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11167680 No.11167680 [Reply] [Original]

>people pretend meat loaf is gross
It's great, totally satisfying
Do you prefer it with ketchup or brown gravy?

>> No.11167700
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It's ok OP, I love meat loaf too.
Gravy for me, but ketchup is good as well.

>> No.11167703

Uhhhh who says meatloaf is gross? Pair it with some noodles in white sauce, put some bacon strips on top, glaze it with ketchup, that was my favorite meal my mom used to cook back at home.

>> No.11167729

It's an ongoing meme in American movies, tv shows, and cartoons that people hate being served meatloaf. Similar memes are there with broccoli and brussel sprout.

>> No.11167741

What's your favorite meatloaf recipe?

>> No.11167748

tatziki sauce, i mean its kind of the closest i get to homemade doner kebab

>> No.11167750

>ketchup or brown gravy
>not making your own glaze

>> No.11167751

Meatloaf turned me vegan.

>> No.11167764
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with some boiled eggosand carrots and pickles inside
make sure to add cumin to your standard mince seasoing

ain't no boiled egg ever tasted as good as a meatloaf boiled egg

>> No.11167776

If that's all it took then maybe you were just born a weakminded herbivore.

>> No.11168282

who the fuck says meatloaf is gross? they deserve to be killed

>> No.11168315

Euro here, so either dry or with gravy.
Made it with ketchup glaze for the first time about a year ago. Was okay, but wouldn't do it again, I don't think.

Caraway, you mean. English speakers call what we call 'cumin,' 'caraway.'
Hungarian meatloaf is da shit.

>> No.11168322

I guess they were right, being gay isn't a choice.

>> No.11168326

The cumin/caraway comment meant for >>11167764, sorry

>> No.11168330

>form meat into loaf
ewwwww gross it's not the 1960s nobody likes that anymore!!!
>form meat into ball
yummmmmm i could eat these all day!

>> No.11168333

Ketchup. It's the only other thing I like ketchup on, my family always used to use a tomato sauce from a can and it was weird, edible but didn't like it. Saw online people use ketchup, so I tried it, awesome
plain is even better, but it's not really a meatloaf without a sauce
never tried brown gravy

>> No.11168335

Meat loaf is amazing comfy food. I’m a catchup man myself. Stuffed cabbage is great too.

>> No.11168651

well i'm bulgarian, not hungarian and we have seperate words for cumin and carraway, although they do sound (and look actually... and taste) similar. and from googling cumin it does appear to be the same thing that we call cumin

>> No.11168656

wow it's like I walked directly into midwestern flyover land

>> No.11168662

Pretenders will always pretend, it's coded in their genome.
Brown gravy, byw.

>> No.11168663
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Faggots not welcome coastie, go eat an avocado.

>> No.11168675

sorry I don't speak incest

>> No.11168687 [DELETED] 

go shitpost somewhere else nigger
this board isn't your toilet

>> No.11168688

I'm a ketchup aficionado, but despise it hot. Gravy with batterd and fried onions on top.

>> No.11168693

This is what happens when you consume nothing but soy your entire life. Don't be too hard on him anon.

>> No.11168694

bbq rub and caramelized onions. swrved with bleu cheese crumbles ans bacon bits, a steamed "baked potato", mixed veggies, and salad.

>> No.11168698

hey you leave incest out of this. it has no baring on being a soygoy.

>> No.11168711

BBQ sauce

>> No.11168936

Gravy or mustard for me. What do you guys add to your ML? I add minced sauteed mushroom and onion to mine. Also tarragon.

>> No.11168953

How exactly are you preparing gravy for this?
Try this >>/ck/thread/6222125#p6243900

>> No.11168970

Beef stock/broth
sauteed white cap and portabella mushrooms
pepper to taste

>> No.11168978

Either or. I guess gravy. I can only eat it in the real cold months though. Where I'm at we get all 4 seasons so maybe that has something to do with it. I grew up eating "Seasonal Meals" and got used to it.

