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11172605 No.11172605 [Reply] [Original]

Why is America’s tipping culture so different from the rest of the world?

>> No.11172622

Rabble rabble rabble

>> No.11172633

i thought black people didnt tip

>> No.11172639

Culture of entitlement and handouts

>> No.11172792

>America America America America.

>> No.11173040

>stop talking about our aberrant customs that only we do for some reason
We want to understand.

>> No.11173103 [DELETED] 

To make up for niggers

>> No.11173152

while this is an obvious bait thread, i do wonder how the whole "mandatoriy tipping" culture came about. I mean, i most european countries, tipping is just a way of showing your appreciation for good service, and is understood as a little extra for the waiter. in french, it's called "pourboire", litterally meaning you're buying the waiter a drink to thank him for the service. you're not completing his wage or anything, and no one will look at you sideways if you don't tip: it just means you weren't impressed by the food/service.
But in america, it's like you're supposed to pay the waiter, regardless of service, because it's understood his wage isn't sufficient to live. how the fuck did this happen?

>> No.11173176

Here in Canada, bartenders, pizza delivery guys, and most waiting employees make less than minimum, not that much mind you but they do make less, so tipping is common courtesy.

>> No.11173184

>But in america, it's like you're supposed to pay the waiter, regardless of service
No it isn't.

If I get bad service, I don't tip, period.

>> No.11173193

yeah but people will look down on you and call you selfish. like waiters not eraning enough is your problem somehow

>> No.11173198

How is this a bait thread, faggot?

>> No.11173209

I've never had that happen to me. Then again I'm not friends with sanctimonious shitheads so maybe that's a factor.

>> No.11173213

It's your choice to go to a place where you know that the people that serve you aren't paid unless you pay them, and then not pay them. The converse argument is to say "Oh well you shouldn't be a server then!" There are several reasons that this is bullshit, perhaps the most important of which would be that SOMEBODY has to do it, meaning that you must think that there is a certain amount of the population that just deserves to not get paid once in a while because you say so. The other big one being that that's that person's job, and I may be for a good reason. Going to a restaurant as a patron is a luxury.

>> No.11173215


>> No.11173225

It's a fairly innocuous practice that has little incentive to change. It amazes me how much attention European teenagers give to tipping in America.

>> No.11173231

>hurr durr everything I don’t like must be a bait thread

Get the fuck off my board you moronic redditor

>> No.11173238

nowhere was i implying they shouldn't be payed. on the contrary, i was pointing out that in many countries waiters ARE paid a decent wage and don't rely on tipping, at all. As it should be. it's just an extra, a thank you for good service.learn to read please

>> No.11173241

It was started during prohibition as a way for restaurant owners to make up the money they lost from lost alcohol sales. Once prohibion was repealed, it never went away, since everyone was used to it already, and restaurant owners wanted to keep the extra money they saved from not properly paying their waitstaff. It still continues to this day because everyone guilts everyone else into doing it.

>> No.11173242


>> No.11173243

just a reminder that all wait staff makes at least federal minimum wage and that the “wait staff wage” meme means that the employer makes up the difference between their tips and the minimum wage

however most wait staff take the job knowing they’ll bring home at least $100+ a night

>> No.11173258

You weren't saying any of that in the actual post I was replying to, in fact you seemed to be talking specifically about the situation in America where tipping is how they get paid.

Anyway, I agree that servers should just earn a normal wage like everybody else. Some bastard figured out that you can shirk your payroll off onto the customer and the other two parties will just blame each other for any problems that arise from that. Smart idea, also evil as fuck.

>> No.11173278

>You weren't saying any of that in the actual post I was replying to
> i most european countries, tipping is just a way of showing your appreciation for good service, and is understood as a little extra for the waiter.
> you're not completing his wage or anything
>But in america, it's like you're supposed to pay the waiter, regardless of service, because it's understood his wage isn't sufficient to live

again, learn to read please
>oh but you didn't EXPLICITELY say waiters should be paid regardless

>> No.11173291

You're quoting a post I did not reply to directly. I was more addressing the way you answered that other guy's post about not tipping. You can quit trying to patronize me now

>> No.11173334

What do you think would happen if employers had to start paying their servers higher wages?

