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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 4 KB, 165x305, nj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11156464 No.11156464 [Reply] [Original]

This is real paisan hours. Post your best diners, italian spots and bagel joints. Taylor ham fags need not apply.

>> No.11156502

We don't even want you in our country desu.

>> No.11156506

nobody appreciates anything about your state, especially not the food, joiseyfag

>> No.11156512

i'm from new jersey and i don't really know what you're talking about
jersey chili cheese hot dogs are fucking delicious though, so i'll give you that

>> No.11156515


>> No.11156517
File: 50 KB, 640x640, ripper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a ripper at Rutt's Hut is un fucking real

>> No.11156521

>NJ isn't a flyover
How completely misguided.

>> No.11156528

>n-no you.
Good job

>> No.11156529
File: 10 KB, 300x241, keystone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the flyover, flyover. the only thing jersey does "better" than us is shitty road creation

>> No.11156532

>can't defend his position
>retarded NJ resident
Yep. There's literally no reason for you not to be killed.

>> No.11156536

People from Pennsylvania leave their backwater weird congested sounding shithole to try and experience New Jersey every summer

>> No.11156537

i literally said i was from nj
you're turning your allies into enemies

>> No.11156538

>people literally only see jersey when they fly over it out of new york

>> No.11156543

>intellectual capacity is “im rubber your glue”
>probably fat and ugly



>> No.11156547

that's the poorfags. i, for one, went to florida so i wouldn't die from toxic industry sewage water. on the joisey shore, the seawater is brown.

>> No.11156550

Oh wow. You're gay/female too. What a surprise.

>> No.11156559

This is how I can tell you’re a flyover. Newark has one of the busiest airports in the world. New Jersey is a business hub especially for pharmaceuticals and an actual top vacation spot. Our residents sustain the entire states of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and New York

You’re welcome

>> No.11156564

>t. brainwashed jew yorker who's only ever seen the turnpike

>> No.11156571

>low class suburb of NYC continues pretending to be a real person with thoughts and feelings
You're white trash. Pretty much just as bad as Pennsylvania. None of you have an IQ over 110.

>> No.11156573

You’re pennsultucky trash

The richest people in the country fron Bergen, Monmouth, and Essex all go Shoreside. Florida is for boomers and fags

>Oh wow.
Oh wow a jealous little fag redditor

>> No.11156580

New Jersey has a smaller GDP than Pennsylvania and New York. I can concede Delaware (because it doesn't exist), and Maryland, but not PA and NY. Anyone who considers New Jersey a top vacation spot doesn't have enough money for a plane ticket or is on a no-fly list. The only things that Jersey residents sustain in Pennsylvania is car accidents.

>> No.11156581

>calling someone a redditor while reddit spacing your post
You're one dumb set of holes, you know that sweetheart?

>> No.11156583

NYC is sustained by NJ. They’d be 100% Detroit tier filth without transplants from New Jersey.

>> No.11156585

>repeating the retarded shit you just said makes it true
Typical dumb WOP.

>> No.11156586

>richest people
>they're all boomers
wow i guess some boomers really like swimming in the lead and industrial waste waters of their youth, brings back the childhood feels

>> No.11156594

NJ anon all my life can someone kill me i hate it here

>> No.11156598

>smaller state which has half residents commute to other states has smaller GDP

>doesnt have enough money
Some people mind having to deal with hordes of fags and losers like you in places like Florida and Cali. Its why the richest in the state and by extension the country come here

>> No.11156601

You just KNOW and effeminate wrote this.

>> No.11156603

save the money you'd spend buying a noose and move out of that cesspool

>> No.11156605

i already own a gun damit

>> No.11156608

That’s usually what you have to do with someone that has an IQ as low as yours.

>and effeminate
Retarded, fag, flyover


>> No.11156609

Look at the NJ resident an laugh everyone!


>> No.11156611

>you're pennsultucky trash
no, i'm 15 minutes outside nyc, and i tell people at college that i'm from nyc so that i don't have to humiliate myself by telling them i'm from new j*rsey

>> No.11156612

I was conceding Delaware, you dumbass.

The hordes of fags and losers are just the local wildlife in Jersey, you're forced to deal with them. Florida beaches, in my experience, aren't chuck full of beer cans and cigarettes in the sand.

>> No.11156613

Proof you have a woman brain.

>> No.11156614

>suny trash


>> No.11156617

still save money. if you want to get out you will. why would you dignify new jersey by letting it be the place of your death?

