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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11204281 No.11204281 [Reply] [Original]

>meanwhile in america

>> No.11204312

This seems like a really strange thing to get triggered or bait people over.

>> No.11204320
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>> No.11204341

And there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.11204353
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In my country, we grind leftover into sausage

>> No.11204354

>brainlet sink

>> No.11204362

lmaoing @ ur life rn
here in developed countries we buy sausages from factories made with meat from factory farms
try again next time sweetie

>> No.11204500

Do you know what's "really strange", literally flushing your food down the fucking sink. Out of of all the places you could choose to put your left-overs in, it's the sink. Not the trash bin, not a kitchen compost, not a box to refrigate so you can eat it the next day but down your sink.

>> No.11204523

putting your food into a machine that processes it and disposes of the waste
Stupid americans using toilets why flush your shit down when you could put it in the trash bin or a compost or a box in the fridge for tomorrow's curry or whatever the strange shit you eat is in your backwards country where cars are the devils and donkeys are apart of the government

bait better

>> No.11204543

I'm American and i don't do that nor know anyone who does. Try harder next time.

>> No.11204553

Those look like dog penises.

>> No.11204564

also edible

>> No.11204572

I have a septic tank so I don’t have the luxury of doing this.

>> No.11204583
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This shit fucking pisses me off. My electricity got shut off this week and I'm not throwing that much away. I try to always cook at least one offal dish each week because I know all those bits are 100% getting thrown out if I don't buy and eat them. Fucking normie food retards.

>> No.11204585

>his sink isnt also a meat grinder
third worlders i swear

>> No.11204592

Why don't you store your poop in a container under your toilet before you dispose it, if that's such a great concept to you?
I like your analogy of american food and shit though, quite accurate i must say.

>> No.11204594

You’re weird. : ^ |

>> No.11204595

then it's time to start a compost heap

>> No.11204607
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>what is a garbage disposal?
Anyway, that is a lot of food to actually dump down the sink though. Usually people will scrape the bulk of their plates off in the trash, but don't have to go overboard because they can just rinse the remaining chunks into the sink and it'll get ground up.

>> No.11204614

t. never seen a dog penis

dog dicks have a more pointed tip and a knot
do you even fucking watch slavshit and south american chicks get fucked by dogs on the internet cunt?

>> No.11204647
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>eurofag mad that a garbage disposal eats better than them

>> No.11204706
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I'm normal, it's the fucking normies that are weird.

>> No.11204849

This would clog it in a second.

>> No.11204889

>a European who can't read
Not surprising in the least, but let me help break it down for your struggling little brain.
Many American households have a garbage disposal machine in the sink. Anything you wash down the sink will be ground up into tiny pieces and washed away with the wastewater.
The anon you're replying to was likening your desire to keep trash in your house rather than washing it away to the idea of keeping poop in your house rather than washing it away.
The toilet washes away the poops. The garbage disposal washes away chunks of food. Why have either in your kitchen garbage? Both smell.

>> No.11204913

Alot of yuro countries you can't flush the toilet paper because of crappy plumbing so they put the used tp in a trash can next to the toilet

>> No.11204927

composting is a thing

>> No.11204931

>Coasties don't know how to turn on the garbage disposal
Do you need me to call tech support for you sweetheart?

>> No.11204933


>> No.11204940

a fucking food processor in the sink

wooooow idiot americans

>> No.11205000

>wooooow idiot americans
Enjoy your clogged sinks and garbage bin full of shitty tp.

>> No.11205108

Back during the Obama era, school food guidelines were changed as a handjob to the agricultural industry. School lunches became laden with vegetables, and the prices have gone up every year since to accommodate it. Schools were only allowed to increase meal costs so much every year, otherwise the cost would have gone up by $2 overnight.

Anyway, the end result is my kid's school lunch is $2.90 this year before side items, and he (like all the other kids) throws away 50% of the base lunch, which is vegetables.

Absolute fucking waste. My school lunch was $1.10. There may not have been more than 3 ounces of vegetables, but 90% of that tray got eaten.

>> No.11205133

>put food in drain
>leave a tip
Fucking ameretards

>> No.11205134

educate your kid, you lazy asswipe.

>> No.11205143

Why not? You can use them in houses with septic tanks.

>> No.11205173

Do you remember what you were like when you were 12-18? Unless you were a fatty hellbent on losing weight, there's no way you wouldn't be having coke and pop tarts for breakfast instead of a fresh fruit smoothie. Don't lie.

>> No.11205175

You don't really seem to get it, do you?
Have good leftovers? Put them in the fridge.
If your city, or you personally, has a compost bin then use it.
The garbage disposal is for things you would otherwise throw away. Why use the disosal instead? It makes less mess. No smelly garbage bags. No risk of animals getting into the bags looking for food.

I have a compost bin in my yard. I use it in my garden, so clean veggie scraps go out there. But its not wise to put meaty sort of foods in a compost pile. It attracts vermin, smells horrible, and can breed some nasty bacteria. Home composting should be vegetable matter only.

>> No.11205207

US meat quality is so bad, europe even has higher standards for pet food..

>> No.11206046
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Quantity > Quality

>> No.11206138
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>> No.11206163

Yes, let's feed our children processed foods filled with harmful additives, because I'm too lazy to do my job as a parent, and I'd like to save a couple dollars in the process.

