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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11168196 No.11168196 [Reply] [Original]

>get off work
>be really hungry
>nothing really at home in fridge
>stop by market
>oh hey these frozen chimichanga's are on sale 10 for 8 muchs
>shit, this is probably really fattening though
>300 cal
>o-oh well...they're..an ok size? if I just eat 2 thats only 1/3rd my daily cal and it's dinner
>wind up eating 4
>and some tortilla chips
>and a peanutbutter hoho

fuck. I try, really. I just love eating to much. It makes me happy. These things weren't even that GOOD and I still enjoyed it.

Fuck m8 I dunno. I don't have any major health problems - yet. But i'm 30 plus and on blood pressure medicine and anti-depressants and i'm juusssttt not fat enough that I can get around without trouble so i'm not mobility scooter tier yet but I KNOW my body is just waiting for the sweet release of death.

I can't stop fucking eating garbo though

>> No.11168200

fat fuck

>> No.11168211

Damn dawg you fat

>> No.11168214

Start exercising...go for walks, buy a dumbbell to do some reps in your room. Then you’ll realize that the way you’re eating is making you feel like shit, you’ll have a reason to eat better.

>> No.11168220

I don’t see why I should do that though. I don’t have any health complications and while 4 chimichangas may seem like a lot; I could be eating something worse and for my development like pepperoni pizza.

>> No.11168226

you aren't me reee

>> No.11168235


It's hard for me to imagine how you could let yourself go like that.
Must be tough.

>> No.11168238
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We’re all one person here friend

>> No.11168250

300 cal for chips
300 cal for hoho
You're at like 1800, just don't eat anymore fatty

>> No.11168254

but i needs it brehs... ;_;

>> No.11168262

I have been there. i went for the frozen food too. after work i'd heat up pizza or burritos and drink like 3-4 sodas and/or monsters. Was almost 30 and pushing 300 pounds.

There is more to it than just wanting to lose weight. when you're hungry, the pain is the only thing that's real and you must eat. What you need is a mantra. A moral code. Something to remind you that the pain is worth enduring.

Think about how good it will feel when your pats feel looser. How you will have more confidence around people and people will react to you differently. or maybe the satisfaction of self reliance: you don't need all that food anymore.

>> No.11168263

What is my pats and why do I want them looser

>> No.11168264

I'm right there with you bro. I used to use food as a coping mechanism for depression, and my body paid the price. If you're already on antidepressants, maybe talk to a therapist another it to see if there are some underlying problems.

>> No.11168271

stop being helpful, you’re on the wrong website asshole

>> No.11168279

Love you too, honey bunny.

>> No.11168286

pants. i like this feeling because it's way better to have to buy new pants because you lost weight than it is when you couldn't even zip up your old ones.

>> No.11168291

This but also find things to do to distract yourself. A lot of times when people think they're hungry they're really just bored.

It also helps not to have snack foods in the house and keep the food you have out of sight except for the stuff you take out for meals. Also for meals buy things that force you to cook for yourself, instead of microwaveable stuff.

>> No.11168374

Absolute unit.

>> No.11168416
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>>stop by market
Here's your problem. You're impulse buying junk food because you're not properly prepared. Fill your fridge and pantry with filling but low energy foods. If you're shopping while you're hungry you're more likely to buy unhealthy shit. Prepare your food at the start of the week and you'll save money as well as calories.

>> No.11169103

Try fasting, my dude. For a week, two weeks, as long as it takes for your brain to "reset", in a sense. You will feel much fuller afterwards and fasting is good for you in many ways.

>> No.11169120

When I overeat I get really bad headaches so that stopped me from eating so much now I my stomach gets full really fast so I get even less motivation to eat, now I almost don't want to even eat anymore, I just drink shakes with a bunch of stuff put in them.

>> No.11169162

>eating makes me happy

As a former drug user I'll never understand this.

Exercise is a much better natural high, food gives me literally nothing, I just prefer it to be good when I have to eat it.

>> No.11169303

Also a former drug fiend. If it's not one form of comfort, it's another. People get addicted to all sorts of things. Food is just another source of pleasure.

>> No.11170865

Look at the ingredient list, anon
not even once.
Next time get a giant burger

>> No.11170930

This is good advice. Sometimes I like to only eat one meal a day for a while and feel what it's like to actually go hungry for a while to keep that in check.

But eating premade processed foods are also going to contribute to overeating and weight gain. Those chimichangas probably didn't have that much filling in them and were made with larger tortillas because that's cheaper than adding cheese/meat, and flour is pretty high in calories while not being very satiating. Eat more meat, cheese, eggs, beans, whole grains, and vegetables, and cut down on the refined carbs.

>> No.11171472

>I don't have any major health problems - yet.
>on blood pressure medicine
>almost so fat you need a mobility scooter
Dude. Those are your major health problems. They don't not exist just because you can kind of ignore them. Don't coast into a miserable and early death.

>> No.11171487

wheres the anorexic wojak version of this

>> No.11171521

You just talked in the OP about how you know you are going to die.
I get where you are. I was in the same boat last year. Then I got beetus.
I've dropped 80 pounds, feel better than I have in a decade, and I've even been on a few dates.

Food is good. It's better than trying to change. But once you change, you'll realize it isn't actually that good.

>> No.11171557

Just eat whatever and die. It doesn't matter in the end, enjoy yourself

>> No.11171660

Just eat if it makes you happy. The way I live is that I feel if I'm shoveling too much garbage down, is to just eat lighter or healthier for a few days. I maintain the same healthy weight for my BMI. But food is my happy place too, especially when I'm stressed or tired. Live how you want because it really doesn't matter in the end. Live life and be happy or be a tool

>> No.11171680

try eating disgusting shit to put you off food, but i bet you already do you fat cunt

>> No.11171717

Today I saw the meatloaf thread and I got home and made a meatloaf. Was so good, I ate the whole loaf throughout 2 hrs. I feel like shit now but it was so great

>> No.11171720

Did you take a photo and share it on the meatloaf thread? No? Selfish prick.