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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 272 KB, 880x1500, killer bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11156004 No.11156004 [Reply] [Original]

>paying 8 dollars for a loaf of bread
>complaining about not being able to afford rent or a house

>> No.11156010

You don’t have sex enough, do you?

>> No.11156026

how can I afford it dropping 8 bucks on bread?
could make cake sandwiches at this price

>> No.11156033

Potential solutions
1. stop shopping at Price Gougerz R Us
2. learn to bake bread

>> No.11156034

>afford sex
You don’t get it anon. The BREAD is what gets you sex. Why would a girl want to fuck you if you buy shit bread?

>> No.11156054

>still has a teaspoon of added sugar per slice
lol, i guess if you call it organic dried cane syrup instead of sugar it's healthy tho right?

>> No.11156062

Dave doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy I want to buy my bread from

>> No.11156073

4 bucks at Costco my friend.

>> No.11156079

He’s in prison.

>> No.11156115

>first the bread
>then the spread
based boomer lifehacks

>> No.11156119 [DELETED] 

chicks dig guys who make their own bread
first comes the brioche
then comes the vagina

>> No.11156863

Lol paying that much for presliced bread, who does this?

>> No.11156875

Bought some recently. Dry as fuck.

>> No.11156881

Better toasted anyway.

>> No.11156883

lmao what? i literally bought a lough of that today for 4 bucks

>> No.11156889

Eating bread on a daily basis is a meme that needs to end.

>> No.11156921

>eating bread
It's like you don't even want to enter ketosis

>> No.11156924

>literally part of christcuk religion
>hamplanet yanks are 70% evangelist
it's not going anywhere keto-san

>> No.11156943

I've only purchased this once (the red bag variant, which I believe is whole wheat bread) and it was honestly killer. Based bread honestly.

>> No.11156974

a what now?

>> No.11157455

another poster mentioned costco, its not $4 but I think I bought a pack of two loafs for like $6.89 or something close to that. Its good fucking bread

>> No.11157608
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Thin sliced is honestly their best option.

>> No.11157623

dave's killer bread is so god damn good though. whenever i'm not eating my own bread i go hard on that shit

>> No.11157642

I'd like it if they sold loaves with 21 grains and 21 slices

>> No.11157727

You can get 2 loaves for $6 at Costco

>> No.11158042
File: 245 KB, 733x351, boomin_and_zoomin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying more than $1.80 for bread
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.11158058
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>rent is at a historic high, paying hundreds more than our parents (adjusted for inflation)
>8 dollar rich yuppie/boomer bread is the problem

Really makes me think

>> No.11158178

Sex is free you dingus

>> No.11158185

Absolute fucking steal

>> No.11158189

A lough.

>> No.11158277

Where the fuck are you buying $8 bread?

This shit is $2.99 at winco foods in Salt Lake City

>> No.11158318
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>Not baking a better loaf with $2-3 of ingredients
Anyone who eats bread should own a sourdough starter.

>> No.11158320

Also this.

>> No.11158502

there are food banks and bakeries who throw out good bread every day in the states. i rarely pay for bread

>> No.11158573

>Sex is free
t. Roastie or naive virgin

If you're not paying her directly, you're paying for something/everything else

>> No.11158609

Just so you guys know they give this stuff away free at food pantries....

>> No.11158631

t. has never had a sugar momma

>> No.11158635

t. deuce bigalow european gigolo

>> No.11158649

Keynesians were a mistake

>> No.11158941

Dave really reminds me of caveman, from that GDQ a few years back, who told that autist to be quiet


>> No.11160477
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markets set the rate it seems

>> No.11160487

the real answer here. baking bread is not that fucking hard and the costs go way down if you buy ingredients in bulk.

>> No.11160497

people have forgotten how easy and affordable its to make bread

>> No.11160711

I buy these on Sunday at my local church for 50¢ a loaf. They still have some life left in them too. Tasty as fug

>> No.11160714

Only thing is they’re usually past the date, however they are still good imo.