>> No.11168984

>Do you prefer it with ketchup or brown gravy?
i like to mix ketchup, a1, honey, mustard powder, soy sauce (LOL SOYBOY LOLOL), and whatever else i feel like into a nice thick sauce. pour just a little into the meat mix and then smother the rest over the top. caramelizes a bit, gives it a really sweet/savory flavor, with just a tiny kick from the mustard and soy

>> No.11169098

Topped with cheese or with a cheese center because if you're eating meatloaf you don't care about your body anyways

>> No.11169108

It's not gross and I make a damn good one. I always use beef and pork, sometimes ground veal too if available. Ketchup top is essential. None of this BBQ sauce shit going on these days. I keep it old school

>> No.11169131

I like it in sandwich form.

>> No.11169213

clearly youve never had my moms meatloaf
after being force fed that garbage my whole life, along with "cheeseburger pie" and "zucchini lasagna" I wont even touch it again

>> No.11169230

That's really a shame, meatloaf is supposed to be a nice meal. You should fix the curse and make it yourself.

>> No.11169238

I’ll have it with grape jelly and pickled beets

>> No.11169241

>meatloaf is supposed to be a nice meal

You've got to be kidding me. Beef wellington is supposed to be a nice meal. Meatloaf is what you make when you're on a budget and you can't afford a whole cut of meat.

That's not to say that meat loaf can't be delicious, but to assert that it's meant to be anything exceptional is insane.

>> No.11169244

I'm not going to argue over retarded semantics. Don't eat meatloaf then.

>> No.11169248

It wasn't the food that was horrible, it was your mom and attitude that are.

>> No.11169250

Shame bro, my mom’s meatloaf is the bomb. She makes it in mini loaf pans with oats as the filler. Gives it an amazing texture and a better ketchup to meat ratio with the smaller surface area

>> No.11169261

It depends. If you're making gravy day-of, you have to use tallow. Cook tallow, flour and finely chopped onions to medium dark colour, then deglaze the baking pan you cooked the meatloaf on with wine or stock and, finally, pour that and additional stock into the flour/tallow mix, whisking strongly until dissolved and thickened through.
If making the gravy the day after (or from a meatloaf cooked around lunchtime and meant to be served as dinner), use the fat from the congealed drippings instead of store-bought tallow. The process is otherwise identical.

I didn't think you were Hungarian, just that the meatloaf you described sounds like Hungarian meatloaf. You even use almost the same word for it in the filename.

>> No.11170340

I do two small ones in loaf pans and i usually do one ketchup and one bbq. I usually save the gravy for hamburger steaks with sauteed onions, mashed potatoes and green peas.

>> No.11170493


>> No.11170497

Cold day-old meatloaf with some bbq sauce in a sandwich is best.

>> No.11170595

I love it, I generally only have it at christmas when my grandmother makes it

Gravy is my preferance, ketchup never, home made tomato sauce after gravy.

>> No.11170653
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My new goto is a hoisin sauce glaze.

>> No.11170665

Meatloaf is just a dry hamburger loaf that flyovers cook with ketchup
I would know because I live in flyover land and even I can't stand it

>> No.11170671

Neither...I pack it with garlic, so no need to mask taste in anything...
>My meatloaf wins...

>> No.11170682

Literal autism

>> No.11170684

I make my meat laof with BBQ sauce. It's better that way.

>> No.11170711

>Meatloaf is just a dry hamburger loaf
You're doing it wrong then kiddo.

>> No.11170739

we don't speak incel here, and yet here you are.

>> No.11170788

That sounds good as fuck, although, I'd do barbecue sauce too.

But I'm definitely team ketchup. My friend gave me some homemade habanero relish for Christmas one year, and I used that for a glaze for a good year, with some 'chup on top, of course.

I usually add onion, jalapenos, and, more recently, whatever vegetables I have that are about to go bad, such as: spinach, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, carrots, celery, bell pepper, etc. Never did broccoli because that sounds weird, but maybe with some cheese involved? I dunno, mane.