They would pass it onto the customer with higher food costs.

It's cheaper to eat in America (even accounting for tipping) than it is in a lot of countries.

>> No.11173401

>It's cheaper to eat in America (even accounting for tipping) than it is in a lot of countries
I don't buy this for a second

>> No.11173415

So not even all tip? So it's about 50/50 in USA?

>> No.11173425

What meme is this in North America that you subsidize salary to tax payers and customers???

>> No.11173458

It's just a reality that it's very expensive to eat in many EU countries, eastern eu shitholes are a lot cheaper.
Specially North EU with high taxes, high wages, low food production and long distances and low population density drives prices up.

>> No.11173461

And despite Chicago being full of blacks, they still tip more often than the rest of America
God bless this city

>> No.11173479

I don't have the answer to that. I'm saying that it shouldn't have started in the first place. And I love the conflict between the boomer view that restaurants should get a break and get away with shitty and exploitative business practices, but on the flipside millenials are lazy and entitled and that's why they're poor--both resultant of how our economy has taken shape

>> No.11173485

I think tipping should end. If you can't afford to pay your staff, then don't hire them.

>> No.11173502
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Why the fuck is this in alphabetical? If they want to demonstrate their point they should have it sorted by descending averages.

>> No.11173505

>shitty and exploitative business practices
What if I told you that servers themselves don't want tipping to go away? They make way, way more money from tips than they would ever reasonably get from hourly wages.

Even in shitty restaurants like Applebee's they can make upwards of $20 an hour.

>> No.11173515

they needed some way to put the (((diverse))) cities on top

>> No.11173517

It's vastly cheaper in America than a lot of Europe.

Don't take my word for it. Go on British/European fast food websites and look how much it costs to get a pizza.

>> No.11173530

You're not wrong. I guess I'm getting a little wrapped up in the principle. My real problem is that it makes people paying for their dinner into a moral dilemma

>> No.11173800

>lived in australia and uk, visited eu and asia
>go to america
>visit 2 Hawaiian islands, LA, SF, various rural and urban places in Texas, New Orleans, New York, LV
>only in New Orleans was I able to find anything remotely interesting and beyond mediocre
>service was bad everywhere by euro and asia standards
>portions were typically huge unfinishable marathons (muh "good value")
>said portions drive the price up to what I'd pay in eu/au
>i'm expected to tip for the shit service on top

I just know some flyover retard will say I only went to "muh tourist trap cities". There are quite fine places to eat in Rome, Sydney, London, and etc so you've got no excuse.

>> No.11173808

Opening up a restaraunt is one of the hardest businesses to be successful in. Often your profit margins are razor thin. Tipping supplements wages for wait staff so mom and pop places can be plentiful and stay open. I don’t have an issue tipping at a place like that.

Takeout is a different story. It chaps my ass that I’m expected to tip for fucking take out.

>> No.11173815

>whiter cities tip less

>> No.11173844

>believing things posted to 4chins without any sources

>> No.11173906

Its the same reason why swedes will suck anyones cock or how brits tell time by how many times big ben bongs, its just an unexplained mystery that cant be changed.

>> No.11173966

I hate tipping but its honestly needed. Its a same but tipping gives them an incentive to actually do their job the right way. Hell even with tipping half the servers I get are shit and my drink is empty for 10 minutes at at time. If my drink is empty for more than a couple minutes you get no tip.

>> No.11173973

>be EU
>don't tip so you get bad service
>don't go to the restaurant again, thus incentivizing the owner to train their employees better

>> No.11173987

This is the best answer I've read. It's just one of those things we do and we don't think about it much because we aren't poor. If it was such a big deal to Americans it wouldn't exist anymore.

