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11211078 No.11211078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How scared of soy are you ck/?

For me its about 8/10

>> No.11211087

0/10 because I'm not a brain dead fucktard who gets all his information from 4chan.

>> No.11211091
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If you aren't scared, it's too late. Do you want to end up like this thing?

>> No.11211093

Literally this, OP you're retarded.

>> No.11211094


>> No.11211095

jesus fucking christ ! hold my beer and give me the flamethrower

>> No.11211096

Somewhat. I have this friend who always drank soy milk instead of soda/juice/etc. in HS.
He was quite the athlete but damn, i never met a more asexual person than him.
He cared less about getting laid than me.

>> No.11211101

ok then why all the guys starts looking like 6 yo girls ?

>> No.11211109

Because they don't. And because you're retarded.

>> No.11211130


>> No.11211131

Thing is though, why WOULDN'T you cut soy? Look at the risk vs reward. Maybe it's fine, but if it isn't is it really worth taking the chance? Especially since it's not like soy is awesome and tastes great.

Sugar is bad for you but it tastes great, so I can understand why some people struggle with limiting it. But no asshole is going around all "mmm, soy! I love that shit! Soy has the best flavor!"

>> No.11211134

soylent doesnt contain soy

>> No.11211143

No one normal eats soy on a regular basis anyway. Soy sauce is probably the most consumed soy product of you exclude the binding agents.

>> No.11211161

I doubt you're old enough to drink beer

>> No.11211192

at least I do not look like a faggot soy drinker

>> No.11211197

prove it

>> No.11211245

I am though. I'll supervise the youngster.

>> No.11211246

You just look like a regular faggot.

>> No.11211270

>Why WOULDN'T you cut soy?
Because I very rarely eat soy as it is. I don't eat processed foods. The only time I eat soy is when it's deliberate, i.e. soy sauce in some dishes, or tofu.

>>taking the chance
What chance? Anyone with a basic understanding of how hormones work would realize that the effects of estrogen (even the straight-up human version) are negligible unless taken constantly throughout the day, for long periods of time. It's obviously hype. As they say people fear what they don't understand.

>>But no asshole is going around all "mmm, soy! I love that shit! Soy has the best flavor!"
Properly made soy sauce, and tofu, are both delicious. That doesn't mean I'd want to eat either of them all the time though.

>> No.11211280

Imagine being so fucked in the head you unironically base your actions around stale 4chin memes.

By your dumbass logic I better stop eating red meat because I may get colon cancer down the line. Boy that sounds pretty soy to me.

>> No.11211286

well people end up eating stealth soy on a regular basis. its an ingredient in a lot of stuff you wouldn't expect it to be in. Same deal with sugar actually, just because you are not having deserts all the time doesn't mean you are ducking sugar.

>> No.11211326

I've barely had soy anything in my life, I don't know what soy milk tastes like. The store next to me is about to close in an hour, I think I might get some soy milk.

>> No.11211342

Not everbody subsists on processed garbage, anon.