>> No.11161094

>t. Not attractive
That's one you're not having sex

>> No.11161111

Either Chad or virgin
Since we’re on the Chan I’m going with virgin

>> No.11161113


>> No.11161116

There's no fucking reason whatsoever that anyone needs 21 different grains in a single slice of bread. Its hipster bullshit and I'm sick and tired of it and I'm telling you right now, I'm not going to stand for it anymore

>> No.11161119

My mom buys this shit and I eat it like I’m starving in a gulag whenever possible

>> No.11161331

Not the smart ones. The fact people even buy bread instead of making it is sad.

>> No.11161416

how little do you work that you consider making bread a good opportunity cost of your down time?

>> No.11161419

that's not bread, that's bird food

>> No.11161475

I love that bread. I've got a loaf on the counter right now. It was $4.99, though.

>> No.11161660

Do you not own a bread maker?

>> No.11161668

I'm not that dude, but I just make no-knead bread. It takes very little effort. Aside from rising overnight and baking in the oven (both of which are hands-off) it takes less than 5 minutes of actual effort. Probably closer to 2 minutes.

>> No.11161670

What are you actually talking about? I bought a loaf of that exact bread last week for 5 bucks. It was not even the most expensive bread in the store.

>> No.11161851
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their bread is fucking horrible for gains too. bagels are alright tho
natures own 100% whole wheat master race

>> No.11162174

>toastie roastie

>> No.11162183

Vapid roastie, only thing on her mind is cock. Typical.

>> No.11162194

you pay her in dick

>> No.11162238

no knead bread, oh great

>> No.11162395

You should invest in one, they're great.

>> No.11162431

How exactly is an $8 expense going to make or break your ability to pay rent? If your margin of error was narrow enough for $8 to matter then you already fucked up before the bread entered the equation.

>> No.11162706

Lying, vile faggot. It takes two minutes just to get the fucking ingredients out on the counter.

>> No.11162759

Here we see a poor person's way of thinking.

>> No.11163355

>buying bread made by criminals

>> No.11163376

No, poor people are the ones like you who get hung up on small expenses and savings. Ever hear of penny wise, pound foolish? Like I said, if an $8 expense is enough to make or break you, then you already fucked up before that expense even entered the equation. Get a better paying job.

>> No.11163384

>paying a membership fee to buy groceries

>> No.11163665

It's not that $8 a week will make or break their finances, it's that the sort of person who spends $416 a year on bread will also buy a Starbucks coffee everyday, eat out for lunch everyday, have the latest iphone or whatever, etc etc then complain they have no money

>> No.11164610
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Non Non Biyori Repeat - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.46_[2016.09.28_19.02.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those deals tho, make it worth it

>> No.11164679

I'm guessing they hope that some people don't make up the membership fee in savings but depending on what you buy you can save more than the membership fee in only a few months

>> No.11164693

>eat shit bread
>get cancer
>can't afford shit anyway

>> No.11164702

I'm sure there are some people like that, but food is easily my largest single expense.

IMO good food is far higher priority expenditure than silly shit like fad phones, eating out, or other recreational expenses.

For example, I spent over $200 on high end Spanish canned seafood the other day, but I don't even own a smartphone and the last time I ate out at a restaurant was on my anniversary 9 months ago.

Not everybody who buys expensive food spends money on dumb shit.

>> No.11164721

Just make good bread. Cheaper and better.

>> No.11164725

>Four bucks for bread.

>> No.11164730

Well yeah, real food costs money, anon, unless you bake it yourself. We're not all tastelets that are happy to eat Mrs Baird's tier shit.

>> No.11164736

Real food doesn't cost money. Real food tends to actually be cheaper than processed stuff. This is just brown bread you're buying because it's got a logo of a man with a guitar on it.

>> No.11164740

t. nouveau riche who just made six figures for the first time in his life and thinks he can spend spend spend.

>> No.11164759

>Real food tends to actually be cheaper than processed stuff
If you're talking factory farmed meat and/or industrial crops, sure. But I'd argue that those don't count as "real food" either. A chicken that costs $5 is not real food. The one you bought from the Amish butcher for $30 is.

