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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 282 KB, 735x1425, easy-cornish-pasty-r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11202846 No.11202846 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Brit /ck/, heading to London for a few days...never been there, but I LOVE pasties. In fact I plan to have one for lunch every day.
So. Where are the best ones?

>> No.11202856
File: 2.29 MB, 1936x1296, fish-and-chips-newspaper-hi-res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually good fish & chips recs also accepted.

>> No.11202888

Not a Brit but I'd assume you'd want to head to Cornwall for Cornish pasties.

>> No.11202968

I'm just looking for meat pies, ya know?

>> No.11202979
File: 162 KB, 640x360, Taste-of-UP-640x360_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh. we make them better in the UP

>> No.11202999

go to greggs unless you like being ripped off by pasty shills

inb4 greggs is shit. no. u are shit.

>> No.11203002
File: 67 KB, 453x539, Racist Greggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11203021

'ate kebab
'ate curry
'ate tikka masala
'ate sushi
'ate tandoori

love chippies
love pasties
love me wife
simple as

>> No.11203041

>love me wife
'ate that slag
love me kids

>> No.11203047

Do you speak Urdu, or will you be using a translator?

>> No.11203048
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>> No.11203075

thats a fucking empanada

>> No.11203080

Ok, so is this a meme, or is it real?

>> No.11203090

I have no clue what the UP is.
We'll also be in Amesbury & Deal...

>> No.11203091
File: 319 KB, 641x934, greeegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course greggs is real.

>> No.11203100

Thats actually an empanada. Damn brits culturally pilfering another RICH VIBRANT CULTURE

>> No.11203104

I MEAN is it a meme that it is good?

>> No.11203118

try it and find out for yourself. they wouldn't have 1,650 stores if they were shit.

>> No.11203144

Mmmmm Georgie pies.

>> No.11203146
File: 27 KB, 252x190, Keep-It-Real--ali-g-565459_252_190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck.
I've never heard of them because I'm Californian, ok?
But with that many locations, they sound kinda fast foodish...

>> No.11203167

yes, they are fast food pastries and cakes i guess. but they're not all pre frozen or if they are then it doesn't impact anything. unlike mcdonalds or whatever that you can tell they were previously frozen.

>> No.11203174

Well, I'll give it a shot.

>> No.11203188

it will save you money. i mean you can go to local small bakeries too but you will see how ridiculous prices can get, especially in london of all places

>> No.11203210

But is the meat any good?

>> No.11203255

yes. but what is good is subjective. again if people didn't enjoy it they wouldn't have so many stores. everyone loves a sausage roll.

you should also try other things you can only get here but not necessarily from greggs. like bakewell tart, battenberg cake, rhubarb crumble, trifle, scones, sunday roast with yorkshire puddings, crumpets, full english breakfast, scotch eggs, haggis, jam rollypoly, walkers shortbread, millionaire shortbread slice, Coconut ice, barrat nougat bar

>> No.11203272

You're pretty much right. That said, authenticity is overrated. >>11202999 has a good idea but look out - there aren't a lot of Greggs in London, it's too fucking posh for them (and the rent is too high). Same for most decent chippies (even though the first recorded one was in London, that was well over 100 years ago).

If you want decent pasties, or fish and chips, go to Cornwall or go further north.

Don't go to fucking Pret a Manger.

>> No.11203307

Already got a plan for a full English breakfast, grew up with Walker's shortbread, not interested in the others except roast & Yorkshire pudding... where can I get that?

>> No.11203336

go to a pub. find one on yell or something. although again go outside of london a bit. it's way too expensive for what you get, unless you're not bothered about price then look for a good pub in london.

>> No.11203343
File: 134 KB, 932x639, Cerussite Redburn Mine Weardale Durham England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan. After the mines of Cornwall started to close, huge numbers of Cornishmen settled in Upper Michigan (rich copper and iron deposits) and the Motherlode region of California (gold and associated minerals), where their extensive experience with hard rock mining made them extremely desirable employees for mining companies. Their influence on the food habits of the areas was mainly in the form of the pasty, though occasionally you'll find a cornish split or two in small bakeries in the area.

>> No.11203470

So it was the equivalent of modern day immigrant central americans doing work no one else is capable or willing to do and bringing a superior food culture with them, for example the empanada, literally a better version of the pasty. Cornwall immigrants would be bound, gagged and slammed in dungeons, nowadays. Really makes you think!

>> No.11203617

(true) Northern monkey here.

Don't go to greggs for a pasty, that's like going to mcdonalds for a good burger.
I've been to London many times for work and come to the conclusion they can't do fish and chips, you need to go to somewhere like Whitby or Grimsby for the best but most coastal chip shops are decent.

I'd recommend the pie and mash meme but you need a nap afterward.

Avoid 99% of the places in central London as they are a colossal waste of money ran by middle class hipsters living of daddies money or pakis and you get the shits

>> No.11203834

You'd be surprised. Best pasty I ever had was in a pub in Japan, run by a guy from Cornwall.