>> No.11170808

Ketchup and Shiracha (yes yes I know) glaze.

The problem with Meatloaf is the problem with burgers, everyone has a mom or a dad who absolutely fucking obliterated them by making this dense grainy overcooked slop and then drowning it in sweet ketchup so you can choke it down mm mm boomer apetite

At least you actually have to make the meatloaf so there's a chance it can turn out good, my parents bought/buy frozen pre-formed burger patties and then cook the absolute shit out of them. My enjoyment of hotsauce stemmed from the necessity of choking down overcooked beef and chicken as a kid.

>> No.11170820

Honestly, ketchup shouldn't exist.

>> No.11170902

For you Amerifriends that serve meatloaf glazed in ketchup or barbecue sauce, what vegetable sides do you serve with it? I can't imagine many veg dishes going well with ketchup/barbecue sauce, but I'd guess your meatloaf is great in a sandwich.

We typically eat meatloaf with a mixed veg/potato mash (because gravy) as well as a side of greens like spinach, green cabbage or rape greens.

>> No.11170905

I like to either make steamed broccoli or green beans with salt and pepper. Mashed potatoes are a great compliment as well.

>> No.11170907

We generally do it exactly the same as you describe, meatloaf and mashed potato w/ side of greens is the classic. And yes, meatloaf sandwhiches are practically a religion among those who actually eat and enjoy american meatloaf.

>> No.11170908

Mashed potatoes and greens would be common here too. Ketchup and potatoes work together. Greens are just a side.

>> No.11170910

>brown gravy
naw, BBQ sauce

>> No.11170914

umami, salt, sweet, sour
it's the perfect condiment, what are you on about? And don't forget how awesome mushroom ketchup is

>> No.11170924

American ketchup has too much sugar in it. That's my problem. BBQ sauce is significantly worse. If you need to glaze your meatloaf, you aren't doing it right.

>> No.11170944

>too much sugar
I would say too little tomato. Polish ketchup has a tomato-y taste while American ketchup has a different flavour I can only describe as a distinct lack of tomato-ness.

>> No.11170946

I want to look into buying ketchup from other countries. I know must countries have a much less sweet version. Much like how british baked beans are more savory than sweet.

>> No.11170951

I prefer onion gravy

>> No.11170965

I don't think people pretend meatloaf is gross. I think people who grew up with it like it, and people who didn't don't get it, and might think it's gross. Despite its popularity not everyone thinks ground beef is all that great an ingredient.

>> No.11170967

There's got to be an ethnic supermarket somewhere near you, no? Start there. Just avoid Filipino """"""""ketchup"""""""""
It's sugar-mashed bananas dyed with red food colouring because of course it is. It's quite possibly one of the most offensive things I've ever had.

>> No.11171004

Mushroom cream-based soup for me.

>> No.11171024
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looks tasty AF, but at the same time, it looks like it came from that dark age of American cuisine (1950s-60s) where they put tuna and cream of mushroom soup in a fish-shaped jello mold, or when they put shaved carrots and green olives in lime jello.

>> No.11171025

Wait until you see holodets.
I'll let you google it on your own.

>> No.11171045

I've been finding mustard , especially the honey or sweet styles, to make excellent glazes.

>> No.11171047

If you do them with chicken, peas and carrots, and then eat them with a dash of vinegar on top they can be pretty good imo.

>> No.11171050

>Wait until you see holodets.
why am I not surprised that it's Russian fuckery

>> No.11171065

It's only great when it's meat and doesn't have chunks of shit in it
Vegetables are side dishes not filler

>> No.11171072

They don't look bad. I made meat jellies before at home and they look like holodets. Just apply some gravy and you're all set.

>> No.11171082
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Meatloaf is literally an American baby boomer staple. One of the original TV dinners. I prefer a tomato sauce glaze.

>> No.11171085

>dark age of American cuisine (1950s-60s) where they...
....started the garbage-tier salt/sugar/fat processed foods industry leading to the health epidemic we face today.

90% of the garbage foods you've seen were created by the people selling them.

