was saying you absolute brainlet.

>> No.11210483

just put salt and sugar in your regular food
it will taste good even if it's bad

>> No.11210589

heh , you dont know everything,
do not say something like that

>> No.11210621

You probably look and smell disgusting and are probably pre-diabetic

>> No.11210874

>make a salad myself
>taste bland and boring
>eat a salad at a restaurant
>taste good

I never understood this.

>> No.11210895

My nigger salad.
>half the bowl should be filled with greens
>thinly sliced capsicum, julienne carrots, 3 cherry tomatoes, crushed almonds, mandarin slices.
>Roast any meat and cut into small cubes
>Combine greens, fruits and veggies and meat with salad dressing of your choice.

>> No.11210898

>heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.11211141

Some people never grow out of sugar and grease on excess carbs especially in the U.S.

>> No.11211170

It's a short vs. term long term thing. Evolution isn't a consciously planned process and also doesn't care about your existence long after you've reached reproductive age. Eating junk food constantly isn't something that will kill you before reproductive age the vast majority of the time, and also like this other anon pointed out these instincts evolved at a time long before anyone had access to this much junk food, so that would also keep it from having any influence on how biology works:

>> No.11211199

There is no God op

>> No.11211204

Read Perelandra, op

>> No.11211219

>unless done before marriage for the sole purpose of enjoyment
that's the only time sex is good though

>> No.11211354
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And just like clockwork all the "you can make healthy food taste good too" anons show up to shitpost their lies.
>Implying you can make something healthy that tastes like pic related
Nah, you just convinced yourself the alternative foods you came up with taste good.
>Some people never grow out of sugar and grease on excess carbs especially in the U.S.
It's not like there's an actual physical process that kicks in at puberty and makes you stop liking bacon or ice cream. You were probably just indoctrinated into seeing those sorts of foods as childish and bad for you and developed an aversion to them based on that indoctrination. It's like a slower, less deliberate form of hypnosis.

>> No.11211637

Pretty sure he meant to type isn't instead of is, especially considering the sentence structure.

>> No.11211661

It's really more about money than healthy versus unhealthy food. If your tastebuds aren't ruined from eating a high sugar diet with lots of artificial flavoring and consisting virtually completely of exclusively processed foods like frozen pizza and bags of potato chips, then healthy food will not taste bland or disgusting to you.

That's where the money comes in because if you can afford high quality ingredients, spices and meat, then eating healthy will actually taste much better than a shitty diet.

>> No.11211696


Anon, even home cooking tastes better when what you cooked is unhealthy. A good steak and potatoes, is infinitely better than a salad. Foods heavy in lard, grease and cream are staples of comfort foods. You can turn all your efforts to making a salad taste better than something unhealthy, and it will beat out plenty of foods, but an unhealthy meal prepared with the same effort will taste better, every time.

We're simply wired to desire foods with high concentrations of the things that were hard to acquire as hunter gatherers. Sugar is hard to come by in the wild, so we seek it out. Proteins and fats were tough to get because they required a huge expenditure of energy to hunt.

I'm not excusing fatties of course. We have willpower to delay gratification, we can be above our animal desires. But if you're just talking about taste, then unhealthy food will win, every time.

>> No.11211702
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>will actually taste much better
No, you just brainwashed yourself. You don't need to be poor to understand how good food tastes good. Pretty sure you don't make as much money as Elvis did.

>> No.11211713
File: 616 KB, 1187x720, Capture+_2018-08-06-14-56-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegetables are healthy
Meat is the most nutritious health food in existence and its delicious

>> No.11211722

You have to take these ideas in the context we're in. And that context is an extreme obesity epidemic. Vegetables aren't inherently "healthy," but our digestive systems aren't able to process cellulose so they become de facto healthy by way of their ability to fill up stomach space where higher calorie foods would've gone instead.

>> No.11211735

>A good steak and potatoes, is infinitely better than a salad. Foods heavy in lard, grease and cream are staples of comfort foods. You can turn all your efforts to making a salad taste better than something unhealthy

Steak and potatoes are nutritious and healthy. Lard, grease and cream are all super healthy too. Catch up on the current dietary science, saturated fats have been wrongly demonized. They are not only unhealthy but actually good for you.

