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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11155882 No.11155882 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference in flavour between coriander leaf and coriander seed

>Inb4 amerifats moan about calling it muh cilantro

>> No.11155894

>being so obsessed you can't even make a 1 sentence OP without bringing them up

>> No.11155900

wait, cilantro is coriander?

>> No.11155905



>> No.11155909


>> No.11155915


>> No.11155919

Both taste like soap

>> No.11155938

>ground coriander tastes like soap`
u wot m8?

>> No.11155943


>> No.11156085


Also called Chinese parsley, cilantro’s flavor is “soapy” and “aromatic,” with a “refreshing, peppery finish.” Cooking deadens its pungency, so it’s best as a finishing herb. The stems can be minced along with the leaves. When dried, the seeds are known as coriander.

These “seeds” are actually the dried fruits of the coriander plant, which also gives us the herb cilantro. Their “citrusy” flavor enhances spice crusts for meat and fish, and whole seeds are used in pickling. To bring out its flavor, toast coriander in a dry skillet over medium heat for a few minutes, until it’s fragrant. Place a splatter screen over the skillet to keep the seeds from popping out of the pan.

>> No.11156101

coriander seed is like concentrated coriander leaf without the "freshness"

>> No.11156131

The reason they're referred to by their own flavour names is because you can never fully describe them and the difference to someone who has never had them.
Just buy some and try them. They're cheap as chips and abundant. Some people have a weird gene that makes coriander leaf taste like soapy dirt though, so be warned.

>> No.11157127
File: 477 KB, 1600x1200, 9RWFX1R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the leaves are fresh/somewhat ethereal and cleansing tastewise; quite unique
the seeds are like a zesty musk, a little nutty
they are somewhat similar, and work phenomenally well together (cook the seeds into a curry paste and garnish with chopped leaves)

>> No.11157165 [DELETED] 

/fit/ is dyel
/pol/ is mostly non-white
/lit/ is overrun with 101 IQ teenagers
/fa/ has the worst fashion sense you will ever see
is it really surprising that /ck/ doesn't know shit about cooking?

>> No.11157190


Yeah, and black pepper is parsley.

>> No.11157628

the seeds are tasty and aromatic, the leaves taste like ants

>> No.11157655

I would say cilantro is herbal and peppery, like a savory mint

>> No.11157677

>What's the difference in flavour between coriander leaf and coriander seed
The coriander seed or ground coriander tastes close to dried sage or dried thyme and maybe a bit of citrus oil element to it. Cilantro has a fresh herbally spearminty licoricey floral note. They're utterly different really. Hard to believe they're the same plant, that's how different they are from each other.