>> No.11171199

With cheese, mayo, and hardboiled egg you tasteless fool.

>> No.11171211

Hoisin sauce like that anon in China a few days ago.

>> No.11171255

>will call people in rural areas flyover retards and make fun of their cuisine
>goes nuts if you make fun of blacks or gays

>> No.11171264

They want to have their cake and eat it too. It is why we treat coasties like children.

>> No.11171371
File: 59 KB, 624x434, 1499578453505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's not gross so much as overly rich sometimes?
it can be this heavy, savory entree that's hard to stomach much of
then again, I'm chinese and eat most compatible entrees at home with rice so

>> No.11171397

the cliche about meatloaf is that it's dry.

>> No.11171402

The cliche about meatloaf is that it's what poorfags eat when they think they're doing well.

>> No.11171412

i never heard of that. it's a middle class meal for sure but ive never heard of people who mistake it for foie gras and truffles.

>> No.11171419

It's definitely nothing the foie gras and truffle set ever touch, except maybe ironically.

>> No.11171466

mom did ketchup on top baked in .fuck fake gravy. ill try it and make real gravy sometime for it.

>> No.11171475

makin some tomorrow with mashed potatoes and peas. looking forward to it so fucking much god damn i love easy to shovel meals. if its really good i just use two forks.

>> No.11171485

>god damn i love easy to shovel meals.
Pretty much said it all right there.

>> No.11171512

2 cups crushed tortilla chips
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup salsa
2 large Eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cup sliced ripe olives
1 envelope taco seasoning
2 pounds lean ground beef (90% lean)
1/2 cup ketchup
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons Louisiana-style hot sauce

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
In a large bowl, combine the first six ingredients. Crumble beef over mixture and mix well. Shape into a round loaf. Place meat loaf in pan. Cook 1 hour
Combine the ketchup, brown sugar and hot sauce; pour over meat loaf during the last 15 minutes of cooking. Let stand for 10 minutes.

Got sick of cooking the same meatloaf recipe over and over. This is surprisingly good

>> No.11171524

New Mexico is a shithole. You guys make West Virginia and Florida look bad.

>> No.11171530

I've never lived in New Mexico or anywhere around it you ass mad faggot. I like the taste of Mexican food without having to be near actual Mexicans

>> No.11171532

mix a gravy flavor packet IN with the MEAT! use OATMEAL instead of bread crumbs!!

>> No.11171571

BASED Midwest-poster

Not even from the flyovers, but meatloaf is really delicious. It's the only thing I'll order when I go to a typical diner because meatloaf is hard to mess up, and every American diner will have it.

Love a thick slice of meatloaf, juices and oils with every cut of the fork. Absolutely delicious. Excellent bulking food too, especially with mashed potatoes.

>> No.11171734

I saw this thread today, got home, made a loaf with 1lb of beef, egg, crumbs, worschteshiwhatever sauce, parsley, onion, ketchup, milk, garlic salt and pepper. Then topped with a ketchup-honey glaze. It was the tits and I ate the whole thing throughout 2 hrs time. Have mild-zero regrets.

Anyone have any other recipes or combinations? I m gonna stuff tomorrow's loaf with hard boiled eggs. Do you guys recommend 50/50 ground pork and beef? Bacon chopped in mix or on top like a lardass? God I love meatloaf.

>> No.11171741

>he thinks his disgusting "cooking" abomination tatstes like "Mexican food"

I feel sorry for you in so many ways

>> No.11171791

add a bit of lamb to that lad, its costly but does wonders for the flavor i assure thee.

>> No.11172023

Same, 2bh. Like everyone else said, meatloaf is a pretty simple dish, so there's not likely to be a whole lot of variation between separate dishes.

I, myself, prefer:
>Mashed potatoes

There's no real "rule" for how to eat meatloaf.

>> No.11172198

Would y'all consider kaftakebab to be basically a Lebanese meatloaf?
>binder (cornflour in this case)
The only major difference might be that meatloaf is baked and kaftakebab is cooked over open flame or in a pan.
I mean... meatloaf is basically a giant meatball, right? And that's pretty much what kaftakebab is, too.