A salad can be almost anything but I supposed you mean lettuce, which is only really worth eating for the fiber, which you can get elsewhere if you don't like lettuce. A good quality lettuce is delicious though, even without dressing. You haven't tasted good lettuce when you think it tastes bad. It's very sweet with a lightly nutty taste and of course good crunch provided that it is fresh.

Now if you add a high quality olive oil to it, then it becomes fucking heavenly. Good olive oil is pricey though, the cheap shit tastes like ass, again no comparison. Good really is about money because the better your ingredients, the better even the most simple food will taste.

>> No.11211745

What's that capture from?

>> No.11211757

>catch up on the current dietary science
You mean the one infested with retarded acupuncturist boomers using junk science?

Saturated fats, trans fats, and refined carbs increase serum cholesterol and atherosclerotic risk

Dietary cholesterol increases LDL oxidation

Dietary cholesterol increases serum cholesterol, a meta analysis.

The progression of cholesterol and atherosclerosis

Saturated fats impair antioxidative properties of HDL and disrupt endothelial function

Coconut oil is as horrible as butter for LDL cholesterol and serum lipids

Meta analysis claiming saturated fats are harmless is seriously misleading

Egg consumption increases LDL levels and LDL oxidation

>b-b-but muh keto soccer mom bloggers!
Retarded shithead

>> No.11211759

Being a glutton doesn't mean you're automatically a gourmet.

If you eat clean and low carb for a while, pure sugar will actually taste disgusting to you and make you feel sick after eating it. Trying drinking a soda after being a in ketosis for a few months, it is fucking disgusting. Honey will still taste amazing though.

>> No.11211781

>Steak and potatoes are nutritious and healthy. Lard, grease and cream are all super healthy too. Catch up on the current dietary science, saturated fats have been wrongly demonized. They are not only unhealthy but actually good for you.
Try to develop some capacity for nuance you simple-minded retard. You're acting like some dietary science official is sitting around with an array of on/off switches he uses to communicate to the general public which foods are good or bad for you. There are actual reasons WHY foods can be considered bad for you in specific ways. Instead of saying these foods are now good, not bad, you could try disputing one of those actual reasons e.g. Show some evidence saturated fat isn't associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular disease.

>> No.11211914

>to communicate to the general public which foods are good or bad for you
You act like that isn't exactly what's been the standard for about a century. You don't remember all the anti red meat shilling from media, dieticians and heart doctors? Why do you think an abomination like Margarine even exists? Because of all the anti butter propaganda. And right now it's carbs that are starting to get demonized.

>There are actual reasons WHY foods can be considered bad for you in specific ways
Haha, yeah. Actual resaons which are flimsy and bullshit. Just because something is an ACTUAL REASON doesn't mean it is actually valid. A reason isn't a guarantee for correctness.

>Show some evidence saturated fat isn't associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular disease
That's it right there. Correlation does not prove causation. All these association studies are fucking ridiculous junk science. They are bunk.

>> No.11211923

>You don't remember all the anti red meat shilling from media, dieticians and heart doctors?
I forgot to add, which is still going on to this day of course.

>> No.11211943



>> No.11211954

>Why do you think an abomination like Margarine even exists? Because of all the anti butter propaganda.

while I agree with your post in general, that one is flat-out wrong.

Margarine was developed because it was a cheap alternative to butter. It was intended to feed poor people who couldn't afford to buy actual butter. Back in the 1950's and such there were many programs in Europe that used public money to build plants that could make margarine (and similar) processed foods in order to feed the poor.

The "health" angle didn't start until decades later (80's) and wasn't mainstream until far later than that.

>> No.11211984

At the time, they were useful incentives for surviving in a harsh wilderness. Poisonous plants are almost never sweet, for instance. You need salt, fat, and protein too, so those things taste good also. It'd be cruel if they weren't tasty. It's just that we've reached the point where the things we used to eat all the time out of desperation are just as available as the rare treats.

>> No.11212005

Why would a bird be healthy but a cow unhealthy? It's animal protein and animal fat. If it's good for you from one animal, why is it bad when it comes from another? What is it that is contained within red meat that is unhealthy which is not present in white meat? You don't know, they don't know, nobody knows. They just say that it is unhealthy based on a fallacy.

