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11197689 No.11197689 [Reply] [Original]

Is the whole soy/estrogen thing true or is it just another /pol/ meme?

>> No.11197719


>> No.11197728

It's true, but it's way overstated.

>> No.11197731
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its a lie

>> No.11197733
File: 46 KB, 619x825, 1467411219618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been so much more virile and manly since switching to soy

>> No.11197735
File: 118 KB, 614x768, 1535406194669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soy has been proven to increase your testosterone.

>> No.11197736

jt is

but its so overemphasized one might believe consuming soy instantly boosts estrogen 1000% which it won't

just avoid consuming it frequently

>> No.11197737

Pretty sure it's almost all bs. Iirc it's something like it contains some chemical that has estrogen on the end but is inert and found in way more stuff than soy and it was made up by some health guru and has since then continued to grow

>> No.11197751

I'm leaning towards it being bullshit, but then again I only ever use soy for occasional Asian food so idk

>> No.11197757

meme shilled by the meat/dairy business to sway people away from veganism.
soy does contain estrogen-like compounds, but they're phytoestrogens and in small amounts. estrogen is prescribed to mtfs and women going through menopause, yes, but those pills are in extremely dense, concentrated amounts and still take a really fucking long time to take effect.

basically you'd have to drink 6 gallons of soy milk daily for 3 years to see any actual changes other than hypertension.

>> No.11197759

I fuck her if I could

>> No.11197760

The weird thing is that there are a lot of other foods that have way more estrogen than a typical serving of soy milk, and no one cares. Beer, cow's milk, eggs and steak for example.

>> No.11197761

sweet jesus does he have aids or something ? he is disgusting... gas chamber for this thing !

>> No.11197770
File: 28 KB, 200x206, thumb_beer-56-titties-and-beer-18911793[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a meme that started many years ago on /fit/.

If you ate an industrial quantity of soy products it might increase your eastrogen levels a bit and give you gyno.
of course the drama queens on /fit/ and /pol/ concluded that a glass of soy milk will cause you to turn into a titcow.

regular excessive drinking of alcohol is realistically the only thing that men regularly consume that will mess with your endocrine system and cause bitch tits

>> No.11197778
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Iirc in order for estrogen to affect you the way it affects mtfs is you need to first be on testosterone blockers for it to have any effect

So soy, even if it did have a decent amount of estrogen, would only affect those that have super low testosterone

Correct me if I'm wrong though

>> No.11197781

There was only like one study in the early 2000s that suggested soy increases estrogen levels and even that study was recanted.

>> No.11198076


>> No.11198133

Yes and No the actual quantitative effect of Soy is not really proven and it's not really that extreme it seems, that said it's not that bad an idea to try avoid phytoestogens but xenoestrogens from BPA are probably worse. It's perhaps fortuitously correct from erroneous first principles in that soy consumption is generally a quite accurate shibboleth., though you could probably argue that that's confirmation/selection bias at play (I forget which one is which).

>> No.11198142

Please try to construct a legible sentence.

>> No.11198144

100% meme. Phytoestrogens are not "estrogen" as you think of it, the same way saltpeter isn't "salt." English naming conventions are often fucked.

Only academic study that suggests soy may lead to testosterone deficiencies or sperm count lowering or "feminitity" in any way was literally done in the 1960's with sheep. Not humans.

>> No.11198373

Soy milk and things like soylent are terrible for you but soy sauce is fine.

>> No.11198374

my grandson was found to be allergic to milk so my daughter started feeding him on soya milk. after about 3 months he was severely undernourished and tested low on testosterone. all the medical staff agreed that soya milk causes this and they say it many many times on a daily basis. the general practitioner that recommended soya milk actually got disciplined. maybe it is a lot more pronounced effect on infants but it definitely alters your hormone balance. I really hope my grandson doesn't grow up to be a fag. now he is being given different milk substitutes not based on soya and he is back to a very healthy weight and his hormone balance is back in check but maybe the damage is already done

>> No.11198375

how come Chinese men can't grow any bodily hair? but soy sauce does tastes fucking good

>> No.11198376
File: 101 KB, 853x1280, E23D093442A447FCA2108D2EDCDE66C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded hope your grandson takes miles of cock when he grows up

>> No.11198377

sorry you feel this way about my real life experiences maybe we should keep posts purely fictional to satisfy your intense retardation.

