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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 309 KB, 1500x1000, 20130801-otb-burger-innards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11162713 No.11162713 [Reply] [Original]

>how would you like your burger?
Is there any bigger red flag that a restaurant is shit? There's only one correct way to cook a burger.

>> No.11162721

I'm not sure if it matters but you're gay.

>> No.11162724

It doesn't need to be brown all the way through but that burger is fucking raw my guy

>> No.11162726

False. A burger should be medium - a small amount of pink in the middle, while still properly seared on the outside. Your picture is medium rare.

>> No.11162738

All burgers need to be well done. You can't risk it and they won't fucking treat their burger meat like tartare so theres always risk of getting something.

If you want raw meat get tartare

>> No.11162743

Maybe if you're getting it from a fast food joint
But if it's an actual restaurant that took to prepare that food there's nothing wrong with ordering it with a little pink in it

>> No.11162750

make your patties thin, get a good crust, and add a large amount of special sauce.

>> No.11162762
File: 397 KB, 696x373, Screen-Shot-2017-06-27-at-2.07.30-PM-696x373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take my burger Beyond.
Beyond taste.
Beyond ethics.
Beyond health.

Beyond better.
Beyond burgers.

>> No.11162798

If you're going to an "actual" restaurant that serves fucking burgers you're fucking up already lol

>> No.11162812

Hamburgers got to be the most overrated food ever made. All these rules on how to make a fucking meat patty between breads, even the best burgers are still shitty fast food. I mean sure it works as a simple and quick meal, but if you spend this much time effort caring about how to make a good burgers you should probably learn to cook a real meal.

Also steak, literally a pleb tier food.

>> No.11162835

This is a sensible and well formed opinion

>> No.11162838

What's Le Patrician food

>> No.11162842
File: 78 KB, 590x788, LARRY-565907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eat what you like retards. Who gives a fuck...

>> No.11162850

I'm sure all those burger bars that make a killing would love to hear the uninformed, retarded opinion of some food snob on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.11162866

Burgers need to be cooked all the way through, aka well done. Bacteria gets into the meat via the grinding process, it's not like steak where it's safe because it's just one massive chunk of beef.

>> No.11162893

>i-it's popular so it must be good!
t. triggered tastelet

>> No.11162940

less than well done feels like eating something that was already chewed by someone else

>> No.11162946

I assume you know how that feels from experience?

>> No.11162952

>Just eat what you like
Impossible. People, especially on /ck/ need other people to like what they like. The easiest way to rile up the autists is to state that you enjoy something they don't/differently than they do.

>> No.11162956

i dunno, are you assuming that?

>> No.11162958

Whether or not you think it's good has nothing to do with whether or not an "actual" restaurant serves them.
Just because you don't like something doesn't make it bad.

>> No.11162959

I assume so.

>> No.11162977

So a soy Burger

>> No.11163055
File: 68 KB, 997x436, beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you scared of soy anon?

>> No.11163058

Your getting baited

>> No.11163240

You're giving the staff TOO MUCH credit. I know they are generally supposed to take a serv safe training but I guarantee you less than half of people working boh practice proper food safety. It's not intentional, it's more about habit and carelessness and sometimes people just plain don't know and have terrible hygiene
t. former boh worker who, incidentally, now works in food safety

>> No.11163250

Where are the check marks on the right for good taste and texture? I've yet to try a meat replacement that wasn't fucking foul.

>> No.11163258

>Ingredients: Water, pea protein isolate, expeller-pressed canola oil, refined coconut oil, cellulose from bamboo, thickener (461, 414), potato starch, maltodextrin, natural flavour, yeast extract, salt, sunflower oil, vegetablin glycerin, dried yeast, citrus exctract, anti-oxidant (300), preservative (200), beet juice extract, acidity regulator (363) thickening agent (1400), colour (annatto)

>> No.11163286

respect. its a meat samij, party food. pizza is chees on toast. all great to keep kids quiet

>> No.11163290

cut the joint of beef, mince, add onion and pepper, fry. its only dangerous if it is left to fester

>> No.11163300

My question to this is more ... who the fuck buys 80/20 beef and cares about cooking?

>> No.11163328

I'm always into medium well, but my family loves it charred to hell and back, i seriously don't get it

>> No.11163574

Dude if you want raw meat you get it yourself fresh from your butcher and prepare it yourself.