>> No.11156619

>no you!

>no you!

Flyovers are so predictable

>> No.11156620

>no u!
All Jerseytards are toddler-brained. What a surprise. Truly a laughable, inbred state.

>> No.11156623
File: 11 KB, 263x191, E46AE599-8176-44A9-B388-FBE418410A89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my cousins lived in Brick we had a Jersey Mike’s down the street. Never went. Did I miss out?

>> No.11156625

Uh oh! Someone pointed out the femme brained hypocrisy of NJ QUEERS.

>> No.11156629

Nice to see some little monkey like yourself trying to imitate an actual human to feign intelligence. You’re welcome

>> No.11156630

Pennsylvania is not a flyover, flyover. You're the predictable one that keeps spamming "muh No u,,,,ocean city 4 life,,,"

>> No.11156634

Pennsylvania is completely flyover. Philadelphia is a concrete jungle shithole ward city of NJ

>> No.11156637

Go to Wawa instead. It offers more, and doesn't dump a gallon of hoagie oil all over your food. It's also cheaper.

>> No.11156638

>intelligent humans fail to end sentences with punctuation because their phone doesn't do it for them
You realize you're basically a black person inside, right?

>> No.11156643

>not living in the comfy, rich border between rural and suburban pa
you're an idiot.

>> No.11156652

>uhhhh punctuation





>> No.11156658

Is that five miles east of Narnia?

>> No.11156665
File: 68 KB, 550x412, the-farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living near a literal battlefield
cringe and bluepilled, just like jerseyfags

>> No.11156666 [DELETED] 

Typical non-white adolescent response. This is what a NJ resident looks like, everyone. They're animals.

>> No.11156669

>mention something that isn’t a giant wheat field or Golden Corral

>flyover boomers throw a reeing autistic tantrum

>> No.11156671

what? no. i go to college in california, at berkeley. what are you, a rutgers kid or something? try a respectable school next time

>> No.11156672


>> No.11156674


>> No.11156679


>> No.11156690

>fuck nigger jersey!!!!!
Flyover needs a diaper change

Yeah no battlefields in New Jersey. Do flyovers not know history?

>> No.11156695 [DELETED] 

>trying to argue with digits
Get a load of the non-white. You lost, DaQuan.

>> No.11156694

You go to school in one of the shittiest parts of California majoring in liberal arts? Good for you.

>> No.11156697

i'm from pennsylvania you quadruple nigger

>> No.11156700

>flyovers get easily impressed by numbers
Wait till you see the amount of numbers in my paycheck :)

>> No.11156703

>flyover reading comprehension

>> No.11156705

you mean all four of them, welfare recipient?

>> No.11156708 [DELETED] 

>still trying to talk back to the adult white person
Nope. That's not how this works, ape.

>> No.11156715

>no yur poor!!!
You’re closer to four digits in your weight than your weekly paycheck.

>> No.11156721

>l-leave me alone!!!!
Typical flyover cuck mentality. Call me non-white again like master tells you to.

>> No.11156727

no, i'm a mathematics major, and we have one of the most rigorous math departments in the world.
sorry, are you just a massive failure or something? you're projecting your insecurities a lot and it's kind of pitiful.
i wouldn't describe the bay as one of the shittiest areas of ca when the fucking central valley and LA exist, but yeah, it's nothing compared to nyc

>> No.11156767

>omg I hate nj im actually smart and brilliant youre the insecure one!!!
Sure. You would’ve gone to Stanford if you were smart enough to throw yourself into debt for women’s studies but you decided to apparently go to what’s for the past 30 years been Drexel West

>i prefer homeless street shitters throwing their needles around
I’m not surprised.

>> No.11156795

well, i would have gone to stanford if they were a respectable school which admitted successful students instead of daddy's girl shitheads, but that would have been a silly decision. since our classes are far more difficult and research far more meaningful than the bullshit they do there. oh, and you actually have to understand the material and get high marks if you want a high gpa here. what do they grade based on at stanford? feelings?
it's funny, because people think berkeley is a liberal shithole, but it's way less "safe space cuddly wuddly" than any other worthwhile school in the US if you're a stem major. yep, turns out that's just jealousy.

>> No.11156821

>well, i would have gone to stanford if they were a respectable school which admitted successful students instead of daddy's girl shitheads,

You need to research the background on your LARP better if you want it to be convincing. Nobody in academia or the business world would take a modern day Cuck Berkley graduate over a Stanford graduate on academic merit let alone the networking. You just actually sell coffee or shuck corn so I wouldn’t expect you to understand. Maybe I can get you a job as a custodian for the offices at my company if you can better your attention to detail.