>> No.11174008

>It's just one of those things we do and we don't think about it much because we aren't poor
I mean memes aside it's not like the rest of the world refuses to tip because they're poor, realistically speaking they're about as well off as the average American. It's literally just that it's something we do and don't think twice about while nobody else does it.

>> No.11174018

>go to japan and korea
>get spoiled by non-tipping culture where sevice in even low level restaurants is far superior to anything in the US except for extremely high level fine dining
>see owner slap a waitress in the face and fire her on the spot for a minor transgression
>return to 'murrica and continually get shitty service by slatternly, tatooed, self entitled, unaware servants even in relatively higher level restaurants
When you return to the US from an extended trip in asia, you realize just how badly we're cucked by restaurant owners and servants. #stoptipping.

>> No.11174084


>> No.11174108

Waiters/waitresses are paid terrible wages (the minimum wage for them is actually way lower than whatever the minimum wage is in your state) so while the food is cheaper, it’s on the customer to make sure that your waitress can actually pay her bills

>> No.11174136

Why in North America you subsidize workers salary to tax payers and customers???

>> No.11174176

If minimum wages are not met with tips, then the employer must make up the difference. Statistically, virtually no waiters make minimum wage.

>> No.11174187

That is just stupid and fucked up system.

>> No.11174190

only for rude or ugly waiters.

>> No.11175216
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>tfw would get tips for working at a fast casual restaurant
>tfw would never tip when eating out
>tfw would fart on or put boogers in the food of every autist that looks like he'd be from this board cause i knew they wouldn't tip


>> No.11175297
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>he doesn't reverse tip

>> No.11175388

20% everytime
Food is cheaper here so nbd anyhow

>> No.11175396

Loads of rich whites in Northern Chicago, plus the whites who live right near the city and travel into town for nice dinners and other shit.
If it was St. Louis, then you could be perplexed.

>> No.11175413
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because we care about people, and love when they try their best to succeed!

[nospoiler]societal pressure[/nospoiler]

>> No.11175456

The USA seems to have a weird bit mass psychology (brainwashing? propaganda?) where business are able to evade public hostility.

I think the root of this may be in the efforts made to break the Labor Unions from the 30s and onward. The massive amount of Pro-capitalistic propaganda was also a significant factor.

>Immigrants r stealin our jobs!!!
>The Companies chose to hire "immigrants" instead of "Americans"
>Anger at the Government, anger at the immigrants, not so much at the people actually choosing to do the asshole thing

>> No.11175553

Why does Europe have less chain restaurants then?
Also it's takeaway not takeout

>> No.11175565

4 euros for steak haché at my local you shit cunt

>> No.11175702

>fast food
but that's proof that tipping has nothing to do with it

this is total bullshit. tipping is not an incentive to work harder. it's justification in their entitled minds to do a poor job if they think someone isn't going to tip. literally the only reason I and probably a lot of people tip is fear of retaliation for not tipping.

>> No.11175744

holy shit only 50% people tip? i thought it was like 90%
im never tipping again

>> No.11175788

>successful business
>can't make enough money to pay staff

>> No.11175903

I'm a bartender in Japan. No-one tips here but if they want to tip a bartender they'll buy the staff a drink.

>> No.11175981

When was this? If somebody has a shit meal in a major city in the smartphone age it's squarely on them.

>> No.11176047

2012, and no, reviews from tripadvisor, google, yelp or wherever are not going to help you.

>> No.11176072

>and no, reviews from tripadvisor, google, yelp or wherever are not going to help you.
...newspaper and magazine food writers, bloggers, street press blog and food writer aggregators...

>> No.11176751
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I wish I was a cowboy american gangster who murdered any lowlife waiter who dared attempt shaming me into giving them dollars.


>> No.11176758

based can't think for himself poster

>> No.11176799

Here in Pennsylvania the average waiter jobs pay about 2-3 dollars per hour and the rest is all in tips.

