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11156563 No.11156563 [Reply] [Original]

Are cous cous healthy?

>> No.11156568

It’s wheat so not really. It’s better than eating sugar.

>> No.11156589

Wats wrong wit weat?

>> No.11156600
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When you prepare it correctly, sure. Traditional preparation is to steam it over a broth with large boiled vegetables and some browned meat.

You can also prepare it in some really unhealthy ways; a traditional North African dessert is plain steamed couscous covered in sugar or honey, fruits, and nuts.

Look up the correct way to prepare it if you don't want shitty Western-style "instant" boiled crap. Alton Brown did a halfway decent explanation on how to do it in Good Eats, and there's also a good Bon Appetit video on it.

>> No.11156610

It’s not very nutritious. Cos cos tastes good though. Great side dish.

>> No.11156688

It is except for u cus u retardred

>> No.11156699


>> No.11156765

Why so neggy dub dubs?

>> No.11157101

>North African dessert is plain steamed couscous covered in sugar or honey
Oh my god that sounds disgusting

>> No.11157742

it's as healthy as pasta
I boil it like pasta
u dont liek pasat?

>> No.11157762
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why? it's basically cereal without the milk

>> No.11157991

How so?

>> No.11157996

wheat and sweet, it's a winning combo no matter how you prepare it

>> No.11159785
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Goose goose

>> No.11159814
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Not really, it's mostly empty carbs. It's part of my laziest meal though when I have no leftovers and can't be arsed to do anything: couscous in a covered bowl with some salt and boiling water, let it sit for a minute. Add some butter/olive oil and fluff, then drop a raw egg in tamago kake gohan style with some harissa, soy sauce, whatever herbs I have, sumac and s&p, stirr till emulsified, top with fried onions from a pack and eat.

>> No.11161002

Haven't had some in a while.. Now I'm craving that sweet-ish taste. fuck

>> No.11161007

>eggs are dairy

>> No.11161025

that's butter on a pool of milk

>> No.11161657
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the fuck is that? i will punch you in the face for doing this,

>> No.11161669
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>nutritionless carbage (((biological WMDs)))
You can only choose one. Take the meatpill and liberate yourself today. Carnivory is the key to optimal health and reclaiming your sovereignty. Apex predators don't need to eat grain, ever.

>> No.11161671

Eggs are often lumped in with dairy. I don’t get it either.

>> No.11162049

Will it give me the wheat belly?

>> No.11162085

I dont speak spanish but that lady seems like kind of a whore.
Also she is clearly using a glass cutting board.

>> No.11162281

It's really, really good and much better than it sounds. Properly steamed couscous has a much different texture and goes much better with sweets than instant couscous. A lot of love and care goes into a good dessert like that.

Based Choumicha poster

>> No.11162814

Eggs are a dairy product.
Dairy does not mean milk, it means animal products that are not meat.

>> No.11162942

Whole wheat couscous is pretty good.

>> No.11162961

>Dairy does not mean milk, it means animal products that are not meat.
so offal and lard are dairy products? dairy means milk and anything made from milk.

>> No.11162965
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>> No.11163486

>offal and lard
Are meat

>> No.11163508

Literally just empty carbs.

>> No.11164576
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of cous

>> No.11164620

>muh traditional way
Nigga I ain't got time for that, and when I have I'd rather much do a lamb or rabbit tajine than just carbs on carbs.
Also I use the same brand of semoule as her kek. Next time i'll steam it in miso annoy you.

>> No.11164778

>I dont speak spanish but that lady seems like kind of a whore.
holy fuck my sides

>> No.11165948

What is couscous

>> No.11165983

>milk 3 times

>> No.11166888

Sometimes you can tell a lot about a person by how they seem like

>> No.11167024

It's a good substitute for bulgar if you ever wanna make tabbouleh

>> No.11167034

GOAT cereal and it's not close

>> No.11167159

>third worlders start feeling important because others noticed their cuisine
>they go online and shriek about it not being prepared in muh proper way

i wish people and italians would stop doing this

>> No.11168298


>> No.11169785

Because milks are the most important dairy

>> No.11170211
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If you do a burger with french baguette and a sardine and camembert and guacamole sauce, will you call it a burger? Asshole

>> No.11170314

>will you call it a burger?
Of course.
You can make your burger any way you like to. Its the american way.
You dont even have to have beefs or even meat at all in there.
Its time the rest of the world learned to let go of rules.

>> No.11170334

>If you do a burger with french baguette and a sardine and camembert and guacamole sauce, will you call it a burger?
Sure, that sounds pretty good, actually.

>> No.11170344

>Eggs are a dairy product.
>Dairy does not mean milk, it means animal products that are not meat.
This is absolutely incorrect. Eggs are not dairy.

