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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11170557 No.11170557 [Reply] [Original]

based brad making beef jerks


>> No.11170563

This beef ain't gonna jerk itself ay vinny bo binny

>> No.11170564

I wish Brad was my big brother.

>> No.11170570

Does Claire taste his beef jerky?

>> No.11170575

the editing is pure kino xD

>> No.11170576

You KNOW Claire is jerking that beef all day long off-camera.

>> No.11170606

Brad's the chaddest of Chads.

>> No.11170612
File: 617 KB, 498x498, 971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claire leaves
>in brads next video after that he seems super excitable and happy

>> No.11170667

it was probably a sexual harassment case. and since brad is a loyal husband he wasn't having any of that shit

>> No.11170909

Did Claire really leave? Did she make a goodbye video?

>> No.11170935
File: 581 KB, 694x698, Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The fuck did you just say about Claire, bud?"

>> No.11171227

She moved to Alaska.

>> No.11171330

She was released back to the ocean.

>> No.11171538

delet this

>> No.11171994

Because she is a majestic mer-jewess, of course.

>> No.11172020

A rare Deepwater Jew.

>> No.11172026

can you imagine how thicc she's going to get in that cold climate?

>> No.11172027

Now I am imagining the yarmulke being a secret cover for a blowhole.

>> No.11172036

Depends on where she goes. I have family spread throughout the state, if she is just in anchorage or fairbanks or something she'll be fine.

>> No.11172079

Literally who?

>> No.11172180

He's probably banging that qt molly now

>> No.11172196

So this is just straight up advertising now, right?
I mean there's even the tk u 2 da | marks.

>> No.11172351

I wish he'd have mentioned how to make jerky in an oven without a dehydrator

>> No.11172372
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, molly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only one Molly worth being loved

>> No.11172376

I really enjoy cooking shows, but the whole
>I'm a comedian, this video is going to be two hours of me making shitty jokes
schtick is more than I can bear. Fuck Brad.

>> No.11172378

is that you posting, claire? he got you fired didn't he

>> No.11172380

the Chad Brad vs the Virgin Babish

>> No.11172385

Nope. I had never heard of Brad or Claire before today.

>> No.11172393
File: 234 KB, 900x600, Eye-of-Round-with-Grain-Instructions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutting for jerky meat
>eyeround and across the grain instead of with
>has a cooking show

>> No.11173068

Cutting it against the grain makes it less like chewing leather, which I can't blame him for doing with eye of round. You'd have a valid point if he was using a more tender cut, but he wasn't.

>> No.11173469
File: 262 KB, 637x478, nice reac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was the thread with Claire's pasta salad deleted? went afk for dinner and groceries and when I came back the thread was already gone. Did you people actually fight over her again?

>> No.11173487

but why though?

>> No.11173490

What’s the purpose of cutting with the grain? I’ve never made jerky before. Does it result in a mealy texzture when dried?

>> No.11173492

get off my board, seriously

>> No.11173495

From what I saw, Literally none of the posts in the thread were about the food.

>> No.11173563

wtf what is wrong with the people here?
Claire can actually cook, unlike shit stuff like epic meal time or jack or joey.

>> No.11173617

It wasn’t a very interesting recipe but yeah, that wasn’t the point of the thread.

>> No.11173635

All of those threads should be deleted. These BA threads showed up out of nowhere over the summer, have consistently been posted multiple times per day, and are straight up waifu garbage. It's pretty obvious shilling.

>> No.11173646

yeah man the cooking is what people like about claire not the brap posting and jew lusting

>> No.11173655

If you're making jerky from tender cuts of meat, cutting against the grain will result in jerky granules as the meat falls apart in the drying. Cutting with the grain gives tender cuts that more typical jerky toughness, but Brad used eye of round, which is a tough cut generally used for stewing. A tough cut like that will be even tougher if you cut with the grain, so cutting against it actually makes it reasonably chewable.

>> No.11173705

Why the fuck would you make jerky from tender cuts of meat? The jerking process will tenderize the tough meat just fine and is traditionally a way to use up cheap cuts of meat that are not nearly as commercially viable raw.

>> No.11173710

Mine was, I talked about how much I wanted to toss her delicious salad.