>> No.11206166

seems like a good idea

>> No.11206222

brilliant, why didn't i think of that?

>> No.11206450

what country?

>> No.11206465
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>> No.11206810
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>meanwhile Europe bans itself from the internet

>> No.11206835

europe has higher standarts for pet food then for cheapest sausages and salamis.

>> No.11206844
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>> No.11206867

What are you going to do about it? None of them care that you exist, and you're never going to do anything to make your presence known.

>> No.11206968


>> No.11206972

>itt people without kids that think they can dictate the lives and habits of teenagers

>> No.11207060
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>None of them care that you exist
The ones who lose their public benefits because of me probably care.

>> No.11207351

Hurr UR NOT A WOMAN so you don't have a say in abortion

>> No.11207370

do amirfats really have meat coming out of their sinks that they drink like water

>> No.11207371

Aside from garbage disposals we also have dishwashers, ice makers built into our refrigerators, and clothes dryers. I had a bunch of euros over to my house once and they were fascinated by these technological wonders. It must be hard being a europoor.

>> No.11207405

i do that because i use a lot of toilet paper and dont want to plug the toilet

>> No.11207419

How are you able to use the internet europoor?

>> No.11207430

dont buy coke and poptarts then you tard

>> No.11207433

yes we can afford to have meat piped directly into our houses stay poor

>> No.11207558

>throwing this much perfectly edible food away instead of just eating it the next meal or just simply put less on your plate

>> No.11207568

toilet paper is only for american tourists, we use bidets

>> No.11207569

Sorry you can only afford cabbage water hans

>> No.11207755

I don't get these garbage disposals. You can't really put anything in there other than left over greens and boneless meat. The stuff that was on your plate, which you ate most of and probably enjoyed eating it but the moment you're not hungry anymore it's suddenly garbage? Doesn't that mean that it was garbage in the first place and you literally ate garbage?

I know there are a ton of poor americans that live off 1$ value meals from Walmart so that's probably where that mindset comes from. They eat garbage and then feed it to the sink where it belongs. However, i don't understand how that mindset spilled over to the fine connoisseurs of /ck/ or even the average middle-class american. From my understanding garbage disposals are a poor people's thing.

>> No.11207765

if you had shit on your hand you would just rinse water over it without scrubbing or using soap? cause that's all a bidet is doing

>> No.11207826
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>From my understanding garbage disposals are a poor people's thing.

>> No.11207882

>The stuff that was on your plate, which you ate most of and probably enjoyed eating it but the moment you're not hungry anymore it's suddenly garbage? Doesn't that mean that it was garbage in the first place and you literally ate garbage?
you a hoarder or something?

>> No.11207907

>this entire post
just go back to l.eddit

>> No.11207914


>> No.11207919

you know we use all of the animal for various shit right? companies don't like waste, waste = loss of profits.

All of the shitty parts of the animal get used for animal food, fertilizer, rendered into chemical shit, etc.

>> No.11207945

Garbage disposals are handy. But if you're dumping that amount of food down the disposal, you're cooking wrong.
A lot of white trash Americans just make big pots of mashed potatoes and rice dishes that they have no intention of finishing, and most of it goes down the drain. This is why it's important to plan out your meals, and make smaller servings. First, you and I both know that Americans eat too damn much, and second, with the money you're saving by cooking lees food, you can afford to eat dessert after dinner if you're still hungry, since most of you depressed fatasses need to be full constantly.
>t. American /fit/izen

>> No.11207960

>Whining on behalf of your gay kid
You are bad at parenting you fucking idiot

>> No.11207995

Do Americans really???
Damn those pesky Americans.

>> No.11208247
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Based beastiality poster

>> No.11208269
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Why is it that millenials can't into disposals?

Seriously, every roommate I had doesn't seem to realize that it doesn't work unless you flip the switch. I have to go in there and run it every few days cause they shoved raw meat down it and thought it vanished like a black hole or something

And then there's the other brainlet millenials that put metal trash inside it and it sounds like their shitty music when I turn it on

This is what I get for starting college late. Daddy doesn't appreciate this crap

>> No.11208272

It's because millenials can't into anything. Their parents were too busy to teach them anything, and they can't be bothered to teach themselves anything due to their social media and/or gaming addictions.

They're fat and weak, if not literally then figuratively. Of course there are exceptions but that's the general trend. I blame their parents.

>> No.11208293

>scrape plates
>don't go overboard
I know you are trying to be nice but fuck you sound like a faggot

>> No.11208301

I'm a millenial and know how it works. I also don't have roomates because I'm not a failure like you.

>> No.11208302

I guess I'm similar, I had to teach myself everything about being an adult. I told my dad this and he complained that he was too busy putting food on the table to raise me

I consider it a piss poor excuse. We're not living in poverty, so it shows that he cared a substantial amount more about being financially secure than ensuring that his kids can take care of themselves

The result is that my older sisters cannot function without the financial support and life skills of a man holding their hand through life and I have to learn life lessons the hard way

>> No.11208309

"Mom! I'm gonna get a (you)! Get my celebratory clean diaper!"

>> No.11208406

This picture is perfect.