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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11192844 No.11192844 [Reply] [Original]

What are your diet memes?

>> No.11192851

Q: How do you identify a vegan?
A: Don't worry, they'll tell you why they don't want to eat the food you're aggressively insisting they try, the stupid virtue signalling dicks.

>> No.11192857


For when you throw around a word you don't really understand so often you have to shorten it.

Fucking millenials.

>> No.11192874

>they don't want to eat the food you're aggressively insisting they try

I hope you never reproduce. Parents who enable picky eater children represent everything wrong in the world, and the fact that there are adults who think that their picky eating deserves equal respect deserve botulism.

>> No.11192882

I think pushing food on people is worse. Fuck off and keep your spittle-drenched bacteria farm to yourself.

>> No.11192883
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>> No.11192887

I agree with you completely. My father is like that, my grandma was a terrible enabler, exacerbated by the fact that he was the youngest son. He refuses to try a lot of stuff because he finds it weird. My mother basically forced him to start eating a lot of stuff since they got married, and he has significantly improved (according to them), but he still pisses me off.

>> No.11193475

Your mom sounds like she's good for him. I hope things get better between him and you.

>> No.11193498

Was an incredibly picky eater until I was like 20 and then it just stopped for some reason. Kinda glad tbqh because it's exciting to try so many foods for the first time without having to leave town to get something more exotic.

>> No.11193531

Whipped cream, icing, and candy sprinkles; they're utterly useless calories. I'm not averse to dessert but if I'm going to poison myself with sugar then it better be worth it.

>> No.11193536

Corporate fast food (street food is fine)
Box/instant mixes
TV dinners / microwave meals
Factory farmed meat

>> No.11193573

>Parents who enable picky eater children represent everything wrong in the world
Holy hell, yes. My wife and I dug ourselves a hole with one of our kids. We were both tired and whatnot at dinner time, so we didn't feel like fighting with him about food. Fast forward two or three years and all he'd eat were kid foods -- ma and cheese, nuggets, etc. Took us another year to fix our fuck up. We started by slowly decreasing the amount of kid food available (only 3 nuggets instead of 5, etc.) while being sure there was enough of the regular meal. He turned it down for a while, then realized he was hungry AF, and he's finally at the point where he eats what we cook, albeit sometimes grudgingly. Along the way, we made a few family 'meals' of mac and cheese and that sort of thing. I think it helped to do that.

Anyway, parents: don't enable picky eating it's asshole behavior and leaves kids in a rut. You're doing them a tremendous disservice.

>> No.11193581
File: 59 KB, 698x904, opinion up your ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>street food is fine
And why is that, Mr. Bourdain? Do they have some magical set of ingredients?
>Factory farmed meat
As opposed to what? You do realize that there are around 7 billion people on the Earth and they do prefer to not starve. Your smug self-satisfaction will not feed them. GMOs and farmed foods will.

>> No.11193608

>Do they have some magical set of ingredients?
In many cases, yes. A street stall in a 3rd world country has no refrigerator, therefore the ingredients have no choice but to be fresh. Also, the food is generally cooked to order by someone who is very very good at it. Compare that with typical Corporate fast food:
-ingredients aren't fresh. they have been sitting in warehouses and freezers for weeks
-cooks have no clue what they're doing. they're bored teenagers with no skill.
-the food is rarely cooked to order, it's been sitting in warming trays or under heatlamps.

>>As opposed to what?
You can buy free-ranged meat. You can also hunt and fish, or raise your own. (I have rabbits and chickens currently).

>>You do realize that there are around 7 billion people on the Earth and they do prefer to not starve
We're not talking a bout them. OP asked us for our diet rules and I posted mine. You are welcome to do as you please. And as for muh 7 million people, we can easily feed them. I advocate for a diet that involves less, but higher quality meat. That kills several birds with one stone: it reduces the environmental disaster which is factory farming, the meat tastes better, and it reduces animal suffering. And not to mention that the average western diet includes an unhealthy amount of meat anyway.

>> No.11194271

>the ingredients have no choice but to be fresh
Or be rotten but get cooked anyway. But that doesn't fit the hipster narrative, does it?

>> No.11194281

>I think pushing food on people is worse
Well you are wrong.

>> No.11194305

>Or be rotten but get cooked anyway.
Sure, that's a possibility.
But I'll gladly roll the dice rather than settle for guaranteed mediocrity at Mickey Dee's or the like. I've been eating street food for years and I haven't been sick once. Remember, those guys depend on word-of-mouth to keep customers. They don't have multimillion dollar advertising campaigns or a busload of lawyers to straighten things out when there's a problem. They have a vested interest in not fucking over their customers, unlike the pimply-faced bitch at your local burger joint. Besides which, you can watch the cooks work. If you don't trust their ingredients don't order. You have no clue what kind of shenanigans are going on the kitchen of the local fast food joint.

>>hipster narrative
I don't know what you're on about. I just would rather have freshly cooked food prepared by an expert than something that was microwaved two hours before I ordered it.

Food doesn't get any fresher than a damn wet market. Buy the fish or chicken or whatever, carry it over to the cooks while it is still alive...

>> No.11194307

I think you fucked up your joke dude
Or was it like a reverse joke or something

>> No.11194313

Ten commandments were written on blue sapphire

>> No.11194648

How do you write on sapphire?

>> No.11194658

Paint would work. So would a diamond stylus.

Or, you know, if you're god himself....