>> No.11212021

Interesting, the health angle of the 80s and 90s made it sounds like that abomination was expressly created for the purpose of being a "healthy" alternative to butter.

>> No.11212031

>Why would a bird be healthy but a cow unhealthy?

I don’t know? Maybe because absolutely nobody here said that?

>they just say it’s unhealthy based on fallacies
And this is somehow any different than using a bunch of fallacies to say its not unhealthy?

>> No.11212064

Are you vegan? Chicken is shilled as healthy and preferable to red meat all the time.

>> No.11212073

Are you a fat illiterate retard?

>>I don’t know? Maybe because absolutely nobody HERE said that?

Are you also one of those ad absurdum retards who says “LOL NOTHING IS HEALTHY LE OPAQUE NONEXISTENT MEANING OF MODERATION XD”

>> No.11212087

>Are you a fat illiterate retard?
No, why do you ask?

>> No.11212412

Real answer:
These flavors are pleasing bc as we were evolving in nature we could only get them from nutritious fruits and meats.
As we removed our selves from nature we found ways to procure these things in their purest forms and add them to shit with no nutritional value.
God did not do this to us.

>> No.11212517
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>believes in evolution
Niggah, the world is 6000 years old according to the kikes and who wouldn't trust them?

>> No.11212578

It's not supposed to be good, according to op or god

>> No.11212721

neither god nor op have a dick, what do they know

>> No.11212784
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>Correlation does not prove causation.
>All these association studies are fucking ridiculous junk science.
Holy shit, correlation not implying causation doesn't mean scientific studies are junk you absolute retard.

>> No.11212925

It does mean exactly that when they completely rely on guilt by association to come to their findings. Do you have any idea how these fucking studies are done? There is nothing scientific about them. It's all based on self reported surveys. There's no controlled environment, there is no control group. It's not scientific. It's fucking junk "science". You calling me retarded won't change that anymore than any of these studies prove that red meat is unhealthy.

>> No.11213329

This man..
Me and my bf had to try this shitty vegan place at our last con, because everything else was packed.
The food was some sort of mushed bean/leafy/some sort of super healthy wheat (maybe bulgur)
I still shutter at the texture and taste of that food. It was so bland, it tasted like depression. It was like these guys didnt know what seasoning was.
When you're craving for some greasy expo food, that sort of thing can really shift your appetite. They had this healthy green drink that was actually pretty good though.

>> No.11213345

your tongue is programmed to enjoy food that has a high caloric count because we werent supposed to be sedentary

so fat aand sugar are prefered by your brain because theyll nourrish you more
nowadays it is considered unhealthy bexause of our sedentary lifestyle

>> No.11213373

i dont feel like reading out any of that but if it pleases someone to.do it:
is any of these studies done on a sample of highly energetic ppl like athletes that actually burn all of the calories they ingest and use most of the nutrient?

>> No.11214100

it was a prank bro!
The conducted simulation will end in 45 minutes

>> No.11214971

Wrong. It was developed in 1889 so that Napolean's armies could have shelf stable butter imitation

>> No.11214986

>We may have developed agricultural and genetic engineering to make food super plentiful but our bodies haven't evolved beyond being made to be hunter-gatherers
there are genetic differences between farmers and hunter-gatherers though, mostly involving the digestion of starch i think

>> No.11214996

Salt is unhealthy

>> No.11215016

And it was made from beef fat, not vegetable oil

>> No.11215049

That might have been when it was first invented, but I was not talking about its invention, I was discussing the motivation for its widespread adoption. I know this well since my father worked for one of the chemical companies responsible for building the plants all over europe and much of the developing world.

then it wasn't margarine. Margarine was made from margaric acid, hence the name. It has nothing to do with beef. Nowadays it's become a generic term for an imitation butter spread but during the days we are talking about it had a very precise chemical meaning.

>> No.11215166
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>> No.11215245
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Can I play through one more time? Got some things I need to do differently.

>> No.11217008
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>Everything that tastes good is unhealthy
this is what cuckdditors actually believe