>> No.11176812

Waiting staff and others can be paid below minimum wage in most (all?) states so long as the customer tips them above it.

As such there is a societal pressure to tip so employees aren't underpaid and companies don't have to make up the difference because we are fucking slaves to corporations here

>> No.11176940

>It's your choice to go to a place where you know that the people that serve you aren't paid unless you pay them,
The employer breaking the law is not the customer's problem, it's the employee's problem. If they're working there and not, for instance, suing the employer then the situation is entirely their fault.

>> No.11176957

The people this show "imitated" thought the same. That's how they got locked up and put into bubbas cell crying "I"m the sopranos, I'm the sopranos".

>> No.11177177

you get one (you)

>> No.11178195

>tipping gives waiters an incentive to perform well
>tip, still get shit service
what's your point

>> No.11178265

when you work a tipped job in the states (like a waiter) you are paid a nominal wage
something like 2-3 dollars an hour and if you aren't making that much in tips something is clearly wrong
when I worked as a waiter in a mid-tier restaurant I never took a check home because I worked a minimum of 4 tables for about 4-6 hours a day
turnover was maybe :45-1:15 so I was able to pretty easily make 15-25 dollars an hour and I usually took home over $100 a day
the perks of the job was being able to trade shifts/swap schedules very easily and work as many hours as I wanted
and I declared(for my w-2) how much I made in cash tips with zero records of who gave what

the restaurant basically ends up with free labor and I make way more for my limited time (and I don't have to pay taxes on most of it)

>> No.11178300

Euro in Burgerland here.
At first, I was disgusted by the idea of tipping.
Then, I realised that even with tipping 20% for every table service meal out, it would still be cheaper than eating out back home.
Say a steak dinner costs $20. With tip, that'd be $24. Back home, a similar dinner would cost the US equivalent of $35 or more. The reason is two-fold.
1) food in general costs more in Europe than it does in the US
2) the cost of paying waitstaff a living wage has to be appended to the price of the meal

Even if you take food prices into account, reason 2 increases the cost of table service dining in Europe beyond what it would cost in the US. That steak dinner would likely cost about $26 or so. It's not much more, but it's more nonetheless.

One way or another, the customer is paying the waitstaff's wages, be it directly through America's tipping system or indirectly through the inflated price tag.

As for why America has tipping but we don't: idklol.
Your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.11178306

i don't care if food prices raise 15%-18%, stop making me pay your fucking employees.

>> No.11178317

you realize if restaurants start paying competitive wages the government starts getting 3x the cut, taxing you when you buy it, the restaurant when they get it and the waiter when they get paid

or you could slide 6 dollars onto the table and keep things the way they are

>> No.11178321

Where I live waiters get a regular hourly wage and tips and they still complain

>> No.11178331

I would imagine they'd rise beyond 16-18%, anon. More like 30%.
Your Moons Over My Hammy would suddenly cost $14 instead of $10.79 ($12.95 with a 20% tip).

>> No.11178344

Tipping is only ever mandatory in certain part sizes due to the requirement of far more specialized service and potentially more staff required for one party. Otherwise tipping is never ever mandatory. Excellent waiters and bartenders will do just fine with people willingly tipping them for excellence.

>> No.11178350

Fuck them, then. It's the reason I don't tip coffee monkeys here. For one, they get a normal wage and secondly, if I have to walk up to the till to make my order then get up again when you've made it, how are you any different than a worker at a fast food burger joint? You're not, that's how. Why do coffee monkeys have tip jars but the pimply faced teens at Taco Bell don't? Fuck you, coffee monkey. You're getting SFA from me.

