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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11187232 No.11187232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be fat lazy zoomer
>get raised by fat disgusting parents to eat processed trash and drink soda
>see internet and realize you're a fat bastard because your diet fucking sucks ass and you don't exercise
>instead of getting motivated and turning your disgusting fat life around you come to /ck/ and make junk food, soda, and candy posts instead

This is why you will have the beetus by 30 and die before 50.

>> No.11187285

>people say that shit like spinach, broccoli, and avocado is supposed to taste good

>I actually think it all tastes absolutely horrendous.

>Realize that you have been psychologically conditioned to dislike it by processed food maufacturers/

>> No.11187299


>> No.11187352
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At least they're starting to make exercise classes that appeal to zoomers now.

>> No.11187384

Pretty much, but it's a physical conditioning as much as it is a mental conditioning.

Processed foods usually have elevated levels of sweet/fat/salt, and when you are fed enough of that shit, your brain becomes conditioned to those elevated levels of sweet/fat/salt, becomming the "norm". Any time you eat something that ISN'T overloaded with sweet/fat/salt it tastes bland as shit, and you won't like it without adding your own crap.

This is what happens to most fat people. They want to eat "right", but when they try real food, it doesn't taste good to them because their taste levels have become fucked up by processed foods. They don't realize that it took time to condition themselves to junk, so it will take time to condition themselves to real food.

Parents basically fuck their kids by conditioning them on processed foods and soda.

>> No.11187389


>ate all those stuff since I was a kid because east yurop and we had a garden
>got super confused when I saw all those western cartoons with kids hating them
>processed food and 90% of western fruits and vegetables tastes absolutely disgusting to me and retards think I'm just snobby
>never understood vegetarians either, I was present at animals getting slaughtered since I was 3
>everyone thinks I'm just trying to show of when I tell I cook everything for myself, because in america its fart sniffing snobbery to not eat fast food like atleast five times a week
>if not, they have a super S P E C I A L sauce recipe that they MUST share(its fucking shit and involves ateast 20 ingredients)

America has zero food culture, i would feed you from a trough like a pig cause you worked hard to deserve it.

>> No.11187404


Protip: your gut flora is a huge factor in what you like. Those bacteria thrive on a specific environment so they will release chemicals that makes you crave more of that food, so unless you get medically purged and different strains of microbes settle your ass, you will want to keep returning to salt, sugar and fat unless you go through the year long effort of replacing them the slow way , eating all healthy and never slipping.

>> No.11187441

I wish death would claim me sooner so I wouldn't have to deal with disagreeable people like you anymore.

>> No.11187450
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>be me a leaf
>live off garden fresh veg and egg, local butch for most meat
>find the love of cooking
>dedicate hours to research and experimenting
>host dinner parties where guests love food
>watch cooking shows and the like
>think brothers to the south have the kitchen on lockdown
>buisness trip to a state I've never been too
>spend a week planning a culinary tour for after hours.
>instructed to make first stop pic related by isreali honey pot image database
>pic related is fucking nasty
>dreams crushed

>> No.11187452

well, it's a self fixing problem i guess

>> No.11187458

I get all my vitamins from monster plus with viatimins you insignificant ignaramus

>> No.11187467

FUCCKKKKK I literally have cancer now holy shit I hate this fucking country WHAT THE FUCK!!?!?!?

I am leaving this piece of shit third world country I fucking swear just you watch me I cant take this bullshit anymore AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

>> No.11187480
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>> No.11187508


I find it depthlessly funny how americans always go "y-y-youre j-just j-j-jealous!" instead of admitting any shortcoming, much less fixing it.

>> No.11187526

Readjusting your taste takes three weeks. Just accept that everything will taste like cardboard for three weeks when you start eating healthy, then suddenly it won't anymore.
On a healthy diet you can recalibrate your gut flora in a matter of weeks. Replace the meat, cheese, sugar and white starch with a ton of vegetable fiber and it happens pretty quickly.

>> No.11187555
File: 84 KB, 640x480, meanwhile in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This describes America in most every way: Our history (Slavery was fun!,) our education system (No child left behind. Except all of them.,) our infrastructure (crumble, crumble.,) our voting system (da, tova'ich!) etc., etc.
>t. history professor at a flyover R1

>> No.11187570

True that, we're essentially the deluded Pangloss from Candide, "best of all possible worlds" mentality with insidious flag waving barriers setup to prevent any kind of analysis as to why 40%+ of us are struggling for basic necessities including food while the economy is booming. Really makes you think.