>> No.11156838

you already admitted that you have new jersey pride, so your claim that you know anything about academia is laughable
with respect to the business world, i do find that meaningless stigma to be quite obnoxious. but i don't plan on working for an idiot who has such blatant misconceptions, i plan on going to a top 5 grad program (positions which tons of berkeley math dept graduates easily attain)

>> No.11156869

>you already admitted that you have new jersey pride, so your claim that you know anything about academia is laughable

Jesus i can smell the Nebraska cornfield from here. Sharp up on the LARP if you want to try and match wits with a JerseyGod

>i plan on going to a top 5 grad program (positions which tons of berkeley math dept graduates easily attain)
Is this a four year old typing this? I don’t think I’ve ever read something so unconvincing in my life.

>> No.11156905

>New Jersey is a business hub especially for pharmaceuticals
Pill pressing bitches, get on my level in Cambridge, biotech FTW nigga.

>> No.11156908

Always turns to hate once NJ is mentioned. Say what you want but you dont know dick about pizza or bagels until you've had them in Jersey. And Italian food ? Get the fuck out of here. You've prob never even sat in a diner at 2am. Do you even know what disco fries are ?

>> No.11156915
File: 108 KB, 610x458, 20130226-hdow-hot-diggity-nj-italian-detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NJ has this *weird* hot dog called an "Italian dog" where you pile on potatoes, peppers, onions, idk what else, and put it in some kind of weird roll that isn't a hot dog bun.

It's probably delicious.

>> No.11156940

>And Italian food ?
Fucking Federal Hill in Providence, get the fuck out of here with that Jersey shit.

>> No.11156988

There's these Italian places around Monmouth county, maybe others, called Taste of Italy. Get the Jimmy special. Fried chicken cutlet, mozzarella, peppers, and oil with vinegar. Fucking delicious.

>> No.11157038

Disco fries are fucking trash, the only people I see eating them are disgusting obese fucks who can barely breath between bites.

>> No.11157093

the nebraska cornfield smells a lot better than your state

>> No.11157851

Moved to Texas about 5 years ago. Used to be Bergen County.
I miss Taylor Ham, Thumann's hot dogs, White Manna, all the family owned pizzerias, and OH MY LORD I miss bagels.

But honestly, I wouldn't go back just because of the people and the liberals and the environment

>> No.11157937

hello i am from jersey

>> No.11157943

the one girl i met that liked that place has diabetes and ate with an open mouth the entire time 0/10 never even tried it

>> No.11157949

o my god rutts hut is fucking god tier

>> No.11157959

>nj food thread
>ctrl+f pizza
>1 of 1 match
what the fuck guys

>> No.11157966

to be fair, I said pizzeria

>> No.11157971

jersey corn is amazing, actually

>> No.11158000
File: 831 KB, 508x706, za work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NJ Fag here.
Sicilian pie w/ extra cheese.

>> No.11158003
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>the blueberry was domesticated for the first time in human history in New Jersey

>> No.11158008

That shit looks terrible dude. Try some papa johns next time.

>> No.11158015
File: 437 KB, 600x445, 1524780772468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucking patrician taste

>> No.11158033

>just moved to nj
>most of the thread is people being stupid
i was hoping for someplace i could go have dinner

>> No.11158043 [DELETED] 

I suggest pizza anon

>> No.11158045
File: 723 KB, 487x606, heart pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this, my guy?
What town are you located in?

>> No.11158077

parsippany, land of indian restaurants

>> No.11158089

Ah. Parsipindia.
I'm a town over from you in Morris Plains.

>> No.11158107

neat, i used your train station to go to nyc for the first time last week

>> No.11158115

my man... is that from planet pizza?

>> No.11158117

I recommend Colin's Pub. Its a fucking dive bar but really one of the best burgers around.

>> No.11158147

shit looks really good, going to try it next time i need to unwind after work

>> No.11158163

I grew up in north/central jersey and went to school at Rutgers NB, and the thing I miss the most since moving is the Korean fusion food

>> No.11158194

Hot grill nigga

>> No.11158262

senpai i have to work in jersey in a couple of weeks
do i start packing lunch every day?

>> No.11158307

where in jersey?