>This is just brown bread you're buying because it's got a logo of a man with a guitar on it.
no, I'm buying it because it's a lot more nutritious than most storebought bread, and because it tastes better than the other premium/healthy brands. I actually hate the logo on the packaging, yet I buy it despite that.

>> No.11164762

>he cant tell the difference in taste between breads

true tastelet

>> No.11165292

>thinks he can spend spend spend.
On an $8 food product? Yes, I sure as fuck could spend on that if for some mysterious reason that was a product I actually wanted. It's $8, if you're focusing on $8 you've made a terrible mistake in your life one way or another. Would be much better for you to focus on what's causing such a small expense to impact you materially in the first place than it would be to chase after pennies in a misguided effort to temporarily delay the inevitable train wreck of your unsustainable financial situation.

>> No.11165727

So by watching large expenses you cannot monitor small expenses that add up? And vice versa?

Great to know. Except that's not what it's saying. The idiom means that watching small expenses while ignoring larger ones is stupid. They're not somehow mutually exclusive.

>> No.11165737

>buying bread
do americans really?

>> No.11165750

it's god tier toasted

>> No.11165753

Dave was a tenant at the storage facility where I work, but that was before I worked there. We no longer allow people to store food in their units because it attracts pests.

>> No.11165762

Are you a sloth? I doubt it would take 10 seconds to get out the flour and the yeast. The salt is already on the counter, right next to the pepper.

>> No.11165796

If you did a better job securing your financial situation you wouldn't need to worry about $8. The fact you care about $8 means you either are that bad off to where $8 can impact you materially or elsd you aren't that financially compromised and you're wasting your time focusing on a negligible expense. Personal time and energy aren't infinite, instead of dwelling on $8 bread expenses you could be working on getting a better source of income, or shitposting an extra few minutes on your favorite oriental cartoon website. Same amount of time invested but with two completely different amounts of payoff. I would gladly throw away $8 for the sole benefit of not wasting my time on a retardedly insubstantial piece of pocket change if nothing else. Random uncertainty should keep you from thinking you have one set exact dollar amount available at any given time regardless, and the margin of error should sure as fuck be a lot more than $8. You can't plan realistically down to that small an amount, any number of expenses or windfalls could come up and shift your standing down or up by a lot more than some $8 pocket change, so it's really not even meaningful or helpful thinking about money below a reasonable threshold amount.

>> No.11165801

One way of securing your financial situation is not wasting your money by spending $8 on a loaf of bread.

>> No.11165815

No, it absolutely isn't. If you think it is it's because you're making way too little money to begin with before the $8 expense even came up.

>> No.11165838

Keep telling yourself that, retardo.

You know that statement "a fool and their money are soon parted"? It's very true, and this is a great example of it.

>> No.11165846

Oh no, not my $8! Looks like I'll need to move into a homeless shelter and work at Walmart through my geriatric years. Except no, that's stupid. You're stupid.

>> No.11165850

>The fact you care about $8 means you either are that bad off to where $8 can impact you materially or elsd you aren't that financially compromised and you're wasting your time focusing on a negligible expense.

The 3rd option is that you're not an idiot who overpays for things.

>> No.11165866

No, that's the second option. You're wasting time caring about a couple dollars like that actually has any impact on you. Everyone understands the concept of a cutoff for what to care about, you're just setting yours too low. I know for a fact you don't track your finances down to every last literal penny.

>> No.11165883

If you're the sort of person who sees no problem with spending $8 on bread you'd probably pay $100k for a car that's worth 10k, and a million for a house that's worth 100k. The absoloute value of the $8 isn't the point. The point is that a person who buys $8 bread is the person who overspends on everything in their life. Add that up and it will bankrupt you.

>> No.11165903

>You're wasting time caring about a couple dollars like that actually has any impact on you.
I'm talking about a principle, not focusing on the singular specific example of $8 bread.

>>. Everyone understands the concept of a cutoff for what to care about
Sure. And not overpaying for anything you buy is another well-understood principle.