>> No.11163802
File: 118 KB, 1242x1208, 9eacc67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peas and oil, very healthy.
Blood and guts, distriburbingly unhealthy.

>> No.11163811
File: 177 KB, 720x773, 1533832352725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating at a restaurant that serves burgers

>> No.11163817

It means the restaurant is shit because they aren't using multiple, crisp, thin patties to make a bigger burger rather than a nasty ass wad of meat.

>> No.11163836

I like the beyond burger cuz it actually tastes good, but this level of shilling makes me want to double down on my burgers and make them with 4 different animals.

>> No.11163837
File: 148 KB, 1242x1208, wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't use watermarked memes! I removed it for you this time, but it's very simple to do it yourself. There are online sites that will do it for you, or you can simply use the smudge tool in a free program like GIMP!

One of the first results you get for searching "watermarking memes" is a thread from reddit about someone saying they make OC and want to get credit for it! That totally goes against the purpose of being Anonymous on 4chan, and is only going to make people create memes to pander to people so they receive attention in return. Thank you for reading this and I hope you'll keep it in mind.

>> No.11163873

>that bottom piece of bread all soggy from the meat
i don't care if it's a single stead ground up and cooked, i want ground hamburger at least medium, and it has to sit out for 10 minutes so it won't fucking destroy my bun by making it soft and soggy

>> No.11163877

that's not a meme though, it's just a picture with words.

>> No.11163895

>meat is undercooked, cheese isn't melted, a tiny shred of lettuce, tomato is an upper cut not a mid cut, "buns" is a friggin panini
And I bet those pickles are bread and butter. About the only good thing is using red onions, but I bet they fucked that up.

3/10 burger, disappointing.

>> No.11163921
File: 51 KB, 645x729, 0A4BEA4F-F387-426C-86E1-0C0FB3269A6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bet those pickles are bread and butter.

>> No.11163945

All, and I mean all, ground beef contains feces. If you don’t cook it well done you are definetly eating poop that’s swarming with pathogens and bacteria. I’m a carnivore but this anything less than well done w ground beef meme has got to stop. It’s not a fucking steak. It’s whole ground up cow, innards and all including the poop. Enjoy your poop.

>> No.11163946

Lmao at whoever keeps this restaurant open.

>> No.11163985

>doesn't know what bread and butter pickles are

No wonder you have that picture.

>> No.11164625

If a restaurant that isn't a fast food place has burger on the menu it is already a shit restaurant.

Sounds like some pleb tier flyover place

>> No.11164680

big red flag is when the patty is thicker than the bun

>> No.11164706

ridiculous pic, how is 1 gram less fat or 3 more calories meaningful (since when is MORE calories better when trying to claim you're healthier)

>> No.11164711

>lists having less calories as a negative

>> No.11164719

Do you think plants don't also have microscopic pieces feces on them? Retard.

>> No.11164722
File: 44 KB, 496x368, ca0200472d741413c52d5218e4eec0c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11164749

It's not positive vs negative in the first subtable, just plant/meat.

The fact that they flip the semantics in the second subtable with the ticks/crosses is a somewhat subtle manipulation.

>> No.11164767

>innards and all including the poop
Lolwhut, that's highly illegal.

And I don't know about you, but when I make burgers I grind the meat myself. I know damn well what goes in the patties.

>> No.11164768

oh, well they still won't be convincing unless they can present a high biological value, most veganfags especially should know that not protein is the same

>> No.11164772

>not protein is the same
*not all protein is the same

>> No.11165009

>canola oil

>> No.11165073
File: 83 KB, 711x458, beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although I usually cook beef burgers those beyond burgers are actually damn good

>> No.11165263

Went to a local burger joint this afternoon. I saw an employee carrying bags of great value fries from wally marts. How's that for a bad sign?

>> No.11165273

I would've turned 360 degrees and walked away

>> No.11165282

Saw a guy with a button up shirt and khakis in line at the local Giant buying these. Immediately made me think of /ck/.