>> No.11178367
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because most americans dont know the law

>> No.11178386

You've never managed a restaurant. At no point in my career could I afford to increase the labor percentage of costs without raising prices. I dont know where this business illiterate meme of businesses just having piles of extraneous money come from but its batshit insane and needs to end. I'd rather keep my costs low and allow great waitstaff to make more money than even some professional jobs than hike my prices just so I can force my staff to not even scrape by on minimum wage. It's simple - dont like it? Dont patronize my establishment. I'll be more than happy to compete with non tipping establishments and continue my near flawless reviews and ratings.

>> No.11178395

>making me
And how precisely do the owners do that, place a gun to your head? They're (((guilting))) you into it so in fact you're responsible for accepting it. Blame no one but your limp wristed weakass self for accepting their projection of guilt. Idk, read some fucking Nietsche, you loser.

>> No.11178404

>SOMEBODY has to do it
90% of the servers in the world can be destroyed. I don't need a high schooler or a failed boomer bringing me a sandwich and glass of water. Most places could be fast food/deli counter style and I'd be happy. Actual waiters and waitresses are a different story of course.

>> No.11178408

I can afford to pay my staff minimum wage. But why would they want that job for minimum when my waitstaff makes on average $19 an hour? They make even more on average during fall to winter. It seems like youd rather have me force a take home pay cut for my staff rather than grow a spine and just not tip bad service just because you feel too socially awkward about not tipping.

>> No.11178413

>tipping gives them an incentive to actually do their job the right way

Waiter here, no it doesn't. I can do basically whatever I want because i know you will tip no matter what i do outside of literally taking a shit on your table and even then you would probably tip a dollar. If anything tipping gives me incentive to cut corners because the more table I can clear out faster the more money I will make and working my ass off for half the tables to get an extra dollar just does not make financial sense for me.

>> No.11178414

everyone should get the same average service, this entire "tipping higher for better service" is shit

>> No.11178424

So youd rather have my waitstaff experience a serious pay cut and have service go downhill as a result of what is a merely stressful job at $20/hr now being an absolutely shut job at $7.50/hr because of some retarded principle? What is actually wrong with you?

>> No.11178435

30% of my 10 dollar meal is only 3 dollars, thats literally nothing and no one would care because... now try and follow me one this... THEY ALREADY HAVE TO PAY THAT EXTRA # BUCKS ON THE MEAL ANYWAY BECAUSE THE RETARDED TIPPING PRACTICES

>> No.11178443

i guarantee the service isn't as good as you think it is
waitresses make bank, fuck them, getting to bitch about "how hard they have it" remembering to bring a napkin, whining about not making minimum wage, while making more than anybody else in the establishment while being THE most useless and unneeded employees.
it's maddening how entitled they are, how they think they're entitled to pity and more money for less work
i'll carry my own fucking drink, bosses can fire all servers in 95% of locations. the rich people places can still have waiters, because they want to be waited on, and don't mind throwing money away

>> No.11178446

So if they are already paying the same money either way, and with tipping you have the choice of not tipping particularly bad staff, then what exactly is bothering you?

>> No.11178464


>> No.11178470

Exactly, they make bank. This means of you dont feel as if they've done anything worth a tip then you are more than welcome to not do so. My waitstaff will not feel it because we clear hundreds of tables a day and half of them make way more than minimum even part time vs full time. Pay what you think is worth it. I dont see people bitching about choose your prices on bandcamp.

>> No.11178501

because you are basically forcing an employee to to have an uncertain cash flow where a bad night could mean disaster from a financial standpoint while you reap all the benefits of cheap labor which is fucked up and should be illegal. in fact if we were to believe the OP picture roughly half of people dont tip so if you had those people paying the extra 3 dollars on there now 10 dollar meal you would be making even more money then you are right now so its quite literally a win win for every single person involved in your business which i why literally everywhere else in the world does it this way aside from america

>> No.11178506

In Europe they don't tip. How did this craziness even start?

>> No.11178514

Yeah, just use your innate psychic abilities to review restaurants in cities you are visiting via out of body experiences before you go.

Fucking retard.

>> No.11178517

Is this person really trying to argue that 30% = 20% or have I misunderstood something here?

