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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11167759 No.11167759 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop hipsters from ruining pizza?

>> No.11167763

how do we stop /ck/ from ruining almost everything?

>> No.11167929
File: 12 KB, 290x174, you could've prevented this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11168073

Hang them in the streets?

>> No.11168082
File: 211 KB, 1200x899, we have a new enemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11168170

Genocide, imprisonment etc.

>> No.11168182

what's wrong with it?

>> No.11168241
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, a pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11168248

that looks delicious

>> No.11168249

You can't ruin peasant food. I make gruel and put white vinegar in it

>> No.11168261

You don't have to eat pizzas you don't like dumbdumb

>> No.11168289

This one looks great though.

>> No.11168312

By not buying it and letting capitalism do the rest.

>> No.11169156

So the easily led majority overrides your "vote with your dollar" and you're now forced to consume it or starve because a monopoly merged with its last competitor?

>> No.11169171

Put dead fish (anchovies) on everything

>> No.11169194

Why would anyone be forced to consume it? There do exist plenty of alternatives.

>> No.11169224

Soyboys need to respect that the rest of the population is %100 tougher than they are.

>> No.11169233

Pizza in particular is something that is made specifically how you ask for it. If the consumers vastly started preferring vodka to whisky and whisky was never made again, I couldn't have it, but if I go to a pizza place, I always and without exception have a say of what goes in it.

Find a better product to project your insecurities over the ever changing nature of life on.

>> No.11169235

>'deens on your 'za
Patrician taste, fellow cu/ck/

>> No.11169265

What's wrong with that? Nothing, that's what. Curb your foul whining and cook something yourself if you're that much of a cunt.

>> No.11169267

Projecting this hard

>> No.11169268

How actually retarded are you that you'd ever think avacado would ever fully replace everything on a pizza menu? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question.

>> No.11169274

You don't. Food is one of those rare, magical things that allows you to make it however you like and no one can stop you. If you want to eat your pizza without hipster eggs, then you have that power.

>> No.11169282

Some of us have grown up, and realized that not everybody is a winner. Can you stop shitting the place up, you faggot ass hipster?

>> No.11169289 [DELETED] 

Trump 2020

>> No.11169296

you could stop giving a fuck

>> No.11169351

Undisputed fact: anyone who puts anything more on a pizza than standard pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni is a faggot.

>> No.11169611

What's with all the retards and their fucking avocado?

>> No.11169636

Why would you waste these green meme eggs by putting them on children's food?

>> No.11169640

But what else could he possibly do with his life?

>> No.11169652
File: 192 KB, 1200x630, 1526790446154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? Real men eat pizzas with pineapple.

>> No.11169654


>> No.11169756

but thats probably pretty good although I would have put it under the cheese to it doesnt dry out as much.

>> No.11170245
File: 113 KB, 474x711, zombie brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm such a manchild I let something be ruined for me because someone I don't like starts liking it

Kill yourself, child.

>> No.11170592

He never said he doesn't like it, just that he dislikes the direction modern cuisine is taking it, ruining his beloved pizza.


>> No.11170644

4Chan should honestly just be shut down. Nothing of value has been posted here in years.

>> No.11170654

There was no way to stop BBQ chicken pizza from happening. There was no way to dissuade people from putting ranch dressing on pizza. Can't stop this, either.

>> No.11170669

that ship sailed a long ass time ago though, Wolfgang Puck and Spago have been cranking out faggot meme pizza since the 80's. 20 years later in '08 when they got 2 michelin stars for it sealed the deal.

>> No.11170672

>Nothing of value has been posted here ever.

>> No.11170715

Where will you go then?

>> No.11170757

>acquire a fleet of helicopters and pilots
>lure them in with a "free pizza in a helicopter" party
>fly them out over the ocean
>do barrel rolls with the doors open
>gracias mi general

>> No.11170801

>italian boomers complaining about muh tradition again

ay dios mio...