>> No.11165310

>small amount
that's mid-well, which is what people who don't know what they're talking about order at my restaurant all the time and then complain because it isn't what they think it is.
a perfect medium would pink throughout with as little grey as possible between the pink inside and the brown crust. i've seen (and tasted) this only a couple of ways - one is by vacuum sealing a patty and bringing it up to 140, holding it there for two days, and then flash frying in 500 degree duck fat. that's how dave arnold did it when I interned for him. his brother in law, wylie dufresne, cooked a perfect medium filet at wd-50 through carefully timed, constant turning in a pan. you can do the same with a burger.
medium is all pink. mid well is mostly gray with some pink. mid rare is red and warm, rare is red and cold. well done is killing the cow a second time.

>> No.11165312

I see /pol/tards are still unable to detect obvious shitposting and still believing it's corporate shilling.

>> No.11165321

Unfortunately, i did. The fries sucked and apparently to them, medium well means charred to hell.

>> No.11165323

Diner (owned by the same owners of, and on the same corner of, Marlowe & Sons) has one constant menu item, which is their burger. The rest of their menu consists entirely of daily specials. Their burger is fucking great - simple, good ingredients, comes with pickled onions instead of pickles and fresh onions. The rest of the menu is fucking phenomenal.

>> No.11165325

Horse meat cooked in whale sperm.

>> No.11165341

The fuck is wrong with maltodextrin? You can easily isolate it yourself from tapioca without any scary chemicals, you inbred moron.

>> No.11165349
File: 96 KB, 600x608, supermarket-refrigeration-3-meat-produce-case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that anon, but for me the logic works like this:
IT's not that maltodexterin is dangerous or there is any health-related reason for avoiding it. Rather, it showing up on an ingredient list is a red flag that you're not buying a wholesome natural product. Instead you're buying some kind of processed junk.

Real food look like this. It doesn't even have an ingredient list, let alone one with a bunch of funny business on it.

>> No.11165354

Oh, and to be clear: none of this is from some sort of health angle, rather it's what I expect the product to taste like. From experience, products with those sorts of ingredients in them taste like crap compared to what they are trying to imitate.

>> No.11165355

>0.02c has been deposited to your account

>> No.11165362

There's sausages in that picture, better read the ingredient list carefully.

>> No.11165363

The fact that it is on 4chan means that there must be a disturbance in the force

>> No.11165372

I make my own sausages so there is no question as to what is in them.

>> No.11165378

Let me guess, there's no processed junk in Michael Pollan's cum, either, is there?

>> No.11165397

What does Michael Pollan have to do with anything?

For a commercial product processed junk is a red flag. Peope like him, blumenthal, Dufresne, or Adria are obvious exceptions rather than the rule. Do you honestly think that 3-star molecular gastronomists are indicitive of what processed junk at the supermarket is like? Lol.

>> No.11165720

whats wrong with letting people have their burgers how they like them

>> No.11165752

>if it's an actual restaurant
Which we can already assume it isn't because you're ordering a god damn burger.

>> No.11165766

Burgers are the Smash Bros. of food. You can either enjoy them with friends in a casual environment with all sorts of crazy shit tossed together or you can be a smelly little autistic shut-in that spends their day worrying about the specifics to their glorified meat sandwich.

>> No.11165790
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, img_4099mintav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A perfectly cooked burger.

>> No.11165810

Because chefs have narcissictic, solipsistic inflated egos sometimes, but not always, fueled by coke, alcohol, amphetamines, etc., and decide they should be the arbiters of your taste, not you. It's a take it or leave it mentality with those guys and you're the victim.

>> No.11165831

some people have obnoxiously bad taste and are so far gone that they won't even try anything new ever, one of the main reasons why cooking reality tv shows are so successful is because someone like gordon ramsey or cooking competition judges are given the authority to talk shit about people's food, which you can't do with your parents food for example because they won't listen or ever try anything different

>> No.11166160

Show us the carbs, faggot

>> No.11166207

>Maybe if you're getting it from a fast food joint
>But if it's an actual restaurant that took to prepare that food there's nothing wrong with ordering it with a little pink in it
This is just some fallacy in your brain. The bottom line is if there is e.coli that came from the animal carcass meat being tainted from contact with a knicked gut flora during gutting, then grinding that up will let bacterial bloom and growth dispersed in that meat. The animal can have e.coli in the bloodstream too. Well-done kills it, even if it was there. What's hard to understand about that? Done deal there. If you aren't at Fuddruckers or a very nice steakhouse with high volume and smart employees, but if they are grinding primals offsite instead, transporting it however dubiously unfrozen, anywhere more than a couple hours or more before you consumed it, you're gonna get sick.

