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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11202847 No.11202847 [Reply] [Original]

Your cheese grater doesn't need to be washed, ever, as long as you only use it for cheese, and you should only be using it for cheese because it's a cheese grater, but you could also grate potatoes on it, but doing that is so annoying so don't bother grating potatoes is like really hard.

I'm sure I have more tricks I'll think of in time.

>> No.11202858
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I save money on pizzas by buying the cheapest possible pizzas there is, but I add my own toppings.

>> No.11202867

Disgustiiiing..... The smell destroys other cheeses...
One trick i use for cooking is when i fry garlic, i dont remove all the layers of skin. I leave a hard one so that it doesnt burn out.
Another cooking trick is to cook slowly in low heat. Everything tastes better

>> No.11202874
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When I drink tea, I always pour the cold remnant of tea that got cold before I could drink it in a big jug and when the jug gets full I add lemon juice and sugar to create iced tea. I do something similar for milk tea, as you can see in the bottles of bourbon. I also re-use all containers instead of buying jars for storage.

>> No.11203024

I save matches by using a Bic lighter to light my candle which I then use to light my cigar.

>> No.11203039

>Another cooking trick is to cook slowly in low heat. Everything tastes better
Except for frozen vegetables. They need to be cooked on very high heat for a very short amount of time in order to become perfect.

>> No.11203049

>Not just using a barbecue lighter
y tho

>> No.11203055

good tip, I like dicing fresh habaneros onto frozen pizza
most of the "flavor" of garlic is in the juices, so if you dice it super fine most of it ends up on your knife and cutting board and not in whatever you're making, use a garlic press where possible or blend whole cloves into your sauce after browning them if you want a stronger garlic flavor

>> No.11203058
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imagine the smell...

>> No.11203082

When peeling onions, just peel off the outermost edible layer along with the skin to save time.

>> No.11203093

Those fucking things that have two switches to engage the flame? Yeah, I'm not a retard who knows how to juggle five things at once when I am lighting cigars. IF kids need to get fire, they will, you will never stop them.

>> No.11203097

When you boil eggs, instantly fill up the cauldron with cold water after pouring away the hot water. Then drain it again and fill it with cold water again and let the eggs sit there for 1 minutes. The shells will come off almost instantly.

Isn't this standard practice though?

>> No.11203098
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>having a sense of smell

look how weak you are, defeated by invisible odors in the air.

>> No.11203110

I do this just to spite poor people who I know can't afford to waste that much onion.

>> No.11203531

>tfw this board can't post tips

alright how many of you actually eat fast food every day

>> No.11203777

>Needing more than one match to light a cigar
Fucking casuals.

>> No.11203794

Keep your fucking knife sharp. Lots of people think their knife skills are much worse than they are because they're trying to slice an onion with a blunt instrument instead of a blade.

>> No.11203803

>he owns a garlic press


me an the skwad use knives to cut food.

Who knew, that a knife could be an effective tool to cut food with.

>> No.11203808
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I could do it with one match but this way I use zero matches.

Your move pleb, there is no way to use -1 matches to light your cigar I am the cigar genius no one can defeat me I am undefeatable I bet you don't even have a room in your house dedicated solely to cigar smoking.

>> No.11203833

honest question

whats wrong with using a bic to light a cigar? I mentioned it at the cigar shop and they said it used lighter fluid. I'm pretty fuggin sure it uses butane which burns a lot cleaner than the matchbook they gave me

>> No.11203835

>tfw this board can't post tips
There was a thread earlier where a guy needed multiple anon's help to microwave a fucking bowl of soup, what do you expect?

>> No.11203840
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>using matches
>not a side strike lighter
Have some class

>> No.11203844

my dude reddit is wrose. i came here from /r/cooking. they have therds right now

how to grind pepepr? i've been using a mortar and pestle

and the top fucking comment is to use a coffee grinder.

>> No.11203847

>i came here from /r/cooking
Please go back.

>> No.11203855

Did you have a stroke or is your spelling really this poor?

>> No.11203905
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I'm taking this one and posting it here tomorrow word for word as a bait thread.

>> No.11204037

Nigger, they make shredded cheese that comes on a package. Your cheese grater never needs to be washed because it never needs to be used.

>> No.11204461

some people would rather eat cheese than plastic

>> No.11204741
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Expiration dates are a jewish trick. Smell, taste, and appearance are the most reliable ways of detecting spoiled food.

>> No.11206764

Just buy a new one when it gets dull

>> No.11206888

How the fuck is grating potatoes "really hard"? I do it all the time

>> No.11206938

>paying a huge markup for shittier cheese because you're too much of a lazy fuck to grate it yourself

>> No.11206969
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>everything capitalists do wrong is actually the Jews.

Dude i think you took to many of those pills

Reverse searing is scientifically proven to be the better option.