>> No.11170835

Avocado on pizza is fucking delicious

>> No.11170838

So.. is /ck/ declaring all out war on green meme eggs or what?

>> No.11170863

Get your pizza from new york. The most exotic thing I've seen on a pizza was broccoli.

>> No.11170867

Here's my plan, and I think it's a pretty solid one.
I'm going to take my pizza, and I'm going to put ham and pineapple on it.

Hipsters will balk at ham being on the pie since it's meat and a non-kosher one at that, and their contrarian instinct won't let them even consider pineapple.

>> No.11170871

Right-wing death squads.

>> No.11170877

Broccoli isn't that good on it's own, but whenever there's cheese over it, it becomes delicious.
I'm going to have to try that one day.
What meat goes well with it?

>> No.11170879

They're the ones that made it popular. Them and the vegans.

>> No.11170899

I'm only 33, but avocados have been popular (in the non-flyover US) as long as my memory goes back. And hipsters don't make things popular; some of the shit hipsters do becomes mainstream a decade after hipsters were doing it, but that has nothing to do with avocados.

>> No.11170900

chicken is the best complementary meat for broccoli

>> No.11170912

almost makes me regret the internet

>> No.11171018

Why are americans obsessed with cheese?
>Just drench it with cheese
>Automatically yummy!

>> No.11171040

that's true of reddit and imgur as well.

>> No.11171053

I dont think the is is a problem, most of them look pretty good

>> No.11171069

I make my broccoli with butter and soy sauce and that shit is delicious

>> No.11171091

sprinkling a bit of salt is okay

>> No.11171106

This one actually looks like it works
These looks terrible

>> No.11171120

This is true, if you get extra bacon that means youre a twink or a fatass. Veggies and fruits are soy tier.

>> No.11171136

>Why are americans obsessed with cheese?
Because when we stopped drinking milk like we used to the government, which has propped up the dairy industry started pushing cheese really hard.

>> No.11171145

Do what Japan does. Broccoli, corn, bacon, mayo and cheese

>> No.11171879

Go back to highschool and improve your reading comprehension, brainlet.

>> No.11171896

>implying 4chan was ever meant to produce value
Pizza is basically one of the easiest things to make yourself, and I bet at 99% of places you can still just get cheese or pepperoni. There's almost no way anyone could actually ruin it for you.

>> No.11171908
File: 585 KB, 1519x2000, cdbeeae0ee65db0a0375cf93dc468e1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot your dumb wojack image, retard

>> No.11171966

They can try all they want, will never happen.

>> No.11171977

Anchovy pizza has been a thing for at least over 80 years in Europe

>> No.11172118

Reddit might seem worthless if you only look at the default front page, but there are endless subreddits for every hobby and topic imaginable, filled with people who want to help and fuel quality discussion. The opposite of 4Chan, basically. Imgur is just an image-hosting site for Reddit.
Reddit until they decide to become a full-on social media site, then I'll just not use the internet as much probably.
4Chan used to be the most creative site on the internet for memes and shenanigans. Now it's just nothing but /pol/-style political shit-flinging on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BOARD
And let's not forget the bullshit that is both Pizzagate and QAnon started here.

>> No.11172148

you disgust me

>> No.11172153

9mm parabellum oughta do the trick.
Failing that, .45 ACP.

>> No.11172173


>> No.11172213

A yearly “purge” type law enforced in the us, uk or Canada so it gains traction in the rest of the first world so we can rid this planet of the fucks for good

>> No.11172215

whole lot of tough guys itt
i recommend monetarily supporting pizzerias you enjoy/approve of and not monetarily supporting pizzerias you don't

>> No.11172221

>take all the avocado off while it's still cool and eat it with some salt, pepper and lemon
>then eat the pizza
It's like you're getting a free starter. I do this all the time.

>> No.11172255

What's wrong with some 'cado on some 'za, bruh?

>> No.11173686

Okay boomer.

>> No.11173935

I agree, the internet was a mistake