Not everyone can risk occasional food illness. People with RA on immunosuppressants or organ transplant people, pregnant women who shouldn't knock back fetus-damaging drugs like antibiotics, or people who can't afford to just miss a day of work because they're more important than you.

>> No.11166256


Yeah, but the picture is just there to show it is about hamburgers. He doesn't think it valid for them to ask how they want their hamburger prepared.

>> No.11166262

5 grams of 45. Why does it even matter?

>> No.11166270
File: 59 KB, 312x358, 9f44ce80-2022-451b-8868-eadd919d0636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get mine well done because I never remember wtf any of the other options are or what they mean, Well done is always the first to come to mind so I just go with that typically. I sometimes wish people would stop asking me my opinion and just put shit in front of me because fuck if I'll ever remember the cooking charts.

>> No.11166276

160F internal temperature

>> No.11166337


That's a good point about letting it rest. Whenever I cook a hamburger, I set it aside while I wash anything involved in cooking the hamburger that I haven't already washed. And then toast the bun. At best, it's 5 minutes before I put the hamburger on the bun.

>> No.11166340


Nonsense. Not only nonsense, but nonsense on so many levels.

>> No.11166345


I've often felt that is the perfect way to do a restaurant. Maybe three or four fixed items and the rest all daily specials.

>> No.11166380

I'm American so I've never had to eat something so gross but I would much rather try/eat this than OP's pic

>> No.11166538

They range from all pink to no pink. Just a matter of what amount in 20% increments you want with well done being 0% pink and blue being 100%.

>> No.11166550

Raw ground beef is about as disgusting as raw chicken. People who get thick, rare burgers are just waving their dicks around to other retards like them. Examples being OP and Jack with his rare 1/2 pound bison burger.

>> No.11166607

not true, raw chicken is retardedly dangerous, raw ground beef or pork for that matter is safe as long as it wasn't slaughtered by 3rd world country methods and as long as it's fresh

>> No.11166642

Sorry but this is an anime homosex basketweaving forum where we have to debate retarded topics like retards

>> No.11166657

Oh hi ja/ck/

>> No.11167450

Michael Pollan is the author who wrote "In Defense Of Food", the book you're plagiarising, you nitwit.

>> No.11167494
File: 161 KB, 539x259, 1514837058074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was asked how done I wanted it last time I got a burger. It's been so long and I was so used to just checking the temp to 165 I forgot they used the steak scale, so after a few seconds of visible confusion I just blurted out "adequately". There was a lot of awkward silence.

>> No.11167511

this is the only good post in this thread

>> No.11167901

It's like aspartame and gives me massive headaches.

>> No.11167924


>> No.11167957

thick patties are garbage.
thin, crispy, well seared is best.
if you want more meat, just stack multiple patties on top of each other (with cheese in between if you want)

>> No.11168028

Man, when everyone is /pol/tards then no one is.

>> No.11168969


>> No.11169860

May be fake as fuck but made me laugh.

>> No.11169876
File: 23 KB, 256x384, 369E89EA-3862-4DCE-B721-BB1D974EB909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11169888

I wouldn't say the restaurant is shit, but more it's patrons who bitch about their beef patty having any pink in it whatsoever. I had a basic bitch friend who always ordered her burgers and steaks well done. We're not friends anymore.

>> No.11169937
File: 416 KB, 1024x768, berliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever used doughnut as a bun for their burger?
I've wanted to try out putting a patty between pic related or something but haven't had the heart to do so... yet.
I worry i might actually really like it.

>> No.11169975

don't use jelly doughnuts use a glazed or plain doughnut

>> No.11170063

Literally the only good post in this thread. Thick patties are mealy and disgusting.

>> No.11170161

Never had a good thick patty.

>> No.11170303

I like my steaks rare, but something about rare ground beef makes me a bit uncomfortable

>> No.11170404

I tried it once with glazed donuts, not very good at all. Funny and worth a picture or two, but as a meal it was just... meh at best. The sweetness of the donut and the savoriness of the rest of the burger just cancels out the best part of each food leaving you with a mediocre at best burger. Would not recommend.