>> No.11170354
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Eggs are totally dairy

>> No.11170361

So if you go to the restaurant, you order a dish we bring you back another completely different it does not bother you? From the moment the chef tells you: "let go of rules bro"

>> No.11170373

I've always wanted to cum on all of the food she makes and make her eat it since i was a kid.
thanks choumicha

>> No.11170385

As long as he can make a case for why he is calling it a burger, and i can read the description and major ingredients on the menu, then yes.
Its fine.

>> No.11170430


>> No.11170441
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I do not know how it happens in your country but here in France when we say "canard a l'orange" (duck with orange) if the guy brings me a raw duk with an orange in the ass, I would not be very happy, there is a make dishes that give them their name. Here a couscous is not semolina and vegetables but an alchemy.

>> No.11170641

Its fine, its calories with some nutritional value but nothing special and obiovusly not refined sugar.

>> No.11171096
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You french need to lighten up.
If the chef is good, and you trust him, he will bring you something good to eat.
Who cares if its not the same recipe you grew up with?
You guys make it out to seem like someone is trying to screw you over.
Its just a meal man.
Who cares if its a bit different?

>> No.11171866

Love me some good ‘us ‘us.

>> No.11171979

Bulghur wheat>cous cous

>> No.11172201

its one of the most nutritious staple foods what fad are you into?

>> No.11172331

Its pasta anon

>> No.11173330

Trader joes make a whole wheat instant that is pretty healfy

>> No.11173426

I had couscous every single day in my childhood.
Steamed is the only way it is ever prepared in North Africa.
As with all carbs, there tons of varieties from whole grain to stripped light stuff. Hence it can be as healthy or as crap as you want it to be.
Also "empty carbs" are 1st world problems.
3rd worlders just want to get they belly stuffed.

t. North African

>> No.11173813

>Traditional preparation is to steam it over a broth

>cous cous doesn't touch broth
>steam is H2O only as none of the compounds that give flavour become gas at 100 C
>all it does is make the kitchen smell nice

explain pls

>> No.11173856

You prepare it before steaming it by adding a small amount of water and mixing it. You also remove the couscous mid-way through cooking , mix it and put it back again.
Once cooked the couscous itself is utterly tasteless. You then add the broth so that the couscous absorbs the liquid and all its flavours. Finally, the vegetables and meat are tacked on top. The consistency of the final product depends on the taste. It can be served dry-ish or soaked in broth.

>> No.11175222

Why is cous cous so confusing?

>> No.11176313
File: 166 KB, 500x709, lea-adame-a-guy-at-the-salon-is-straight-up-27517317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is raw one really that much better than instant?
I have never even seen anything in the supermarket besides instant

>> No.11176901

Goots goots

>> No.11176935

The steam will bring some other stuff with it.

>> No.11176947

>broth doesn't evaporate
>kitchen still somehow smells nice though
Anon, I...

>> No.11178219


Couscous is garbage. It's like eating breadcrumbs. Just throw it in the trash and use rice instead.

>> No.11179384

Kewse kewse

>> No.11179782
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i once knew this old guy who spelled couscous "kush kush"

>> No.11179800

kys kys

>> No.11179904
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>> No.11179963

Just looked it up OP, and nah. Apparently brown rice is probably better. Like some people are saying, cous cous has some stuff, but it's kinda niche. Go for a broader grain/thing if you want to more easily get your necessary nutrients.

>> No.11180330

Look children, a dribbling fucktard. Spit at him if you like.

>> No.11180333

I do the cou cou diet.
Every day, I eat one cou cou and nothing else.

>> No.11180949

An isreali cou or a Moroccon cou ?

>> No.11181051
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Isreali couscous is healthier because the cous are bigger

>> No.11181074

NEJF: never eat jewish food

>> No.11182078

You used are, meaning cous cous is plural. Does that mean that a single kernel of cous cous is called a cous cou? cou cou? maybe just a cou?

>> No.11182473

The jew ones are cous

>> No.11182484

Of cous they are.

>> No.11183860

Too far

>> No.11184120
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I mix cous cous and bruschetta as a side dish.
It soakes my excess balsamic and olive oil from ending up down the drain.

>> No.11184505

nah not anymore

>> No.11184978

Oh i thought you finally had a cardiac arrest. Anyways, KILL YOURSELF FUCKING NAMEFAG PIECE OF SHIT REEEEEEEE

>> No.11185034

Traditional wheat couscous? Of course no it's just like pasta.
There exists however other varieties like acorn couscous, it's healthier but very niche even here in North Africa. Never tasted it though.

>> No.11185113

If you eat it in moderation (like anything, it's okay) What I found more appealing about cous-cous than pasta was its quickness to prepare, its much easier to weight out portions as well.
Also, it' is great at filling out salads. Not piling it on, but a scattering through some raw vegetables with lemon juice makes it more substantial than just raw vegetables. But like anything, just watch how much you eat and it will be okay.

>> No.11185271

>eat it in moderation
Its like you have no idea what board you are on