>> No.11178537

your misunderstanding, the guy is saying eliminating tipping would result in a 30% increase in the meal cost (which is a retarded number he pulled out of his ass but whatever) and i am saying that no one would care because while they are tipping they are basically paying that amount already and the actual difference in cost if you assumed a 30% increase in meal cast with no tip is like a dollar which no one would notice nor care about. honestly if you were smart in how you marketed it you could probably charge even more because people would think they were getting a deal by not having to tip

>> No.11178545

You're really going to sit there and try to tell me how much my staff makes? Even on slow nights they make much more than minimum wage. And how exactly am I forcing anyone to do something they dont want to? As for OP's image, I dont know how true that actually is but considering the vast differences in restaurants around the country I'd say it's mostly meaningless when considering actual sit down restaurants. Also very dependent on location - inner city areas may have bigger problems due to social circumstances, but then again that's the choice people make.

>> No.11178546
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better question.

Why do europeans care so much if we do something different? you do you

>> No.11178565

it's bizarre how america is the only place in the world that thinks like this

>> No.11178571

i know right. america needs to be poorer. then they will know the truth like us.

>> No.11178573

Even better question: Why do Americans act like they're the only ones whose habits are questioned by other countries and pretend they don't do the same?

>> No.11178580

yes i am going to sit here and tell you that because based on your obvious inability to do basic math and think through your own scenarios i dont think you are very smart and probably dont have the mental fortitude to pay attention to what your average server makes

also using an argument like location matter which it does for quite literally every business ever for the entirety of time further shows off your complete lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills

>> No.11178595

No they fucking don't. Servers have their own set minimum wage, and thats only if the place serves alchohol. Delivery drivers all make at least provincial minimum wage.
t. Ministry of labour employed

>> No.11178628

Eliminating tipping would result in a 30ish% increase because taxes would have to be levied on the employer, the waitstaff and you, the customer.
$10 for your meal, right? Well, lets not forget tax. 6% is about average the whole US over, so it's actually $10.60. Still, you only tip on the pre-tax amount so $12.60 total if you tip 20%.
Well, now that waitstaff earn over 3x more to meet federal minimum wage (from $2.13 +tips to $7.25 now that tips no longer exist), where do you think the extra pay is going to come from? You'd be incredibly naïve to think the employer will take it out of his own pocket so of course, the price of your meal has to increase to compensate. Say the employer only adds 26% to menu costs to cover that change. Cool. Now, your $10 meal suddenly costs $12.60. Oh look, we're right at the post-tax, post-tip price we saw earlier. But we've still got to add tax, don't we? So that's $13.36.
All you do when you enforce federal minimum wage on waitstaff is slash their income in half and give more money to the government than you do already.
Would you really rather pay more for the same service than less?

>> No.11178635

Bestest question

Why did you evade answering my question by essentially saying no u?

>> No.11178669

infinity plus one best question
ur ghey

>> No.11178713

They used to tip, but wised up unlike us. Read Orwell's, "Down and out in Paris and London," when he worked in the restaurant industry and tips were the only pay waiters in Paris received. Ironically, they were all anti-union and worked under slavish conditions because they mistakenly attempted to self identify with the wealthy people they served. Quite similar to the current status quo here.

>> No.11178798

Fucking a million times this.

>> No.11178804

You're putting way too much effort into this anon. The people who tip are fine with it, and the people who don't will never tip. There really isn't a problem to be solved here. Plus going out to a restaurant ever is absolutely retarded. Cook your own food at home.

>> No.11178811

That's partly true, but a lot of the hostility to unions here (if by "here" you mean the US) would be solved by reforming the cold war era union laws and allowing non-menial workers to participate in unions. American unions are garbage unless you're literally mentally retarded because anyone with half a brain will make more money by quitting the union and going into "management" (which is defined as basically anything other than absolute shit-tier entry level positions).