>> No.11173756

>Why the fuck would you make jerky from tender cuts of meat?
Valid question, makes as little sense to me as it does to you. That's my answer though.
The product didn't suffer from being cut against the grain in this case so I don't see why anybody would take issue with it other than a baseless sense of "but that's not how it's supposed to be done".

>> No.11173757

>Brad used eye of round
>whole time thought he was using rib eye
>spent the entire video wondering why he would waste a good cut on jerky
I feel like an idiot now

>> No.11173768

Pretty sure it was just for vacation

>> No.11173889
File: 938 KB, 2048x1152, 20171008_112547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot tries to make jerky
>doesn't even smoke it
>millennials who have only ever eaten industrial pulped jerky in cryovac from gas stations start bitching about crossgrain or with grain cutting
Never change, faggots.

>> No.11173907

ah yes just start up a giant smoker in the world trade centre what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.11173913

>smoking meat
i'm not gay

>> No.11173949

>biggest criticism is "he didn't smoke it"
bring some actual firepower next time you want to get mad about something

>> No.11174070

Imagine being this gay.

>> No.11174213

he says in the video
>cut it against the grain so it'll fall apart easier rather than tearing away in shreds
and then follows up with
>at least that's how I like it, if you want to cut with the grain then go ahead

>> No.11174242

I know what that feels like with cooked meat but never tried it with jerky. Gonna have to try it out

>> No.11175899

god i hope i never get THIS gay.

>> No.11175909

binged all of Brad's vids and can't stand him anymore. His shtick wears on you and he has the incapability to grow and develop his persona

>> No.11176127

this is the perfect form of escapism from my mundane and shitty life

>> No.11177008

Why does is seem like everyone hates each other in this office/ studio / kitchen ?

>> No.11177047

Kitchen work is stressful enough in a normal kitchen where everyone is working together. The BA test kitchen has that inherent tension while also being full of people working entirely on their own projects at any given time and getting in each other's ways.

>> No.11177664


he's so cute fuck I wish he wasn't married

>> No.11177678

I agree, it just comes off as an act after a few videos. And he’s the least annoying of the ba crew.

>> No.11177781

These waifu shill threads need to be banned.

>> No.11177837

You can leave.

>> No.11177846
File: 16 KB, 250x250, cat-vomiting2-250x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daniel wellington
who the fuck is this loser and why do you keep posting him?

>> No.11177860

What an obnoxious video. Fuck all of those retarded edits and quips. Just show the damn recipe.

>> No.11177869

You're the one who just showed up over the summer.

>> No.11177915


>> No.11177930

It's natural for unlikable people to resent those with natural charisma, but you need to recognize the pettiness of this emotion and work through it.

>> No.11177943

did this autist seriously reeeeee because he doesn't like the watch brad is wearing?

>> No.11177956

>Just show the damn recipe.
That's not the point of these videos though. Most people aren't watching food-related videos to actually learn how to cook, but for entertainment. That's why most of the posts in these threads from this channel are just about who is most attractive and whatever, not about the food.

>> No.11177971

Well they're not entertaining either.

>> No.11177973

It's a high-budget professionally produced YouTube series about cooking is it not? Every single detail is carefully chosen, down to to the length of his stubble, and how beat up looking his "vintage workman apron" should be. And in turn every deliberately chosen detail that looks stupid is fair game.

If it was some amateur how to cook video then it would be a different story.

>> No.11177988

I'd slather her with my smokehouse rub....IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

>> No.11178008

>cutting against the grain
Does he want to create beef dust?

>> No.11178107

She'll become smooth and rounded, like a seal.

>> No.11178127


>> No.11178161

damn you give content creators a lot of credit.

>> No.11178187

No, I'm just not ridiculously naive. I've also been inside the offices of some of these media giants. Nothing is an accident at this level, they almost certainly got paid by DW.

>> No.11178266

lmao you're insane. It'd be way more cost effective to just aggressively market their shit instead of meticulously planning its production

>> No.11178327

Can Brad cook offal meat for me?

>> No.11178536

Not that guy but you're very naive if you think those things aren't planned. Color schemes, hair styles, clothing choices, and so much more IS meticulously planned because it does have an influence on how people feel about something. Obviously marketing is more cost effective, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

>> No.11178583

I bet you're that smock autist too

>> No.11178723
File: 59 KB, 543x736, smock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying he's samefagging? Because no.

Zoomers are doomed if they think all this stuff on YouTube isn't advertising.