>> No.11198386

Overblown but i strongly suggest to avoid products with added "soy-protein". if you see it in the ingredients it's pretty much a proof that whatever it is, it's shit.

>> No.11198404

I'm male-to-female trans. To get any noticeable effect from having estrogen in your system you need to have a very high amount of it constantly every day, and more important you need to take testosterone blockers. Soy won't do shit

>> No.11198420

By the way this is worded, your grandson sounds like he's an infant. Of course you shouldn't feed a fucking infant plant based milk substitutes. Mammalian milk contains nutrients needed for a babies development. I'd image his issues had much less to do with the phytoestrogens in soy than it did to the fact that he was malnourished.

>> No.11198424

If I recall, it's a female to male trans that's like an extremist vegan or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.11198428

it started as a /fit/ meme actually

>> No.11198429

I also heard about soya not being good for newborns but they are so fragile I don't think they relate well to adults.

>> No.11198438

>/pol/ steals and exhausts a meme that they didn't even create
Like clockwork. Truly the most reddit board on this site.

>> No.11198461

Honey can kill newborns, hell, sometimes they need to try different types of milk substitutes made specifically for human babies before you find one their system is willing to process.

>> No.11198473
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>shit that didn't happen: the post

>> No.11198484

>made up by some health guru
Phytoestrogens have been extensively studied in mice and shown to affect sperm count, estrogen levels and fertility

There have been no long term human studies for the effects of phytoestrogens, but the evidence shows that it affects mice quite a bit

>> No.11198525

Shop bought soy milk is completely unsuited to infants. Soy based infant formula is processed to shit so the protease inhibitors and phytate don't fuck up the kids. In the process massively increasing aluminium content and all the nice byproducts you get from treating proteins with high heat.

It doesn't have the same impact on adults, but if I were vegan I'd just stick to using small amounts of silken tofu to make stuff creamy and occasionally some of the fermented soy products. The milk tastes like ass any way.

>> No.11198541

The answer is ""yes"" because it CAN effect your body chemistry. The caveat is that you have to shovel ungodly amounts of soy down your gullet for that to happen. No sane person would have the amount needed as part of their regular diet. I think it requires like whole pounds of soy every day.

>> No.11198542

Please go back to plebbit. The chances of this happening and the medical staff saying that it was due to the soya milk is extremely slim.
Unless you live in a shithole, that is, but in that case you wouldn't survive long enough to have grandchildren.

>> No.11198545

An SJW-ridden thirdworld shithole, that is.
Couldnt include that due to the spam system, so it'll be separate.

>> No.11198550

Yeah dude go buy some soi protein powder if you wanna get /fit/.

>> No.11198563

like I said, the doctor that recommended it got a bollocking from the hospital.

>> No.11199079

yes, it is 100% true.
all legumes contain phytoestrogens, that includes peanuts and beans.
but it isn't really anything to worry about.

in fact, most meats contains enough hormones to disrupt your hormonal balance

and being fat. adipose tissue produces estrogen

he's going to be fine

anything that's not human titty milk is not good for newborns

>> No.11199132
File: 229 KB, 1037x583, Angry water filter salesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the whole soy/estrogen thing true or is it just another /pol/ meme?
It's not completely untrue. Soy does not actually contain actual estrogen but phytoestrogen which act on your body as a weaker form of our natural estrogen. If there's no estrogen present the phytoestrogen will activate your estrogen receptors somewhat. However, if there's actual estrogen present the phytoestrogen will block some of the effect of the estrogen by being weaker and using up the receptors. With the tap water turning frogs gay and all that shit soy probably protect you rather than harm you.

>> No.11199141

It's comparable to a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. Limp wristed faggots are drawn soy products because every single decision in their life is based off of emotion. But that doesn't mean that other people don't consume it and are perfectly normal.

>> No.11199734

It's actually a /fit/ meme