>>. I know for a fact you don't track your finances down to every last literal penny.
And that's correct.

I wouldn't call myself rich. I have a couple hundred k in the bank, so technically I could easily "afford" an $8 loaf of bread. But I still consider paying 8 for a loaf of bread to be idiotic because that is insanely overpriced.

It's the same problem that many young people face when they are eating out on a student's budget. $8 for some food at Mickey Dee's, $2 for an energy drink, or $1 for a bottle of water isn't much money on an absolute scale, but it's horrible value when you consinder what you actually get in return for it.

>> No.11165917

No, none of that follows. The trick is there's a difference between $8 expenses and $100K expenses. You can waste money in the $8 range all over the place and still come nowhere close to impacting your bottom line. And every idiot in debt living beyond their means that I've ever seen cares a lot about retardedly small amounts of money like the two dollars they "save" from doing a store deal.

>> No.11165946
File: 32 KB, 640x480, retardspoilage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


21 whole grains, wtf?

can you even name 21 grains?

protip: 21 types of grain does not exist

>> No.11165950

Why do you care about $8 but not $0.01? Both are pretty equally incapable of impacting you if you're making an OK income. You would need to make an absurdly large number of $8 purchases for it to start mattering, basically the same as with $0.01 expenses in principle since you want to talk about the principle of the concept here.

>> No.11165965

It doesn't say it has 21 types of whole grains and seeds. It says it has 21 of them.

>> No.11165996

>Why do you care about $8 but not $0.01
I care about both. Depends on what I'm getting for my money.

>> You would need to make an absurdly large number of $8 purchases for it to start mattering,
That could easily happen. Consider the average shopping trip at the supermarket. If you don't have a problem paying several times what a product is worth then a $100 shopping trip suddenly becomes a $1000 one.

>> No.11166023

>And every idiot in debt living beyond their means that I've ever seen cares a lot about retardedly small amounts of money like the two dollars they "save" from doing a store deal.

That hasn't been my experience. I had several friends in college who worked the same job as me, or a higher-paying one. They were all constantly broke, bitching about how they never had any money. Meanwhile they wondered how it was that I was able to buy expensive things (i.e. a car, and machinery I used to start my business). The difference was that I bought ingredients and cooked my meals from scratch. I brought leftovers to work. They hit vending machines for $3 soft drinks multiple times a day, and ate fast food and pizza buffets for their meals. People absoloutely can, and do, "nickle and dime" themselves with minor expenditures.

>> No.11166038

Grains and seeds. You read often?

>> No.11166048

maybe they were seeing prostitutes and just didn't tell you

>> No.11166248

They didn't need to tell him, he was their prostitute which is how he really accumulated his pennies that magically transformed into no student debt and ready cash to equip a machine shop. My reasonable question to Horatio Algier is, "how many dicks did you suck/day" and do your lips look like Mick Jagger's?

>> No.11166264

OMG I love random comedy like this

>> No.11166305

Is this worthwhile or a meme? I'd really want to get the Zojirushi Virtuoso or the Breville BBM800XL because they look fun.

>> No.11166622

This, isn't Dave a convicted rapist or something?

>> No.11166626

They're good but get a Panasonic.

>> No.11166661

His brother is, not the owner

>> No.11166692

>3g fiber per slice
Based as bread goes.

>> No.11166694

I don't like the bread that home bread makers make. Tastes a lot different than commercial bread, like a weird unsweet cake or something.

>> No.11166713

I was at the store with my mother a couple weeks ago and she was super into this bread
"he was a former convict you know" she says
but who gives a shit? what does that have to do with bread? get this gimmicky bullshit out of my face

>> No.11166742

As someone who consistently works overtime just about every week i still am able to find time to bake bread once in a great while during the week but also pretty regularly over the weekends

>> No.11166781
File: 8 KB, 277x271, e8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People can't buy expensive cars because they use vending machines and McDonalds
I really want to see the specific by day earnings and expenditure maths for how you figure this.

>> No.11166832
File: 356 KB, 1000x668, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to put a $5 avocado on 5¢ white bread, mate.