>> No.11172355

I mean, yeah, that's pretty much just "Lebanese meatloaf". It's meat that's shaped in a loaf. Meatloaf.

>> No.11172413

I'm a ketchup man myself. Some added while baking as a glaze and some added when served for contrast.

>> No.11172474

bussel sprouts are legitimately disgusting. They taste like farts. Fucken gross.

>> No.11172482

>I like the taste of Mexican food without having to be near actual Mexicans
kek. So you like your fantasy idea of what Mexican food tastes like. You probably love Doritos, too.

>> No.11172483

you haven't had them cooked properly if they smell funky and taste bad. boiled to hell, anything is bad.

>> No.11172485
File: 121 KB, 555x414, meatloaf with oats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use rolled oats instead of bread crumbs.


>> No.11172815

I use either cracker crumbs or canned bread crumbs. I will go with oats soon. How long after you add everything together must you let it sit before you can cook the thing?

>> No.11173602

heinz 57

>> No.11173650

Ketchup or chili sauce.

>> No.11173663
File: 72 KB, 964x555, goetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oats are a german way of stretching sausage, see goetta

>> No.11173677

Its a baked plain meatball. It's too big to even brown the same way a meatball does in the oven.
It almost tastes like, steamed, because of the way it cooks. At least that's how all my parents meatloaf have tasted: really disappointing.
It's my mother's favorite comfort food but I just don't get it AT ALL. There's so many better things you can do with ground beef than "loaf" it..

>> No.11173763

Swede here, so never tried it with letchup. Always had it with brown sauce and lingon berries or with cream sauce and ... Well, lingon berries.

>> No.11173767

This pretty much describes picky eater kids

>> No.11173772

Oh no, it's retarded.

>> No.11173850
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>It's my mother's favorite comfort food but I just don't get it AT ALL
It's a generational thing zoomer

>> No.11174405

I like a brown mushroom gravy

>> No.11174410
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I make mine with ground turkey, rolled oats, and stubbs spicy bbq sauce

>> No.11174660
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Cause nothing says mexican food like ketchup and envelope taco seasoning

>> No.11174671

I pitty your weak genes

>> No.11174815

i've def touched all 3 numerous times

any sort of meal can be classy and delicious with a bit of finesse

>> No.11175070

I really fucking hate this attitude. It is the same attitude that everyone with a visceral
reaction to any non-sweet jello has. Go back to tumbler and your cake-pops.

>> No.11175076

Based and redpilled

>> No.11175125

Meat loaf is fine.
It's just that 99% of the time, it's made by somebody who has no clue what they're doing, but is convinced otherwise.

>> No.11175148

If you're not smoking your meatloaf you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11175154

It depends on the preperation and sides

>> No.11175165
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>> No.11175974

My stepfather is Mexican and I've ate his families food ever since childhood.I actually lived in Mexico for two years. I know the meatloaf isnt authentic but just dont care. It's an Americanized recipe and I'm fine with that. I like fusion food but not enough to seek it out in places like New Mexico
where Mexican fusion is more likely to exist. Im in Maine where seafood reigns supreme

>> No.11175976

As I said to the other retard half of my family is from Mexico...Ive are authentic Mexican food all my life but I dont give a fuck about authenticity. I eat what tastes good.

>> No.11175979

TV shows and "people" are not the same thing. In real life meat loaf is very popular.

>> No.11175983

I used to hate meat loaf until I tasted a recipe my grandma got from a friend of hers. It had this amazing mushroom gravy on it instead of the normal ketchup based sauce, and I don't remember what the binders were but whatever they were, it was absolutely delicious.

Don't bother with cheap meatloaf though, you'd be better off using the meat for burgers or something instead.

>> No.11175984
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>he doesn't wrap his meatloaf in bacon

>> No.11175999

That is an incredibly nice fat/protein emulsion. How do you get that?

>> No.11176002

im aware of the uses.
just never used it.