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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11186083 No.11186083 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have food preps or plans for an EOTWAWKI event?

>> No.11186089

No, because I'm not retarded.

>> No.11186097

I don't believe you.

>> No.11186129

The best thing is to die quickly. I don't wanna see any of it.

>> No.11186146

that's beta af, friend

>> No.11186150


>> No.11186163
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Depends on the end.

I'll probably dress like a lunatic, drink myself silly, and arm myself to shoot anyone who tries to cut my life shorter than the very end. I want to see it happen. Probably that really nice ribeye I have in the freezer though. Or the london broil if the stove is still working. Maybe I'll light a fire just to char the outside and eat it caveman style for kicks.

>> No.11186214

I'm sure there'd be a lot of suicides as well as people just going berserker and randomly mowing people down as well coordinated raping and pillaging.

I'd probably just go cannibal for food immediately as that's what it will come down to for everyone at some point. I can get a head start on everyone, develop good recipes for human meat so no one would want to eat me since I could make human meat enjoyable to eat instead of repulsive. I'd have a special niche.

>> No.11187237


>>believes in some alpha male bullshit after the nukes.

Nope 75% of us will die of panic, depression and the blast itself. we cant grow shit, we are close to urban areas and we can only have a mosin nagant, that we can only shoot at a still target at 20 yards.

The stubborn ones will get raided and slaughtered. Our knowledge of SNES games and anime will be pointless.

Slavs and flyovers get the +5 to survival.

>> No.11187856

I live in backwater Aus. EOTWAWKI is literally just my town going about our usual business for a good month or two before we're like "Huh, the fuel delivery truck guy hasn't turned up in a while."

>> No.11187861

Actually, you'd be raped to death immediately.

>> No.11187863

>Nope 75% of us will die of panic, depression and the blast itself.
not really. nuclear war is highly survivable

>> No.11187921

>London broil
Holy shit that is the last fucking thing in the world I'd ever want

>> No.11187926


>> No.11187967


>> No.11188010

yeah, only the people like half a km from the blast die instantly
over 25 years i guess it's probably into the 100,000 plus area, but only if it was smack in the middle of new york city or something

>> No.11188150

why are americans so paranoid?

>> No.11188321

Because our entire world is falling apart piece by piece.

>> No.11188338
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humanity will go out with a whimper, not a bang.. the writing is already on the wall.

>~20 years of wild caught seafood until all the ecosystems involving the ocean collapse
>oil will be gone not much longer after
>changing weather patterns causing mass drought

you'd have to be insane or completely oblivious/stupid to have kids at this point in time

>> No.11188344

Who gives a fuck

>> No.11188369


i try to tell myself that i don't.

my plan is to just shoot myself when shit gets bad

>> No.11189094

Canned food, I guess?

Then by the time I run out I would've figured out how to farm/hunt/fish.

>> No.11189105

>we cant grow shit
Nagasaki and Hiroshima and both thriving cities, anon.
The exclusion zone around Chernobyl is teeming with both flora and fauna.

Your life expectancy would be lowered, sure, but you could definitely grow crops.

>> No.11189392

This actually

>> No.11189516

The emp effects on our infrastructure will kill a lot more people.

>> No.11189548



>> No.11189567

Is this how poor flyovers cope, by pretending they will have the edge in some nuclear event? Lmao

>> No.11189568

I plan to die.

>> No.11189577

So your rebuttal to actual facts about real atomic weapons and the places where they were used is a 2-minute clip from a movie?

>> No.11189625

oh yeah that movie wasn't researched or anything..

Actually nobody said growing crops after a nuclear exchange is impossible. They actually show it in the movie.

>> No.11189676

So "we can't grow shit" meant something else?

>> No.11189779

That wasn't me genius.

As the movie shows it is possible to grow crops after a nuclear exchange. Practically nobody will live past 35, you will go blind from ultraviolet radiation and a third of the population will die of starvation but yeah you can grow (some) crops.

>> No.11189963


>> No.11190425
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I have stores of rice, MREs and h2o. Living inna woods I guess I'd try to supplement using wild game and fish. Suck it, dead-ass city people.
Also, Spam. I have a lot of Spam too.

>> No.11190458

I live in a big coastie city. I only have stuff for blackouts and storms, don't really have anything for end of the world events because we're gonna get vaporized/

>> No.11190472

Not being prepared by having hunting/mountaineering skills....

Anon I'm at a loss here...

>> No.11190512
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I'm more concerned about my city being obliterated by a catastrophic earthquake/tsunami than nuclear war. I live on solid bedrock pretty high above sea level but it doesn't bring me much comfort.

>> No.11190539

>have mountaineering skills
>no mountains
to what end?

>> No.11190546

Making a fuck ton of baked spaghetti before this hurricane shows up. Does that count?

>> No.11190547

>That wasn't me genius.
>Actually nobody said growing crops after a nuclear exchange is impossible.

You said nobody, genius.

>> No.11190559

There's a lot of geniuses on this board.

>> No.11190575

I'd think spaghetti has a pretty low drag coefficient but it is very light. No. Rice is the thinking man's hurricane food.

>> No.11190577

>Mountaineering means you need mountains to learn a transferable skills.


>> No.11190607

But you're still carrying too much gear here in the Great Plains.
Go rappel off muh butt lol.

>> No.11190622

Repelling is for blueliners. A real man builds an energy efficient hut once at the top and disconnects from the modern world. Want me to live on the top of your butt anon?

>> No.11190630
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sort of...

>> No.11190644

If that's your dog we'll have to make a stew out of it. I don't imagine too many natural resources are found on Mount anon

>> No.11190661
File: 73 KB, 640x480, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping you'd make a stew of my butt! oooooooooooooooo

>> No.11190963
File: 295 KB, 700x704, 1531882890147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh guns and prepping food because I'm an autist

>> No.11190973

>Suck it, dead-ass city people
>yfw I infiltrate your compound because am a trustworthy and waterboard you for lulz and martial law
>proceed to leave you alive to feed you to my dogs

>> No.11191082
File: 10 KB, 194x259, piglywiggly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hoard food and ammo, got muh popguns and trained at biweekly paintball games so I'm a gonna survive apocalypse shite and kick everybodies ass
>local military bases establish independent local jurisdiction with massive firepower, essentially warlords
>they go house to house raping and pillaging
>/k/faggot stands in his doorway waiving his AR-15 in defiance
>patrol commander laughs and obliterates anon
That'll do pig, that'll do.