>> No.11204445

Thanks for the heads-up.
So I guess look for a Cornish restaurant?
Is that a thing?

>> No.11204966

My mom was from the UP - I can attest - better than the rest.
Minnesota has some good potato sausage tho.
>U.P. Pasties, MN Potato Sausage, and WI pierogies
The 3 "P"'s you'll everrr neeeeeeeeed.

>> No.11205128


>> No.11205974

>cornish pasty
Fuck off yank

>> No.11205979

Where the fuck is deal

>> No.11205993

They are shit. They don't even make a proper cornish pasty.
It's cafeteria tier rubbish. Mass produced, brought in frozen, cheap rubbish.
It's popular because it's cheap, not because it's good.

>> No.11206000

>cornish restaurant

americans are such faggots with the most idiotic expectations hahaha

>> No.11206010

In Cornwall you dumb yank. Not in London. London dishes are pie & mash, jellied eels and fish and chips. And recently chicken shops.

>> No.11206015

Yeah, it's a meme. In England it's considered decent, but in reality it's pretty sub-par.

>> No.11206027

If you want anything good in the UK food-wise you have to pay for it. There's lots of artisan places in London that are good, like Balthazar Bakery, but they're expensive. Greggs is low-quality garbage.

>> No.11206049

>inb4 greggs is shit. no. u are shit.
it's not shit but it is from up north, it's not "authentic" pasty

still good and hot but the greggs sausage roll is a better bet

>> No.11206051
File: 31 KB, 250x274, Pizza_Pops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11206055

While it's normally a scottish thing, see if you can find a chippy that'll do you a deep fried mars bar, if only because everyone should experience that affront to god once in their life.

>> No.11206076

nah it's good.

>> No.11206078

north is more authentic than the south, the south is for overpriced trash food, the north is proper English food.

>> No.11206079

You’re going to be disappointed.

>> No.11206085


>> No.11206089

Why a mars bar? Why not a fried snickers, which is superior

>> No.11206108

Why not a snickers ice cream bar? The perfected form of the snickers.

>> No.11206157

Some chippies in my area will deep fry anything they sell. I can confirm that snickers is the superior deep fried chocolate bar.

>> No.11206184


There are pasty shops in every major town in the country.

>> No.11206201

do not do this

for a proper roast dinner with yorkies you should go to a good pub carvery. Whichever hotel you're staying at - ask them. Personally I can't see London having good roast dinner, it's really on a current trend of trendy and world food.

It sounds like you need to go further afield to get what you want - traditional British food.

>> No.11206240

The best ones are at its namesake, in Cornwall.

You can find a few stalls that sell these kicking around London but they'll be overpriced and not as good, IIRC a semi decent one is I'm Victoria Station and a few other stations.

Honestly the best pies you will get in London will beat classic (not hipster) pubs... If you're spending time near central there's a pretty decent place that does good pies in Holborn not far from Holborn underground Station

As others have mentioned Greggs does offer a decent range of pasties but it is low-mid tier in terms of quality, its a bit of a meme but they are satisfying and very British in style. Don't think they do cornish pasties but the meat and potato pastie should really be part of culture heritage too.

Fish and chip wise there aren't many decent ones in London, again best to go to a coastal small town for really great fish and chips. Poppies is passable in Central London but overpriced and not really representative. You should really look around the smaller areas of London outside if central - look for places that have a way outdated sign from the 80s and an old vibe

>> No.11206382

>Personally I can't see London having good roast dinner
Shows what a clueless pleb you are. Look up somewhere like Harwood Arms, a michelin star winning pub. It isn't the only place either, there's countless places to get sunday roast in London.

>> No.11206397
File: 193 KB, 800x533, IMG_5435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only correct answer, but I don't know if London has these

>> No.11206513

Michigan pasties are superior.

>> No.11206816


>> No.11207582

A proper pub shouldn't be a Michelin starred place. It should be unpretentious commoner food, homely and washed down with a couple pints.

>> No.11207622

While we're here, I am currently in Keswick for 3 days.
Any recommendations regarding food? Been to the George but it wasn't very pleasant. The dinning area was too posh.
The Wainwright was a good meal.

Basically looking for high quality, not fancy food.

>> No.11207659

Also, any recommendations for a decent full English for when I come back to London?


>> No.11207767

In London you need to ask for a 'tiddy oggy' to get the best ones

>> No.11207817


>> No.11207893

just come to cornwall pleb

>> No.11207987

Why on earth would you go to London other than the airport prior to heading to the countryside with small towns and cities where you can interact with the equivalent of down home american wh*tetrash in comfy pubs?

>> No.11208204




>> No.11208258

Ohhh....thats what that was from harry potter. I always wondered what the fuck Cho chang actually said.

>> No.11208603

based yooper

>> No.11209039

>WI pierogies
Come again? Where do we have pierogies?

>> No.11209096