>> No.11187579

Ya bullshit, I was raised on poptarts, general tso's and popcorn but once I turned 19 I decided to drop all that shit. Now I'm down over 100 lbs and I love broccoli just as much as cheetos still.

>> No.11187586

I can really level with the cooking everything for yourself part. Once you're good at it, eating out is a waste of time, money, and health.

>> No.11187598

>Pangloss from Candide
Your references are sick, bro. I love teaching this book.

>> No.11187610

mad. simply mad.

>> No.11187620
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I wish I could die before 30 :(

>> No.11187624

>Doesn't like being treated as a snob
>Has pretentious snobby behaviour
Snob (noun) a person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people

>> No.11187626

>Our history (Slavery was fun!,) our education system (No child left behind. Except all of them.,)
The second of your outlooks possibly explaining the first...

>> No.11187642


>why are you eating proper food you made yourself instead of frash fast food?! SNOB!!

The perfect american steretype. Arent you the guy from before?

>> No.11187646

No doubt. A 30+ year jihad to eradicate "un-American" higher ed can't happen without also destroying primary ed. If people don't think, you can use them easily.

>> No.11187687

>plays softly in the background

>> No.11187697
File: 26 KB, 550x350, Meanwhile in Belgium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Belgium, they'd elect him the health minister.

>> No.11187712

>Ignores my central point of what a snob adda strawman for good measure

>> No.11187724

>Ya bullshit,
No, dude, science. Conditioning your brain on junk is little different than conditioning your brain on spicy foods. If you eat a bunch of hot peppers, you're going to develop a tolerance over time, and your brain won't react to "normal" levels of hot shit the same way normal people do. In time, you can eat hotter, and hotter foods with no issue. Same thing happens to a lot of people with sweet/salt/fat processed shit, which is why they usually won't like "normal" food.

Regardless, I'm happy you changed your diet, anon.

>> No.11187746


>he keeps doubling down

What are you honestly expecting from this discussion, what will happen? People will stop noticing how shitty american food culture is? Cooking wont be superior to fast food?

I just really dont see what you stand to gain from this.

>> No.11187752

>be me
>don't use ketchup for like a year
>decide to make some hashbrowns and want ketchup
>buy bottle o' Heinz
>slather it on the potatoes
>spit that shit right the fuck out because the "ketchup" tastes sickeningly sweet

I don't know if they changed the recipe or if it's just my taste buds, but I don't remember it being that fucking sweet.

>> No.11187757

>I'll just double down on my stupid shit and accuse them of doubling down

>> No.11187769
File: 28 KB, 640x360, Lil Bits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question, do people this fat suffer from poor vision? I mean do they have the same field of view?

Also how do they stay this fat? Their mouth has gotten small from being swallowed by all the excess tissue. How are they getting it in there? Are they sucking in sugar and fat through a straw?

>> No.11187783

That's YEARS and years of dedicated apathy and physical inactivity.

>> No.11187784

Obesity is a crisis in many places on earth. Kids literally don't move and eat a ton of processed shit and are getting all sorts of illnesses. This is a good thing, getting kids up and doing something that's interesting for them. They can't play red Rover or dodgeball or even tag at some schools.

>> No.11187785


>goes full shitpost



100g of ketchup contains about 20-30g sugar. To compare, 100g Nutella contains ~54g. You are basically eating tomato-flavored sugar cream.

>> No.11188513

But OP I have changed my life around and lost over 60 pounds so far :3

>> No.11189359

I'm healthy for a Canadian and I was friends with a Russian foreign exchange student. So when we went to a cafeteria and I had an apple he told me shit about how awful the apples are here and how much more natural and less waxy they are in Europe. I didn't get upset, I got jealous because God damn I know there's wax and I would love to try a real apple, but it's not like I can reasonably find 100% real Spanish apples in Canada in season at a reasonable price

>> No.11189368

Avocados are all fat. They are delicious if you eat them when they reach the correct ripeness. Add a touch of salt.

>> No.11189457

Don't you have farmers markets or pick your own orchards? They're all over even in the sterile megacorporate US.

>> No.11189494

In awe of the size of this lad, absolute unit.