>> No.11158329

south jersey
ish cherry hill

>> No.11158716
File: 205 KB, 1300x956, kohr-bros-custard-stand-on-the-boardwalk-wildwood-new-jersey-usa-ED9E1H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11158725

I live in Central Jersey and I could name you 7 Italian restraunts that are on one street alone

>> No.11159927

jew york bagels are better but jew jersey pizza is better.
t.longislander (631)

>> No.11159957

What is the best diner in state and why is it Tops?

>> No.11159969

Kohr brothers isn't a New Jersey thing. We have them in Maryland too and I'm pretty sure they started in New York.

>> No.11160122

Hello neighbors, Denvillain here. I've take the. Train to Colin's, good times. Arthur's reuses those pickles too

>> No.11160159

South Jersey is pretty much the deep south, but there are small pockets of Korean places near the HMart on 73. Marlton has a lot of good eats too as well as a whole foods and a trader joes, but the places there are pretty expensive if you plan on eating out everyday.

>> No.11160214

Do other states have the stupid north south divide as NJ?

Or is it just being caught between the two cities that cause the divisions in culture.

>> No.11160323

>diners, italian spots and bagel joints. Taylor ham
That's cliche NJ stuff, but dining there today is a lot more than these. Jersey City has pretty much become the sixth borough of NYC, with many dining options that can go toe to toe with restaurants in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Newark still has its old guard Portuguese and Spanish places. Recent waves of immigration have brought a lot of totally legit Latin American and South Asian options to the state. The amount of coastline assures good local seafood is available for those willing to seek it out. Sure, the dinners, pizza joints, sub/hoagie places and red sauce places are fine, and worth checking out. But if that's all you're eating in NJ it's your own fault.

>> No.11160839

Big Wally's Subs in Sayreville.

Thank me later.

>> No.11161186

I find Denville to be a sad fucking town. You have Hoover's which is a total fucking dive and I never feel welcomed there and Thatcher McGhee's which is a typical fucking Irish place. Good to know there are /cks/ nearby though.

>> No.11161235

Breakfast sandwiches and hoagies fuel me, rutts hut is good but all the greasy basement pizza from the Wildwood boardwalk can go ASAP, that shit sucks

>> No.11161254
File: 126 KB, 650x432, sing dog for web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Me, its Jimmy Buff's not Rutt's Hut.

>> No.11161346
File: 302 KB, 1024x682, 13767564804_d2c82fa40b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza Town USA in Elmwood Park
It's a nice town to live in but as far as food places, yea there's nothing worth mentioning. Hoover's is funny but I wouldn't go there unless I was drunk in advance

>> No.11161583

do wawas in NJ have the philadelphia eagles limited edition sprites yet?

>> No.11161589
File: 18 KB, 375x315, The_lobster_House,_Cape_May,_NJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda pricey but its the shit

>> No.11161761
File: 13 KB, 696x246, Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Ocean County
What's good

>> No.11161769

This guy knows whats up

>> No.11161785
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 12276751_1520514064931604_2038801343_n(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice bowl of ramen in Fort Ree

>> No.11161802

I was recently in Cape May and ate at a Pizza Joint called Mario's some of the best pizza I've ever enjoyed.
I usually go to Belmar's Pizza King too,
fuck I love living in a state with good pizza
ya'll westerners are missing out

>> No.11161992
File: 898 KB, 250x400, crispy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it here, but I bought a house so I'm stuck for a while.


>> No.11162005


Do people actually say these things?

>> No.11162018
File: 31 KB, 671x406, Donkey-Menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11162066

The zeppoles there are awesome. Also check out Steve's Burger's in Garfield nearby. Best burger I ever had

>> No.11162068

This man. Listen to this man. Cape May fuckin rules.

>> No.11162099

One thing that's great about NJ is that there's almost no wasted space,
almost every part of the state has something to do unlike the wastelands like Delaware and Pennsylvania.
Plus its close to Philly and NY so there really is no excuse for boredom

>> No.11162131

Right. I remember Secaucus being a giant fartbox. And then you have the pine barrens. Chop that shit down and make more fartbox.

>> No.11162165

>t. Southeast shithole/California who made the entire country a laughing stock

>> No.11162189
File: 27 KB, 420x316, chickenegg_420_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LBI is a safe haven from the dreggs of the tristate area. Don't know what kind of steroids they pump into those chickens at pic related but it's great and the killer bee sting sauce is real good

>> No.11162190

Another Secaucus anon? Neat

>> No.11162232
File: 160 KB, 721x919, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /absecon island/ here