If you want to be a lifelong cashier or floor mopper, then yeah, join a union. Otherwise, the law says no.

>> No.11180776

Ask me how I know you have no IRL friends or social life.

>> No.11180788

How do you know?

>> No.11181301
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>The people who tip are fine with it, and the people who don't will never tip.

>> No.11181590

Because America is designed to strip foreigners of their culture so they end up like mindless, consumerist drones. Just like everyone else here. Same reason we don't use the metric system.

>> No.11181693

What exactly can you get for a 10 dollars meal?
What service can you expect if you pay that?
What do you think you are eating?

>> No.11181704

I guess facts are bait now

>> No.11181705

Because the american working class are not being paid decent salaries.

>> No.11181706

>strip ((((((((((foreigners)))))))))) of their ((((((((((((((((((((culture))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.11181714

Formula to calculate your city's percentage of tippers:

100 - (percentage of black people in city) = % of tippers

>> No.11181719

In other words trying to domesticate literal sub-humans like blacks and muslims.
People probably think that this is a racist joke but it is 100% accurate.

>> No.11181886


americans obey their corporate overlords and are also slaves to material objects and branding
think about lefties being obsessed and bowing down to disney (one of the biggest businesses in the world) because they put a black man in a movie (as if it isnt just a business move)

>> No.11182147

Lol, in 2018 that's the best example you can come up with? Really?

>> No.11182247

Or you could inspect the menu and see if it's interesting or standard, uses seasonal ingredients or not, check for red flags etc. Guess you'd rather just trust that 5 star review from Susie Flyover, the 47 y/o busy mom, who said "the fish tacos are to die for! :)"

>> No.11182307

It should be legal to murder anyone who says to me:

>if you can't afford to tip you can't afford to eat out

>> No.11182322

Short answer: a majority of restaurant owners pay a different minimum wage since servers get tips, so they’re usually making $2 an hour. Exaggerated figures, of course, I don’t have the data on me. Also take into account the media portrayal of adults, some with higher education, working these unskilled jobs to support themselves (any film or show with someone working at a diner is likely at the bottom of the bottom). So, out of guilt and progressivism, did the tipping culture become so fucked in the US.

Long answer: Jews

>> No.11182593

As a coffee monkey that gets a proper wage, for me it’s all about providing experience. I don’t expect tips, especially not from new people I serve. Tips are appreciated for little things, like remembering that Nathan rocks in at 8:15, and having his coffee and toastie ready before he’s even in the door. Or for making sure Susan can sneak in ahead of the line because she’s usually running late and appreciates the saved 3-8min of waiting in line. Routinely nets me $20
-$50 a day in tips.

>> No.11182596

He’s probably talking about Atlanta

>> No.11182598

This. When backpacking through the US, I could snag jobs waiting by telling the boss id work for free and just take tips. Would allow me to restock my funds easily.

>> No.11182742

NPCs see menu prices and tip as separate entities so they don't eat at places that combine them because then the menu price is too high and it *feels* like they're paying more.

>> No.11182776
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>> No.11182780

You should be doing that to your shortlist, not to restaurants at random. Ultimately as much as you might think of yourself as an independent minded member of the cognoscenti, you are the one that ends up walking into shit restaurants while travelling through major cities, not me. Dial down the ego and use all the tools at your disposal.

>> No.11182783

Story time

>> No.11183939


More like reddit time

>> No.11183980

You bumped this thread 5 hours later just to call anon a redditor?

>> No.11184048
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>> No.11184759

>employ basic method to independently sort restaurants by quality in eu and etc
>find good food with reasonable service and don't have to tip

>employ the same method in America
>find food that is mediocre at best and I must tip
So apparently I was supposed to trawl the internet for a dozen restaurants that other people (strangers that I can't vouch for) liked to make a "shortlist". THEN I'm allowed to choose based on that list (in america at least). Thanks Anon, will employ this method next time I end up in a country that thinks "restaurant = dressed up fast food".