>> No.11166879

It's way, WAY cheaper at Costco.
That said, I still typically just get regular bread.
What's worse is fucking Ezekiel bread, my mom will only eat that shit for whatever stupid reason.
Dave is a literal felon and not nearly as attractive as that caricature of him on the bag is.

>> No.11166920

Where the fuck do you live that avacados are $5?

>> No.11167072

I'm not going to put a 5¢ avocado on $8 white bread, mate

>> No.11167315

>Ezekiel bread
It has sprouted grains so the nutrition is different. It's not that expensive where I live, comparable to most other breads and way less than Dave's Prison Sex Bread.

>> No.11167320

Writing that post was better use?

>> No.11167348

If I could pay 8 dollars make Dave's Killer Bread level shitposts I would.

>> No.11167349
File: 14 KB, 139x140, 31AD5AFD-7AD2-42E2-BC1F-D094FDE4F269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but it’s quite simple. I’ll take my anecdotal evidence as sort of proof.
>19, fit, 6’3 white male
>match with roadhog fat 5’2 Mexican mami
>She’s a teacher so I get number through teacher teasing (she’s 5 years older than me)
>Confess random shit and act like I know stuff about the topics she pushed on me
>End up going on date
>Decent muscle and 6’3 height
>I end up fucking her raw dog in the back seat of her car as I think of dead cats, to hold in my cum. Haha
>She drives 40 min and gives me free Mary Jane every date. Plow in parents household.
>Somehow end up dating her due to car crash
>Vibe well together and she still does everything for me while I secretly think of girls I was being a nice guy to for the years in grade school.

Yea fuck it I was a psychopath and confessed my feelings of having these feelings and she is still wrapped around me. Woman are vapid sluts and get dick whipped just as much as men obsess over attractions of an imaginary love for a random girl you thought connected with but fuck it. It’s how it be sometimes.

>> No.11167351

it just has 21 of the same grain retard

>> No.11167352

>Spend $100 on bread maker.
>Make 2 loaves per week
>Save $2 per loaf
>Pays for itself in six months

Also get one of the ones with timers so some mornings you wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread.

>> No.11167354

shit you pay 8 dollars for your rent?

>> No.11168606

>die of diabetes from all those carbs

>> No.11168635
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>> No.11168679

Bread doesn't give you diabetes.

>> No.11168683

why would he have a cake

>> No.11169049

Well yeah but Dave is the rapey brother I thought. The actual guy who runs the company keeps things going smoothly while his brother Dave goes on months-long rape binges.

>> No.11169072

this was about 20 years ago so I clearly don't have exact figures, but all of us were taking home about $300 a week after taxes (part time employment as a student).
$250 disappears pretty fast when you spend:
$3 vending machine soda x 3
$5 fast food breakfast
$8 x 2 fast food lunch and dinner
$5 misc snacks throughout the day (those numbers are not made up, that's what one of my friends actually spent on a regular basis)

School debt? There was none. Scholarships, bro.
Cash to equip a machine shop? I never said I bought a whole shop. I said I started my business, not that I fully founded it. I spent about $12k buying a used lathe and milling machine, both with tooling, to get started. Nobody is talking big money here.

>> No.11169079

For his happy communism day

>> No.11169783

Gas is also usually around 20 cents a gallon cheaper than other places too.

>> No.11169799

As long as rape-man doesn't touch the product

>> No.11169801

>$300 a week after taxes (part time employment as a student).
OK, so you're not talking about a real financial situation, you're talking about earning a few bucks in your spare time while at school. That was my point, if you're actually an adult working at a real job $8 expenses aren't something that should impact you. It's like worrying about a penny. In terms of helping out at your school library or mowing the lawn for your neighbor, then yeah, $8 would matter more.

>> No.11170173
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WinCo is the best

>> No.11171590

Not everyone picks up chicks at the fucking bus station. Sex is not free. Eat quality foods.

>> No.11171602

Yes, so you're a virgin too. You don't have to make it so obvious all the time.