>> No.11184782

Ohhh that waiter was so good at bringing out our food, he really deserves an arbitrary percentage of what we paid for our food because he smiled at us. Raise the prices then you jew fuck

>> No.11184852

It's up to you whether or not you spend 10 minutes on your smartphone at your mid-morning coffee stop or to continue to rely on your evidently failed sense of intuition. Please though, the next time someone points out that your failure to eat at good restaurants in cities with sometimes more than 10 million residents in the metropolitan area lies squarely with you and the failure to use the resources you have ready access to, don't get so fucking salty.

>> No.11185330

It's a meme, like rich people always tip well.

>> No.11185333
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>It's a meme

>> No.11185601

There's massive and pervasive anger at those companies.

The only people who unironically defend them now are leftists who whine IF WE DONT HIRE ILLEGALS WHO WILL PICK OUR FOOD to support their open border expansive welfare state

>> No.11185660

>Managing business
>Something that fails more often than not
>Controlling supplies, payroll, hiring, everything

>> No.11185667

based and redpilled

>> No.11185673

ive never been to america but my mother has, and she recently told me that you HAVE to tip after you eat. is this true? what happens if you dont tip?

>> No.11185676

you don't have to but the servers expect it and will be pissed

>> No.11185684

Really, nothing will happen, and if you're a foreigner, they are more likely to understand.

>> No.11185717

The server will follow you out the door. What happens after that is out of my jurisdiction.

>> No.11185719

No they wont, not unless he is eating at a fucking Applebee's.

>> No.11185961

It's for the most part bullshit. It's only "cheaper" if you're talking those awful chains that just reheat frozen food trucked in by a supplier. Go to a real restaurant that uses quality, fresh ingredients, and there's no real difference in price.

>> No.11185975

legally you can do wtf you want. not socially

>> No.11185996
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>rich people always tip well
HAH, no.

>> No.11186098

>Frequent a restaurant
>tip well
>get preferential service over poorfags

How the fuck do people not think tipping is the greatest thing ever?

>> No.11186116

Before now I didn't realise I hadn't made it clear so I'll state it plainly: my issue was that over a long trip to multiple cities and towns in the US, I was unable to have even by chance a meal that I would consider "good" by the standard I had come to know prior to the trip. On top of this I was expected to tip.

My simple and spontaneous-friendly method having served me well in other continents, but not in the US, does not come into the complaint. I only mentioned it in defence of the accusation that I had such a disparity of success in finding decent meals, not because of inherent conditions in the US that lowered restaurant quality across the board, but because I was apparently unable to look well enough or as it stands "by an appropriate method".

>> No.11186184

I was going to say Chicago isn't even STL when it comes to blacks
I genuinely believe if STL ever had a food crisis they would resort to cannibalism

>> No.11186229

I tip because I frequent the same places and wait staff often remember if I tip well and return the favor with better service.

>> No.11186251


tipping is literally an extra amount of money that you yourself deem appropriate to hand to someone else based on the service that they're already being paid to perform for you. i do not tip for shit service. i do not tip for someone literally handing me a meal that they wrote on a piece of paper. i do, however, go back to the jar and tip if someone made my latte pretty damn good because i can see them make it all the time and some baristas are fucking retarded and burn the milk and leave the espresso sitting there too long.

i don't tip cashiers at gas stations, i don't tip amazon.com, etc. etc.

>> No.11186261


addendum: i tip the fuck out of my jimmy john's delivery driver because that dude drives back and forth to the same building all day. i tip pizza guys because they fucking deserve that shit being heros and whatnot

>> No.11186278

>simple and spontaneous-friendly method
Do you mean by that you tried to talk to a random stranger in the US? With a furriner accent to boot? You're lucky you didn't get your head bashed in, damned furriner.

>> No.11187681

I only tip if the servant does a trick or is overly nice to the point I think they will have sex with me. I require entertainment as I mess up the table with my food plates.